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This Season Was A Failure

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Awesome....2 straight AFC Championship losses......just what I've always dreamed of.

A few get it but most don't. We had a chance to win the whole thing and we completely pissed it away. We didn't show up for an entire half. We could have finally made a Super Bowl after 42 years and flushed it down the toilet. How many of us in 1998 thought that 1999 would be the launching pad of misery which would last 10 years until our next game???

There is one goal in football, to win a Super Bowl. The Jets made it no secret that it was a Super Bowl or bust this season.

They busted, and did so in a pathetic manner.

A loss is a loss is a loss, and falling short of your goal, is failure.

What, no moral victories??? LOL

IMO everyone keeps saying they are happy with the results, that means most here are trying to convince themselves that it was a successful season even though it was really a failure. Falling short of a goal is failure. There is no sugar coating it, or moral victories.

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First of all, Pats fans need to shut the **** up. Your window is closed forever. The Jets now own your worthless asses.


Congrats on the big win over us. That was the first time in our history that a division rival beat us in a big postseason game. Those are the games that are most painful to lose and for the first time we've now experienced that pain.

That being said, you guys were the preseason favorites to not only win the division but represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. The expectations for the Patriots at the beginning of the year were as low as they've been during the Brady/Belichick era. Yet at the end of the day, the Patriots, with the youngest roster in the entire league, went 14-2(14-3) and won the AFC East again for the 8th time in 10 years while the Jets were relegated to Wild Card status once again with an 11-5(13-6) record.

The idea that the window is closed forever on the Patriots is completely DELUSIONAL! Especially considering that we had victories over each of the teams that comprised the Final 4. Nobody can guarantee Super Bowl Championships but we're certainly one of the few teams you can count on to be in the running year after year. Perhaps you should save your smack talk until the Jets prove they can say the same.

It'll be interesting to see how Rex and the front office rebuild your team this offseason. It would appear that there your roster is about to be turned over quite a bit. Was 2010/11 the last best shot for the Jets?

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Congrats on the big win over us. That was the first time in our history that a division rival beat us in a big postseason game. Those are the games that are most painful to lose and for the first time we've now experienced that pain.

That being said, you guys were the preseason favorites to not only win the division but represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. The expectations for the Patriots at the beginning of the year were as low as they've been during the Brady/Belichick era. Yet at the end of the day, the Patriots, with the youngest roster in the entire league, went 14-2(14-3) and won the AFC East again for the 8th time in 10 years while the Jets were relegated to Wild Card status once again with an 11-5(13-6) record.

The idea that the window is closed forever on the Patriots is completely DELUSIONAL! Especially considering that we had victories over each of the teams that comprised the Final 4. Nobody can guarantee Super Bowl Championships but we're certainly one of the few teams you can count on to be in the running year after year. Perhaps you should save your smack talk until the Jets prove they can say the same.

It'll be interesting to see how Rex and the front office rebuild your team this offseason. It would appear that there your roster is about to be turned over quite a bit. Was 2010/11 the last best shot for the Jets?

Talk about delusional.

No one is afraid of the Pats. The bully's got a bloddy nose. It's over, finished, kaput. Deal with it.

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Congrats on the big win over us. That was the first time in our history that a division rival beat us in a big postseason game. Those are the games that are most painful to lose and for the first time we've now experienced that pain.

That being said, you guys were the preseason favorites to not only win the division but represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. The expectations for the Patriots at the beginning of the year were as low as they've been during the Brady/Belichick era. Yet at the end of the day, the Patriots, with the youngest roster in the entire league, went 14-2(14-3) and won the AFC East again for the 8th time in 10 years while the Jets were relegated to Wild Card status once again with an 11-5(13-6) record.

The idea that the window is closed forever on the Patriots is completely DELUSIONAL! Especially considering that we had victories over each of the teams that comprised the Final 4. Nobody can guarantee Super Bowl Championships but we're certainly one of the few teams you can count on to be in the running year after year. Perhaps you should save your smack talk until the Jets prove they can say the same.

It'll be interesting to see how Rex and the front office rebuild your team this offseason. It would appear that there your roster is about to be turned over quite a bit. Was 2010/11 the last best shot for the Jets?

Too long. Didn't read. Brady is 34.

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The season was a failure, because the goal of playing a football season is to win a Championship.

The season was a success, because we finished as one of the top four teams in the NFL for a second year in a row, and have much to look forward to.

The past 14 years have been the most successful in Jets History, with the lone exception of nto winning the big one. We are a consistently competative team, in the playoffs as often as not, with a moderate amount of success, far in excess of the types of teams the Jets were in the 70's, and much of the 80's and all the early 90's.

I'm not happy we lost. But I am happy we're not a league laughaing stock any longer, and get to enjoy seasons that result in the kind of dissapoint (losing a big playoff game that matters) that good teams suffer when they lose.

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The season was a failure, because the goal of playing a football season is to win a Championship.

The season was a success, because we finished as one of the top four teams in the NFL for a second year in a row, and have much to look forward to.

The past 14 years have been the most successful in Jets History, with the lone exception of nto winning the big one. We are a consistently competative team, in the playoffs as often as not, with a moderate amount of success, far in excess of the types of teams the Jets were in the 70's, and much of the 80's and all the early 90's.

I'm not happy we lost. But I am happy we're not a league laughaing stock any longer, and get to enjoy seasons that result in the kind of dissapoint (losing a big playoff game that matters) that good teams suffer when they lose.

We dont allow inventing ways to be happy about the season at JN.

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The season was a failure, because the goal of playing a football season is to win a Championship.

The season was a success, because we finished as one of the top four teams in the NFL for a second year in a row, and have much to look forward to.

The past 14 years have been the most successful in Jets History, with the lone exception of not winning the big one. We are a consistently competitive team, in the playoffs as often as not, with a moderate amount of success, far in excess of the types of teams the Jets were in the 70's, and much of the 80's and all the early 90's.

I'm not happy we lost. But I am happy we're not a league laughaing stock any longer, and get to enjoy seasons that result in the kind of dissapoint (losing a big playoff game that matters) that good teams suffer when they lose.


There were more highs than lows this season. I had a blast watching those miraculous comebacks. The beatdown on the Pats in the playoffs was long overdue!

Losing in the AFC championship game is not going to take away those awesome memories. The Jets did not reach their ultimate goal for the 42nd straight year, but the season was successful by most measures.

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Great post, Fish!

With the Jets sorry history things are put in perspective, but certain accomplishments shouldn't be ignored. The 2010 marked only the second time in franchise history that the Jets have had 3 consecutive winning seasons. The other time was 1967-1969. Following the '69 season the Jets didn't have a winning season until 12 years later. Insane.

Tannenbaum talked about "sustainable success" in his presser today and the Jets have started that. They already became the first team in franchise history to win a playoff game in back-to-back years. Now they are working on doing it a third time.

People may lament how this year ended, but this team reminds me of championship teams of old. Those that slowly built toward the championship with the franchise QB. People will bring up the salary cap & turnover, but Tanny has been pretty good at handling that. The key will be Sanchez' development. If he keeps on improving, the Jets will have a chance to win it all.

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Great post, Fish!

With the Jets sorry history things are put in perspective, but certain accomplishments shouldn't be ignored. The 2010 marked only the second time in franchise history that the Jets have had 3 consecutive winning seasons. The other time was 1967-1969. Following the '69 season the Jets didn't have a winning season until 12 years later. Insane.

Tannenbaum talked about "sustainable success" in his presser today and the Jets have started that. They already became the first team in franchise history to win a playoff game in back-to-back years. Now they are working on doing it a third time.

People may lament how this year ended, but this team reminds me of championship teams of old. Those that slowly built toward the championship with the franchise QB. People will bring up the salary cap & turnover, but Tanny has been pretty good at handling that. The key will be Sanchez' development. If he keeps on improving, the Jets will have a chance to win it all.

150 posts later and we a still inventing ways to be happy about the season.


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I disagree completely with the "win it all or you suck" premise behind this thread, although this insane philosophy has permeated football fandom to a remarkable degree.

There are 32 teams in the NFL, so you start the season with one chance in 32 of winning the SuperBowl. That means that if you begin paying attention to football from the age of ten, then by the time you are 74 years old you will, on the average, experience your team winning the SuperBowl twice and 62 of the last 64 years of your life will have been devasting humiliations for you.

If you really feel this way, then why not find a nice convenient bridge, throw yourself off now and spare yourself all that pain.

Have a good day.

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  • 10 months later...

the point of NFL football is to be entertained. It's entertainment. WEre you entertained? I was. Therefore, success.

I realize this is a very old post, but it's something I've thought about a lot. I'm not old enough to have seen the Jets win the SB, and I'm young enough that the odds just dictate that I'll live to see one at some point. I really fear that they'll win and my response will be about 10 minutes of excitement, and then the feeling of, "so, that's what all those years were for, huh?"

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This year proves how stupid this thread was last year. THIS season was an epic failure. Last year was great. At least we had happy memories of the NE playoff game, which was awesome. I want to forget everything about this season.

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This thread is an overreaction. Big time.

That's all I will say because things suck right now.

Yes it is but what can we expect when the loudmouth lardass cannot back up his bluster with proper preparation of the team? The Jets are the laughingstock of the league.........even pwned by an illiterate clown like Brandon jacobs on national TV. Santonio Holmes acts like an assclown and backs it up by driopping passes all over the field. Neither of these dopes deserve a pass from us. I have one big thing to be thankful for tonight......that I live in California and all I invest in the Jets is time watching the games, and taking the abuse from folks out here who know I am a Jets fan. If I lived back there, I would have season tickets, and a PSL and would be livid. As it stands now, I am just embarrassed to be a Jets fan. Rex, Santonio, and the rest of these poseurs embarrassed us all today. Merry Christmas.

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This thread is an overreaction. Big time.

That's all I will say because things suck right now.

Yes it is but what can we expect when the loudmouth lardass cannot back up his bluster with proper preparation of the team? The Jets are the laughingstock of the league.........even pwned by an illiterate clown like Brandon Jacobs on national TV. Santonio Holmes acts like an assclown and backs it up by dropping passes all over the field. Neither of these dopes deserve a pass from us. I have one big thing to be thankful for tonight......that I live in California and all I invest in the Jets is time watching the games, and taking the abuse from folks out here who know I am a Jets fan. If I lived back there, I would have season tickets, and a PSL and would be livid. As it stands now, I am just embarrassed to be a Jets fan. Rex, Santonio, and the rest of these poseurs embarrassed us all today. Merry Christmas.

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Yes it is but what can we expect when the loudmouth lardass cannot back up his bluster with proper preparation of the team? The Jets are the laughingstock of the league.........even pwned by an illiterate clown like Brandon jacobs on national TV. Santonio Holmes acts like an assclown and backs it up by driopping passes all over the field. Neither of these dopes deserve a pass from us. I have one big thing to be thankful for tonight......that I live in California and all I invest in the Jets is time watching the games, and taking the abuse from folks out here who know I am a Jets fan. If I lived back there, I would have season tickets, and a PSL and would be livid. As it stands now, I am just embarrassed to be a Jets fan. Rex, Santonio, and the rest of these poseurs embarrassed us all today. Merry Christmas.

I am not disagreeing with anything. I think we are saying the same thing. My point was I just didn't want a fan to be called out for what they think.

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Hopefully this season will improve Rex's self and player evaluation skills. He said this was his best roster in his 3 years and that was total bullsh*t.

There were too many gaping holes, like the right side of the Oline and in the middle of the secondary which Rex should have seen.

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Hopefully this season will improve Rex's self and player evaluation skills. He said this was his best roster in his 3 years and that was total bullsh*t.

There were too many gaping holes, like the right side of the Oline and in the middle of the secondary which Rex should have seen.

Did he really say that? with Wayne Hunter at RT?


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The goal was a Super Bowl.

We didn't get there......again.

So sick of being happy with Wild Cards and title game appearances.

There is zero to be happy about. Nothing.

No Super Bowl Appearance! No AFC Championship. No AFC East Championship. Nada!

Enough of this "We've been inept so long I'm just happy to be there" and enough of the ra-ra crap already.

This season was an utter and complete failure an for any fan to be happy about this season is ludicrous.

I say this with the utmost respect and support. Baby need a blankie?


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