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Forget the Billboard, donate to something that actually matters and will make a difference


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The New York Jets are awful this season, meaning the next eight weeks will be spent arguing about who to blame, looking at quarterbacks in the NFL Draft and hoping Mark Sanchez and Darrelle Revis don’t play each other in the Super Bowl (THE HORROR!) However, instead of putting effort and money into a billboard to get one man fired and generating more circus headlines around this organization, how about salvaging something respectable and positive out of this disastrous football year? 

DONATE HEREhttp://help.feedingamerica.org/goto/TOJ

The Jets are bad but you don’t have to chase player’s wives off Twitter and act like a billboard is a cure all for the many problems around this team. Join us and donate whatever you can to Feeding America so everybody can eat this holiday season. Maybe it is just us but we’d rather see headlines like “Jets fans raise thousands to feed hungry families” than “Jets fans raise money to chase another person out of town”


All money generated here goes directly to the charity. No t-shirts. No website hosting fees. Just some shout outs from our site for donating and maybe a fan meet up in a few months for some food, beers and commiserating.

Blame Idzik? Blame Rex? Blame Geno? Blame Bradway? Blame Woody? We don’t really care but appreciate any support from Jets or any NFL fan looking to donate to a good, worthwhile cause.

Who doesn’t like food?




This is where my money will be going to this holiday season

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Can you tell me how else I should spend my money? You obviously have a more righteous way to spend my cash than I do.


Should I not eat out at restaurants because it'd be cheaper for me to eat at home? I can then donate the difference to some charity that will probably blow 85% of the cash on some chairman's $250k/year salary. 


Or, maybe, just maybe you can let people spend their money how they fit. That might be a better idea.

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Can you tell me how else I should spend my money? You obviously have a more righteous way to spend my cash than I do.


Should I not eat out at restaurants because it'd be cheaper for me to eat at home? I can then donate the difference to some charity that will probably blow 85% of the cash on some chairman's $250k/year salary. 


Or, maybe, just maybe you can let people spend their money how they fit. That might be a better idea.

By all means spend your hard earned money how you see fit. The point is that $10,000 was spent to get a billboard that will say to fire a members of the New York jets organization and that that money could have been spent in a better way in my opinion.

There is no tally here who donates and who doesn't and frankly I don't give a sh*t whether anyone does or doesn't. But I saw this on twitter and wanted to share it with people who would like to donate.

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By all means spend your hard earned money how you see fit. The point is that $10,000 was spent to get a billboard that will say to fire a members of the New York jets organization and that that money could have been spent in a better way in my opinion.

There is no tally here who donates and who doesn't and frankly I don't give a sh*t whether anyone does or doesn't. But I saw this on twitter and wanted to share it with people who would like to donate.


Fair enough. People should donate to what they want to donate to. 

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Can you tell me how else I should spend my money? You obviously have a more righteous way to spend my cash than I do.

Should I not eat out at restaurants because it'd be cheaper for me to eat at home? I can then donate the difference to some charity that will probably blow 85% of the cash on some chairman's $250k/year salary.

Or, maybe, just maybe you can let people spend their money how they fit. That might be a better idea.

Nobody told you to donate, lol. Get yourself a PSL and chill out

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Wait - Are you seriously trying to infer that it's possible for the New York Jets to be any more of a circus than they are at any given day, week or year?


Listen - the New York Jets are like the third rail of circuses. I would submit to you that it is impossible for the Jets to not be a circus.


The day the New York Jets stop being a circus is the day that Bill Clinton comes out against oral sex and Ronald Reagan rises from the dead to support expansion of socialized medicine.


There are many givens in the world. As they say death, taxes....and I submit to you, the New York Football Jets. There is nothing more certain. There is nothing more guaranteed. There is nothing more reliable. There is nothing more true.


A circus is a circus is a circus & the Jets my friend, could put cirque du soleil out of business in Vegas.


Behold it and embrace it. Most importantly, don't deny the truth. This franchise is a never-ending punch line. This franchise is a brown stain on the underwear of professional football. This franchise is a ship adrift in a sea of feces.


I'm 40. I had a Jets coat in Kindergarten (1979) and in my 2nd grade photo (1981) I'm wearing a Richard Todd jersey. 35 years - not as much as a appearance in the Super Bowl. 4 AFC Title games - all embarrassing failures. Barely a division title to be had.


This franchise is so bad, so mired in failure, that we use the most pathetic of benchmarks to judge success. Go 2-14, beat the Patriots for one of those games, 'success'. Play the AFC Title game and completely not show up for the entire first half - talk about how we "almost" pulled it off. It's like when Bill Romanowski made fun of the Jets when he said, " I heard the Jets didn't lose, they just ran out of time".


Everyone laughs at this franchise. From NFL players, to the media - this team is a epitome of failure.


So....if people want to put up a billboard - let 'em. Let them have their moment. Let them, for once, get some degree of satisfaction from this franchise.


.....because if they wait for it on the field - there's a better chance of hooking up with Amelia Earhart for a one-night stand than there is of getting it on the football field.

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I don't really like to donate much to any organization, because half the money goes elsewhere, but I do think donating to a billboard is pretty dumb.  If we have an owner who makes decisions based on billboards, then we have bigger problems than a GM at hand, thus it won't be solved anyway.  But it's good to hear that most of this money goes directly to the people in need.    


I like to donate to people who go through garbage bags, pick out the cans, and cash it in.  It's a dirty job, but I feel like they are making an effort and taking access of essentially free money with these cans.  

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I don't really like to donate much to any organization, because half the money goes elsewhere, but I do think donating to a billboard is pretty dumb.  If we have an owner who makes decisions based on billboards, then we have bigger problems than a GM at hand, thus it won't be solved anyway.  But it's good to hear that most of this money goes directly to the people in need.    


I like to donate to people who go through garbage bags, pick out the cans, and cash it in.  It's a dirty job, but I feel like they are making an effort and taking access of essentially free money with these cans.


I cannot speak for other organizations but I do know that about 98% of Feeding America's budget goes towards program expenses/food procurement. That does include research because compiling hunger statistics requires time and money, often in the form of grants, but they do have some corporate sponsorships as well. Their administrative costs are extremely low, I believe it's less than half a percentage point.


Plenty of corrupt charities, (Kids Wish Network...etc), FA is not one of them.

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I cannot speak for other organizations but I do know that about 98% of Feeding America's budget goes towards program expenses/food procurement. That does include research because compiling hunger statistics requires time and money, often in the form of grants, but they do have some corporate sponsorships as well. Their administrative costs are extremely low, I believe it's less than half a percentage point.


Plenty of corrupt charities, (Kids Wish Network...etc), FA is not one of them.


That's great, honestly I haven't heard of them before this post, so it's good to know that they are actually doing it right.   

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That's great, honestly I haven't heard of them before this post, so it's good to know that they are actually doing it right.   


Very large organization. They do a lot of disaster relief work in the U.S. and were incredible in the immediate aftermath of Sandy, coordinating and distributing for the local food banks. Provided a lot of grants to help offset the distribution and operation costs as well.


What I appreciate about FA as an organization is that they focus heavily on families and households. While they do traditional food programs (soup kitchens, Meals on Wheels...etc), there are a lot of senior and after-school programs. 1/3 of their programs are strictly for children, and if there's a veteran in your home, there is about a 25% chance that he or she is receiving some sort of food assistance from FA. And in a city like Chicago, where the temps can hold below -20 for extended periods of time, FAs work is crucial for seniors, who are unable to venture out much.


I do agree with your original post, though. One should always do their homework before giving to any charity. If you see Cancer, Veterans, or Children in the title of any charity, look up exactly what it is you are donating to. Lotta really awful scams out there.

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