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Read This Jets Fans If You Want To Hate Pats Even More


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Again, I think all of the Aiden stories are distasteful. You guys only have a problem with the one that's critical of Sanchez as a player.

Whooooooaaaaaa. I'm not a huge Sanchez supporter at all, and I love a good Jets-bashing article as much as the next guy. I think that criticizing Sanchez is a fish-in-a-barrel situation and one could fill volumes on his suckitude. This columnist could have avoided using the death of an 11 year old altogether. I get what you're saying--he didn't explicitly tie the Aiden part to the Sanchez sucks part, but given the overall context of the article it was inappropriate to bring the kid's death into play, imo.

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It never ceases to amaze me that by stumbling upon Tom Brady in the 6th round of the draft the majority of Pats fans and writers became the most arrogant and pompous people around. It's like they believe their 3 rings give them as fans PHD's in all things football related.

Is there a Jet fan alive ready to compare Sanchez to Vick, Ben or Brady?

That article was like a Tex post where he gives a half hearted compliment to the Jets and then trolls for the next 1,000 posts.

Karma will pay back that a-hole writer and his editor in spades. I cannot believe someone approved sending that trash to print.

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Might want to read every post I have made because I state clearly that I agree Sanchez is not a very good QB.

I assume you hadn't seen my post above. If this were all just dumb homer stuff there wouldn't have been a reason to start an argument about it in the first place.

using a recently deceased child as a ploy to

You guys keep saying this and it remains semantically untenable. Say it's dinner time and you're smashing while goofing off on JN. You're using a fork (shovel, dump truck, whatever) to eat. You're not using the computer to eat. You're merely using the computer and eating. Since nobody can seem to explain how the dead kid is actually connected to anything that's negative about the story, it seems to me that he's telling the story and bashing Sanchez rather than telling the story to bash Sanchez. I know the juxtaposition is awkward, but I don't see how that imputes a negative intent to including an anecdote whose implications are purely positive.

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I assume you hadn't seen my post above. If this were all just dumb homer stuff there wouldn't have been a reason to start an argument about it in the first place.

You guys keep saying this and it remains semantically untenable. Say it's dinner time and you're smashing while goofing off on JN. You're using a fork (shovel, dump truck, whatever) to eat. You're not using the computer to eat. You're merely using the computer and eating. Since nobody can seem to explain how the dead kid is actually connected to anything that's negative about the story, it seems to me that he's telling the story and bashing Sanchez rather than telling the story to bash Sanchez. I know the juxtaposition is awkward, but I don't see how that imputes a negative intent to including an anecdote whose implications are purely positive.

Actually I gnaw on the keyboard between courses cause I'm not a very patient guy when it comes to food. Aten, the negativity of the stroy is not the part that I find distasteful. It's the fact he is using the death of a child to sensationalize an article that is so outplayed and obvious the only assumption to be made is a dead kid( your label) is being used to bring attention to it. Everyone knows Sanchez is not very good and Brady is one of the best, everyone knows the Jets are underdogs who have little chance to win Sunday.

So this dooshbag uses the Aiden story to get press and legs on an article that was written a million time to nauseum sans picking at a dying childs last moments with his hero. Care less who the hero is, not the point.

"Too bad your dead Aiden, still won't help the Jets win, better luck next time you die champ." Horrible dude.

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For those guys bashing Sanchez one question. How come he is 3-1 in the playoffs ?

I am not saying he is the next coming of Montana or anyone else in the Hall of Fame. But calling him terrible. That is way out in the left field.

It's not way out in left field. For starters, wins and losses are team stats that reflect the performance of teams. Dan Marino and Peyton Manning have losing playoff records. Does that mean Sanchez is better than them because he's 3-1? Team stats = unreliable ways to evaluate individual performance.

The argument is there though that he's been terrible at times this year. He's had several putrid games including the 2nd Patriots game, the Green Bay game, the Ravens game, and in Denver among other places. Personally, I think he works hard and has shown flashes to make me hopeful that he'll develop more consistency. But he's not particularly physically gifted and is not very accurate on a consistent basis so really there is cause for concern.

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This time, I walked away after reading it thinking that this dude could have basically said...

"Sorry kid, I'm glad you got to meet your hero before you died. But your death and his good nature doesnt make him a good QB. And there will be no story book ending for you to see from Heaven because he sucks and he's playing Tom Brady".

I just reread it too, and as far as I can tell that's exactly what he said.

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Not for nothing, but I don't have to try to get a reaction. I'm actually interested in this. Crusher and JiF are two of the few here who are actually aware that Sanchez is terrible, so the obvious explanation that people are using the kid as an excuse to complain about an article that they really don't like because it's critical of Sanchez doesn't apply to them. I'm also sort of concerned how few people seem to understand what the word 'to' means but that's just sheer morbid curiosity.

Not for nothing, but this article could have just said Sanchez is the worst of the QBs left in the playoffs, Brady is the best. Suck it Jets fans. You wouldn't have heard a peep from me about it.

However, as I pointed out with my earlier responses, the author of the article goes out of his way to walk over the grave of a child on his way to the SuperBowl parade... and to what end? To prove a point? No. There is no point to be made here. It is FACT that Brady is a better QB, so really this article is little more than an attempt to infuriate people in a style similar to someone like Rush Limbaugh.

This isn't a typical case of the Patriots, their fans and their media just dismissing the 2nd class Jets chances of winning - those articles are whatever... all I can say is this:

He should have left it alone.

For all the intellectual posturing you do, no offense, I am surprised you don't get it.

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It's not way out in left field. For starters, wins and losses are team stats that reflect the performance of teams. Dan Marino and Peyton Manning have losing playoff records. Does that mean Sanchez is better than them because he's 3-1? Team stats = unreliable ways to evaluate individual performance.

The argument is there though that he's been terrible at times this year. He's had several putrid games including the 2nd Patriots game, the Green Bay game, the Ravens game, and in Denver among other places. Personally, I think he works hard and has shown flashes to make me hopeful that he'll develop more consistency. But he's not particularly physically gifted and is not very accurate on a consistent basis so really there is cause for concern.

Terrible at times does mean he is terrible QB which is what some are alluding to.

There are times when the JETS offense has bailed the defense out this season. He has quite a few 4th quarter game winning drives. And he has made quite a bit of progress from his rookie campaign.

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Terrible at times does mean he is terrible QB which is what some are alluding to.

There are times when the JETS offense has bailed the defense out this season. He has quite a few 4th quarter game winning drives. And he has made quite a bit of progress from his rookie campaign.

Particularly for a second year QB who started in college for one season. And has this little habit of having ice water in his veins and pulling games out in the last minute. A habit many of the top QBs hardly had acquired by their second season.

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Particularly for a second year QB who started in college for one season. And has this little habit of having ice water in his veins and pulling games out in the last minute. A habit many of the top QBs hardly had acquired by their second season.

and an ability and a frequency that NO Jets QB has been able to before-not Namath, not Todd, not, O'Brien, Not Vinny, and certainly not Pennington. I wonder sometimes what Jets fans expect. We didn't draft Brady or weren't able to get Peyton

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For Aten, hopefully this better illustrates the point many of us have expressed...

Mark Sanchez’ script changes

Hollywood ending not going to happen

By Gerry Callahan

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - Updated 2 hours ago

Boston Herald General Sports Columnist

Above, in red, you see that rather than position this article as a "Mark Sanchez is not a good QB article" you see Callahan setting up the rather callous tone that "everything Sanchez did for Aiden pales in comparison to the fact that poor little Aiden died for nothing because Sanchez sucks too much to win it all for him." That is the undertone I took away from this article, and that is why I am bothered by it.

Below, I have gone through the article and grey-out the parts that didn't need to be written, while also adding some commentary in places where I feel this jackass infringed upon the difference between right and wrong. I left the parts that actually get to the point of Sanchez being young and not as good as Brady in black.

If this were a movie, Mark Sanchez would win Sunday and again the following week, and then complete the fairy tale with a dramatic Super Bowl victory Feb. 6. And as the confetti is falling and the music is playing and tears are welling up in the eyes of 110 million television viewers, Sanchez would hold up the Lombardi Trophy and say he did it all for Aiden, his young friend who passed away days before the New York Jets [team stats]’ remarkable playoff run began.

Aiden Binkley was 11 years old when he succumbed to cancer two weeks ago. One of the last things he wanted to do in this life was meet his hero, Mark Sanchez, and he did just that on a visit to the Jets training facility in the middle of December. Wasn’t enough for Sanchez, though. The 24-year-old quarterback asked Aiden’s parents if he could surprise their son with a visit to the family’s Long Island home, and a few days before Christmas, there he was, waiting on the couch when Aiden awoke from a nap.

Sanchez gave Aiden a game ball from a Dec. 19 victory at Pittsburgh, and last week, as the Jets prepared for their playoff game against Indianapolis, the ball was buried with Aiden Binkley. The QB offered to pay for the funeral before he went out to Indianapolis and knocked off Peyton Manning and the Colts.

And if this were a movie, Sanchez would beat Tom Brady [stats] this weekend and then win the AFC Championship Game, and then take the whole Binkley family to Dallas, where they would watch the Super Bowl from Cowboys owner Jerry Jones’ private suite. Sanchez would be the hottest star in sports: handsome, compassionate, clutch, the anti-Vick or anti-Roethlisberger, the brilliant young signal-caller with the heart as big as Texas.

It all makes for such a great story, we almost hate to see the Patriots [team stats] ruin it. Unfortunately for the Jets, this is not a movie, and Sanchez is just not ready for the real-life drama that awaits him Sunday in Foxboro. The biggest problem for the Jets right now is simple: Sanchez is, by all accounts, a great person. He’s just not a very good quarterback. He’s certainly no Brady, and sadly, he’s not even Michael Vick or Ben Roethlisberger.

So far, the only football related point that Callahan has made is that he believes the Patriots have already won the game and he thinks Sanchez is a nice guy, and it took until the 5th paragraph for him to insinuate that point. In the very next sentence (in bold, red) after making light of Aiden's struggles and Sanchez's goodwill as "movie fodder" he insinuates the ONLY "real-life drama" is what will take place on Sunday in a pathetic football game. I had to jump in here... any buffoon that compares the death of a child to a melodramatic movie plot, and then talks about men playing a kids game as "real-life drama" cannot be defended here. No way, no how.

It’s football. It’s reality. No one said it was fair.

Again, hammering home the point that football = reality, while Aiden passing away = movie melodrama. Pathetic if you ask me.

From here down, the article is fine - calling Sanchez a "nice guy" but insisting that he'll "finish last" is fine. He's got the stats to back up his claim, and Sanchez has not played well in Foxboro. This would have been a fine article, albeit obvious...

There is a lot of hype and a lot of hope invested in Sanchez because he plays in New York and does all the right things off the field. Decent people want him to succeed, and right now many of them are kind of holding their breath and closing their eyes and hoping when they open those eyes, they’ll see the next Tom Brady standing there in a Jets uniform.

And hopefully it’ll happen someday. But right now he’s not even close. And right now Rex Ryan doesn’t have a team that can win the Super Bowl because the Jets coach doesn’t have a quarterback who can win the Super Bowl. Every decade or so, a Trent Dilfer or a Mark Rypien will lead his team to the championship, but as a rule, you need a Brady, a Drew Brees, a Roethlisberger, a quarterback who can stand up under pressure and win a playoff game or two for you. Sanchez can’t do that. Not this Sunday. Not this season.

Of the eight starting quarterbacks left in the playoffs, No. 6 on the Jets ranks last on the list. He finished the regular season 27th in the NFL with a passer rating of 75.3, trailing such luminaries as Shaun Hill, Alex Smith and Chad Henne. Sanchez was 29th in completion percentage (a wretched 54.8) and 26th in yards per attempt. And he managed all this with a very good set of wide receivers.

In his last 10 games, Sanchez has had just one with a rating better than 90. Worse than that: He’s had just one game without a pick. The general consensus is that the Jets will have to put up 30 points or more to beat Brady’s Patriots. In Sanchez’ last 10 starts, just one time did he put up 30 and win.

On Saturday, the Jets eliminated the Colts with a last-second field goal, but for most of the night, Sanchez looked like a drunk throwing darts at last call. He was consistently high and wide, and was saved by a strong running game (169 yards) and a solid defense. He’ll have to be much better this weekend, and the question is: Does he even have it in him?

In the two games he’s played in Foxboro, Sanchez completed a combined 25-of-54 attempts for 300 yards and seven picks. In losing a 45-3 squeaker to the Pats in December, he had three interceptions and a 27.8 rating. He’ll be on the same field Sunday, probably in the same weather (it was 27 degrees Dec. 6). He’ll be looking across the line at the same defenders and dropping back and trying to make sense of the same coverages.

And we think this time will be different why?

Sanchez was not a good quarterback when he came to Foxboro a month ago and lost by six touchdowns. He’s not a good quarterback now. Maybe in the movies the nice-guy quarterback can go on the road and be a hero and beat the best team in football. This ain’t a movie.

This is football. This is Foxboro. No one said it would be fair.

I hope this makes it more obvious why this got under the skin of so many...

One point, and a bit of a change of direction, but does anyone find it ironic that this author's closing point is "when you play football in Foxboro it isn't going to be fair?" Kinda harkens to the league-wide claims of home field cheating...

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He should have left it alone.

Everybody should have left it alone.

All of the Aiden stories are for public relations purposes. That obviously isn't why Sanchez befriended the kid in the first place, and I'm sure it's true that he didn't want attention to be drawn to the story, but at the end of the day, that's why these things are published. It makes Sanchez look good, it makes the Jets look good, it makes the league look good. That's co-opting tragedy too, and everybody goes for it lock, stock. The warm and fuzzy ones are actually more insidious because they're not as obviously exploitative. It's not that I don't understand why this is objectionable, I just don't see how it is singularly so.

For all the intellectual posturing you do, no offense, I am surprised you don't get it.

Way to play to the peanut gallery. Nothing moves this crowd like whipping out the nerd card.

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Not for nothing, but I don't have to try to get a reaction. I'm actually interested in this. Crusher and JiF are two of the few here who are actually aware that Sanchez is terrible, so the obvious explanation that people are using the kid as an excuse to complain about an article that they really don't like because it's critical of Sanchez doesn't apply to them. I'm also sort of concerned how few people seem to understand what the word 'to' means but that's just sheer morbid curiosity.

And you're 100% wrong. There are a million ways you can write a douchebaggy article expressing how much Sanchez sucks without resorting to pissing on the memory of a dead little boy.

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Everybody should have left it alone.

All of the Aiden stories are for public relations purposes. That obviously isn't why Sanchez befriended the kid in the first place, and I'm sure it's true that he didn't want attention to be drawn to the story, but at the end of the day, that's why these things are published. It makes Sanchez look good, it makes the Jets look good, it makes the league look good. That's co-opting tragedy too, and everybody goes for it lock, stock. The warm and fuzzy ones are actually more insidious because they're not as obviously exploitative. It's not that I don't understand why this is objectionable, I just don't see how it is singularly so.

Way to play to the peanut gallery. Nothing moves this crowd like whipping out the nerd card.

Well again, you are 100% wrong. It was the boy's family who publicized his connection to Sanchez. The Jets and Sanchez did not seek to publicize this. If they had, you'd have a point. Since they didn't you are wrong.

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Well again, you are 100% wrong. It was the boy's family who publicized his connection to Sanchez. The Jets and Sanchez did not seek to publicize this. If they had, you'd have a point. Since they didn't you are wrong.

This...I can't stand it when people come to the boards trying to show everybody how intellectually superior they are...weak aten-very weak

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Well again, you are 100% wrong. It was the boy's family who publicized his connection to Sanchez. The Jets and Sanchez did not seek to publicize this. If they had, you'd have a point. Since they didn't you are wrong.

I think it's more complicated than that, you think it's simple. You can echo your disagreement as many times as you want (like I don't know in advance what your opinion is going to be anyway), but there's no way this goes anywhere.

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I think it's more complicated than that, you think it's simple. You can echo your disagreement as many times as you want (like I don't know in advance what your opinion is going to be anyway), but there's no way this goes anywhere.

I'd be all for agreeing to disagree if I were as wrong about this as you are.

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and an ability and a frequency that NO Jets QB has been able to before-not Namath, not Todd, not, O'Brien, Not Vinny, and certainly not Pennington. I wonder sometimes what Jets fans expect. We didn't draft Brady or weren't able to get Peyton

Even if we did Jets fan's would still bitch and moan because they didnt do anything their first 2 seasons either.

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I think it's more complicated than that, you think it's simple. You can echo your disagreement as many times as you want (like I don't know in advance what your opinion is going to be anyway), but there's no way this goes anywhere.

at least get your facts straight. Klecko is right; the only reason the story came to light was because the kid's family WANTED everyone to know what kind of person the Jets have leading their team. There was no press release by either the team or the player.

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Even if we did Jets fan's would still bitch and moan because they didnt do anything their first 2 seasons either.

yea I know, it's baffling to me. Just like all the Jets fans who are complaing about Cromartie speaking the truth and Rex saying whatever outrages them at the moment. It's guys like Mike Greenberg, those kinds of Jets fans who were only happy when we had a perrenial loser that was Chad Pennington and his great completion percentage leading the team that was good enough in their eyes. Not me, I'll take Sanchez and his 54% if he completes the right passes at the right time.

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yea I know, it's baffling to me. Just like all the Jets fans who are complaing about Cromartie speaking the truth and Rex saying whatever outrages them at the moment. It's guys like Mike Greenberg, those kinds of Jets fans who were only happy when we had a perrenial loser that was Chad Pennington and his great completion percentage leading the team that was good enough in their eyes. Not me, I'll take Sanchez and his 54% if he completes the right passes at the right time.

Same here and luckily the Jets organization will too. One day he'll be great and if people thought that was gonna be in his 2nd year they had ridiculous expectations. Go take a look at HOF QB's and let me know how much better they were than Mark in their 2nd years, not saying Mark will definitely be a HOF QB but just as a frame of reference. But that doesnt matter to some people, why let rational thinking get in the way? Haters will continue hating.

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at least get your facts straight. Klecko is right; the only reason the story came to light was because the kid's family WANTED everyone to know what kind of person the Jets have leading their team. There was no press release by either the team or the player.

What facts do you think I don't have straight exactly? I'm aware that Sanchez and the Jets weren't the ones pushing for the story to be made public. Know how you can tell? Because I said 'I'm sure it's true that he didn't want attention to be drawn to the story.' Scroll up, you'll see it. I'm not clear on how you could have gotten the impression that I don't know this. Do you think I'm lying? Do you think that I believe that we leaked this to the press even though I specifically said that I know that isn't the case? Again, if this were over something as simple as that it would be an argument that I could waste some time on with you and Klecko, but you're not even reading what I write so really isn't any point.

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I still can't beleive how some of you become so angered by this feeding frenzy the media has created. I'll tell yah, Rex is a master motivator/manipulator - he uses the media to get his people all riled up. By "his people", I mean the fans! LOL!

I have a question. Wasn't the Aiden story presented by Ron Borges, a Boston Herald Columnist? I'm not sure, but I could have sworn the one posted here was by Ron Borges. And didn't he write that no one asked him to tell the story?

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yea I know, it's baffling to me. Just like all the Jets fans who are complaing about Cromartie speaking the truth and Rex saying whatever outrages them at the moment. It's guys like Mike Greenberg, those kinds of Jets fans who were only happy when we had a perrenial loser that was Chad Pennington and his great completion percentage leading the team that was good enough in their eyes. Not me, I'll take Sanchez and his 54% if he completes the right passes at the right time.

That attitude is completely baffling to me, especially in light of the fact that many of those same people would complain about the Jets not getting more press coverage.

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Everybody should have left it alone.

Kind of changing the topic here because I feel at this point its a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong reaction to the article.

Are you someone who prefers the media they way they are only reporting doom and gloom, rather than reporting touching stories like the one of Aiden and Sanchez?

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I still can't beleive how some of you become so angered by this feeding frenzy the media has created.

Because we arent perfect like you. We havent been taught by the mastermind genius greatest coach/man of all time in BB. And we dont root for the greatest franchise if the history of sports which in turn, makes you superior to the rest of society in every aspect.

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Because we arent perfect like you. We havent been taught by the mastermind genius greatest coach/man of all time in BB. And we dont root for the greatest franchise if the history of sports which in turn, makes you superior to the rest of society in every aspect.

And we also aren't paranoid about the media being out to get us.

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Everybody should have left it alone.

All of the Aiden stories are for public relations purposes. That obviously isn't why Sanchez befriended the kid in the first place, and I'm sure it's true that he didn't want attention to be drawn to the story, but at the end of the day, that's why these things are published. It makes Sanchez look good, it makes the Jets look good, it makes the league look good. That's co-opting tragedy too, and everybody goes for it lock, stock. The warm and fuzzy ones are actually more insidious because they're not as obviously exploitative. It's not that I don't understand why this is objectionable, I just don't see how it is singularly so.

When it was first reported, it was made clear that Sanchez was not interested in bringing a camera crew along for the photo opportunities. Since then, every news outlet has given their take on the story, and I agree... they should have followed Sanchez's lead here, and let it be private.

That said, a reporter writing a story about what Sanchez did as a human interest story, is wholly different than a reporter writing about what Sanchez did and belittling it as a "movie plot" and then intimating that the "real" drama is on the football field. This to me is ignorant, and worthy of scorn.

Way to play to the peanut gallery. Nothing moves this crowd like whipping out the nerd card.

I don't pander to anyone, and it was not meant to be an attack. I'm just surprised that someone that goes out of his way to convey a high level of intelligence, could be so puzzled by this.

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Because we arent perfect like you. We havent been taught by the mastermind genius greatest coach/man of all time in BB. And we dont root for the greatest franchise if the history of sports which in turn, makes you superior to the rest of society in every aspect.

LOL! You are a great example of what I'm talking about! LOL! Players talk trash....duh....now it's a problem? The media sucks. I've been playing that song for a long time, Spicoli.

I heard that Harbaugh said something like "I'm glad we broke Big Ben's nose...blah, blah, blah...he's tough...blah, blah, blah" Now, I'm not seeing or hearing any uproar over that comment - and shouldn't there be? If "he's an azzhole" gets everyone up in arms....should "glad we broke his nose" be even worse on the frenzy-meter? Wait? It's not NY versus Boston? ;)

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Because we arent perfect like you. We havent been taught by the mastermind genius greatest coach/man of all time in BB. And we dont root for the greatest franchise if the history of sports which in turn, makes you superior to the rest of society in every aspect.

Hideousness builds character.

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I still can't beleive how some of you become so angered by this feeding frenzy the media has created. I'll tell yah, Rex is a master motivator/manipulator - he uses the media to get his people all riled up. By "his people", I mean the fans! LOL!

I have a question. Wasn't the Aiden story presented by Ron Borges, a Boston Herald Columnist? I'm not sure, but I could have sworn the one posted here was by Ron Borges. And didn't he write that no one asked him to tell the story?

Gotta side with Garb on this one. The original article was a positive one about an athlete trying to make a boys dying wish a reality. If it was exploited by anyone, it was the Jets--they held a moment of silence at the stadium after the child'd passing. This shouldn't have been about the Jets. Or the Pats. Or the a$$hole who wrote the stupid, callous article referencing a young boy's death to knock Sanchez. Our QB did an excelent thing for this child and in his generosity he helped the family with financial arrangements. The media had no place in any of this other than to bring a good deed to light. Anything else is superfluous and shameful.

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