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Broncos Interested In JMac?


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will be funny how Jets fans react now with J Mac..for the whole offseason everyone wanted him out for next to nothing..now will want to keep him

not this Jets fan 4H...he's still only 28 and has been looking good-he is coming into his prime and is doing everything asked of him-keep him-this will be the deepest Jets receiving unit in it's history

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We should definitely not take any draft picks in trade. If you waste them then you haven't actually lost anything therefore draft picks are without value. This is particularly true of first round and second round draft picks. Simple deductive reasoning really.

I have it on good authority from several sources that this is the case ;)

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Thank god for Tivo...the two guys mentioned were John Engleberger, 6'4 260 DE and Ebenezer Ekuban, 6'4 275 DE...Engelberger is 30 and Ekuban is 31.

I would take Ekuban in a heart beat! that would be a great trade!

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when we traded that 2nd rounder a few years back-like I said BP he's still young-only 28 and that's primetime for WRs

here's Ebenezer Ekuban....


J-Mac isn't going to start (unless someones hurt) and the way Stuckey is looking in PS and TC he is sure to be the slot receiver. J-Mac's stock will never be higher than it is now, so I say let him go. depth on the D-Line is more important IMO. and I always liked Ekuban.

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We need J.Mac on this team. We have 2 great WR's in Cotch and Coles and we need a slot WR.

Time Dwight= Pass...

B.Smith= Alot of flare in his game, but he's still not anywhere close to being a #1 slot WR.

Stukey= Alot of potential... But as of right now, He's still not ready if you ask me...

J.Mac can be a GREAT slot WR... And we really need to keep this kid.

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J-Mac isn't going to start (unless someones hurt) and the way Stuckey is looking in PS and TC he is sure to be the slot receiver. J-Mac's stock will never be higher than it is now, so I say let him go. depth on the D-Line is more important IMO. and I always liked Ekuban.

he did have 7 sacks last year but he IS 31...if this trade happens I guess it means the Wadsworth,Haynes thing was a no-go

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he did have 7 sacks last year but he IS 31...if this trade happens I guess it means the Wadsworth,Haynes thing was a no-go

I think Wadswoth is a goner..and we did have a washed up old man named Anthony Pleasant start at DE in the AFC championship game in 1998. ;)

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If you look at teams in the NFL, not alot of Teams have a better 3rd WR than what the Jets have in Justin Mac.... Just saying

there's a good reason for that.

McCareins is not part of the Jets puzzle. stuckey and smith are more than adequate receivers. if the Jets can get good value for JMac now, then they should do it and not wait, especially if they can address a position where they lack depth.

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I think Wadswoth is a goner..and we did have a washed up old man named Anthony Pleasant start at DE in the AFC championship game in 1998. ;)

Ray Lucas was saying he was WATCHING AW Friday night and that he looked pretty good at the point of attack-but I agree BP if I was a betting man I'd put a hundred bux on him not making the team

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JMac needs to be moved. We know his ceiling, its not going to change... with him out of the way, it opens the door for some of the other kids on our roster to come in and do a Jerricho Cotchery impression. I think we have more than enough in Brad Smith, Stuckey, Wright and Frisman to round out the roster.

The bottom line is, JMac does NOT fit into our gameplan with Chad at QB. He will thrive in Denver with Cutler's cannon, but we don't have the QB or game plan to take advantage of what JMac does best.

I say, get what you can for him now... he also has a #2 WRs contract, and he isn't coming close to earning it.

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As long as we watch our asses trading with Denver, I am all for it. They have fleeced quite a few teams in recent years...

If the Broncos are talking we should listen. We have a lot of WR's that are playing very well right now. Jmac goes and Stucky, Fris, or Smith will eagerly jump into his place.
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If Denver is interested I don't see why we shouldn't listen. Chansi Stuckey is young and will be unseating McCareins in the next year anyway and we also have Brad Smith, Frisman Jackson, Wallace Wright and Tim Dwight still on the roster. I say deal him if we can get a 5th or 6th rounder, or better yet more depth on the defensive side of the ball or offensive line.

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We need J.Mac on this team. We have 2 great WR's in Cotch and Coles and we need a slot WR.

McGuy is not a good slot receiver. He's probably the worst receiver on the team when it comes to running after the catch. I'd be very happy to take what we can get in a trade for him. In a world where Randy Moss is worth a fourth round pick, Ebenezer Ekuban would be excellent compensation for for McC.

Justin stood in the way of Cotchery for too long, I prefer he not stand in the way of Brad Smith or Chansi Stuckey.

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McGuy is not a good slot receiver. He's probably the worst receiver on the team when it comes to running after the catch. I'd be very happy to take what we can get in a trade for him. In a world where Randy Moss is worth a fourth round pick, Ebenezer Ekuban would be excellent compensation for for McC.

Justin stood in the way of Cotchery for too long, I prefer he not stand in the way of Brad Smith or Chansi Stuckey.

absolutely correct! I do not want to lose a promising WR for JMAC if we can get defensive help.

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Justin stood in the way of Cotchery for too long, I prefer he not stand in the way of Brad Smith or Chansi Stuckey.

Wrong. Sperman Edwards stood in the way of Jericho Cotchery for way too long... This kid broke alot of T.Holts records while playing for NC State, what coach in the right mind keeps a kid who broke all of T.Holts records while playing in the NCAA in the dog house......? Herman Edwards keeps kids who break records in the dog house... Not J-Mac.

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I was at camp today, and something about JMac looked different. His body language exuded a confidence that i haven't seen from him since 2004. I totally agree there aren't many more #3s better than him, and we should keep him. I've also read reports that he's looked aggressive with the ball in the air, and I saw it today on a play or two. Granted, he's not the game-breaker we all thought we were getting back in 2004, but after seeing him today, I think he can be an asset to our O.

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I like J-mac, he is a play maker and they like to use him as our deep threat since he seems to be the only WR I have seen going deep last year, but as the #3 WR, he makes a lot of money, and we do have a glut at WR at the moment, somebody deserving will be a casualty of the numbers game.

And there are only so many balls to go around, Coles and Cotch will get the majority, I expect to see Baker, Washington and Jones getting involved in the passing game, so how many passes would J-Mac get a game? 2? maybe 3? couldn't those balls just as easily go to Stuckey, who will be a gamer, or Smith? who make less money than J-Mac? and we can keep two deserving younger WRs with great upside in Frisman and Wright?

And if the Broncos make us a great offer, a young Defensive Back or a draft pick? I would have to consider it, no offense to J-Mac, I am glad that he took a great attitude after getting in the dog house and getting demoted for Cotch last year, wanting to help the team on Special Teams any way he could, and coming to camp with the intensity he has this year, but if it would be better for the team to trade him, I am for whatever makes the team better.

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The bottom line is, JMac does NOT fit into our gameplan with Chad at QB. He will thrive in Denver with Cutler's cannon, but we don't have the QB or game plan to take advantage of what JMac does best.

I say, get what you can for him now... he also has a #2 WRs contract, and he isn't coming close to earning it.

Ding Ding Ding - we have a winner.

I'd hate to see him go to as he's a home boy and I've seen him play since HS. All the crap on him last year was because of a horrible 05 - and was largely deserved. He didn't come in out of shape from not working out - he was healing a bad wheel until camp started last summer. He didn't dog it, wasn't an attitude problem etc..

The guy works as hard as anybody and always has. He needed to toughen up and learn to fight for the ball. All accounts I've read or heard say he's done just that.

That said - If we can get a value trade for him we are foolish not to. Not value in what he's worth to us, but his value to a team with a QB that can get him the football. With Stuckey, Jackson and Smith all potentially viable #3's - we're wasting our time and his time. I just don't want to see him go for peanuts.

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Ding Ding Ding - we have a winner.

I'd hate to see him go to as he's a home boy and I've seen him play since HS. All the crap on him last year was because of a horrible 05 - and was largely deserved. He didn't come in out of shape from not working out - he was healing a bad wheel until camp started last summer. He didn't dog it, wasn't an attitude problem etc..

The guy works as hard as anybody and always has. He needed to toughen up and learn to fight for the ball. All accounts I've read or heard say he's done just that.

That said - If we can get a value trade for him we are foolish not to. Not value in what he's worth to us, but his value to a team with a QB that can get him the football. With Stuckey, Jackson and Smith all potentially viable #3's - we're wasting our time and his time. I just don't want to see him go for peanuts.

Who said J-Mac can't play slot ?

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I never did - that slats guy did. J-Mac can play out of the slot no prob in my book. He can bump and run and is a damn good blocker.

I agree, there were a lot of rumors that J-Mac was going to get traded before but he didn't. Nothing against the other guy, but I think Mangini is a lot smarter than he is, and the Jets organization must see something that we don't.

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