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Thank You - The Offseason Is Almost Over


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If you are reading this, you hung with us through the hell we call the offseason. I just wanted to say thank you for making JetNation your home for Jets news. Really appreciate how many people hang out and talk football year round.

That said, training camp is almost here. So there will be no shortage of things to fight talk about.

Thanks everyone and go Jets!

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As far as I'm concerned, the off-season doesn't end until the regular season kick off. So that means, what, 2 and a half more months of JetNation hell?

No. The offseason ends when I send a mass email to all 11,000 members telling them that the offseason is over. :)

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Thank YOU Max .

You do a really good job with the boards and this is a great Jets community really adds to the excitement of the football season and the offseason, which would be boring without Jet Nation.

Thank you.

Hopefully the Jets make it really boring this year. You know by winning a lot of games by a lot of points. That would be a nice and refreshing change!

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