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Did anyone else just see Mel Kiper


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NFL Network>>>>>>ESPN


If I wanted to watch under-qualified pricks bicker constantly, I'd tune in to 1 of the bazillion news/politics networks.

NFL Network just talks about the prospects, they don't do the whole lets debate whose opinion is fact bull**** that McShay and Kiper put you though.

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If I wanted to watch under-qualified pricks bicker constantly, I'd tune in to 1 of the bazillion news/politics networks.

NFL Network just talks about the prospects, they don't do the whole lets debate whose opinion is fact bull**** that McShay and Kiper put you though.

both coverages are less than ideal. I've switched over to strictly internet to follow the draft and haven't looked back

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Negative and it's not even close. I turned NFL network off in less than 5 minutes.

Kidding right? NFL network coverage and breakdowns blow ESPN out of the water. Grunden is the only bright spot on ESPN IMO.

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