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have the Red Sox surpassed the Patriots as the biggest cheaters in Mass?


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:face: Kevin Brown, ARod, Clemens, Giambri etc etc

who is Giambri??

i am unaware of this name.

now, you also left off Andy PEttitte.

either way it's hilarious to hear excuses for Papi now

my fav was on WEEI..."well just because he was on them in 2003 doesn't mean he used them in 2004" LOL the show host hung up on the caller and called him a moron

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You're trying to blame one team for a mess that just about every team in MLB is guilty of in one form or another. I won't sit here and claim that all the Yankee WS wins and playoff appearances were fraudulent because a few of their players like Clemens, and Giambi were juicing.

Everybody had their hand in the cookie jar. Move on.

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You're trying to blame one team for a mess that just about every team in MLB is guilty of in one form or another. I won't sit here and claim that all the Yankee WS wins and playoff appearances were fraudulent because a few of their players like Clemens, and Giambi were juicing.

Everybody had their hand in the cookie jar. Move on.

I don't think he's trying to blame one team for all of MLB's problems. I think he is trying to determine who in New England cheats more: the Pansies or the BloSux.

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You're trying to blame one team for a mess that just about every team in MLB is guilty of in one form or another. I won't sit here and claim that all the Yankee WS wins and playoff appearances were fraudulent because a few of their players like Clemens, and Giambi were juicing.

Everybody had their hand in the cookie jar. Move on.

I agree completely. But lets not pretend Sox fans werent beating their chests when all of these allegations initially came out. Its pretty funny to see them backpeddaling now.

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I don't think he's trying to blame one team for all of MLB's problems. I think he is trying to determine who in New England cheats more: the Pansies or the BloSux.

yeah...but it's like bernie crapping on enron......just looks and sounds foolish given the circumstances.

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yeah...but it's like bernie crapping on enron......just looks and sounds foolish given the circumstances.

It's funny because of all the championships won by Boston teams this decade and their fans' arrogance about it. They tend to act like their teams' championships are these massive, noble undertakings that should be revered by everyone while in reality all they did is cheat better than the other guys.

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It's funny because of all the championships won by Boston teams this decade and their fans' arrogance about it. They tend to act like their teams' championships are these massive, noble undertakings that should be revered by everyone while in reality all they did is cheat better than the other guys.

As opposed to some Yankee fans who walk around spouting "26", like it is some bold endeavor of their own, correct?

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It's funny because of all the championships won by Boston teams this decade and their fans' arrogance about it. They tend to act like their teams' championships are these massive, noble undertakings that should be revered by everyone while in reality all they did is cheat better than the other guys.

A Yankee fan complaining that a fan of another team is arrogant.

That's rich.

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You would have to explain that one a little more. There does not seem to be a connection.

Are you saying the Red Sox have destroyed innocent lives?

Some people take sport a little too seriously.

Pretty sure it was a joke...

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i looked it up.....i didn't remember all the yankees who were caught. i just thought it was funny that a yankees fan is bringing up the red sox being big time cheaters when so many yankees were outed.

Fair enough,

I'll never call a championship won on steroids BS, I know better.

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Fair enough,

I'll never call a championship won on steroids BS, I know better.

it would appear every team had steroid cheats. at this point nothing you can really do about it except hope that baseball is making a good attempt to eliminate as much of the problem as they can. i think they're doing ok, considering the fight the union gives them. i'd rather see a season long ban for a first positive and a lifetime ban for the second. i'd also be disappointed if guys like clemens and bonds make the hof.

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You would have to explain that one a little more. There does not seem to be a connection.

Are you saying the Red Sox have destroyed innocent lives?

Some people take sport a little too seriously.

He didn't specify which terrorists. Why did you always assume the extreme worst? There are different degrees of terrorism. For example, I would consider a spicy three-bean chili as a form of terrorism (on my digestive system). My wife would probably agree, as she frequently suffers from the collatoral damage.

So along those lines, I would agree with the poster that rooting for the Red Sox is like rooting for heartburn and the runs.

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