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Sanchez = Nagle and Foley


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Comparing Peyton Manning to Mark Sanchez..........Im speechless... <_<

Whatever, he's still just a second year QB still learning. Their's no saying if he's gonna turn out to be any good or not. The only thing you can know for sure he's shown flashes, only flashes, and at times shown horrible decision making so he can still turn out good or bad. The answer hasn't come yet.

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Whatever, he's still just a second year QB still learning. Their's no saying if he's gonna turn out to be any good or not. The only thing you can know for sure he's shown flashes, only flashes, and at times shown horrible decision making so he can still turn out good or bad. The answer hasn't come yet.

Yep the flashes keep you hopefull and from completely wanting to write him off. On the other hand without having done the research, many of the other young QB's that have come in as early picks seem to be doing and progresing better. Maybe just a case of the grass looking greener...

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Yep the flashes keep you hopefull and from completely wanting to write him off. On the other hand without having done the research, many of the other young QB's that have come in as early picks seem to be doing and progresing better. Maybe just a case of the grass looking greener...

Heres 1


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Yep the flashes keep you hopefull and from completely wanting to write him off. On the other hand without having done the research, many of the other young QB's that have come in as early picks seem to be doing and progresing better. Maybe just a case of the grass looking greener...

That's what I'm hoping. Remember Sanchez did have some serious regression last year too, but still managed to bounce back at one point and played well in the playoffs which is where it really counts. I'm kinda hoping thats the same case this year, maybe its just a bad case of me being an optimist.

I'm sure other QB's similar to Sanchez have gone through the same problems.

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Brandon Tierney on Wheelhouse said he spoke to a offensive player and that the consensus of the offense is that they are still confident with Sanchez and not so much with Schotty.

Rex has to hear or feel this vibe if Tierney could so easily obtain it. I guess you can't remove your OC week 15 and Rex is probably hesitant to pull the play calling duties as it crushes any chances Schotty's has for being a HC next season.

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Less than 2 full seasons. Give the kid a chance. He should have sucked completely like most young QB's. But no, he has a few flashes of brilliance and now he is Foley? Come on. With Schottenheimer the architect?

A few flashes of lucky.

Dont need anymore NFL time to see he has a below avg NFL arm.

Shoot, Fitzwhatshisname in Buffalo is a better player.

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Nagle never did anything aside from good pre season. Foley was ok but always got hurt. Sanchez has won 18 games, including 2 playoff games, in less than two years. Its his second year. I thought he should have been pulled yesterday, but that doesnt mean he cant be great. Hes got a hell of a long way to go at times, but the talent is there.

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2nd year quarterback whose numbers are vastly improved

And according to most here this is in spite of the men in charge of developing him.

Guy's got flaws in his early career...this board really needs to get off his nuts for having them because we're stuck with him...stick to going after this year's designated scapegoat. Most of these flaws aren't big deals in the long run.

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Sanchez has the physical gifts, athleticism, brains and arm.

What he needs to develop is the all important mental aspects of QB'ing in the NFL.

He's shown flashes of brilliance amid rookie screwups.

Don't forget he only played 1 year in college, and never saw much adversity until he got the rude awakening that is the NFL.

His height is not an issue either. Look at Brees. Hell, look at Flutie.

I'm more worried about the coaching and total team execution than Sanchez.

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