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Real thoughts on Tim Tebow -


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ESPN is broadcasting the sh*t out of Cortland. We constantly hear how all the players (specifically Mark) are "so happy" Tim is a part of the team. Let's be real here - Eyes are rolling in that locker room....

Just read the quotes from his teammates in Denver...

Ultimately its Woody's call on how he wants the team to be covered and run. Rex can say all he wants about how they go to Cortland to bond and get away....its bullsh*t. WOody wasnt the cameras on this team 24/7 and the only way to do that is to bring in Tebow.

Hell, a major reason Sanchez was even drafted was because Woody thought he could market his looks.

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ESPN is broadcasting the sh*t out of Cortland. We constantly hear how all the players (specifically Mark) are "so happy" Tim is a part of the team. Let's be real here - Eyes are rolling in that locker room....

This post has made it official. I am fully behind Tebow and hope that he takes over the starting job from Sanchez this season.

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ESPN is broadcasting the sh*t out of Cortland. We constantly hear how all the players (specifically Mark) are "so happy" Tim is a part of the team. Let's be real here - Eyes are rolling in that locker room....

Does Tim Tebow make this team better? The answer is yes.

The media hype is what it is. The Jets wanted that for better or worse. They want to sell tickets and jerseys, I really believe that is the primary driver for bringing him here. That said, he makes this team better. He is replacing Mark Brunell as the backup QB.

So the question really is, is Tim Tebow better than Mark Brunell? The answer is yes.

He can help them in running situations. He will help them on special teams. And he provides depth.

The media circus is what it is, people wanting him to start is not going to change any of that. Mark Sanchez is the QB and injuries aside, that is simply not going to change. So I will be rooting for both of them because he does make this team better.

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My actual thoughts on him...

I was furious when I learned we signed him. Seemed incredibly gimmicky, couldn't stand the guys constant coverage and thought of him as an awful quarterback.

It's still mildly gimmicky. But I've warmed up to his apparent willingness to do anything at all to help this team out. In that regard, he can be extremely useful. Even as just a personal punt protector, he improves the punt team.

His coverage isn't his fault. I don't think he likes or wants it. But this guy handles it all with such incredible class. I am floored with how perfectly he answers all these questions and the constant media peppering about him wanting to start. Good for him. We need more of that from our athletes.

He's still an awful quarterback. But he's working his ass off to get better and the locker room responds well to a guy who so convincingly is works as hard or harder than anyone else on the field. Sporano will find his niche on offense, which will likely be with his legs, and he'll help us. Like Sanchez said, even if he helps us get 1 or 2 more first downs a game, he's helped.

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His coverage isn't his fault. I don't think he likes or wants it. But this guy handles it all with such incredible class. I am floored with how perfectly he answers all these questions and the constant media peppering about him wanting to start.

Don't kid yourself, he loves it. He wants to grow up and be Jack Kemp.

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Don't kid yourself, he loves it. He wants to grow up and be Jack Kemp.

This. That shirtless jog in the rain sealed it for me. He may not be as guiless as many of you think, His handlers are defeinitley as calculated as the come.

My opinion: Sanchez is a much better QB than Tim Tebow. Thinking otherwise is nuts!

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