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2 hypotheticals, Sanchez doesn't progress...


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Every one of those teams has to concern itself with the Jets' D. The Jets won't be winning a lot of games because of their amazing offense. The role for Sanchez and the rest of the offense will simply be to limit turnovers and get a couple more first downs. It's not a huge task. I don't think it's going to take a miracle for Mark to accomplish that, even against better defenses. A lot of weight is going to placed on the OL and the running game, with newly acquired speed on the outside helping to keep the opposition honest.

When the Jets play a great defensive team, it's going to be a close low scoring game. We're going to see Tony Sparano fist pumping after FGs this year.

Problem with limiting turnovers and all that happy horsheet is Sanchez turns the ball over at least once or twice a game. There's nothing to say that it will get better. Opposing teams know it. The Jets figure to continue to be a 3 and out machine facing 9 and 10 man fronts unless they can pass effectively. And as we have seen often the Jets defense will wear out if they are on the field all day. it's too low of a margin for error.

Understand; pass the ball effectively or die. Even when the Jets led the NFL in rushing in Ryan's first year they managed to win all of 9 games and barely made the playoffs. Great defense and a good rushing attack are only going to take you so far.

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Some of you folks think the defense can carry the team with Sparano playing for field goals.....really?....the same defense that couldnt get a big stop one time last year?..........really????

Just FGs obviously isn't going to cut it, but this is hardly the same defense. Coples, Laundry, Davis, bulked up Maybin, trimmed down Scott and Ellis.... Looking forward to seeing what this group can do.

Problem with limiting turnovers and all that happy horsheet is Sanchez turns the ball over at least once or twice a game. There's nothing to say that it will get better. Opposing teams know it. The Jets figure to continue to be a 3 and out machine facing 9 and 10 man fronts unless they can pass effectively. And as we have seen often the Jets defense will wear out if they are on the field all day. it's too low of a margin for error.

Sanchez cut his interception rate in half from his rookie season to his sophomore year. It crept up a little last year, but the whole team kinda sucked last year and Sanchez was left having to try to do more with less.

Schottenheimer and Plaxico are gone, a more straight forward system and a couple WRs who can run are in. No reason Sanchez can't reduce the turnover rate again.

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The Jets went out of their way to really diffuse any possibility of a QB controversy so far in the OTAs. I think that will be a theme that extends thru training camp and the early part of the regular season. They want to give Mark every chance to succeed, and will bend over backwards to not undermine him. They know how difficult their early schedule is as well as you do, and the emphasis will be on protecting Mark and winning with defense.

The negatives are obvious. If Mark can get thru the early part of the schedule with more wins than losses, more TDs than ints, he could be in really good shape moving forward. If he gets punched in the mouth in the first month of the season, then he'll either have to man up or start practicing his clipboard holding skills. It's not going to be easy, especially with the team learning a new offense, but I really think he's going to be given the benefit of the doubt in the early going because of all of those factors.

If they learn lessons in the first quarter of the season, it should pay dividends over a pretty easy second half of the schedule. I don't think they'll have a quick hook for Sanchez at all with that in mind.

The bolded is where we disagree. Rex knows he's being treated like a punchline at this point, which is why we constantly hear this new "Humble Rex" spiel. He's not going to let his QB make him 8-8 (or worse) again. If they struggle, he's not blaming his defense. He's not blaming Holmes. He's not blaming Sparano. The crosshairs are all on the QB. Tebow wasn't brought in to cover punts or play some archaic Wildcat nonsense (an offense even Sjarano gave up on). Tebow's here to sell tickets and to get late-season Jets games flexed into prime time. If Sanchez sneezes wrong, he's out.

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Another scenario can be, he is replaced by Tebow mid season who continues to suck but is picked up by the offense and the JETS go deep into playoffs on the basis of their defense alone. Then Tebow is our starter for the next 4 seasons.

Right just like with the Broncos last year....oh wait...in the Steelers playoff game he threw for 316 yds 2 tds and had a QB rating of 125.6. He also rushed for 50 yds and a TD.

Dang...but thanks for playing.

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Right just like with the Broncos last year....oh wait...in the Steelers playoff game he threw for 316 yds 2 tds and had a QB rating of 125.6. He also rushed for 50 yds and a TD.

Dang...but thanks for playing.

Sorry, how did i forget that. But since you seem to have a better memory than me pray do tell me what did he do in the next game ?

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Sorry, how did i forget that. But since you seem to have a better memory than me pray do tell me what did he do in the next game ?

Honestly...pretty mediocre...which was a lot better than the defense which gave up 363 passing yards and 6 Tds to Brady and even gave up 61 yds on 5 carries to Aaron Hernandez.

I'm not saying Tebow is an elite QB right now, I'm not even saying he should start over Sanchez, but he never quits on his team and late in games if the other team gives him an opening he tends to take advantage. Always gives credit to his teammates and always tries to divert credit from himself.

Nice change considering some of the locker room cancers around the league.

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Why do you say silly things like this? Do you think ignoring Tebow will somehow make him not exist?

It's very hard to take you seriously on any issue if you post sh*t like this, you know.



Sometimes, SOMETIMES.. rarely.. but sometimes... things are meant in a humorous tone. Sometimes.

lol @ me wanting to be taken seriously.

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Sure and Alex Smith makes me throw up in my mouth. The niners are beatable, especially at 1pm in the Met Life stadium. If it were 4pm or 8pm start I'd be more worried.

Dude, don't get me wrong. I believe they are beatable too. I got the Jets winning at least 12 games. I am just saying, the Niners are no picnic. Niners > Steelers.
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here's a big hypothetical, Greg McElroy making this team after he popped off to the media. let's start there. You want replace Sanchez with McElroy, that's gonna be hard after McElroy gets cut.

And told the truth? Is Revis' going to get cut because he told the truth about Belichick? Granted, apples and oranges, but what McElroy said is as breaking news as the sky is blue or the sun will rise tomorrow.

A. and he is replaced mid season by McElroy or Kerley at QB. Do we retain him for the following season?

B. but remains the starter the entire season, do we retain him for the following season?

And repeat the mistake of Chad again? That would be awesome. I do not think A happens, but if he struggles, the Jets need to move in a different direction. The Bills and Phins made move to bet better and to take the lead in the "who got next" AFC East contest. If Mark struggles, the Jets will have wasted another year of the D playing in the upper part of the league. With the cap reportedly going to be flat for the next few seasons, give him a raise would be a mistake.

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Sure and Alex Smith makes me throw up in my mouth. The niners are beatable, especially at 1pm in the Met Life stadium. If it were 4pm or 8pm start I'd be more worried.

3 things to support your comment:

Home advantage.

Mark has stated he likes playing the earlier games. (every little bit helps)

The Jets (& Mark) play better against harder teams and under pressure.

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The bolded is where we disagree. Rex knows he's being treated like a punchline at this point, which is why we constantly hear this new "Humble Rex" spiel. He's not going to let his QB make him 8-8 (or worse) again. If they struggle, he's not blaming his defense. He's not blaming Holmes. He's not blaming Sparano. The crosshairs are all on the QB. Tebow wasn't brought in to cover punts or play some archaic Wildcat nonsense (an offense even Sjarano gave up on). Tebow's here to sell tickets and to get late-season Jets games flexed into prime time. If Sanchez sneezes wrong, he's out.

We do disagree.

My feeling is that the Jets are pretty much all in with Sanchez for at least this year. The contract extension he just signed has the team on the hook thru 2013. They'll give him all of this year to prove himself, and if he doesn't, then they'll give Tebow a shot at some point next year before going out in search of another franchise QB in 2014. I do agree with you that Tebow is Plan B, I just don't think they have any intention of implementing that plan until 2013 at the earliest.

The contract, getting rid of Schotty, adding a couple big, fast, Braylon-like WRs, all add up to really giving Mark a shot to me.

I also agree with you that Rex is a little embarrassed by his Super Bowl predictions, and that we're getting this toned down Rex as a result. By he's laying it all on the line by reinvesting himself in the defense, not by hanging his reputation on any QB.

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Judging by the decisions we made to this point, we can talk all we want about the ground and pound and how thats what we are, but according to the reality of whats transpired we are a throwing team now... well, outside of our quarterbacks.

At this point, Mark isn't "green" as a qb. He needs to really show something. But realistically, the Drew Brees and Eli Mannings of this world.. the qb's that stink early on and turn out to be something special, are rare. At this point, I am willing to say that Mark is who he is gonna be for the rest of his career. A mid to lower tier QB, that says the right things, seems to be a decent guy, but just isn't cut from the cloth of the top qb's of this league.

With Sanchez having 50+ starts, I think that you are right. He appears to not understand/process what he's seeing pre or post snap, which is common with most "green" QBs but should not be an issue with a good experienced QB. The result is that Sanchez doesn't make presnap reads, he doesn't understand when receivers are open downfield, he throws behind receivers, and he relies on his check-down receivers. Many of his sacks and INTs happen because he holds on to the ball too long. Throwing late is an open invitation for DBs to snag INTs.

The deck is stacked against Mark. He opens with the Bills, then at the Steelers--both of whom are going to sack the crap out of him--then a gimme vs the Dolphins, followed by a cuisinart back-to-back against San Fran and Houston. That's a tough gauntlet for any QB, much less one with limited job security and Tim Tebow waiting in the wings. As hopeful as we want to be about the mythical switch going on in Mark's head, the reality is that it's going to take a miracle for him to not fall on his face by the time Week Six rolls around.

Even if the Jets can win some of their early games, those wins probably won't be pretty, and the Tebowites will be chanting from the get-go which will make things even worse.

Problem with limiting turnovers and all that happy horsheet is Sanchez turns the ball over at least once or twice a game. There's nothing to say that it will get better. Opposing teams know it. The Jets figure to continue to be a 3 and out machine facing 9 and 10 man fronts unless they can pass effectively. And as we have seen often the Jets defense will wear out if they are on the field all day. it's too low of a margin for error.

Understand; pass the ball effectively or die. Even when the Jets led the NFL in rushing in Ryan's first year they managed to win all of 9 games and barely made the playoffs. Great defense and a good rushing attack are only going to take you so far.

This seems to be something that Ryan and the Jets' FO refuse to accept. This isn't the 1980s or 1990s. Good teams run because they have the lead, not to get it. Even if "ground and pound" was a viable offensive strategy today, it's hard to see how the Jets could pull it off. They were 29th in YPC rushing last season, and essentially, the same cast of characters are back except for LT. Because Sanchez was so reluctant to throw downfield last season, teams were playing their safeties up, effectively throttling the run. I don't see this changing all that much under Sparano.

Just FGs obviously isn't going to cut it, but this is hardly the same defense. Coples, Laundry, Davis, bulked up Maybin, trimmed down Scott and Ellis.... Looking forward to seeing what this group can do.

Sanchez cut his interception rate in half from his rookie season to his sophomore year. It crept up a little last year, but the whole team kinda sucked last year and Sanchez was left having to try to do more with less.

Schottenheimer and Plaxico are gone, a more straight forward system and a couple WRs who can run are in. No reason Sanchez can't reduce the turnover rate again.

Landry may not be healthy enough to play. Good luck with hoping Maybin can "bulk up". He tried that in B-lo and came in about 2 pounds heavier.

Sanchez has even less this year. Stephen HIll is a project, so expecting him to be a decent #2 WR is probably not smart. Schillens is a never was. At least Burress was a reliable red zone target last season. Who do they have this year?

As for Schottenheimer, he altered his offense to try to off-set the continued depletion of talent on the offense and Sanchez's lack of development. The Jets failed to replace Faneca and Woody with equal quality. Slausson is okay. Hunter is what he is: a career backup. The Jets replaced Thomas Jones with LT in 2010 but Shonn Greene is NOT nearly as good as Jones or 2010's LT. Sanchez's development essentially stopped about midway through his second season. The lack of talent is on the FO, and maybe Ryan if he has a lot of input into personnel decisions.

Honestly...pretty mediocre...which was a lot better than the defense which gave up 363 passing yards and 6 Tds to Brady and even gave up 61 yds on 5 carries to Aaron Hernandez.

I'm not saying Tebow is an elite QB right now, I'm not even saying he should start over Sanchez, but he never quits on his team and late in games if the other team gives him an opening he tends to take advantage. Always gives credit to his teammates and always tries to divert credit from himself.

Nice change considering some of the locker room cancers around the league.

Elite? Tim Tebow isn't even a mediocre NFL QB. He had some success last season with Denver because teams took awhile to figure out how to defend him. That he and the Donkeys went 1-4 in their last 5 games, including the playoffs, and lost to the great defensive juggerNOTs the Pats (twice!) and the Bills says that Tebow's miracles as a QB are largely in the past. Film is NFL coaches' best friend, and the biggest enemy of gimmicky offenses, defenses, plays, and players.

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Landry may not be healthy enough to play. Good luck with hoping Maybin can "bulk up". He tried that in B-lo and came in about 2 pounds heavier.

If Landry is healthy, I am gonna be so happy. I love how he plays.

And Maybin was on SNY yesterday. He looked pretty huge.

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Is Revis' going to get cut because he told the truth about Belichick? Granted, apples and oranges, but what McElroy said is as breaking news as the sky is blue or the sun will rise tomorrow.

Try apples and meatloaf. Don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family.

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Hypothetical "A" is an impossibility. The Jets brought Tebow in to run the wildcat, etc., but he's also Plan B. with their defense, they will not be afraid to run a ground & pound with Tebow at the helm if Sanchez gets hurt or completely implodes.

Couldn't agree more. We also have to consider the business aspect of the game.

Dumping Sanchez for Mc. Elroy < Tebow ( ticket sales / media attention)

We love the limelight so to say as tragic as it may seem.

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Dude, don't get me wrong. I believe they are beatable too. I got the Jets winning at least 12 games. I am just saying, the Niners are no picnic. Niners > Steelers.

the only time in franchise history the Jets beat the Steelers, in Pittsburgh was in 2010. They are 1 and whatever in Pittsburgh (still 0 and whatever in Philadelphia). Thats the trends.

location matters, timing matters. this is how Vegas thinks. A smart gambler will say the Jets will have tougher sledding AT Pittsburgh then they will home against the Niners. The home field really is worth 3 points. Especially when it's an early game on the east coast, that's a real sweet situation for the Jets. It's a long flight and it's a wierd time for the Niners to play.

Just how last year's Thursday night away game at Denver was a screw job by the schedule makers, the Niners got boned when they drew the Jets at 1pm. I don't think it's late enough in the year for the game to be flexed to a primetime spot but an 8pm game is way better for SF than a 1pm game.

All this is prognostication, obviously alot can happen between now and then.

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Even if the Jets can win some of their early games, those wins probably won't be pretty, and the Tebowites will be chanting from the get-go which will make things even worse.

Yeah...they made it so much worse that they went 7-4 for the rest of the season.

This seems to be something that Ryan and the Jets' FO refuse to accept. This isn't the 1980s or 1990s. Good teams run because they have the lead, not to get it. Even if "ground and pound" was a viable offensive strategy today, it's hard to see how the Jets could pull it off. They were 29th in YPC rushing last season, and essentially, the same cast of characters are back except for LT. Because Sanchez was so reluctant to throw downfield last season, teams were playing their safeties up, effectively throttling the run. I don't see this changing all that much under Sparano.

The Broncos had basically the same cast from 2010 to 2011, most notable change was you know who. They went from 26th in total rushing to 1st and from 24th in YPC to 6th.

Elite? Tim Tebow isn't even a mediocre NFL QB. He had some success last season with Denver because teams took awhile to figure out how to defend him. That he and the Donkeys went 1-4 in their last 5 games, including the playoffs, and lost to the great defensive juggerNOTs the Pats (twice!) and the Bills says that Tebow's miracles as a QB are largely in the past. Film is NFL coaches' best friend, and the biggest enemy of gimmicky offenses, defenses, plays, and players.

And pretty much what they figured out was that the Broncos had no receivers that could work themselves open, none that could stretch the field and led the league in drops. As far as the playoff loss to the Pats, as I said above, how many teams can win when your defense give up 6 td passes.

Now I just need Ryno to post that pic of Joe Dirt again. Dang, I'd grow my hair back if I could sport a mullet that sweet.

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And pretty much what they figured out was that the Broncos had no receivers that could work themselves open, none that could stretch the field and led the league in drops. As far as the playoff loss to the Pats, as I said above, how many teams can win when your defense give up 6 td passes.

Now I just need Ryno to post that pic of Joe Dirt again. Dang, I'd grow my hair back if I could sport a mullet that sweet.

Sorry, but what the teams figured out was that the way to defense Tebow is to contain the run and force him to pass because he can't read defenses he just chucks the ball more or less in the direction of the receiver. Unlike Pitt, the Pats, Bills and Chiefs used zone coverage rather than man-to-man which enabled their DBs to have as good shots at Tebow passes as the Donkeys' WR.

However, you can believe that Tebow is a competent NFL QB if you want. When he gets his chance with the Jets, he'll be revealed for the running back who throws that he is.

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Because Sanchez was so reluctant to throw downfield last season, teams were playing their safeties up, effectively throttling the run. I don't see this changing all that much under Sparano.

Sanchez was reluctant to throw downfield? Lol! Who was he supposed to throw downfield to? He didn't have any WRs who could run last year, and he didn't have adequate protection to throw downfield to the receivers he had. This year he has two. Hill and/or Schilens will open up the whole field with their downfield speed. It'll help get that safety out of the box, and the running game should improve as a result, too.

Meanwhile, Sparano incorporates much more downfield passing than Schottenheimer ever did.

There are plenty of reasons to expect change.

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Sanchez was reluctant to throw downfield? Lol! Who was he supposed to throw downfield to? He didn't have any WRs who could run last year, and he didn't have adequate protection to throw downfield to the receivers he had. This year he has two. Hill and/or Schilens will open up the whole field with their downfield speed. It'll help get that safety out of the box, and the running game should improve as a result, too.

Meanwhile, Sparano incorporates much more downfield passing than Schottenheimer ever did.

There are plenty of reasons to expect change.

I do not want to rain on your crazy parade, but what are you talking about?

If Santonio cannot open the field, what do you expect from an unproven (Hill) or a never was (Schillen)?

You do not have to respect Hill until he proves otherwise and Schillen did little in Oakland, an environment built on the deep ball.

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I do not want to rain on your crazy parade, but what are you talking about?

If Santonio cannot open the field, what do you expect from an unproven (Hill) or a never was (Schillen)?

You do not have to respect Hill until he proves otherwise and Schillen did little in Oakland, an environment built on the deep ball.

Who are you kidding? It's obvious that you're looking to rain on my parade.

Sanchez threw the ball downfield when he had Edwards to throw to, and that in turn opened up a lot of opportunities for Hill. Opportunities that dried up with the slow-footed Plaxico on the other side. Adding two 6'4" sub 4.4 40 WRs should definitely help to loosen that up quite a bit.

The Jets will have to connect on a couple of those deep patterns to demand the respect you're talking about, but I suspect they know that and will look to demand that respect ASAP.

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Sparano dumbing down the offense, a healthy Brandon Moore and Mangold, and Hill and Chillins (that's what I call him) are going to make a huge impact on this offense.

To think we're going to see what we saw last year is misguided. I expect the Sanchize to rebound quite nicely, thank you very much.

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Sparano dumbing down the offense, a healthy Brandon Moore and Mangold, and Hill and Chillins (that's what I call him) are going to make a huge impact on this offense.

To think we're going to see what we saw last year is misguided. I expect the Sanchize to rebound quite nicely, thank you very much.

When you get rid of the stupid motion and forever play calls as Sparano will do, you're stills tuck with a run first offense with a ? QB. I want to be clear: I would love to see it work, but I cannot envision how the decision making improves. I have seen a QB who makes a lot of poor decision and fumbles way too much.

I know the options (Flynn,, trade up in the draft, trade period) were limited. Will say given that Brees is still not under contract with the Saints our GM is derelict for not trying to exploit this ongoing mess. Instead we have 2 pointless months of Revis negotiations followed by a big a$$ contract for #24 and the realization on opening day or sooner there are still holes at OL and LB that he's done nothing to fix. I know-Wayne Hunter and Bart Scott will be just fine. I'll believe that when I see it.

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We do disagree.

My feeling is that the Jets are pretty much all in with Sanchez for at least this year. The contract extension he just signed has the team on the hook thru 2013. They'll give him all of this year to prove himself, and if he doesn't, then they'll give Tebow a shot at some point next year before going out in search of another franchise QB in 2014. I do agree with you that Tebow is Plan B, I just don't think they have any intention of implementing that plan until 2013 at the earliest.

The contract, getting rid of Schotty, adding a couple big, fast, Braylon-like WRs, all add up to really giving Mark a shot to me.

I also agree with you that Rex is a little embarrassed by his Super Bowl predictions, and that we're getting this toned down Rex as a result. By he's laying it all on the line by reinvesting himself in the defense, not by hanging his reputation on any QB.

We shall see, my friend. I must say, I've always appreciated and respected the way you choose to preserve a civil and dignified tone in your rebuttals, even when you vehemently disagree with the person you're responding to. It's a joy to read.

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Sanchez was reluctant to throw downfield? Lol! Who was he supposed to throw downfield to? He didn't have any WRs who could run last year, and he didn't have adequate protection to throw downfield to the receivers he had. This year he has two. Hill and/or Schilens will open up the whole field with their downfield speed. It'll help get that safety out of the box, and the running game should improve as a result, too.

Meanwhile, Sparano incorporates much more downfield passing than Schottenheimer ever did.

There are plenty of reasons to expect change.

Who are you kidding? It's obvious that you're looking to rain on my parade.

Sanchez threw the ball downfield when he had Edwards to throw to, and that in turn opened up a lot of opportunities for Hill. Opportunities that dried up with the slow-footed Plaxico on the other side. Adding two 6'4" sub 4.4 40 WRs should definitely help to loosen that up quite a bit.

The Jets will have to connect on a couple of those deep patterns to demand the respect you're talking about, but I suspect they know that and will look to demand that respect ASAP.

What, exactly, has changed with the Jets' WRs and OL to support your claims that both will be better?

Hill is a project. He was a blocker rather than a receiver in college. His career receptions are less than good collegiate WRs get in a single season. Schillens has been a career backup.

The Jets are returning the same OL they had last season, including Wayne Hunter. Now, you can believe the manure that injuries were the reason that the OL couldn't give Sanchez enough time to throw, but the fact is, they were having pretty much the same problems at the end of the season as early in the season. They were a mediocre OL last season because the Jets FO has tried to replace quality starters like Damien Woody with career backups like Wayne Hunter. Worse, Sanchez holds the damned ball too long because he can't read defenses and can't recognize when receivers are open. He covers for that by throwing to his check-down receiver, usually his TE.

As for Tony Sparano waving a magic wand and turning mediocre and worse players into good ones, that's a pipe dream. First off, he's never been a real OC. Calling plays for part of a season does NOT equal being an OC, whose job includes creating an entire offense scheme. Furthermore, Sparano is a conservative "details guy" not a creative innovator (the wildcat came from Miami QB coach, David Lee, not from Sparano), and nothing in his stint as HC in Miami indicates that he has a feel for how to get the best out of players on either side of the ball.

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When you get rid of the stupid motion and forever play calls as Sparano will do, you're stills tuck with a run first offense with a ? QB. I want to be clear: I would love to see it work, but I cannot envision how the decision making improves. I have seen a QB who makes a lot of poor decision and fumbles way too much.

I know the options (Flynn,, trade up in the draft, trade period) were limited. Will say given that Brees is still not under contract with the Saints our GM is derelict for not trying to exploit this ongoing mess. Instead we have 2 pointless months of Revis negotiations followed by a big a$$ contract for #24 and the realization on opening day or sooner there are still holes at OL and LB that he's done nothing to fix. I know-Wayne Hunter and Bart Scott will be just fine. I'll believe that when I see it.

Like you, I'm nervous that we're once again set to watch another regime go by the boards because they went all-in on the wrong QB. If there's one thing that's exceedingly true (with minimal exceptions) in NFL history, it's that you're not going anywhere without the great QB. The process of trying to win with a Trent Dilfer, Mark Rypien or Stan Humphries requires so many things to break your way that it's a fool's errand to try and replicate it. Like you, I'm hopeful that Sanchez morphs into a great player, but it's becoming harder by the second to envision that happening. Instead, we have to hope that Coples and Maybin become elite pass rushers AND Shonn Greene and Joe McKnight turn into a dominant rushing combo AND Stephen Hill and Chaz Schilens outperform their flimsy résumés AND Wayne Hunter becomes a player he's never been, etc etc etc. Do teams overcome obstacles like these every year to win Super Bowls? History says not without the great QB there to make up for those deficiencies.

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We shall see, my friend. I must say, I've always appreciated and respected the way you choose to preserve a civil and dignified tone in your rebuttals, even when you vehemently disagree with the person you're responding to. It's a joy to read.


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