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Mark vs. Tim


Mark or Tim?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Mark or Tim?

    • Mark by a lot
    • Mark is slightly better
    • About even
    • Tim is slightly better
    • Tim by a lot
    • They may be equal, but they both suck so who cares?

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I can't believe there isn't a thread on this already.

Who is the better QB between the two? The obvious choice in Sanchez. But to be perfectly honest, I think it's about even.

Let's be real, Sanchez has more experience and yet is only slightly more accurate than Tebow. Sanchez is relatively mobile for a QB. Tebow, however, is quicker, more physical, and can beat you in the ground game. I also think Tebow has a stronger arm, but then again, it is a little more wild.

That's why I wasn't bothered by the Jets bringing Tebow in. I don't care which one of them plays, I believe they're about equal. At worst, we have a better insurance policy on our QB than we have had in several years (Tebow is better than Clemens, too.)

At best, these two will realize they have equal competition and step up their game.

So how about you?

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Both are terrible. I think Sanchez has much more ability and should be much better than he is right now at this point in his career. It might be the stuff between the ears holding him back, seems like the game still hasn't slowed down for him. If Tebow becomes the starter I'm probably going on a Jets break until they clear house of the accountant and every coach under him (plus Tebow).

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there is no thread on this because its freakin stupid. Mark is the QB Tebow is the gimmick/wildcat/punt protector if something happened to Sanchez the Jets would be stupid not to start McElroy IMO and keep Tebow right where he is.

First 16 NFL Starts:

Sanchez 12 TD's - 20 Ints.

Tebow --- 20 TD's - 9 Ints

Plus - 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers on 580 plays with 6.4 yds/play with about every disadvantage that a new QB can be put through.

Which of them is the better (for the Jets) QB today?

We'll all find out shortly won't we.... :winking0001:

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First 16 NFL Starts:

Sanchez 12 TD's - 20 Ints.

Tebow --- 20 TD's - 9 Ints

Plus - 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers on 580 plays with 6.4 yds/play with about every disadvantage that a new QB can be put through.

Which of them is the better (for the Jets) QB today?

We'll all find out shortly won't we.... :winking0001:

Except the disadvantage leaving school as a junior with only 16 college starts and getting thrown into the starting lineup from day one.

Although I will grant you the disadvantage of not knowing how to properly throw a football.

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Except the disadvantage leaving school as a junior with only 16 college starts and getting thrown into the starting lineup from day one.

Although I will grant you the disadvantage of not knowing how to properly throw a football.

To save him time

Tim Tebow only has 2,835 Passing Yds with 20 TD's to 9 Ints with a 15.3 yds/comp average.

Only a 2.2 to 1 TD to Int Ratio (better than HoF Peyton's ratio).

Only a 77.7 NFL Passer Efficiency Rating.

Only a 9-7 W/L record, including a Playoff win.

Only a 12 inch cock 8===================D

An Adonis body

All for a team that was 4-14 and had dumped their Top 2 Veteran 2010 WR's before starting Tebow

in game 6 of 2011.

That's 3 starts (14-16 in 2010) with 11 more starts (6-16 in 2011) + 2 Playoff starts, with a lockout offseason

sandwiched between.

But Hell, don't let the actual FACTS get in the way

Tebow already has 33 TD's to just 15 Turnovers with a 9-7 W/L record for an otherwise 4-14 team.

He has only 9 Ints on 400 pass attempts, that's 1 Int per 44.4 throws.

He also only had 6 LPF's on 580 total plays, that's only 1 lost poss. fumble per 96.5 plays.

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To save him time

Only a 12 inch cock 8===================D

An Adonis body

That's 3 starts (14-16 in 2010) with 11 more starts (6-16 in 2011) + 2 Playoff starts, with a lockout offseason

sandwiched between.

But Hell, don't let the actual FACTS get in the way

Okay. I don't know how you "know" Timmy has a 12 inch ANYTHING, but let's assume you do. I'll go out on a limb and guess - you're a little bit biased? But what the hell stats are you quoting (14-16) and (6-16)???? Is that some kinda ghey sh*t you guys gots with the Timmer? Help a brother out!!!

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Okay. I don't know how you "know" Timmy has a 12 inch ANYTHING, but let's assume you do. I'll go out on a limb and guess - you're a little bit biased? But what the hell stats are you quoting (14-16) and (6-16)???? Is that some kinda ghey sh*t you guys gots with the Timmer? Help a brother out!!!

Sorry, I was just trying to save Jets-T time. The dick thing was just wishful thinking

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Mark Sanchez is not significantly better than anybody.

Bottom part of the league for three years running. Career passer rating of 73. 195 passing yards a game. A one to one career td to int ratio. Near the bottom of the league in any significant stat. Three. Years. Running. Who the hell are his numbers significantly better than? Go ahead and say Tebow someone so we can weed out the ignoramuses. Blaine ****ING GABBERT was better as a rookie than Sanchez. Yet, according to some of you, SANCHEZ took us to the AFC championship. Don't even compare Tebow's first sixteen games to Sanchez', you will look ****ing foolish.

I DARE ANY OF YOU to find one NON green goggled mother****er on the planet that thinks Sanchez is ANY good. Show them to me.

I love the idea that since he had little college experience he SHOULD suck for three years in the NFL. When is the expiration date on THAT ****ing argument? Like he's been getting BETTER or some sh*t. HE'S NOT. Like he's technically going into his rookie season of the NFL. HE'S NOT.

I cannot believe I've been pushed on to the TEBOW side of the argument because Sanchez sucks and too many don't seem to recognize it.

I also cannot believe I'm almost rooting for this piece of sh*t to fail just so you can finally shut your mouths.

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Mark Sanchez is not significantly better than anybody.

Bottom of the league for three years running. Career passer rating of 73. 195 passing yards a game. A one to one career td to int ratio. Near the bottom of the league in any significant stat. Three. Years. Running. Who the hell are his numbers significantly better than? Go ahead and say Tebow someone so we can weed out the ignoramuses. Blaine ****ING GABBERT was better as a rookie than Sanchez. Yet, according to some of you, SANCHEZ took us to the AFC championship. Don't even compare Tebow's first sixteen games to Sanchez', you will look ****ing foolish.

I DARE ANY OF YOU to find one NON green goggled mother****er on the planet that thinks Sanchez is ANY good. Show them to me.

I love the idea that since he had little college experience he SHOULD suck for three years in the NFL. When is the expiration date on THAT ****ing argument? Like he's been getting BETTER or some sh*t. HE'S NOT.

I cannot believe I've been pushed on to the TEBOW side of the argument because Sanchez sucks and no one seems to recognize it.

I also cannot believe I'm almost rooting for this piece of sh*t to fail just so you can finally shut your mouths.

I believe in the Sanchize

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Unless we plan on going to the spread-option full-time, Sanchez is a better QB and it's not particularly close.

Psst, how are you, Sir? Can I have a minute of your time? I don't meant to interrupt your scouting of this years crop of talent, but there's a new trend in this great game of ours. Now this is going to sound crazy at first, but hear me out. It's called, now get this, it is called not having your quarterback turn the ball over 26 times. Radical, I know. Even more important than looking good throwing the ball. Crazy, right? You don't agree? Welp, you're the legend, Eagle Eyes. You know better just by sight who's good and who's not. You don't have the kind of career you've had without a great set of eyes and a keen sense of form and you've been blessed with both, sir. That much is the stuff of legend by now. By the way, who you scouting for these days, Sheboygan? Ohh, the Steagles. That's great, I love Pittsburghadelphia, my favorite town. Anyhoo, good talking to you again, you're a real good judge of horseflesh, I gotta tell ya. An example to us all. New binoculars I see. Nice. Take care.

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Psst, not for nothing, I don't meant to interrupt your scouting of this years crop of talent, but there's a new trend in this great game of ours, it's called not having your quarterback turn the ball over 26 times. But hey, you're the legend, Eagle Eyes. You know better just by sight who's good and who's not. You don't get this far in the business for so long without a great set of eyes and a keen sense of form and you have both. That much is common knowledge by now. By the way, who you scouting for these days, Sheboygan? Ohh, the Steagles. That's great, I love Pittsburghadelphia, my favorite town. Anyhoo, good talking to you again, you're a real good judge of horseflesh, I gotta tell ya. An example to all of us. New binoculars I see. Nice. Take care.

Being creepily abstruse doesn't make you any smarter. Both of them are terrible. Sanchez is only better by default.

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Psst, not for nothing, I don't meant to interrupt your scouting of this years crop of talent, but there's a new trend in this great game of ours. Now this is going to sound crazy at first, but hear me out. It's called, now get this, it is called not having your quarterback turn the ball over 26 times. Radical, I know. Even more important than looking good throwing the ball. You don't agree? Welp, you're the legend, Eagle Eyes. You know better just by sight who's good and who's not. You don't have the kind of career you've had without a great set of eyes and a keen sense of form and you've been blessed with both, sir. That much is the stuff of legend by now. By the way, who you scouting for these days, Sheboygan? Ohh, the Steagles. That's great, I love Pittsburghadelphia, my favorite town. Anyhoo, good talking to you again, you're a real good judge of horseflesh, I gotta tell ya. An example to us all. New binoculars I see. Nice. Take care.

You having problems at home?

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They both suck. Tebow sucks worse. Are you really having trouble understanding this?

I agree with the first part. The second part is where you lose me since I don't know what criteria you are using to come to this conclusion.

There are some among us that while saying Sanchez is only in his third year, give the kid a chance (to become Eli Manning or Drew Brees) they also say "Oh, Tebow? Terrible. Never be any good. Finished. Done deal. He looks too weird throwing the football."

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it's all about the technique. he just slipped that in there, BOOM, no explanation, no seeing it coming, nothing. perfect.

I'm on the Sanchez train. when I watch Sanchez and Tebow throw the football, I look at Sanchez and say "Well, it's not completely hopeless."

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Yeah, and Sanchez finished with the same YPC as a guy who doesn't know how to throw a football. He's good!

Where they're the same is yards per attempt (6.4), where Sanchez separates himself is net yards per attempt (5.6 vs. 4.9). The reason for that is because Tebow gets sacked at twice the rate Sanchez does (a trend were still seeing in Jets training camp). Not only does he hold the ball too long in an effort to make something out of nothing, but his long, slow throwing motion doesn't allow him to get the ball out on a hurry when the pressure's on.

All those numbers suck, and saying that Tebow isn't good isn't the same as saying that Sanchez is. Sanchez still has a ways to go himself. Tebow just has a lot further to go. Sanchez needs to tweak his game, Tebow needs to overhaul his.

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why are you comparing a QB whose 3 year numbers are similar to most of the "top" QBs in the league with an option RB. How much more could we have expected from Sanchez's first 2 years than 2 championship games. And let us not forget he had no line for much of his third year. Stop trying to overanalyze numbers. Tebow is a nice young man but he's no QB.

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First 16 NFL Starts:

Sanchez 12 TD's - 20 Ints.

Tebow --- 20 TD's - 9 Ints

Plus - 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers on 580 plays with 6.4 yds/play with about every disadvantage that a new QB can be put through.

Which of them is the better (for the Jets) QB today?

We'll all find out shortly won't we.... :winking0001:

Dont get me wrong I like Tebow and I think he can fill some needs but hes not an NFL QB . He may win some games but his style will never bring consistency.

He will never ever win a SB or get through the playoffs as a one trick pony, at some point he will get shut down. Sure he makes some plays because hes a threat to run but how many running QB's have won a SB ? Zero.

Sanchez has been dealing with an Idiot at OC for his first 3 years in the NFL but I expect him to improve by a large margin over the next few years under Sparano. Funny how Sparano is now upping the tempo of the offense something some of us have been screaming for, for 3 years since Mark seems to do well in 2 minute offenses and while in the no huddle or Hurry up. When did Moron Shotty try to run a hurryy up ?? vs the Pats the WORST possible team you want to try that aganist and Belichick was waiting for it since the Media was screaming for it and we lost 45-3 If at any time you want to control the ball and not run Hurry up its vs the more potent offenses in the league, running out the clock keeping the ball on the ground yet Shotty in all his glory decides to open that game in a hurry up we give the ball back and go down 14 - 0. He is laughable as an OC and I think you will see that as Sanchez Improves and Bradford 's career hits the toilet

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