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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Our bottom contributors.. all are typically "quiet" players with the exception of SMC-section. Could he be scum again for the 15th time in a row lol? That would freakin suck!

SMC 22

Verbal 22

Jetscode1 16

WWWWombat 12

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**** you both, I'm not stalling. I had to catch up, responded to some bullsh*t and I've been back and forth with Hess.

My reveal: I'm Erin, I started the game with a letter of recommendation, it is unopened to start off.

After N1, if I receive another object I have to choose one to keep. If I give up the letter, it gets burned and is out of the game. If I don't receive another object I keep the letter and get to find out what it does.

If your really Erin, can you tell us when you started eating hard foods?

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That's your opinion. Listen I'm not going to fabricate ideas to appease you. I do better with more info to work with. We get info in our games through reveals and reactions afterwards. Also play style throughout a game is another factor I use.

Day 1 is all probability and I personally feel we are all good enough at this game to not completely Irish Jet ourselves day 1.

I also like you. I want to hug you.

You've changed...just an observation.

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If your really Erin, can you tell us when you started eating hard foods?

Its interesting that the two characters revealed thus far are attractive women on the show. Mine being Angela and I-28's being Erin. This is cause for more pictures.



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Its easy to be right when you FOS everyone in the game.

Do you even know how this joke came to be? You didn't play last year... I got over-the-top lectured my first game by Slats about being too myopic in how I played, so my 2nd game I came out and to be a prick I FOS'ed everyone like crazy, to make sure I didn't get too myopic. Like everything else in this game, my legend grew to the point where if I don't do the stupid FOS lists now - people say I'm playing different and vote me.

The 2 games before Scarface I laid off the FOS-crazy play and then Pac made me FOS the whole game on D1 last game, to be a doosh.

For the record, I sent Pac a list of my scum last game and I had 2/5 on D2... the game Crusher is talking about I had 3/4 scum, and you the SK before you shot me on like D2/3? Even though he should know better by now, Pac just likes to perpetuate the idea that my FOS lists are 100% serious business, because he thinks its more fun to call me stupid. I can't blame him, I play right into it too... its funny.

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I really didn't realize I was pissing people off so

Much. I felt like I was stating the obvious. I don't typically like being an a$$hole honestly which is what in felt people were saying.

I don't know who is pissed off or thinks your being an a$$hole... I'm not getting that vibe from anyone... I just think you are being callous and unthoughtful about how D1 unfolds, and given your super emo play at endgame last game, there is a stark contrast between you being like "meh, its probability" and you being like "AVM FUSION if you ever in your life trusted me before, now is the time to trust me I love you and want your penis in and around my mouth!"

You went from pouring your blood, sweat and tears into the game as if it was the ONLY thing that matters, to being like "meh, I'll do whatever D1 don't matter."

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What are you talking about - I've had people asking me for my reveal since 6AM.

Frankly - if we get through the reveal frenzy, we might be able to start playing.

And your role is so tame that you really just should've revealed then. The day would've gone much differently, and probably much more productively. I was starting to think you had some sort of juicy role.

Sorry if I seem snarky. I don't mean to. Blame the meds. I'm off now for my birthday dinner. See y'all later...

Happy Birthday, Lily!

Not voting: Slats, Crusher

I've actually had a vote on JiF since it was announced that he was taking over for you. However, in an odd circumstance, he seems more townie-like than you did. Hess' logic (oxymoron?) that JiF is practically a confirmed townie because you wouldn't ditch your scummates probably makes sense, too.

And no, Hess, I'm not agreeing with you because you have your eye on me. Feel free to keep it there.

Should I even bother to unvote?

I'm ignoring DPR because I think he's scummy all the time, and I'm not in the mood to get into a war of words about it. He'll be investigated or lynched eventually. Other than that, I basically have the usual people I feel good about and paranoid about. I also posted today at 1am and 6am, and didn't get much more than three hours of sleep between those two posts. I probably need to reread - which sucks, because it just took me way too long to trudge thru all the posts here just since 7pm already.

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It's not until tomorrow, but we had to go on my son's night off.

Slats, I'm treating DPR the same way for the same reasons. I poked at him once, but that's all I'm doing unless he gives me a reason.

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I don't know who is pissed off or thinks your being an a$$hole... I'm not getting that vibe from anyone... I just think you are being callous and unthoughtful about how D1 unfolds, and given your super emo play at endgame last game, there is a stark contrast between you being like "meh, its probability" and you being like "AVM FUSION if you ever in your life trusted me before, now is the time to trust me I love you and want your penis in and around my mouth!"

You went from pouring your blood, sweat and tears into the game as if it was the ONLY thing that matters, to being like "meh, I'll do whatever D1 don't matter."

That was end game. It was exhausting fighting off 2-3 people and having to beg to win. I can't be 100% give it all every single moment. I also am not going to do sOmething like that on D1.

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That was end game. It was exhausting fighting off 2-3 people and having to beg to win. I can't be 100% give it all every single moment. I also am not going to do sOmething like that on D1.

Don't expect you to - I was just explaining why I think people are looking at your play the way they are. That's all... and saying I don't think anyone is calling you and a$$hole.

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The Magic 8-ball says..."Very Doubtful"

Lol. :)

I've actually had a vote on JiF since it was announced that he was taking over for you. However, in an odd circumstance, he seems more townie-like than you did. Hess' logic (oxymoron?) that JiF is practically a confirmed townie because you wouldn't ditch your scummates probably makes sense, too.

Stop with this, means nothing.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It's not until tomorrow, but we had to go on my son's night off.

Slats, I'm treating DPR the same way for the same reasons. I poked at him once, but that's all I'm doing unless he gives me a reason.

Happy Early Birthday! :D It's already your bday where I am, though. Hehe, high five for May birthdays.

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/wipes away tear

It meant something to me!


Who's PMSing now. :)

It's been said multiple times now and I don't think it's great, whether or not you're misconstruing things on purpose and whatever your agenda may be. Just if people can try not to it would be nicer.

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DPR (4): CTM, Smash, AVM, Pac

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

CTM (2): JiF, DPR

Jetsfan80 (2): SMC, Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Brettw4rd (1): Verbal

JiF (1): J80

Lily (1): Vicious

Vicious (1): Brett

Sharrow (1): I28

AVM (1): Wombat

Not voting: Slats, Crusher

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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We run up the same people every D1, then watch town get pwned or narrowly win in end game after the cannibalizing is done. The "loudmouths" will eventually expose themselves if they are scum.

I say no more free rides to end game. We should lynch the from the quiet and shady group, and these are my top 3: Vic, Sharrow and SMC. (AVM is on the bubble.)

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All caught up. I'd say some good day 1 stuff has gone down so far.

Some interesting reactions to Pacturd, who I'm sure is just itching to be as turdy as possible after modding last game. Some interesting theories on the JF80 train. But the thing that stood out to me most, is how much you've all missed me. And I was only gone 10 days. So cute. Must have felt like a century.

I'm a little disappointed in my #2 favorite posters behavior toward the game right now. We all know day 1 is pretty much a crap shoot, but to completely blow it off as if there isnt possibly any good that could come from it, to me is a bit counter productive and untrue. And now I get why he called someone JiF 2.0 for making a case. I'm hurt. Just because I'm good at finding scum early doesnt make mean I dont have feelings.

A couple of posts by LFP stood out at me. Going to go back and look again. Probably voting based on what I remember.

JIF I think there is some productive stuff on day one what bothers me is sorting through all the nonsense to find it later in the game when it might be useful. of the 40 + pages you read how much of that was actully game related ? A joke here and there is fine entire pages of nonsense wastes time, causes people to skim or not bother at all, and ruins the game.

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That's what has me messing with you right now.. you're one of the godfathers of this style of play.. granted not necessarily to this extreme, but when I make what I think are good points and they get buried under everyone reveal hunting it gets frustrating.

What you think and whats reality are 2 very different things.

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Vote: AVM

For posting mostly fluff.

And FoS CTM for putting me in the "day one is meaningless" crowd.

You are correct, you made a post in which you defended DPR's change of style to fit in here that I mistook for being advocation

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We run up the same people every D1, then watch town get pwned or narrowly win in end game after the cannibalizing is done. The "loudmouths" will eventually expose themselves if they are scum.

I say no more free rides to end game. We should lynch the from the quiet and shady group, and these are my top 3: Vic, Sharrow and SMC. (AVM is on the bubble.)

Disagree...the problem is the "loudmouths" muddy up the bowl and confuse the sh*t of the town. Eventually, one or two of the loudmouths are removed and scum hunting becomes more effective.

To state otherwise is disconcerting...

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I really didn't realize I was pissing people off so

Much. I felt like I was stating the obvious. I don't typically like being an a$$hole honestly which is what in felt people were saying.

It's because you finally have a signature town victory that you don't have the fire any longer. You're in "who gives a ****?" mode. I know, I've been there. What more can be done?

As to the game, I buy both I28 and JF80's reveals but, per the setup, that doesn't say anything about alignment. So those 2 are still in play for me. The DPR debate is still about prolongued culture shock. It's noise to me. DanJiF is also on my radar. That's who I'd look at now.



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Disagree...the problem is the "loudmouths" muddy up the bowl and confuse the sh*t of the town. Eventually, one or two of the loudmouths are removed and scum hunting becomes more effective.

To state otherwise is disconcerting...

Any time we leave the loudmouths in the game long enough AND they are scum, it is my opinion that they eventually talk themselves into a mess. Problem is, there just isn't a big track record for it - because usually the loud players pipe down as scum and/or they get lynched early just for being Pac, or CTM, or JIF, etc.

Charming how you use this opportunity to insinuate that it was scummy comment - could it be because I'm advocating we lynch from the list of quiet players, of which you are always lumped in with.

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It's because you finally have a signature town victory that you don't have the fire any longer. You're in "who gives a ****?" mode. I know, I've been there. What more can be done?

As to the game, I buy both I28 and JF80's reveals but, per the setup, that doesn't say anything about alignment. So those 2 are still in play for me. The DPR debate is still about prolongued culture shock. It's noise to me. DanJiF is also on my radar. That's who I'd look at now.



Compelling that the blockhead goes from JF80 to JIF... vote me next and complete the trifecta of easiest places to bury a D1 vote.

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