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Soooo, you're Woody Johnson and the agents for Bill Polian, Jeff Fisher and Peyton Manning call you right now...


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Soooo, you're Woody Johnson and the agents for Bill Polian, Jeff Fisher and Peyton Manning call you right now saying that you can have all three in a package deal signed by tomorrow at noon, but ONLY if you commit to it right away. Would you fire Tanny and Rex to do it? I realize it's a crazy hypothetical, but I think it's something you'd have to consider.

Of course, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Soooo, you're Woody Johnson and the agents for Bill Polian, Jeff Fisher and Peyton Manning call you right now saying that you can have all three in a package deal signed by tomorrow at noon, but ONLY if you commit to it right away. Would you fire Tanny and Rex to do it? I realize it's a crazy hypothetical, but I think it's something you'd have to consider.

Of course, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Of course, Rex is such a giant fool who's only good at making foot porno. Tanny should be an accountant cause he wouldn't know how to evalute talent if it slapped him across the face. While were at it throw all our draft picks at the Colts for good measure.

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Gah, without knowing Peyton's health this would be tough to do. I can live without Tanny, would rather have rex then fischer.. and Manning is as much of a question mark as sanchez at this point, unfortunately

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I do not like Jeff Fisher.

I don't really hold Fisher in that high regard either, but I certainly trust him more as a coach then I do Sanchez as a QB, and unless Peyton's health is utter crap he'd be a significant upgrade over Sanchez.

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I say NO!

Questions on Manning's health, type of compensation.

Team Bill Polian put together looked like sheet without Manning on the field.

Jeff Fisher might have a chance of being good if a Peyton can play like Peyton. Otherwise he is average at best.

Bottomline if you can get Peyton for a reasonable price and he can play like he used to , you do not need Bill Polian and Jeff Fisher to be successful. Just fire Schotty!

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Soooo, you're Woody Johnson and the agents for Bill Polian, Jeff Fisher and Peyton Manning call you right now saying that you can have all three in a package deal signed by tomorrow at noon, but ONLY if you commit to it right away. Would you fire Tanny and Rex to do it? I realize it's a crazy hypothetical, but I think it's something you'd have to consider.

Of course, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Done deal. IMO

When we were in the process of hiring Rex, I had a couple threads on the other site about wishing Fisher was available. Fisher was my pipe dream. Cowher was my top choice. Rex wasn't someone I had considered... still rooting for the fat idiot to become a whole coach, and fix this mess, but I'm pissed at him at the moment.

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I say NO!

Questions on Manning's health, type of compensation.

Team Bill Polian put together looked like sheet without Manning on the field.

Jeff Fisher might have a chance of being good if a Peyton can play like Peyton. Otherwise he is average at best.

Bottomline if you can get Peyton for a reasonable price and he can play like he used to , you do not need Bill Polian and Jeff Fisher to be successful. Just fire Schotty!


You don't need the other 2 if Peyton comes over, Peyton becomes the QB/O-Coordinator, and Rex can go back to not caring about the offense and be A defensive coordinator/Head Coach mostly by title only.

Tanny might not be great in talent evaluation (Im not sure either way personally) but he is great at manipulating the cap and that is a huge + in this NFL. Just get Peyton another weapon at WR with speed and let Rex retool what he wants on the D and were all set.

Of course this is fantasy land and will never happen, for some reason the Jets think Schotty is Peyton Manning of O-Coordinators, and both Ryan and Tanny have hooked there sails to him and it will cost them both there jobs next year if they keep him on, seriously if Schotty is our O-Coordinator next year Woody will have no choice but to clean house again after next seasons debacle of Mark, Holmes, and Schotty. All 3 can not coexist and as of right now it looks like all 3 will be back, this will be an even bigger debacle next season if it holds true. I do believe Mark and Schotty can exist, and Mark and Holmes can get it together but, no combination that keeps Holmes and Schotty together will ever work.

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I'd really have to think a about it because we'd probably have to let Schotty walk and he's led us to back to back AFC championships. Remember that Payton is going to want the freedom to call a lot of his own plays. The only way I can see this actually working is if Schotty would accept a Captains role so he can just sit on the bench and pout when Payton doesn't show up to his meeting or Audibles to a pass beyond 5 yards.

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Soooo, you're Woody Johnson and the agents for Bill Polian, Jeff Fisher and Peyton Manning call you right now saying that you can have all three in a package deal signed by tomorrow at noon, but ONLY if you commit to it right away. Would you fire Tanny and Rex to do it? I realize it's a crazy hypothetical, but I think it's something you'd have to consider.

Of course, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Read the following Telephone conference:


Gentlemen, are you on?


Yes Mr. Woody, we are all here.


Ok let me get this straight, I get, Bill, Jeff and Peyton? If I sign on the dotted line now? Is that correct sirs?


Yes Mr. Woody.


Well, I believe its a fair deal. Ok We have a deal.

Heck.....I have a woody just thinking about it.

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