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New Here. My take.


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Good posts. Agree with most but disagree on the Coples pick...more angry with the Hill over Jeffery pick. Like the attitude MoWilk and Sheldon bring...just wish we had some clue how to scout/draft/develop some offense...tired of seeing the team built upon the image of the 2000 Ravens or 2002 Bucs...just a terrible business model...most games un-watchable without significant alcohol consumption.

Anyway, welcome and hope you enjoy Festivus.

this. W so many busts throughout their history hard to get on a guy who is at least productive and who at times, shows some potential dominance.
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In no particular order:

  • Time for Rex to go.  He's won a lot of games with inferior talent.  I give him credit for that.  However, I am not in this for over-achievement.  I want to win big and we need a balanced team in order to do so.  That has not been the hallmark of a Rex Ryan team.  
  • I like what Izdik has done so far.  Got rid of a ton of dead weight (Eric Smith, Tebow, Bart, Sione, etc.), took calculated, low cost risks on players, has completely killed the circus atmosphere that surrounded this team (remember how often Rex was guaranteeing/saying stuff that we all knew was hogwash and we had to deal with and defend) and has put us in a position to play the numbers game in the draft.  The draft is a crapshoot.  Great players come from all rounds.  The more picks you have, the more chances you have to hit one.  Tanny's downfall was lack of depth.  Trading away so many picks hurt his ability to "miss" on some draft picks.  I don't expect Izdik to hit every time...but I do expect him to preserve picks and play the numbers game.
  • Geno had me early.  Lost me of late.  Tough playing with no talent around him, but he's regressed.  I'm not moving on, but I'm not putting my eggs in his basket.  Get another QB or two because unless we stop turning the ball over we will never win big.  We need a competent, professional QB or we're going to always be behind the 8-ball.
  • Coples has been a disappointment.  I get the injury thing.  But he's not the consistent disruptive force I thought he would be.  I'm not in love with his development and am concerned.  Every time I see Chandler Jones and his "burst" I get pissed off.
  • Post season move on from Santonio, Sanchez, Cro and let the leaders of the team be Wilk and Sheldon.  They bring the attitude I want.  Young.  Cocky.  Talented.  Imposing.  Expect to be great.
  • Lastly, I think we all deserve a team that we can be proud of.  Since Shaun Green put the Patriots to sleep it's been a tough ride.  The last two years has been a disaster.  Too many turnovers to have a chance.  From Tebow to the Butt Fumble and the worst Thanksgiving performance I've ever seen (give up a TD, a special teams TD and a pick 6 in what, 22 seconds) to knowing each and every week we have no idea what to expect...it's time.


Thanks for your time.  I've been checking the board for years.  Now I'm on.


BTW - I was in the south stands at Mile High when Blake Spence blocked the kick on the 1-yard line.  Never in my life have a heard a more glorious J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets chant as we punched it in for a 10-0 lead on the Broncos.  I saw the Jets sideline explode like a college team when he blocked that punt and I've been after that ever since.  Putting Brady to sleep was nice.  I partied all night.  Two of my most recent highlights.  We deserve more.

Coples? So much to be concerned about with this team why pick on someone who actually contributes?

No mention about the O-line, the turnstile left tackle and how every other play looks like a jail break the Geno has to deal with?

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My dad bought the recorder for the playoff run in 1982.  I think the first thing he taped was Freeman's 200+ against the Bengals. 



You should have pretended to be younger.  We might have believed you if you had started later. 


Like the rest of us sick-o's I've stuck with team thru thick and thin.  Had season tickets through the Kotite years, was there for the fake spike the season before, am always doing the math to determine how we can possibly lose the game by 1-pt even though we're blowing a team out...but you know what...since Parcell's we've had a lot more good than bad.  I'm just frustrated that we seem to stuck with Rex and a team that can't get it's act together offensively...

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In no particular order:

  • Time for Rex to go.  He's won a lot of games with inferior talent.  I give him credit for that.  However, I am not in this for over-achievement.  I want to win big and we need a balanced team in order to do so.  That has not been the hallmark of a Rex Ryan team.  
  • I like what Izdik has done so far.  Got rid of a ton of dead weight (Eric Smith, Tebow, Bart, Sione, etc.), took calculated, low cost risks on players, has completely killed the circus atmosphere that surrounded this team (remember how often Rex was guaranteeing/saying stuff that we all knew was hogwash and we had to deal with and defend) and has put us in a position to play the numbers game in the draft.  The draft is a crapshoot.  Great players come from all rounds.  The more picks you have, the more chances you have to hit one.  Tanny's downfall was lack of depth.  Trading away so many picks hurt his ability to "miss" on some draft picks.  I don't expect Izdik to hit every time...but I do expect him to preserve picks and play the numbers game.
  • Geno had me early.  Lost me of late.  Tough playing with no talent around him, but he's regressed.  I'm not moving on, but I'm not putting my eggs in his basket.  Get another QB or two because unless we stop turning the ball over we will never win big.  We need a competent, professional QB or we're going to always be behind the 8-ball.
  • Coples has been a disappointment.  I get the injury thing.  But he's not the consistent disruptive force I thought he would be.  I'm not in love with his development and am concerned.  Every time I see Chandler Jones and his "burst" I get pissed off.
  • Post season move on from Santonio, Sanchez, Cro and let the leaders of the team be Wilk and Sheldon.  They bring the attitude I want.  Young.  Cocky.  Talented.  Imposing.  Expect to be great.
  • Lastly, I think we all deserve a team that we can be proud of.  Since Shaun Green put the Patriots to sleep it's been a tough ride.  The last two years has been a disaster.  Too many turnovers to have a chance.  From Tebow to the Butt Fumble and the worst Thanksgiving performance I've ever seen (give up a TD, a special teams TD and a pick 6 in what, 22 seconds) to knowing each and every week we have no idea what to expect...it's time.


Thanks for your time.  I've been checking the board for years.  Now I'm on.


BTW - I was in the south stands at Mile High when Blake Spence blocked the kick on the 1-yard line.  Never in my life have a heard a more glorious J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets chant as we punched it in for a 10-0 lead on the Broncos.  I saw the Jets sideline explode like a college team when he blocked that punt and I've been after that ever since.  Putting Brady to sleep was nice.  I partied all night.  Two of my most recent highlights.  We deserve more.



Good post.  What the **** took you so long?

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So that's on Coples not Richardson and Big Mo?

Richardson is going to be a cotender for DROY, Mo for Pro Bowl. Snacks is doing great for a walk on, better than Coples. They can't carry the line every game. Was Coples hurt for all of 2012? No, so what's the excuse for that? I agree with OP. Average is not what we expect.
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Richardson is going to be a cotender for DROY, Mo for Pro Bowl. Snacks is doing great for a walk on, better than Coples. They can't carry the line every game. Was Coples hurt for all of 2012? No, so what's the excuse for that? I agree with OP. Average is not what we expect.


He was a rookie who led the team in sacks?

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Richardson is going to be a cotender for DROY, Mo for Pro Bowl. Snacks is doing great for a walk on, better than Coples. They can't carry the line every game. Was Coples hurt for all of 2012? No, so what's the excuse for that? I agree with OP. Average is not what we expect.


I'd actually like the Jets to field an average offense at this point.  Coples is not the Jets biggest problem.

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In no particular order:

  • Time for Rex to go.  He's won a lot of games with inferior talent.  I give him credit for that.  However, I am not in this for over-achievement.  I want to win big and we need a balanced team in order to do so.  That has not been the hallmark of a Rex Ryan team.  
  • I like what Izdik has done so far.  Got rid of a ton of dead weight (Eric Smith, Tebow, Bart, Sione, etc.), took calculated, low cost risks on players, has completely killed the circus atmosphere that surrounded this team (remember how often Rex was guaranteeing/saying stuff that we all knew was hogwash and we had to deal with and defend) and has put us in a position to play the numbers game in the draft.  The draft is a crapshoot.  Great players come from all rounds.  The more picks you have, the more chances you have to hit one.  Tanny's downfall was lack of depth.  Trading away so many picks hurt his ability to "miss" on some draft picks.  I don't expect Izdik to hit every time...but I do expect him to preserve picks and play the numbers game.
  • Geno had me early.  Lost me of late.  Tough playing with no talent around him, but he's regressed.  I'm not moving on, but I'm not putting my eggs in his basket.  Get another QB or two because unless we stop turning the ball over we will never win big.  We need a competent, professional QB or we're going to always be behind the 8-ball.
  • Coples has been a disappointment.  I get the injury thing.  But he's not the consistent disruptive force I thought he would be.  I'm not in love with his development and am concerned.  Every time I see Chandler Jones and his "burst" I get pissed off.
  • Post season move on from Santonio, Sanchez, Cro and let the leaders of the team be Wilk and Sheldon.  They bring the attitude I want.  Young.  Cocky.  Talented.  Imposing.  Expect to be great.
  • Lastly, I think we all deserve a team that we can be proud of.  Since Shaun Green put the Patriots to sleep it's been a tough ride.  The last two years has been a disaster.  Too many turnovers to have a chance.  From Tebow to the Butt Fumble and the worst Thanksgiving performance I've ever seen (give up a TD, a special teams TD and a pick 6 in what, 22 seconds) to knowing each and every week we have no idea what to expect...it's time.


Thanks for your time.  I've been checking the board for years.  Now I'm on.


BTW - I was in the south stands at Mile High when Blake Spence blocked the kick on the 1-yard line.  Never in my life have a heard a more glorious J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets chant as we punched it in for a 10-0 lead on the Broncos.  I saw the Jets sideline explode like a college team when he blocked that punt and I've been after that ever since.  Putting Brady to sleep was nice.  I partied all night.  Two of my most recent highlights.  We deserve more.


Welcome to the site, and excellent first post.


I'm 100% fine with moving on from Rex as long as it is an obvious upgrade (however unprovable that will be at the time).  Basically my concern is that we're going to play follow-the-leader in some form of another (hiring a QBC - remember, Brian Schottenheimer was that hot young coach once - to coach the whole team, or hire someone just because of an affiliation with a team or HC more successful than ours, like we did with Mangini).  I think he's graded a little too harshly for not being a great GM/HC combo (which he isn't).  



Also I see how other supposedly-better coaches do when their stud QB is unavailable (McCarthy in GB this year is a perfect example: 1-4-1 without Rodgers. Only win was a squeaker against a Falcons team who mailed it in weeks ago after we knocked them out, and the tie was against a 2-8 Vikings team.  The Jets, with a worse passing offense & defense than the Packers, are roughly .500 and so many are calling for Rex's head while barely winning 1 of their last 6 it's not the champion HC McCarthy's fault).  


But again, I'm fine from moving on.  I don't like the idea of him being a HC and DC at the same time because I don't think his head is 100% into either job during a game (which is why he was unaware of numerous things, the worst being Holmes' tantrum in the huddle).  I'll miss having a coach that can outsmart the other supposed geniuses now & then, even with a depleted team, like we did against far-superior NE and NO this season, but it doesn't happen often enough.  But again, it really depends on who we're replacing him with.  Someone like Bevell is another ground & pound guy at heart just like Rex but without the defensive background to balance it out, and was nothing without Russell Wilson or 1 healthy year of Brett Favre, and has always had either Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch to pair with his QBs.  He may be good or he may just be a guy whose offenses are good with elite QBs/RBs and big zeros without them (and we're without them on both accounts).


I like what Idzik has done in some regards and don't in other regards.  But having little cap room, after deciding this would be a pure-gutting season (outside of the draft), makes it hard to hit on FAs.  He stayed away from true UFAs for the most part so we would keep our maximum of 4 compensatory picks in '14, instead opting for FAs who were cut by their prior teams (Goodson being the exception).  Gutting the likes of Scott and Tebow were no strokes of genius.  The biggest credit I give him was in getting a 1st rounder and more for a still-injured Revis when there was exactly 1 interested party in the whole league.  He played chicken and won, and it's easy to say in hindsight that anyone could/would have gotten the same.  Also not everyone would have gutted the team to the extent he did, as Tannenbaum was already on record as saying he wouldn't have.  I don't like the (so far) whiffs on Milliner and Winters and most would say Geno also.  If one wants to blame his inherited scouts, then those same scouts (and not Idzik) are also the ones responsible for the Richardson pick.


Agree on Geno.  Hope is not lost, but I wouldn't gamble next year on him either.  Bring him back, plus a FA, plus draft another QB since there are supposed to be so many decent prospects coming out this year it would be foolish to not take one while we don't yet have a sure thing for the future.  Agree with you 100% on this.


Coples I still haven't formed a full opinion on yet.  He hasn't been a terror to opposing teams like Richardson and Wilkerson, and he was drafted a bit high to just be there and make an occasional play for most of his career.  He generates some pressure and he's clearly loaded with talent, and he's still just a relative baby as he only turned 23 in June, but I like to see more with a pick in the top half of round 1.  But far worse players are taken there or higher every year.  He at least belongs on the field.


No argument on the other 3 overpriced and vastly-underperforming vets you want to dump.


Again, welcome to the site!

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Huh? Lol

Ok here let me draw you a picture. in 2012, the Jets were tied for 25th in the league in sacks. Last year Coples beat Wilkerson by half a sack this year. This year, Wilkerson has already doubled Coples 2012 production with 3 games left. Conversely, Coples sacks have been cut in half but since the season is not yet over, and Santa Clause may still come this year, you never know, Coples might just get a half dozen sacks and Wilkerson may ride pine to preserve him for 2014 even though Rex is coaching for his job. Like the NY Lotto, hey you never know.

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Ok here let me draw you a picture. in 2012, the Jets were tied for 25th in the league in sacks. Last year Coples beat Wilkerson by half a sack this year. This year, Wilkerson has already doubled Coples 2012 production with 3 games left. Conversely, Coples sacks have been cut in half but since the season is not yet over, and Santa Clause may still come this year, you never know, Coples might just get a half dozen sacks and Wilkerson may ride pine to preserve him for 2014 even though Rex is coaching for his job. Like the NY Lotto, hey you never know.



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Ok here let me draw you a picture. in 2012, the Jets were tied for 25th in the league in sacks. Last year Coples beat Wilkerson by half a sack this year. This year, Wilkerson has already doubled Coples 2012 production with 3 games left. Conversely, Coples sacks have been cut in half but since the season is not yet over, and Santa Clause may still come this year, you never know, Coples might just get a half dozen sacks and Wilkerson may ride pine to preserve him for 2014 even though Rex is coaching for his job. Like the NY Lotto, hey you never know.


Not for nothing but with all the stats your sounding more and more like Rex..."my defense ranks in the Top 5 every year"  and "statistically we will finish as a top defense against the run".


Do we really want to call out a defensive player who's been injured when the team has zero clue how to draft/produce some offensive skill players?

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Answer me this. Is Big Mo a disruptive player? Is Sheldon? The answer is yes.

C'mon. You know what I'm talking about. Stop with the game to game stuff here.

Welcome, but you're wrong on Coples, who has been getting better and better on a now healthy ankle and in a new position. I watched him specifically last week. He was everywhere, but his name was only mentioned a couple of times. Game to game is how a recently healthy second year guy learning a new position shows improvement. He deserves more time before fans give up on him.

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I see all sides of the Q argument.  I guess I'm stuck on the "what could have been" factor if he'd have lived up to what we all hope he'd be.  Who know's, maybe he will continue to grow and we can have a front four that will allow us to get pressure without having to always be exotic in what we do.  With pressure on opposing QB's being the lynch pin to shutting down the pass happy NFL it would be great to have four studs wreaking havoc.


The offense.  That's a mess unto itself.  Our O line has slipped tremendously.  With no playmakers able to create separation and no time to let things develop it's a mess.  That's gotta get solved or we'd doomed...

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I think people are more hopeful about Coples than they are realistic. He's as advertised: a talented guy who disappears for long stretches. IMO, he'll be best served next year when he's a full-time 4-3 DE. Standing him up was ill-conceived from the start.


I realistically saw Coples look like the best player on the field Sunday.

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Wow, lol.


Welcome to the site Blake!  I agree with a lot of what you wrote.  But I don't think the Jets will get rid of Rex.  They need to build for the long term and that is what they will do.  They keep throwing it all out and starting over.  It hasn't worked.  


Idzik has helped Rex a ton in one year. That progress will continue next year and beyond.

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