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reminder why this is the best jets site...


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lol......spermplayer creating a thread telling anyone who wants to criticize the team and talk about cleaning house to go post on another site. i am so tempted to create a username real quick just to tell that stupid fat **** just how much he sucks on his own thread.

anyway, thnx max for making a place where we can actually speak our minds, positive or negative, about this team that we devote a nice chunk of our time to supporting without having you tell us to go somewhere else.

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The Jets PR department explicitly demands control of your content in exchange for press passes and access. This is why Max, GGG and I created JN in the first place, because we were being censored. If you noticed, the Jets don't even send Max the worthless transcripts of their press conferences anymore. Jets PR is among the most petty, juvenile and paranoid entities you'll ever deal with. Endemic of what is largely a buffoonish organization filled with, and run by, morons.

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what's more unbelievable are the sheep who got on that thread after him and applauded being censored. bunch of brown nosing douchenozzles.

Never understood the "brown nosing" culture of that site. They charged people to post there, yet people act like its a privilege to post there. Kissing a$$ to gain favor, etc. It's stupid.

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The Jets PR department explicitly demands control of your content in exchange for press passes and access. This is why Max, GGG and I created JN in the first place, because we were being censored. If you noticed, the Jets don't even send Max the worthless transcripts of their press conferences anymore. Jets PR is among the most petty, juvenile and paranoid entities you'll ever deal with. Endemic of what is largely a buffoonish organization filled with, and run by, morons.

So, I don't know the history of JN... are you really part of the foundation? Or just typical tomshane shenanigans?

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I really hate how our fan base is willing to accept mediocrity just because the franchise was complete sh*t for so long. Front offices and coaches deserve jack sh*t unless the give us a championship. Two AFC championship games mean nothing, we got hot at the right time and still couldn't close out, neither of those regular seasons were particularly impressive either.

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The Jets PR department explicitly demands control of your content in exchange for press passes and access. This is why Max, GGG and I created JN in the first place, because we were being censored. If you noticed, the Jets don't even send Max the worthless transcripts of their press conferences anymore. Jets PR is among the most petty, juvenile and paranoid entities you'll ever deal with. Endemic of what is largely a buffoonish organization filled with, and run by, morons.

What? What is this your version of revisionist history? :)

Censorship is real. Although the Jets do have us on their list for transcripts and info now. They refused to give JetNation press passes though, several times.

I did witness the censorship when I met Tanny at Florham Park with another group and was told I wasn't allowed to ask questions. My 8 year old son could ask questions but not me. Ah, good stuff.

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anyway, thnx max for making a place where we can actually speak our minds, positive or negative, about this team that we devote a nice chunk of our time to supporting without having you tell us to go somewhere else.

Thanks man I appreciate that. Can honestly say that if I ever felt like telling EVERYONE here they were stupid, it would be time to hang up the proverbial keyboard.

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Oh, so you just came here and signed up... but Phil started the site?

I left JI when Sean started deleting posts. Max came and found me on the other site I was posting on. I said, "we should start our own site." Max handled the tech stuff, I did the content stuff. GGG was PR. And that's how JN started.

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I really hate how are fan base is willing to accept mediocrity just because the franchise was complete sh*t for so long. Front offices and coaches deserve jack sh*t unless the give us a championship. Two AFC championships mean nothing, we got hot at the right time and still couldn't close out, neither of those regular seasons were particularly impressive either.

The lack of an AFC East first place finish and any home playoff games really stick out for me. I am happy with Rex but this isn't exactly the Lombardi McCarthy Packers we are talking about here.

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I left JI when Sean started deleting posts. Max came and found me on the other site I was posting on. I said, "we should start our own site." Max handled the tech stuff, I did the content stuff. GGG was PR. And that's how JN started.

Sounds like a sequel to Brokeback Mountain if I ever heard one.

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The Jets PR department explicitly demands control of your content in exchange for press passes and access. This is why Max, GGG and I created JN in the first place, because we were being censored. If you noticed, the Jets don't even send Max the worthless transcripts of their press conferences anymore. Jets PR is among the most petty, juvenile and paranoid entities you'll ever deal with. Endemic of what is largely a buffoonish organization filled with, and run by, morons.

i understand the reason. but him getting on and publicly calling people stupid because theu hold the opinion that this team needs a big makeover is just complete douche. just make it part of the terms of use of the site. it can go something like:

"hey guys in my futile attempt to become a relative part of the media and realize my dream of becoming somebody more than just another fat jets fanboy......there is no badmouthing of the jets as an organization or anybody in the front office allowed. coaches or team members are only to be praised on this site. you are more than welcome to come post anything positive about the jets you'd like.......blah blah blah i like pancakes and cocks"

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lol......spermplayer creating a thread telling anyone who wants to criticize the team and talk about cleaning house to go post on another site. i am so tempted to create a username real quick just to tell that stupid fat **** just how much he sucks on his own thread.

anyway, thnx max for making a place where we can actually speak our minds, positive or negative, about this team that we devote a nice chunk of our time to supporting without having you tell us to go somewhere else.

Really, and here I thought this was the best site because the mods were only moderately insane and it didn't celebrate antisemitism. Who knew it had anything to do with football talk?

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Ahh the early days. I remember them fondly. We were all posting away on JI and decided a change was in the offing as the site had gotten overrun by homers and juveniles. Then....it happened. A slow, but meaningful migration to this new land of milk and honey where the beer flowed like wine and the birds flocked like the salmon of Capostrano. And nobody ******* invited me. Good times.

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Really, and here I thought this was the best site because the mods were only moderately insane and it didn't celebrate antisemitism. Who knew it had anything to do with football talk?

Not going to lie, that made me laugh.

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Ahh the early days. I remember them fondly. We were all posting away on JI and decided a change was in the offing as the site had gotten overrun by homers and juveniles. Then....it happened. A slow, but meaningful migration to this new land of milk and honey where the beer flowed like wine and the birds flocked like the salmon of Capostrano. And nobody ******* invited me. Good times.

Where you really not invited? I still have the invite list. Don't lie, I can check it...

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Where you really not invited? I still have the invite list. Don't lie, I can check it...

Where you really not invited? I still have the invite list. Don't lie, I can check it...

Not invited. Just wandered in, eyes blinking and saying "Hey. What are you guys all doing here?" Then I realized. And sad happened to me. I've never forgiven any of you.

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Not invited. Just wandered in, eyes blinking and saying "Hey. What are you guys all doing here?" Then I realized. And sad happened to me. I've never forgiven any of you.

When we created the list it was a process. It was something we worked on and at launch we executed. We know the results were good but that they could have been better. So as part of the process we continually monitor the list and work towards improving it. This is the salary cap age so we are limited in many ways. That does not deter us from remaining vigilant and persistent. That is how we approach the list and in the offseason we step back and evaluate the list again. Measure twice, cut once that is what we say.

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When we created the list it was a process. It was something we worked on and at launch we executed. We know the results were good but that they could have been better. So as part of the process we continually monitor the list and work towards improving it. This is the salary cap age so we are limited in many ways. That does not deter us from remaining vigilant and persistent. That is how we approach the list and in the offseason we step back and evaluate the list again. Measure twice, cut once that is what we say.

Sounds legit.

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Have not been over there much in years but all I can say is wow. Between that linked thread and one's by that SAR troll and Limo plus all the blatant homers and JI ownership butt kissers it is horrific reading. Thankfully there is very little of that here.

You guys could do a little better on the butt kissing. Just saying.

True story: I am on Facebook the other day and the people you may know thing has this name under it: JI_LimoLady.

Who starts a Facebook account based on your online username?

Anyhow if anyone wants to connect to me on FB send a request to @JetNation _Maxman

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So you measured twice...cut once...due diligence...looked under every rock....continually monitored persistently and vigilantly...and forgot to put my name on the list?

Ok. (feels worse. accepts nonsensical response for fear of the alternative reason his IM was blank). (Hates Tannenbaum even more for some reason).

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