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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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5 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Salads looks badly exposed here.

His blather about “keeping the main thing the main thing” and “PVO” rings completely hollow at this point.

Saleh comes off as a paranoid schizophrenic chiefly concerned with his job security over than anything else.

It’s like ok you lost your starting QB, so your response is to basically give up, and instead of game planning or trying to fix your pathetic freaking offense, you spend your time researching excuses to roll out for your pressers? 

J-O-K-E joke joke joke 

Saleh knows he's a dead man walking in Florham Park.  His #1 concern is about positioning himself for his next interview and job 

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5 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

It's the easiest thing in the world to just blame ZW.  Even though I'm one of the few who still thinks he might be good, I'll play along with your premise that, essentially, "it's all ZW's fault".   

Well, how is it not also JD's fault for not having (or bringing in) a better backup QB?   Joe Flacco was available and we saw what he did for Cleveland, right?  (I know we had him on our team previously and he stunk for us, btw.  Which, to me, yet again points to the problem being the Jets, but I digress)

How is it not Robert Saleh's fault for not benching ZW and putting in a better replacement sooner?  Or if he wasn't allowed to bench him (e.g. due to Woody and/or JD), how about doing a better job (both he and Hackett) coaching him up or scheming around him?  For example, how about some designed runs?  How about more rollouts?  How about at least mixing in Brownlee for some of ZW's starts (it felt like he was inactive every time ZW started) to see if there was any chemistry?  Saleh/Hackett's whole approach felt incredibly defeatist.  We saw in both the KC and Texans' games that there was absolutely something there to work with.

It's not like the entire team should've been paralyzed.  Mike Tomlin and Kevin Stefanski both did outstanding jobs with their backup QBs in there.  I've said it before but if Tomlin ever is available, Woody needs to offer him whatever it takes to get him here.

It was Woody who was pushing Zach this entire time. From the draft up until the last Dolphins game. Whether it was because of his “potential” or contract or his relationship with his family (likely all 3) that’s been by far the biggest problem with this team. The media has refused to touch this. Outright refused other than Kay mentioning it last year then having to take it back because espn likely got in his ear. It will continue to fester until its brought up head on. 

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6 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Your since-midseason relentless agenda to prove Zach Wilson is salvageable and bears zero responsibility for his own failings (it’s everybody else’s fault) is borderline quixotic. 🙃😳

Yet Zach trade value, if he has any at all, is entirely based on the league wide view the Jets are a slap dick organization that failed him completely.

Think about it.  Thats JD's only rational pitch.

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3 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Your since-midseason relentless agenda to prove Zach Wilson is salvageable and bears zero responsibility for his own failings (it’s everybody else’s fault) is borderline quixotic. 🙃😳

I never said ZW didn't have his faults.  It just became increasingly evident to me that ZW improved this year (fwiw, he badly needed to after his horrible 1st 2 seasons here) but the Jets were letting him down.  To be clear, I'm not saying I'm certain he'll be good (though my hunch is that he will be), just that it was near impossible for him to succeed under the conditions he was given.  If he gets put in a better situation next year (and it's hard to believe there would be very many situations that could be worse), at least we'll be able to properly evaluate him (please hold the sarcastic jokes).  I feel like this story by The Athletic supports my theory. 

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The product this organization put out there was offensive. I stopped watching after the Chargers game. Only game I watched after that game was the Houston game and that’s only because I started watching the Texans and the Jets were on their schedule.

Call me anti-Jets or soj fans, I want this team to crash and burn. All this stuff is not a surprise. This team does not prioritize winning.

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1 hour ago, The Crusher said:

Not even sure a @Sperm Edwards post is long enough to count the ways. 

We deserve better man! We really do. I’m 33 and I’m feeling the exhaustion of rooting for this team. I don’t know how you older turds endured misery as much as you have. 😃

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12 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

It was Woody who was pushing Zach this entire time. From the draft up until the last Dolphins game. Whether it was because of his “potential” or contract or his relationship with his family (likely all 3) that’s been by far the biggest problem with this team. The media has refused to touch this. Outright refused other than Kay mentioning it last year then having to take it back because espn likely got in his ear. It will continue to fester until its brought up head on. 

Woody pushed ZW the entire time?  Didn't Woody sign off on trading for AR8 last offseason?  Didn't he also say that QB was "kind of the missing piece"?




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3 hours ago, maury77 said:

I also own my own company and sometimes listen to Pink Floyd at the office. 

Me too.  I'm always amazed when I'm listening to my Karen Carpenter station on Pandora that Pink Floyd is in the mix.

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31 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

We don't  need a total rebuild. I don't  even know if we need to do anything aside from getting a competent OL that isn't  suffering  injury after injury. Having an OL like KC's would fix a lot of things. I didn't  read the article, just what was written here but JD has failed this team way more than anyone Tom pointed out. It is year 4 and the OL is still one of the worst in the NFL. Becton is gone, AVT we hope will stay on the field,  And Tippman looks like the only guy that can be relied on. This team needs OL talent like nobodies business. Zach was also a problem. I don't know how anyone can be critical of Saleh for thinking winning with Zach is near impossible. 

We need a new GM. GM’s pick their coaches typically. Saleh needs to go with Joe and every other person they thought anointing Zach the starter from day 1 without a back up plan was an acceptable plan.  Then compounding it by paying 100 milly to a QB who was about 40 to play instead of Zach, but not having a back up plan in case something happened. Then throwing away a potential post season run. Yes, O line is  a mess, Joe sucks, but this toilet simply needs flushing. No way you can repair O that I line with Joe Douglas and Bobby in charge. But yeah, we all kinda guessed already they couldn’t win with Zach. 

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12 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Woody pushed ZW the entire time?  Didn't Woody sign off on trading for AR8 last offseason?  Didn't he also say that QB was "kind of the missing piece"?




I think you can decipher what I mean. Zach was going to be on the roster the whole time. 

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13 minutes ago, Ghost said:

We deserve better man! We really do. I’m 33 and I’m feeling the exhaustion of rooting for this team. I don’t know how you older turds endured misery as much as you have. 😃

I turned 58 on New Year’s Eve and have kids your age. Haha, yeah, me either, 

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19 hours ago, football guy said:

If your going to pick arguments with people, stop hiding behind your computer screen. I thought we were clear that this place is a lot more enjoyable when we ignore each other, but you still couldn't help yourself could you? Talk about weird fetishes you freak. Get a life 


^^^ Says “let’s put each other on ignore”, instead lobs personal attack after personal attack instead 

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On 1/31/2024 at 7:09 AM, T0mShane said:

—Woody was being influenced by fan and media criticism of the team he read on Twitter and would confront Saleh with it. (lolololol)

You and your ilk are responsible for this!

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16 hours ago, football guy said:

These breakdowns and over-analysis of what people say are exactly why your wife cheats on you. Get a grip 

Tells a complete stranger his wife cheats on him on a football message board.  Follows it up by saying “get a grip”.  

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1 hour ago, T0mShane said:

Mogglez, I love you so much. More than any two men have loved another. My issue with you on this one is that Rosenblatt/Russini put together this extensively (anonymously!) sourced report and you’re like “My anonymous source says everything in this reporting is a lie.” Can you be more specific about the things that are presumably lies? Because the two things you offered—“Hackett isn’t lazy, per se, it’s just that the org is going to bring in more guys to do his job,” and “While Woody is obsessed with social media, he’s not influenced by it and he doesn’t share those opinions around the building.” Both of which seem more like an interpretation issue and not so much a truth issue. 

T0mas, my muse.  Thank you for the love.  You always know you have my heart.

I may have been a bit unclear when I offered those bits up, but I was saying that these specific chunks were truthful, albeit, exaggerated and twisted quite a bit so not completely true:

The above are the things that Will Parkinson later went on to corroborate and say he heard as well.

The specific things that I was told were BS are the following:

- Saleh threatening to confiscate phones.

- Woody running to people in the building to confront them about tweets written about them.

- Anything that was twisted and outlined in the above post.

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3 hours ago, maury77 said:

Not that @Mogglez needs me to defend him, and we have certainly had our differences in the past, but I can confirm that he's shared stuff with me off the forum that he hasn't posted here because, like a journalist (and I'm not implying he is one), he didn't feel the info was thoroughly "vetted". Now, can some of the people that speak to him be feeding him BS? Of course, but that is not different than anyone else. I'm an attorney and I'm skeptical of about 90% of what my clients tell me. IMO he has built some decent relationships with people that are connected and he likes to share some of it for discussion on a message board. I'd rather read that than a lot of the other material that gets repeated ad nauseum. 

OTOH, I'm afraid of criticizing the Jets because his dad might stop talking to me :).

Regardless of need, I appreciate the words my friend.  I couldn’t have explained myself any better than you did for me.

Thank you.  I’ll be DMing you 3 “can’t get yelled at by JetNut” vouchers in return!

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20 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

I think you can decipher what I mean. Zach was going to be on the roster the whole time. 

So what though?  If he was Woody's untouchable darling then AR8 wouldn't have been acquired.  And we've also heard ZW will be traded this offseason.

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1 minute ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

So what though?  If he was Woody's untouchable darling then AR8 wouldn't have been acquired.  And we've also heard ZW will be traded this offseason.

Why wouldn’t he have been acquired? This was all run through and approved by Zach’s team prior to anyways. 

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On 1/31/2024 at 7:09 AM, T0mShane said:

—Saleh is portrayed as a true bitch in this article—blamed Zach for everything going wrong, saying that getting to 8 wins with Zach would “be a miracle.” Was obsessively paranoid about being fired and wanted Rodgers and Johnson to endorse him for the 2024 season. Most hilariously, Saleh confronted his offensive coaches about the “reluctant to play” Zach leak, and was apparently laughed out of the room:

This is most damning part besides Hackett's lazy ass running a funhouse on offense.....

It's one thing to be incompetent....but instead of addressing his shortcomings, his paranoid insecure ass cares about the media and the perception of the team more....

Its okay for fans to say "F the season we lost Rodgers".....its not ok for the Head Coach to do so, especially in a year where half of the AFC field fighting for playoff spots lost their backup

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15 hours ago, football guy said:

Ok- so I’m going to keep making statements about your life and your wife the way I assume

No, you will not.  Because you see this is a community with rules and you have to respect those rules.  One of those primary rules:  No personal attacks.  

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15 hours ago, Maxman said:

I read no posts in this thread. So I will start with I didn't see anything else or any back and forth.

What I did see is this post and it is complete garbage. Bringing someone else's family into this, making a personal attack like that completely unacceptable.


Yesssssss finally

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Would it help for you to know he’s a successful business owner?  

So am I, but my wife bought me Sketchers for Christmas so pretty sure I'm a cuck too. It happens, probably nobodies fault but my own. I personally blame Zach Wilson but that's just me. 

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12 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Why wouldn’t he have been acquired? This was all run through and approved by Zach’s team prior to anyways. 

ZW got benched last year.  Was that also "run through and approved by Zach’s team prior"?

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