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What teams are having the worst offseason?


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Gotta go with the Patsies here. Losing Stallworth and Samuel already and on the brink of losing Moss.

Just read on Rotoworld that they are so desperate for somebody that they are even interested in bringing Ty Law back.

Take our LEFTOVERS Bitchhhh!

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As of now, saying the Pats is just wishful thinking. Yes, they lose Samuel, but Stallworth? You guys think that hurts them? Losing a guy that couldn't fend off Jabar Gaffney at WR? If they lose Moss, then they are definitely having the worst offseason.

Up to this point, I guess I would vote for the Bengals. They lost Justin Smith, not to mention the Shaun Rogers fiasco.

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As of now, saying the Pats is just wishful thinking. Yes, they lose Samuel, but Stallworth? You guys think that hurts them? Losing a guy that couldn't fend off Jabar Gaffney at WR? If they lose Moss, then they are definitely having the worst offseason.

Up to this point, I guess I would vote for the Bengals. They lost Justin Smith, not to mention the Shaun Rogers fiasco.

And Williams.

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As of now, saying the Pats is just wishful thinking. Yes, they lose Samuel, but Stallworth? You guys think that hurts them? Losing a guy that couldn't fend off Jabar Gaffney at WR? If they lose Moss, then they are definitely having the worst offseason.

Stallworth was the teams #2 most of the year...

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Yeah, I forgot about that. They could possibly have one of the worst defenses in NFL history next season unless they do something soon.

Marvin Lewis is Herman Edwards, without the grilling expertise.

I have to agree. Also with all the trade talks and the problems going on with that team, that organization is in a total mess right now.

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Just because he lined up outside doesn't make him their #2 receiver. He was that in position only. At best, he was maybe the 3rd option. Down the stretch, he was about the 5th.

I think how much losing Stalworth hurts the Pats won't be known until we find out if they can resign Moss. To have to replace both in the same off season when a few of the FA receivers have already been singed would be big.

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I'd love to say the Pats but it's by far the Raiders. Gibril Wilson and Tommy Kelly are two of the most overpaid signings I've ever seen. Terrible, terrible signings.

But atleast the Raiders are signing players. The Pats are just loosen them!

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I think the Bears may have had the worst off-season. They have literally no decent players on offence.

Grossman, Benson and no WR's whatsoever. They are really really going to be 100% reliant on that defence next season, the fact that they got Briggs signed really helped.

TBH though it's probably Oakland, Cincy or if Moss goes, the Pats.

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I think the Bears may have had the worst off-season. They have literally no decent players on offence.

Grossman, Benson and no WR's whatsoever. They are really really going to be 100% reliant on that defence next season, the fact that they got Briggs signed really helped.

TBH though it's probably Oakland, Cincy or if Moss goes, the Pats.

Cinci is terrible, the Steelers did nothing at all to get better.

And the Pats blow.

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I think the Bears may have had the worst off-season. They have literally no decent players on offence.

Grossman, Benson and no WR's whatsoever. They are really really going to be 100% reliant on that defence next season, the fact that they got Briggs signed really helped.

TBH though it's probably Oakland, Cincy or if Moss goes, the Pats.

I heard John Clayon talking about this earlier, but why not trade Coles to the Bears, they are in dire need of at least one, if not multiple WR's, so it would make sense.

Also I think Cinci, Denver, or Detroit would be landing places for DRob, but thats a little off topic though they are all teams that have done pretty much nothing this offseason.

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and pats are just horrible

:rl: Are you serious? I recall the exact same thing happening a few seasons ago. The Jets and Dolphins had huge offseasons and every Jet fan on here predicted that the Patriots would finish 3rd. or 4th. in the division. Care to remind me how that all worked out?

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NE has only so-much cap room, but are still a good team without Samuel/Gay and Moss/Stallworth.

Has to be Oakland. Lest anyone dare to dream of them improving, Oakland giving Wilson a $40M contract and Kelly a $50M contract assures they'll be bottom-feeders for some time.

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As of now, saying the Pats is just wishful thinking. Yes, they lose Samuel, but Stallworth? You guys think that hurts them? Losing a guy that couldn't fend off Jabar Gaffney at WR? If they lose Moss, then they are definitely having the worst offseason.

Up to this point, I guess I would vote for the Bengals. They lost Justin Smith, not to mention the Shaun Rogers fiasco.

Wishful thinking? Samuel is one of the 3 best CBs in the NFL and still young. Stallworth is not the most consistent guy in the world, but he is still fast. Having Moss (primarily) and Stallworth (to some degree) on the outside made Wes Welker have a great year vs linebackers and nickel backs. And Moss is as good as gone. When they could not get an agreement with him and he started shopping, it became just a question of who he will go to. Welker will find starting NFL CBs just as good next year that they were when he faced them at Miami.

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Yeah, NE is having a bad silly season.

I think the nfl has told the pats that they are done and they're not allowed to make any moves/sign anyone and they have to suck for the next ten years as punishment for ruining the image of the league.

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