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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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7 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

bro, **** the game, go be w/ your Mom.   Sending positive vibes your way old friend.

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7 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

So sorry to hear that. Go do what you got to do, prayers for your mom. 

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8 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

Holy sh*t, hope everything is as ok as possible and she makes a full recovery.

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8 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

So sorry to hear this Nol. Go be with your mom and your family and stay strong. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers will be coming your way from everyone here.

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1. The Crusher Town Mason

2. 80 Serial Killer, Killed Night 1

3. Lurker Town Doctor with 3x protection

4. jgb Hated Cop 

5. Jvill Scum Framer, Beaten to Death Day 3

6. Verbal  Scum Lover, Poisoned Day 2 

7. Stark Disappeared without a trace

8. Arsis Town Explorer

9. Jif Town Explorer and Lover, Stopped Breathing Night 2

10. Pac Town Explorer, Splattered Day 2

11. Ape Town Explorer

12. Smash Scum Suicide Bomber, Splattered Day 2

13. Green seed Scum Janitor, Lynched Day 4

14. Beaver Town Explorer, Run Over Day 1

15. Barry Town Explorer and Deputy

16. Hal N Town Mason, Smothered, Night 2


Game Index

Original Thread (DAY 1)

Final VC Day 1

End of Day 1

End of Night 1

Start of Day 2

Day 2 Scene (Verbal)

Final VC Day 2

End of Day 2

Night 2 Scene (Jif)

End of Night 2

Final Day 3 VC

End of Day 3

End of Night 3

Start of Day 4

Final VC

Final Scenes

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1.       DO NOT REVEAL YOUR CHARACTER AT ANY TIME.  IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHAT THIS MEANS PLEASE ASK IN YOUR PM.  You may reveal your role at any time.  Mass reveals are discouraged.  

2.       NO OUTSIDE COMMUNICATION IS ALLOWED.  You can only speak to one  another on the game thread or in a Private Message if your role PM states that you can.  

3.       When voting a player, you must post this in bold type.  For instance:  Vote Jetsfan80.  You may change your vote at any time during the day period.  You may also remove your vote the same way by saying Unvote. You do not need to unvote before voting someone else because only your most recent vote is counted. You may also vote to end the day with No Lynch if you choose.

4.       Each day, you will vote to lynch (remove from the game) one player.  If you are TOWN, You are looking to find SCUM (aka Mafia).  If you are SCUM you are looking to avoid getting lynched.  Majority vote rules.  I.E. if 11 players are alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. If I think a Day is taking too long I will set a deadline at my discretion. If a majority hasn't been reached by the deadline the Day will end with No Lynch.

5.       At night, the SCUM team will select a player to kill (remove from the game).  You will make these decisions with your teammates in your Private Message.   

6.       Each night, those of you with actions to perform (check your PM) will have 24 hours to submit your night actions.

7.       The rest you’ll figure out as you go.  Ask lots of questions.  Whatever you do, don’t go off and do something dumb, like get yourself killed.  



Note to newbies: Non-players are allowed to post in the game thread, but only if making jokes. They can't--and won't--comment on actual gameplay. Early game is more relaxed, and you'll see less of this as the game goes on. The same can be said of dead players. You can still be present and joke after you're dead, but you should avoid commenting on gameplay. 

Something we we're also discussing in last game is that once you are dead, you should even refrain from upvoting (or downvoting) posts, UNLESS it is purely reacting to a joke. For example, don't upvote someone's reads list that you agree with. Again, as with non-players, the more the game ramps up, the less dead players will be joking around in thread. It's not forbidden, per say, but just "read the room" before you do so, and doing it too much may be distracting.

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It's lightly raining on the streets of London as you all leave the hotel lobby you met in for the first time. Most of you only entered the country yesterday but you're already ready to leave. There is a layer of tension over the group but also excitement for the adventure to come. An older man with short white hair and a Scottish accent steps forward and addresses the troop.

"You all know where you're going and what we hope to find there. I've brought you together because I believe you each posses skills which will aid us in our endeavor and the fortitude to see it through to the end. Given my age I obviously wont be accompanying you but my assistant Vikki will go in my stead and represent me in this and I also recruited Doctor Jones to assist you in navigating any surprises that may have been left by old Rasputin. Please remember that any artifacts you find including the lost Egg are of historical significance and you will be well paid upon their return. One last thing, and this isn't easy for me to say, but I don't fully trust all of you and you might not want to trust each other either. Before handpicking this group I had individuals approach me asking to be part of this expedition and they were an unsavory lot. I'm not leveling accusations against anyone here but...be careful is all I'm saying. Well, that's it. I'm off to the University and you're off to Russia. Good luck."

The old man walks off humming in the rain leaving you all to stare at him as he leaves. As if on queue one man makes a croaking sound and stumbles forward clutching his throat. He falls to the ground twitching for a few more seconds then he's still. Vikki steps forward and bends over him, a shocked look on her face. When she stands back up she looks back at everyone and declares, "This man was just poisoned. Probably inside the hotel just now. One of you did this! Find the culprit quick!"

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Nolder created a great game and I was having fun reading along. Hopefully Nolder is able to come back, but I will do my best while he is away so he can focus on the important stuff. Newbies are killing it and there was no way I was letting this end so quickly. I'm going to have to watch the first two movies again to get the feel for the flavor.

Warning: My job does not give me the time to check the forums until the afternoons so if anyone can help (perhaps post death) with VCs during the day, that would be very helpful for the pacing of the game. I'll do my best but I'm a vice principal and sh*t is always happening. 

Important: Everything that happened in the last thread still happened but I am resetting the VC. Feel free to quote that thread here but I had to make a new thread so I could edit the OP. 

Deadlines are going to be in the afternoons, probably around 7 EST but I'm open to adjusting that a bit -- whatever works for the game -- but I'm in CST so not too much earlier. 

Other than that, game on..

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As you are all standing uneasily in the rain the pitter patter of the droplets starts to pick up and the sky darkens. It is no longer a light rain but has turned into a heavy downpour. You all move to find some cover and then... CRACK! There is a sudden flash of lightning and for just a second Barry, who failed to move under the awning sticking out from the hotel quickly enough, is illuminated and you all get a really good look at him for the first time.


The name of Barry's role is: Deputy

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As you are all standing under the awning looking at Barry you notice the awning you are under now is old and dripping, the cloth is thin and seems about to tear, so you move over to a newer awning next to it. Verbal was too slow and with a SPLOOSH! he's drenched in water.


Verbal has lost his vote for this Day.

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