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Merry Christmas


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Merry Christmas to my JetNation family. Today was a terrible loss, this season has been a disappointment, no doubt. But I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Enjoy the day, enjoy the time with family.

Life is far too short, always remember that and enjoy each moment despite what the Jets do to us. :)

May God Bless you all and have a very Happy New Year.

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Merry Christmas.......... I wrote these clowns off as contenders after the Tebow game anyway. I'm not happy about losing to the Giants cause now it's 4 years of listening to their sh*t but we got so many holes we gotta fix anyway(OC/Safety/RT come to mind) that the playoffs meant nothing to us this year anyway, we suck

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It's almost 4 AM and I have to say my thread title was better.

So I'm staying up and theres still no appearance from Santa. He really may not be real.

No, he's real he's just a Giants fan, Go check your car for sugar in the gas tank............................ Marry Christmas

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What a turd the Jets laid yesterday. What a sh*tty Christmas gift we got for years of undying loyalty.

Not sure if this is considered good news or not, but at least it's not the SOJ. This team has found new ways of ripping our guts out right when we started thinking "hey there's a light at the end of the tunnel"...

Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!

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2 pair of sweatpants,a $50 gc for lowes,a chocolate football,a tape measure,and a #1 dad pen. not a bad haul. was really hoping for a new right tackle and oc. maybe next year

Those other items are coming...check back in the spring. :)

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Those other items are coming...check back in the spring. :)

you know it!! big moms stopped by today and surprised me with the latest 10" tablet.dont know how to use it,but damn mom,geeze,keep your money.$500 for a half a$$ laptop with no keyboard? luv her for it,but i can live with ole school. then i break out her insense candle!!!ouchgotta love moms!!!!
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