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The Return Of Smizzy


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C'mon...we both know you didn't miss me.

Life balled up it's fist and punched my in the face several hundred times but I survived.

Who wants to touch my ass?

Welcome Back, I love a good fistfight with Life. Life's a bitch, she's a formidable contender. :box:

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Smizzy come back!!!

I may be the only one that misses your quick wit, but I matter! haha :rl:

That number you gave me isn't working, you were just leading me on I know. :1cry:

Smizzy should come back soon, or I should get his job ;)

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Smizzy should come back soon, or I should get his job ;)

I think they should create that 35 and overs forum they were talking about. Then they all should leave so me, you, 124 and Tictac can take over as Mods.:lol:

Then Jetnation would be well and truly born.

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