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Hand-picked game-changing fullback John Conner released (Merged)


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Connor has a very limited skill-set. Even BJ Askew could catch a swing pass now and again. Richie Anderson and the beloved Tony Richardson were also fullbacks who could block, catch and run. Connor could only block, and even then missed way too often. Good luck to you Mr. Connor. Wherever you may go.

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Uh... what?

The guy is completely banged up and cant play. He missed week 1. They rushed him back, he stunk, and re-aggravated his injuries. Now hes out again. Probably wont play this week either and then with the bye upcoming may sit again vs Miami. Had they put him on IR in week 1 he could have come back in week 9 and the team would have had an extra roster spot all these weeks instead of dead weight that felt rushed to play to justify a contract. For whatever reason the Jets constantly carry guys who are physically unable to play (Revis, Conner, Rob Turner, Landolt, etc...) Either the medical staff is incompetent with diagnosing these injuries and recovery times or the Jets just constantly consider the upside until times get bleak and they realize they screwed up by carrying the dead weight.

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The guy is completely banged up and cant play. He missed week 1. They rushed him back, he stunk, and re-aggravated his injuries. Now hes out again. Probably wont play this week either and then with the bye upcoming may sit again vs Miami. Had they put him on IR in week 1 he could have come back in week 9

Oh, the temporary IR. I thought you meant the IR for real. I was gonna say, nothing to indicate that he won't be able to play this season.

Even still, I'm not getting your point at all. You're suggesting that you knew for a fact that he would re-aggravate his injury. Obviously, there's no way that you could have known that. Even the Jets medical staff didn't. Further, you don't know that he will be out this week or next. The Star Ledger says he's a "toss up" for this week. So unless you have sources inside the organization, how are you qualified to speculate about this?

No offense intended, but it sounds like you're playing Monday Morning Doctor here.

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Damn. Kind of surprised. A lot of people talked about cutting him, but I thought it was the typical angry Jet fan running their mouths. He was a good blocker and he did his role. And he was cheap. Oh well.

he was not a good blocker if he was he would not have been cut. Remember when our Running game was doing well ? We had T-Rich at FB as soon as T-Rich and a few good blocking TE's and woody were gone so was our running game. They expected Connor to step into the T-Rich role and he failed. As a matter of fact Davis was probably better when they were competing in Connors rookie season but Davis got let go because Connor was a Draft pick highly reccomended by Rex because he saw him crush someone while scouting for another position. Crushing someone and actully making the correct blocks, which connor rarely did, are 2 very different things.

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Just like the rest of the draft picks over the past 4 years, another one falls by the wayside. If anyone here thinks the crop of new guys we've picked up in the draft are winning material, they're on crack.

Losers, year in and year out.

I like our defensive picks. Kyle Wilson, Muhammad Wilkerson and Coples all look like players. Kerley and Hill (minus the drops, which we everyone knew about before we took him) look pretty good too.

The others can GFY's.

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Those that can, do

Those that can't, teach

Those that can't teach, teach gym?

And yet when you think about it. Really take a step back and give it a good hard look...Gym teachers have an effect on our children's health and competitive spirit. thay are role models and educators. The world does actually need gym teachers. Football players? No so much. Good thing we idolize them to such an extent that they can make millions while crashing cars drunk and shooting it out after "making it rain" in titty bars. Because that's who my son should aspire to be. Man a what a ****ed up world. Go Jets.

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