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good, bad and the ugly, preseason addition


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The Good:

Sanchez was in charge, accurate, and moved the football

Austin Howard looks like he can handle RT. An upgrade from Hunter to be certain.

Coples, Ellis and Maybin look like playmakers.

The Bad:

Hill is the raw, inconsistent rookie we feared he might be.

Pace is old and slow and very inconsistent.

Wilson is neither "a solid contributor" nor a "project". He has bad hips and bad instincts.

The Ugly:

We have no TE's left. None.

Tebow is a bad quarterback. Should have had two picks. had one. And missed ugly, often.

David Harris goes out with an ankle, Keller out with a hammy. Baker out with a knee.

WR's can't catch. Line can't get a yard on 3rd and one.

So: At the end of the day i'm encouraged by our QB, discouraged by our WR's and worried about our injuries. But overall, I'm most concerned with the new Sparano offense.

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The Good:

Sanchez was in charge, accurate, and moved the football

Austin Howard looks like he can handle RT. An upgrade from Hunter to be certain.

Coples, Ellis and Maybin look like playmakers.

The Bad:

Hill is the raw, inconsistent rookie we feared he might be.

Pace is old and slow and very inconsistent.

Wilson is neither "a solid contributor" nor a "project". He has bad hips and bad instincts.

The Ugly:

We have no TE's left. None.

Tebow is a bad quarterback. Should have had two picks. had one. And missed ugly, often.

David Harris goes out with an ankle, Keller out with a hammy. Baker out with a knee.

WR's can't catch. Line can't get a yard on 3rd and one.

So: At the end of the day i'm encouraged by our QB, discouraged by our WR's and worried about our injuries. But overall, I'm most concerned with the new Sparano offense.

Nailed it. Mo Wilk looks great too. And Landry is a beast.

We have issues at PK and Punter.

Where's Hayden Smith? LoL

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The Good:

Sanchez was in charge, accurate, and moved the football

Austin Howard looks like he can handle RT. An upgrade from Hunter to be certain.

Coples, Ellis and Maybin look like playmakers.

Cro delivered the wood a few times to an opposing player - not one of his baby mama's

The Bad:

Hill is the raw, inconsistent rookie we feared he might be.

Pace is old and slow and very inconsistent.

Wilson is neither "a solid contributor" nor a "project". He has bad hips and bad instincts.

The Ugly:

We have no TE's left. None.

Tebow is a bad quarterback. Should have had two picks. had one. And missed ugly, often.

David Harris goes out with an ankle, Keller out with a hammy. Baker out with a knee.

WR's can't catch. Line can't get a yard on 3rd and one.

Trufant is bad and could be considered a Little Person.

So: At the end of the day i'm encouraged by our QB, discouraged by our WR's and worried about our injuries. But overall, I'm most concerned with the new Sparano offense

I heard my daughter on the phone with my sister just after the 1st and 10 from the Carolina 12, schwansing .... "no he's here ... watching the Jets .... ... not too good I don't think ..... .... he's just shaking his head and not saying anything" .....

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Good: Im in regular season mode with my drinking and negativity

Bad: I couldnt get a penalty call right all night... Usually im spot on with what the zebras are calling, but tonight??? Not 1 right

Ugly: My farts smell terrible.

No worries. Once the regular refs are back you will be back on track. :)

Good: The Jets acutally completed a pass over 15 yds

Austin Howard did a very nice job last night

Landry is already in beast mode.

Bad: Running game was hit or miss

The Jets still haven't scored an offensive TD

Tebow dressed

Ugly: Short yardage was awful again

Overall it was a better performance, still though not getting the desired results. Knowing the way this season has gone so far McElroy will throw 3 TD's on Thursday and ESPN and the Daily News will anoint him the new savior.

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Jets were terrible on third down and in the redzone. Best case scenario is that they're saving their genius for the regular season. I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully Keller's injury is not serious at all, or there's a couple good TEs available in the mini draft.

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The Good:

Sanchez was in charge, accurate, and moved the football

Austin Howard looks like he can handle RT. An upgrade from Hunter to be certain.

Coples, Ellis and Maybin look like playmakers.

The Bad:

Hill is the raw, inconsistent rookie we feared he might be.

Pace is old and slow and very inconsistent.

Wilson is neither "a solid contributor" nor a "project". He has bad hips and bad instincts.

The Ugly:

We have no TE's left. None.

Tebow is a bad quarterback. Should have had two picks. had one. And missed ugly, often.

David Harris goes out with an ankle, Keller out with a hammy. Baker out with a knee.

WR's can't catch. Line can't get a yard on 3rd and one.

So: At the end of the day i'm encouraged by our QB, discouraged by our WR's and worried about our injuries. But overall, I'm most concerned with the new Sparano offense.

The good : Obviously Howard played very well and that is very encouraging news . I would not be making such a big deal about this but he went head to head with one of the best pass rushers in the game and shut him down giving Sanchez the time he needed.

Sanchez , Amazing what a QB can do when given a little time and not have to worry about a turnstile at RT . He looked Like a different QB so I guess he can see the rush comming.... and like any other QB in the NFL his game gets disrupted when passrushers have a free pass. If god for bid anything happens to Sanchez Tim Tebow should be no wheres near the starting QB position. Im not sure why the Jets dont give McElroy some more reps cause if Tebow has to start its going to be ugly.

Stephen Hill had one bad drop and it was only bad because it was a deflection that resulted in a turnover. looked like he got crossed up a bit. Holmes let him know on the sidelines to use his hands to catch the football not his body and he finished out the game with 5 catches for 68 yards. Hes going to be fine and its obvious teams are giving him some cushion which means he will get the separation needed to give Sanchez some of the easy throws he needs. Hes also tough in the running game not afraid to get down and dirty and block hes going to be a good one. I see alot of back shoulder passes coming his way something Sanchez has not had the luxury of doing since we lost Braylon.

The defense played very well over all. Ellis played like a beast and Laron Landry is a complete beast. if this guy stays healthy for the entire season this defense will reach the next level of elite. Coples made a nice play and people are still over reacting to Maybin who is still just Meh IMO. Still flat footed in open space and still a one dimentional player whos one dimention really has ALL to do with how we use him and where we place him rather than what he actully creates which is nothing. Also worth mentioning is Laron Landrys play at the LOS he is a damn good pass rusher and always seems to disrupt the QB via the blitz. If the DL turns out as good as we think this guy will turn in a pro bowl year he also likes to lay out RB's. WR's we know you hear the footsteps.

Kerley looked sure handed receiving punts which was a worry of mine I honestly dont care if he lights it up returning the football he just needs to be sure handed and not give up the ball and I think he can do that. Looks like Mcknight will be solid returning kicks and thats really about all he will do.

The bad:

Santonio Holmes still seems afraid to catch the ball in traffic. On his seam route where he dropped the ball he seemed like He took his eyes off the ball because he had a few defenders around him. Hence the over reaction with arms flailing on the drop. This guy is simply not a posession WR and never will be. What we need to figure out is how to get this guy the ball in open space so he can use his talent.

The OL Run blocking was nice last night and IMO our backs did not take advantage. They did gain some yards and it SEEMED (not sure dont know the numbers) like they had a decent YPC average but they could have been much better. It looks like Powell has beat out Joe Fumble Mcknight. This team needs a RB I do not think Shonn Greene can carry the load. I think we should sign Ricky Williams. Should have signed Benson or Bush. Once again I thin MJD would turn this offense into a real top 10 NFL offense but I dont think it can happen.

5 dropped passes this sh*t really needs to stop I said my peace about Holmes and Hill and I may have been a bit more critical on Holmes but the reasoning is Holmes is a seasoned Vet and he still seems to get alligator arms in traffic.

The Ugly : This is preseason and with 1:16 left in the first half the Jets made no attempt to work on the 2 minute offense. Not sure why but this is the time to work on that stuff. Fine if you want to hold some stuff back, then go at it vanilla but GO AT IT. I was very dissapointed when the Jets just ran out the clock that was just stupid and I have no explanation for it to be honest.

The Amazing: Cromartie actully hit a player an forced a fumble. He played well over all. But I never expected that hit not in my wildest dreams.

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I'm psyched about Landry. Not about him hitting people, but there was one play right at the 1st quarter was ending where there was a deep throw and he ran over from center or left center to cover it. The guy can fly. He will cover way more ground that Smith and Leonhard and still lay the wood when he gets there. You can see he's had two picks already and he may be the biggest beneficiary of our cover corners. This D needed two things to be aweasome: A huge NT and a fast safety. Looks like we may have them in Ellis and Landry. Now if they can only stay healthy..

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The bad:

Santonio Holmes still seems afraid to catch the ball in traffic.

Bad miss by Holmes followed by Hill's. 2 perfect balls by Sanchez.

But you say this a lot, do you realize that 90% of the balls Holmes catch are over the middle, in traffic? Their favorite play is the skinny post to the teeth of the defense and the seem go...all taking him into traffic and more often than not, he makes a really tough catch.

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Bad miss by Holmes followed by Hill's. 2 perfect balls by Sanchez.

But you say this a lot, do you realize that 90% of the balls Holmes catch are over the middle, in traffic? Their favorite play is the skinny post to the teeth of the defense and the seem go...all taking him into traffic and more often than not, he makes a really tough catch.

I still think hes a pussy. he makes most of those catches falling to the ground. If he happenes to be standing upright he drops the ball. We saw it a lot last year hopfully it stops this year but i doubt it.

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I still think hes a pussy. he makes most of those catches falling to the ground. If he happenes to be standing upright he drops the ball. We saw it a lot last year hopfully it stops this year but i doubt it.

You can think whatever you want but your assessment of him being scared to catch the ball in traffic is unjust and inaccurate. Thats where he makes most of his plays with Sanchez. Quick shots to the middle of the field. The guy typically hauls it in and its usually a horribly placed ball making a difficult catch. Could be the reason he doesnt pile up yac with Sanchez the way he did with Big Ben. (though that ball was perfect) - first game back, he'll make those in the regular season.

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Tebow = the short yardage RB, like I've been saying since we acquired him. He is worth a 4th rounder if all we use him for is to pick up 3rd and 1's all season long. Hell there are teams all over the NFL that have RBs designated for that role. I'd take Tebow to get me one yard over any of the Brandon Jacobs and Michael Bushes of the league.

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You can think whatever you want but your assessment of him being scared to catch the ball in traffic is unjust and inaccurate. Thats where he makes most of his plays with Sanchez. Quick shots to the middle of the field. The guy typically hauls it in and its usually a horribly placed ball making a difficult catch. Could be the reason he doesnt pile up yac with Sanchez the way he did with Big Ben. (though that ball was perfect) - first game back, he'll make those in the regular season.

This. All of it.

Preseason games are for knocking off rust. I can't believe people are going to sit and build arguments over a preseason dropped pass. OMFG.

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To start off


Ok now that I got that out of my system...

Good: Defense looks superb. Coples is a little monster. Wilkerson I was a little worrisome after he lost so much weight but he looks sharper. Landry my goodness if he can stay healthy I think we might have solved the Gronk problem (thinking ahead here). The fact Cam looked like a rookie again was priceless to me.

Bad: -_______- where should I start... Oh yes I know ... Pass Rush... Ground and Pound my arse !

Greene looks like a kid hitting a wall. I remember when he used to reroute when he saw there were no openings. Now he goes for it. Why do we begin every 1st down w/ a rush?

Sanchez seems to only find Keller and once Keller is out he can't complete a long pass. The short passes are also pissing me off ... You might get a pick but you have Howard that's better at RT you have time to throw... Why is he wasting his time throwing 3-5 yd passes?



Maybe he's taking a mathematical approach to understanding the Preseason

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Good: Im in regular season mode with my drinking and negativity

Bad: I couldnt get a penalty call right all night... Usually im spot on with what the zebras are calling, but tonight??? Not 1 right

Ugly: My farts smell terrible.


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This. All of it.

Preseason games are for knocking off rust. I can't believe people are going to sit and build arguments over a preseason dropped pass. OMFG.

this is NOT based off preseason its based off him dropping balls during the season and it continuing this preseason. OMFG LMFAO retards

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Coples was good. Sanchez was bad. Wilson was horiawful.

Our detente will be in full effect when bball training camp starts, but I have to question you about the bolded. Besides Sanchez inherently sucking, how was he "bad" last night? He played well in avoiding pressure, hitting receivers 20+ yds away and moving the offense. Many thought he played well, including the beat writers and fans on other boards. His INT was a result of Stonehands Hill.

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this is NOT based off preseason its based off him dropping balls during the season and it continuing this preseason. OMFG LMFAO retards

You just contradicted yourself. IF Holmes hadn't made a drop in the preseason game, THEN there wouldn't be a discussion about how "he did it last year, and he's doing it again". Therefore, YES, it is based on his preseason showing.

WTF are you calling people retards for?

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You just contradicted yourself. IF Holmes hadn't made a drop in the preseason game, THEN there wouldn't be a discussion about how "he did it last year, and he's doing it again". Therefore, YES, it is based on his preseason showing.

WTF are you calling people retards for?

well one because your a retard for asking the question when you obviously know Im joking around with you, and 2 because you know I have complained about Holmes since the guy put on a Jets uniform.

He's not worth the money he was paid and it kills me we have to deal with an over rated pile of sh*t when we could have spent the same money for a legit top 10 WR . if you think holmes is anywhere near top ten then your just fooling yourself

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well one because your a retard for asking the question when you obviously know Im joking around with you, and 2 because you know I have complained about Holmes since the guy put on a Jets uniform.

He's not worth the money he was paid and it kills me we have to deal with an over rated pile of sh*t when we could have spent the same money for a legit top 10 WR . if you think holmes is anywhere near top ten then your just fooling yourself

Regarding Holmes you are not the only one with that feeling...and That's why his Nickname Is Sanblowmeoh!

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It should be pointed out in any venue, until said person learns the difference.

when 90 % of the people on said venue dont really give a **** then maybe you should stick to the topic rather than try to piss people off . Those with a brain can understand how the word was used. Not being the best typist in the world I look for short cuts, as most do on a regular basis. Im sure my posts are not being graded for proper grammar.

here's an english lesson for you.


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