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I don't understand the Darnold hate right now.


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11 hours ago, shuler82 said:

Maybe because when he did have time, he was badly missing WRs? Maybe because of his horrible INT?  Maybe because of the delay of game, the horrible sack or the inability to get a play run in the first half at the 2 minute warning when they got to the line with 2:13 left?

I like Sam. But the opportunities were there today, and he didn't deliver. 

I think a lot of that is prep. He isn't  doing what he should be. 

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So based on all of the commentary I've read since the game ended, I've come to the conclusion that we all like Darnold when he beats up on crappy teams and puts up good numbers like he did in the second half of last year, but as soon as he runs into a buzzsaw, shut down defense and doesn't look like Joe Montana, we abandon ship. Newsflash - he's had good games vs good teams too, but yesterday wasn't one of those games.  Let's also not forget the fact that, despite many people wanting to pretend that the HC isn't part of the equation and that the talent level of his RB and WR's  doesn't matter, the reality is that those factors DO matter, and that he has bottom of the league help in the huddle and on the sidelines.  Give him a friggin' break.  The fact that he's one of the youngest QB's in the league and has held together the worst offense in the league over the last two years and has actually managed to win as many games as he has is way more encouraging to me than one bad game to open this season is discouraging. Darnold had a bad game against an excellent defense in game 1 of the 2020 season. If he plays this poorly for the entire season, then we can revisit this conversation. 

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2 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

So based on all of the commentary I've read since the game ended, I've come to the conclusion that we all like Darnold when he beats up on crappy teams and puts up good numbers like he did in the second half of last year, but as soon as he runs into a buzzsaw, shut down defense and doesn't look like Joe Montana, we abandon ship. Newsflash - he's had good games vs good teams too, but yesterday wasn't one of those games.  Let's also not forget the fact that, despite many people wanting to pretend that the HC isn't part of the equation and that the talent level of his RB and WR's  doesn't matter, the reality is that those factors DO matter, and that he has bottom of the league help in the huddle and one the sidelines.  Give him a friggin' break.  The fact that he's one of the youngest QB's in the league and has held together the worst offense in the league over the last two years and has actually managed to win as many games as he has is way more encouraging to me than one bad game to open this season is discouraging. Darnold had a bad game against an excellent defense in game 1 of the 2020 season. If he plays this poorly for the entire season, then we can revisit this conversation. 

In the last 4 weeks going to last year Sam had played the Ravens Steelers Bills and Bills.

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Sam has not played well as far as living up to the expectations placed on him. I actually feel bad for Sam as he is saddled with a coach that has historically run terrible offenses and he has no talent to throw to.   Sam may or may not be the answer but he is a young qb stuck in a terrible rebuild where the organization feels it is best to remove young talent from the roster instead of bringing in new young talent. The Jets are always stuck in the  "we need to be patient mentality " as we are in "rebuild". The Jets like to get rid of talent with the hopes of finding talent down the road that is better. 

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12 hours ago, Ghost420 said:

Darnold has sucked for 90% of his career so far. 

That's really not true, but he sucked yesterday. What bothers me is that for the first time, pretty much since he's been a Jet, the OL gave Sam D some pass protection - and he did nothing with it. We've also heard so much and seen enough of his throwing on the run to know it's his strength - and that was missing yesterday too. Not only a bad game but a little more troubling on what the future brings.

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