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LT on Sanchez- not lazy, pampered, needs weapons on offense, hates Santonip


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Right, Rivers was just playing on a torn ACL in the AFCG while LT sat on the bench sulking like a little bitch, not talking to the team while his QB was giving one of the gutsiets performance's I've seen in a long time.

And even if he was right or wrong...he's a little bitch for running his mouth on the way out. Just like he's doing now. He's a coward.

No, lack of respect because he's not man enough to make a difference...but instead, talking sh*t on his way out when he'll never have to face any of those guys again.

THIS! I told you all that LT was a b*tch. The guy is as selfish as they come. Total a-hole.

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Yeah my dilusions ... So we draft Luck Take a cap hit for Sanchez and you can explain after we pay Lucks salary where the money is coming from to Fix the O-Line, WR, Safeties, blocking TEs ? Oh wait My dilusional a$$ forgot Luck makes all the Jets Better like Peyton Manning would My mistake

Not that it matters, but given the new rookie wage scale:

Sanchez's 2012 cap number > Luck's 2012 cap number + Sanchez 2012 dead money (if cut)

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Everyone is pinning this on Holmes...not sure why Plax gets a free pass

Why do I think alot of the turbulance came from Plax

I put a lot of the blame on WR coach Henry Ellard Jon-it was HIS unit that most of this stuff started in-I was calling for his firing almost as loudly as I was for Schottenheimer's-why Matt Cavanaugh still the QB coach is my question...

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Really? I never really knew Keyshawn to be a team player...."He is like a smurf" rings a bell

After Parcells came in, KJ learned to keep complaints (if he had any) with team context. Once Groh came on board, he opened up his yap again.

It extends from leadership first. It does not make the player less accountable, but these issues were allowed to fester this year, and that is directly on Rex. Just like his daddy used to do it. If he does not fix his ways, he will have a short shelf life.

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THIS! I told you all that LT was a b*tch. The guy is as selfish as they come. Total a-hole.

aaah-I have no problem with what Tomlinson did here Tee...if telling the truth is now considered being "as selfish as they come" and "a biatch" then I don't know what is happening to this world...we need MORE people stepping up and telling us very disappointed Jets fans WHY, WHAT, and by WHO are the causes that we are all feeling the way we are feeling right now.

Look, LT punched his ticket out of town and I think that was part of the plan-he didn't WANT to be a Jet anymore. What's gonna suck for THIS Jets fan is to see if talking costs a guy like Greg McElroy a chance at ever being the Jets starter...I like the way he plays, with fire and I suspect that HE wouldn't keep quiet and sit by himself with his arms over the bench like Sanvchez would all year. He would be more like Tom Brady was when we saw him yelling at Randy Moss on the sidelines-now THAT'S how a leader acts....I like Greg McElroy and could someday envision him being a Pat Ryan type of Jets QB

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After Parcells came in, KJ learned to keep complaints (if he had any) with team context. Once Groh came on board, he opened up his yap again.

It extends from leadership first. It does not make the player less accountable, but these issues were allowed to fester this year, and that is directly on Rex. Just like his daddy used to do it. If he does not fix his ways, he will have a short shelf life.

Thoght Key called Wayne a smurf while BP was coaching,,,true, Bill had the ability, and strong voice to keep players quiet

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I suspect Rex is going to tone down the rah rah stuff. I'm not exactly happy that we're 8-8 but I don't think it's the end of the world either.

They've finally gotten rid of Schotty, will hopefully get rid of Holmes, and will most certainly upgrade the safties and OL. These aren't impossible fixes here.

I agree...the one factor is we need a HC to lead not cheerlead.....Rex needs to improve and learn from his mistakes...That's what I am trying to say.

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Wow Jimmy...you've come apart on us, Bro

I don't see how...as a Jets fan I wanted to know what the hell happened to my team, who was the cause OF it, and how the players feel about each other-all we ever get from them is the politically correct nonsense JUST LIKE the crap we'd hear from Eric Mangini week in and week out. I LIKE hearing the truth and I respect truth tellers-I've had enough of the other for years and years here in the internet age

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I don't see how...as a Jets fan I wanted to know what the hell happened to my team, who was the cause OF it, and how the players feel about each other-all we ever get from them is the politically correct nonsense JUST LIKE the crap we'd hear from Eric Mangini week in and week out. I LIKE hearing the truth and I respect truth tellers-I've had enough of the other for years and years here in the internet age

Lets be honest...as a Jets fan, even with this 8-8 season, this has been the best run (Post Joe Namath) in the teams history. I trust the coach will continue this run. I have yet to hear a player say he doesn't like, or want to play for Rex

I'm not too upset with a player or 2 spouting off when they don't get the ball. I think it will help our QB grow....and before next season you'll see Santonio and Mark kiss and make up. They need each other.

I think signing Plax was the root of the problem. Tone and Plax are "homies" not good when the two start complaining to each other.

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How on earth Sanchez hasnt been placed in a no win situation is beyond me. He's been given the keys to a Porche and he drives it like a beat up pick-up truck. The lack of attention to the OL was a mistake but I really cant blame them. It used to be the strenght of the team. Maybe you forget the Cromoartie mistakes in the Raiders game? Pretty sure thats what did us in. Granted the D was terrible...I think it was the first game without Bryan Thomas who is very good vs the run and containing anything that they try to break to the outside. Denver game? Please. That pick 6 was one of the worst throws I've ever seen. How can you blame a defense when they held a team to 10pts at home? Really?

Its not a mess. An 8-8 team who at one point was 8-5 and even earlier season could have knocked off the Pats for the division - is not a mess. A couple of fixes here, a couple there and this team is fine. What isnt fine is the most important position on the field.

LMFAO did you just call the jets offense a Porsche? Jesus, you really are delusional. I can't believe how highly you hold Holmes, Keller, and Plex. That group is mediocre AT BEST.

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Lets be honest...as a Jets fan, even with this 8-8 season, this has been the best run (Post Joe Namath) in the teams history. I trust the coach will continue this run. I have yet to hear a player say he doesn't like, or want to play for Rex

I'm not too upset with a player or 2 spouting off when they don't get the ball. I think it will help our QB grow....and before next season you'll see Santonio and Mark kiss and make up. They need each other.

I think signing Plax was the root of the problem. Tone and Plax are "homies" not good when the two start complaining to each other.

right now I don't share your confidence in Rex's ability to fix this mess. I can't see Sanchez and Holmes being able to work it out-one will have to go...

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The guy is a career #2 receiver who has one season under his belt as a #1 receiver and it was an unmitigated disaster. After his Super Bowl game, everyone dubbed him as one of the best and have tried to justify it ever since then. The fact that people try to credit him for single-handedly winning so many of the Jets games last year only proves that point, considering how laughable that is. My personal favorite has to be the credit he gets for that Cleveland game after it was his fault the game even lasted that long, because he dropped what should have been the game-winner at the end of regulation. The Texans game is another good one considering Edwards' reception was about 1000 times more impressive than Holmes'.

The truth is there's next to no evidence throughout his entire career that supports Holmes' being anything but a pretty good starting receiver with a horrendous attitude and garbage work ethic, outside of a litany of excuses why it isn't his fault that he's never actually consistently performed at the level he's allegedly at. He makes the occasional cool looking catch so some people fall all over themselves in their praise of him, but the truth is he's an inconsistent, sloppy player with poor hands and ball security with an awful attitude. Don't get me wrong, the raw ability is certainly there, but the #1 reason he has never realized it is himself.


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The guy is a career #2 receiver who has one season under his belt as a #1 receiver and it was an unmitigated disaster. After his Super Bowl game, everyone dubbed him as one of the best and have tried to justify it ever since then. The fact that people try to credit him for single-handedly winning so many of the Jets games last year only proves that point, considering how laughable that is. My personal favorite has to be the credit he gets for that Cleveland game after it was his fault the game even lasted that long, because he dropped what should have been the game-winner at the end of regulation. The Texans game is another good one considering Edwards' reception was about 1000 times more impressive than Holmes'.

The truth is there's next to no evidence throughout his entire career that supports Holmes' being anything but a pretty good starting receiver with a horrendous attitude and garbage work ethic, outside of a litany of excuses why it isn't his fault that he's never actually consistently performed at the level he's allegedly at. He makes the occasional cool looking catch so some people fall all over themselves in their praise of him, but the truth is he's an inconsistent, sloppy player with poor hands and ball security with an awful attitude. Don't get me wrong, the raw ability is certainly there, but the #1 reason he has never realized it is himself.

He was the same player in college too. Bad drops, dumb penalities, sloppy play. It carried onto Pittsburgh and now here. He really hasnt improved at all throughout his career.

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aaah-I have no problem with what Tomlinson did here Tee...if telling the truth is now considered being "as selfish as they come" and "a biatch" then I don't know what is happening to this world...we need MORE people stepping up and telling us very disappointed Jets fans WHY, WHAT, and by WHO are the causes that we are all feeling the way we are feeling right now.

Look, LT punched his ticket out of town and I think that was part of the plan-he didn't WANT to be a Jet anymore. What's gonna suck for THIS Jets fan is to see if talking costs a guy like Greg McElroy a chance at ever being the Jets starter...I like the way he plays, with fire and I suspect that HE wouldn't keep quiet and sit by himself with his arms over the bench like Sanvchez would all year. He would be more like Tom Brady was when we saw him yelling at Randy Moss on the sidelines-now THAT'S how a leader acts....I like Greg McElroy and could someday envision him being a Pat Ryan type of Jets QB

You have conveniently forgotten his antics in San Diego. The guy is a d-bag.

Just my opinion here - but can everyone just STFU! True leaders STFU! You have a problem - fix it - INTERNALLY! Don't use the media (vultures) to push your agenda. You guys missed the Vets they let go. Pretty sure Woody would have grabbed the crybabies by the throat, shoved 'em against the locker and told 'em that this is not the way business is done here. End of story. Get in-line and STFU!

I'm really starting to think that Belichick's Fort Knox philosophy is the way to go. Say company line bs to the media - keep the crap in the lockeroom bathroom. It's 'aint sexy and it makes you look like a prick....oh well.

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I'm really starting to think that Belichick's Fort Knox philosophy is the way to go. Say company line bs to the media - keep the crap in the lockeroom bathroom. It's 'aint sexy and it makes you look like a prick....oh well.

If Belichick killed your dog, you'd find a way to spin it and say the dog deserved it

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I'm really starting to think that Belichick's Fort Knox philosophy is the way to go. Say company line bs to the media - keep the crap in the lockeroom bathroom. It's 'aint sexy and it makes you look like a prick....oh well.

hogwash.. there hasn't been a successful Belichick disciple yet. Crennel, Mangini, Fat Charlie, and Josh all failed.

his "philosophy" works because Tom Brady is the QB.

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He was one of the players that seemed to play with heart and passion down the stretch, when everything fell apart. He was giving effort.

I appreciate what appears to be honesty, and it was not done in a malicious way.

Nah, insulting his entire unit isnt malicious.

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I agree...the one factor is we need a HC to lead not cheerlead.....Rex needs to improve and learn from his mistakes...That's what I am trying to say.

I'm very interested to hear what he's going to sound like next year.. I think he's incapable of shutting up but I doubt he'll be as bragadocious.

Maybe he should just guarantee a wild card spot and go from there.

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I will say that I agree with Jif and garb that LT does act like a bitch. I think it's hilarious that he has that dumbass tattoo of the Jets of his calf to go along with the San Diego one. LT should not be talking about this, but he has to look out for himself and may be trying to get into a media role after retirement. I am glad that he did this though as it is really shedding a light on Rex Ryan's mismanagement and maybe it will force Ryan to reassess his role as Head Coach, even though he came out and said he won't change

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Wow. You have absolutely lost all grasp on reality. Now apparently Holmes isn't to blame for his own actions, and him being a locker room cancer that the entire team has grown to hate is good for the team. You have officially gone off the deep end.

JiF can't go over the deep end because he already lives at the bottom of the ocean.

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hogwash.. there hasn't been a successful Belichick disciple yet. Crennel, Mangini, Fat Charlie, and Josh all failed.

his "philosophy" works because Tom Brady is the QB.

Winning cures all ills, first and foremost. Yes. But holy moly, what does talking to the press do besides cause a bigger sh*t storm? The New York media blows....they love blowing things out of proportion and have a party with negative news. No good comes from talking "candidly" to the media regarding negative issues. None.

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Winning cures all ills, first and foremost. Yes. But holy moly, what does talking to the press do besides cause a bigger sh*t storm? The New York media blows....they love blowing things out of proportion and have a party with negative news. No good comes from talking "candidly" to the media regarding negative issues. None.

That's Rex's fault. He wants his guys speaking their minds. That's been his mantra from day 1.

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Winning cures all ills, first and foremost. Yes. But holy moly, what does talking to the press do besides cause a bigger sh*t storm? The New York media blows....they love blowing things out of proportion and have a party with negative news. No good comes from talking "candidly" to the media regarding negative issues. None.

He was the toast of the town until a couple months ago.

I think the situation looks dire to the people on this board because we're die-hards and not the typical fan. The Cowboys of the early 90's were far more of a mess but no one talks about that now.

I think by training camp a lot of this goes away.. team will look different and Rex probably takes it down a notch or 2. I'm actually pretty excited to see what changes are coming.

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I think the situation looks dire to the people on this board because we're die-hards and not the typical fan. The Cowboys of the early 90's were far more of a mess but no one talks about that now.

The Cowboys also had three young Hall of Famers to look forward to.

Agreed about fans panicking a little bit, but it's also because our last two coaches both had early success followed by nosedives. Scary business.

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He also said that there is no doubt that Santonio is an incredible player/talent. And I'm not pissed at LT for what he said about Holmes, I'm pissed at him for sh*tting all over the team on his way out. Not just Santonio, Rex, MIkey T, and then he proceeeded to take a shot at the entire offense by saying there is no talent? **** that guy, he's a little whiny bitch and I'm pissed he ever played a down on this team. He's a coward who pulled the same sh*t in San Diego. Throw everyone under the bus on your way out of town.

Sorry, zero respect for that little whiny bitch.

Well, you are the expert on little whiny bitches since that's what you do best so I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

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Pretty much said Santonio needs to go. Sanchez isnt lazy, limited talent on offense. Sanchez and Santonio hate eachother....but this is what Rex wanted as a lockerroom. Should have never switched the identity of the Jets. Rex adds pressure with proclomations.

In Sanchez's defense, when I went to the Jets/Giants game on Christmas Eve and I could actually see the team's offensive formations, the only thing their offense did under the talentless Schottenheimer was to have Holmes and Burress run long post patterns, and split LT/Greene and Keller wide to catch screen/dump passes. THAT WAS THEIR ONLY PASSING PLAY ON OFFENSE. SERIOUSLY.

So, it will be interesting to see whether Sanchez actually does improve.

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