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Douglas Names Three Players he’d Like Back With Jets in ’24

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3 hours ago, Warfish said:

It's one of his defining traits as a GM, a stubborn refusal to see how horrible some (most) of his picks and FA signings have been.

At least with his FA's he'd been wedded to one-year deals, so we don't have the annual "we like this guy alot" BS for his failed experiments.

I'd really love to know what JD plans to do with colossal bust Lazard at WR.  Brining him back like nothing happened, after he was inactive as a healthy-scratch the second half of the season after proving he was a horrible lazy bum is gonna be balls fun, eh.

Lazard should be the sacrificial lamb for the 2023 season. Paying him $11 million to suit up for another team is well worth the message it will send throughout the locker room.

Becton was bad this year, but I don't think that's a shock considering he hasn't played football in two years. While tough to imagine, there are worse options out there that could replace him. If he's willing to suit up for $6-7M a year, I don't hate the idea of bringing him back as a swing tackle or to compete at RT. 

Simple logic suggests that he should be better next year now that he's ended the season healthy for the first time ever. And while I agree that JD is stubborn, sometimes that stubbornness pays dividends (e.g. Ashtyn Davis). 

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10 hours ago, AFJF said:

He said he'd like Bryce back.

But I think they tag and trade him to recoup the 2 they lost in the Rodgers deal.

I hadn't considered that. Would be nice if they could pull that off vs just losing him.

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1 hour ago, Jack Straw said:

Lazard should be the sacrificial lamb for the 2023 season. Paying him $11 million to suit up for another team is well worth the message it will send throughout the locker room.

I would not weep for him in such a case.

1 hour ago, Jack Straw said:

Becton was bad this year, but I don't think that's a shock considering he hasn't played football in two years. While tough to imagine, there are worse options out there that could replace him. If he's willing to suit up for $6-7M a year, I don't hate the idea of bringing him back as a swing tackle or to compete at RT. 

Simple logic suggests that he should be better next year now that he's ended the season healthy for the first time ever. And while I agree that JD is stubborn, sometimes that stubbornness pays dividends (e.g. Ashtyn Davis). 

Not sure I agree with that simple logic.

Year 1 - Flashes of good to great play in an injury shorten year, better in the rush than the pass by alot.

Year 2 - Hurt

Year 3 - Hurt

Year 4 - Sucked, mostly.  Especially in Pass Protection.  Despite knowing he was now in a contract year.

Year 5 - ?

I think logic would indicate that the multi-year injury, declining talent/play quality player is very likely to continue to decline, or get injures yet again (3 of 4 seasons had injuries).

I wouldn't invest another second in Becton personally, beyond league-minimum type thoughts and coming in as a backup only.  JMO.

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5 hours ago, Warfish said:

It's one of his defining traits as a GM, a stubborn refusal to see how horrible some (most) of his picks and FA signings have been.

At least with his FA's he'd been wedded to one-year deals, so we don't have the annual "we like this guy alot" BS for his failed experiments.

I'd really love to know what JD plans to do with colossal bust Lazard at WR.  Brining him back like nothing happened, after he was inactive as a healthy-scratch the second half of the season after proving he was a horrible lazy bum is gonna be balls fun, eh.

Saleh already said Lazard is back. Lol

that contract is what it Is 

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"Gee, I really want Bryce Huff to stay, thats why I used a critical first round pick in 2023 to draft his replacement". What a lying piece of garbage. 

Becton? Davis? Oh, they'll be back because Dogass drafted them. I have no problem with Davis but I do have a problem with the motive. Becton? He's a POS but that doesn't matter to Dogass, it's his pick, so he'll do everything to resign him. 

It's unbelievable this turd is still the GM. Absolutely disgusting. 

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25 minutes ago, Ron Rico said:

"Gee, I really want Bryce Huff to stay, thats why I used a critical first round pick in 2023 to draft his replacement". What a lying piece of garbage. 

Becton? Davis? Oh, they'll be back because Dogass drafted them. I have no problem with Davis but I do have a problem with the motive. Becton? He's a POS but that doesn't matter to Dogass, it's his pick, so he'll do everything to resign him. 

It's unbelievable this turd is still the GM. Absolutely disgusting. 

Right, because no GM likes the idea of having more than one guy who can get to the QB.  If you have one and you get another it proves you don't like the one you have?

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6 hours ago, Augustiniak said:

Why would he do this, when there’s probably going to be a team that pays him to be a starter.  

I don't think anyone is bringing in Becton as their unquestioned starter at LT, not after the tape he put up this season.

That said, I agree with you, he probably doesn't go for it and accepts a competition situation on another team and a fresh start.

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16 hours ago, joewilly12 said:


As long as we're not paying by the pound I'd be open to him returning as OT3.

Having Becton and Warren as backup OTs would be nice if I were to make a (big) assumption that the Jets can land a better starter in FA and that AVT comes back to play one of the OT spots.

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Obviously them wanting Becton back is bound to upset a lot of people, but as long as it's in a RT role I think a one year "prove it" deal wouldn't be a bad idea.  2023 was about him staying on the field, which he did.  The penalties were a problem and he routinely got worked by speed rushers, but he showed this past Sunday what he can do in the run game.  I think if he's not being relied upon to protect Rodgers' blind-side, he could still very well be an asset.  AVT-Becton-Ruckert on the right side could open up a lot for Breece in the running game.  


Bring him back for a year and see if a full year of experience playing at his new weight + a full training camp of knowing his role and where he'll be playing will do him some good.  Honestly if this opens up our pick to take the best available weapon, I'm all for it.  


The other two are no-brainers though.  Davis earned his shot to start next year and should be cheap, and if we can afford it Huff should absolutely be back. 

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