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Game Thread - CTM Search Party (GAME OVER)

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13 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

WTF is going on around here?  The mad scramble for self reveals to kick off day 2 with no one under serious pressure is super strange.  I don't get the motivation behind this at all.

However, while I definitely am scratching my head a bit about JiF's quasi-reveal, some people trying to rush to push that as a lynch reason stinks to high holy heaven.  At this point I don't see the reason to keep the results a secret (particularly since AVM has already volunteered himself as the person JiF is talking about), as it could easily enough vet his role, even if not the alignment of it.  It would just seem to a really weird mafia play to rush out for a half-role reveal while being hesitant to drag anyone down with you.  While I get the idea behind the role not necessarily answering alignment, when you've already given this much info, might as well let us all figure that out.

However, some so quick to not only push to lynch JiF, but then say if his role comes up true to then lynch the person he investigated (seemingly AVM?) sounds like a horrible idea, particularly considering scum would know whether they have the ninja on their team, and if not it suddenly becomes an awfully convenient 2-for-1 deal to be blamed on JiF if it doesn't work out for town.

Prob first post I ever read completely from you bc that’s what I was thinking 

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38 minutes ago, AVM said:

This was super gross, but some business first:

I’m town ninja with some 1x abilities to go with it, in the event there is another lie detector out there. I’ll share if/when I need to.  It makes sense with the flavor but I’ll leave that out..it and role cop are typically scum roles, I’ve had both be town in my own games before. JiFs definitely a role cop but our existence doesn’t vet the other as town or scum.

My gut is we may have a lot of people with 1x roles so a town role cop could make sense even if using it night 1 is stupid. To be fair, I had a few back and forth with Verb to draw attention. If there are a ton of 1x roles an unlimited role cop would make a lot of sense in creating chaos…but he says 1x. If scum, you claim it knowing there was suspicion from Leelou/verb yesterday and that you can feign “it’s usually a scum role,” but he played it asking for others input so it would be letting others do the legwork? I still think draws attention when he didn’t have much. The play as town makes sense except for burning it n1 before we have a sense of the makeup.

I think I lean town…it’s just using a 1x power like that n1 is bothering me. 

Drums burying a vote on crush then starting off today with voting one of our masons feels super gross…but so does a 1x role cop using it n1 in a huge game. I think I’m leaning drums…it was just a super botched play by JiF if scum, who I’d be let off the hook. Vote

So a couple of things.. why are you saying “another” lie detector when JiF claimed role cop, and what exactly in your post are you including for that hypothetical lie detector?

As for whether this vets JiF’s ability, this was the reason I wanted JiF to name names first.. if he’s scum they may have been tipped off to the existence of a ninja and this was just a fishing expedition. Idk if they’d go that route just off that night time hackey sack slip up, but wanted to rule out that possibility however remote.

Also don’t love you offering up an explanation for why JiF would have investigated you without asking / us hearing the answer to that from JiF firsts

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1 hour ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:


From my perspective you’re casting immediate doubt on the two role claims out there right now. I agree we need more details, but the difference between us is your statement “i don’t like leelou or JiF” this game immediately after both are claiming things that could be potentially verifiable. It’s not a smoking gun on you, but it’s the type of thing that could be scum motivated. Meta-wise, it conflicts for me what i perceive your game ability to be and the stance you are taking. 

To be noted you are basically targeting most trying to scum hunt here and ignoring people who aren’t adding much. 

54 minutes ago, Drums said:

I didn't know they were masons when I voted-- wasn't obvious to me as everyone else apparently. I didn't like Lee at the start of the day and did not trust anything she was saying. It is more obvious now, hence my unvote.

"Buried a vote" when I didn't want to lynch jgb and felt Crush was best guess as scum. Then went on a trip for the last two days of day 2. Still wouldn't have changed my vote though. 

I don't understand why town needs a Ninja.

You have been scum hunting the whole time consistently.  

49 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

Vote Arsis, as the biggest promoter of "here's the list of people to lynch based on JiF's half reveal"

Again I think targeting scum hunters first is a mistake.  It’s what lead to JGB getting lynched.   

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1 minute ago, Hal N of Provo said:

To be noted you are basically targeting most trying to scum hunt here and ignoring people who aren’t adding much. 

You have been scum hunting the whole time consistently.  

Again I think targeting scum hunters first is a mistake.  It’s what lead to JGB getting lynched.   

I get what you're saying in theory, but "kill this guy because of his role reveal and if he's not scum then kill this other guy and if he's also not scum then definitely kill this other guy" is not exactly the most inspiring of hunts, particularly when the connection being made is flimsy at best.

Plus, going for the easy/quiet targets is also hardly the most informative approach, as much as I'm always on board with lynching Pac... although pressuring folks into speaking up I totally support.

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1 minute ago, Bleedin Green said:

I get what you're saying in theory, but "kill this guy because of his role reveal and if he's not scum then kill this other guy and if he's also not scum then definitely kill this other guy" is not exactly the most inspiring of hunts, particularly when the connection being made is flimsy at best.

Plus, going for the easy/quiet targets is also hardly the most informative approach, as much as I'm always on board with lynching Pac... although pressuring folks into speaking up I totally support.

When Jif had a few votes pile on him he had not offered up the other guy. He gave a wonky reveal. The reason I voted for him was his interaction with leelou where he gave an illogical response.

Did someone say we should kill jif and if he's not scum kill the other guy? Or are you just creating a narrative about why people are scummy?

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2 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

I get what you're saying in theory, but "kill this guy because of his role reveal and if he's not scum then kill this other guy and if he's also not scum then definitely kill this other guy" is not exactly the most inspiring of hunts, particularly when the connection being made is flimsy at best.

Plus, going for the easy/quiet targets is also hardly the most informative approach, as much as I'm always on board with lynching Pac... although pressuring folks into speaking up I totally support.

This makes sense but I just notice the most active scum hunters are tending to get the most attention.   From me too - i think it’s natural.  I thought crusher might be scum.  

I want to move the vote off of JiF but finding out his revealed role is often scum and his elusiveness isn’t helping make that happen right now.   It’s still early though.  

We do need more people commenting.  I don’t know how we pressure that though.

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1 hour ago, Arsis said:



Who is Ninja we will vote them day 3 if you flip as 1x convience role cop.


@Integrity2880 put the flavor name in the scene the only thing I did was confirm it a day earlier. All it takes is two dead VT for them to get the flavor of the role name.

You're covering for jif.


The right play is to lynch jif. If he's a 1x role cop he's vt so we trade 1 vt for the Ninja. There's a great trade. If he flop scum we lynch ape tomorrow.


Anything else is over thinking it





13 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

When Jif had a few votes pile on him he had not offered up the other guy. He gave a wonky reveal. The reason I voted for him was his interaction with leelou where he gave an illogical response.

Did someone say we should kill jif and if he's not scum kill the other guy? Or are you just creating a narrative about why people are scummy?

See quote above yours here, which is what I was referencing and reason for my vote.  Supposedly lynching JiF should already dictate the next lynch regardless of how it flips?  Stinky stinky.

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2 hours ago, Drums said:

What did you see?

80's Night Kill notification of Crusher.   The image at the end showed a Hacky Sack.  Jif commented on it revealing he is either scum or a PR as Arsis pointed out.  Now if is claiming Role Cop with a 1 x look and he found a ninja.  


If there is any further information beyond this post that I am replying to, I haven't read it yet.

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2 hours ago, Bleedin Green said:

Vote Arsis, as the biggest promoter of "here's the list of people to lynch based on JiF's half reveal"

Read the actual game. I called jif out during the night and he half revealed as a response to it. I was always going to vote him.

I believe he's lying to cover for the slip up and sacrificing a less useful member of scum to cover for himself.

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5 hours ago, Integrity28 said:


I am here.

I am not a hackey sack. Crusher was not a hackey sack. Both town.

All Arsis did was let us all know what vanilla town is, including scum.


Yeah, harmless for the most part, just put me in the obvious cross hairs of scum for no real good reason.  lol  Hence why I used my one time ability last night to ensure I didnt die before using it.

Anywho, I'm pretty confident the the Ninja isnt town and we can lynch scum today but I like seeing who evolves around that information. 

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5 hours ago, jvill 51 said:

Yeah, I mean I do get why people would question the reveal and the post Barry questioned I had the same thought at first. The way it’s worded it struck me initially that you were hesitant to reveal your own role because people would think you were scum. After reading again I don’t think that was what you meant.

I do have some questions on your thought process but those are better answered once we have a name for this ninja you say you found, which right now is the far more interesting development and I don’t get why people are voting you at the very least until we get more clarity there. 

Look at the people voting me...lol...I think its good we keep talking.  Reactions in hindsight could be helpful w/ bagged information. 

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4 hours ago, Hal N of Provo said:

I’m admittedly very much a newb but town can’t win alone.   Getting 11 people on the same page is difficult and it’s towns only way to win - find the scum and vote them out.

I imagine It would be tough to fake it for every post, so scum would want to avoid taking a stand or posting often.  I think they will be nervous to go all in on explaining why when they do try.

Town’s best chance is to create and environment of being an open book and posting lots.

Being evasive is very much going to “ping”.  Revealing stuff that isn’t conclusive and might come from a scum roll also pings.  

Laughing at someone trying to figure it out and treating them like they are stupid for asking questions that would naturally ask also pings.   That would be in a scum tool box.  


You're starting to ping.  Lots of woe is me, babe in the woods, I'm sorry idk what I'm doing talk from you.  Dont like.  

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4 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:



I have a few issues with what you're doing but the above exchange is what makes me look at you sideways. You claim to have a 1 time role cop and have found a ninja, which you're questioning the alignment on. OK, fine, even though as jvill points out it doesn't make much sense for a town ninja.

The problem I have with the exchange above is that it makes no sense. The fact that a role cop can be either alignment should have no impact on your decision to give the name of someone you claim to have looked up and found is a ninja. When people lie, they often get caught because they forget details of the lie they're telling. I think that's what happened to you in this exchange.

lol, well, like, that's your opinion. haha.  I completely, disagree.  There is zero benefit to sharing the name of this person if the consensus was that I'm out a town PR. 

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5 hours ago, jvill 51 said:

Sure. But what’s the purpose of a town ninja, by itself? Every time I’ve seen ninja the purpose is to avoid detection, so uh what’s this hypothetical townie ninja doing on his visits? And why wouldn’t that also come up in the role cop investigation?


It would depend on the scum roles.

Rile cop only delivers the name of the role, not the actions performed.

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4 hours ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

I haven’t played a game with a ninja, but it sounds more beneficial to scum than town to me. I’d consider it similar to a miller type of role but for watcher/tracker. In any event, if you’re telling the truth, it’d not be a valuable town role of it was town and is actually anti-town if you think about it. 

If we validated this info, it really just validates your power and not alignment as role cop can be either alignment. That being said, that doesn’t mean you should get lynched for it, especially before revealing who. That’s a huge FOS to the people trying to run you up right now. Barry and beaver and drums especially have been around a minute and I think the reaction is suspect af. Hal has been all over the place and inconsistent and I can go there as well. Arsis I can’t tell if he’s just trolling or what. 

My vote is you reveal the who, we confirm with the party whether that is valid, and go from there. If this reveal was done at Lynch or lose, i’d be more suspect, but you’re doing it early and from gut feeling it seems like you’re doing it to maximize info personally. 



100% just wanted to get some conversation and reactions, which has happened...still catching up.

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3 hours ago, Arsis said:



Who is Ninja we will vote them day 3 if you flip as 1x convience role cop.


@Integrity2880 put the flavor name in the scene the only thing I did was confirm it a day earlier. All it takes is two dead VT for them to get the flavor of the role name.

You're covering for jif.


The right play is to lynch jif. If he's a 1x role cop he's vt so we trade 1 vt for the Ninja. There's a great trade. If he flop scum we lynch ape tomorrow.


Anything else is over thinking it




@Drums @Beaver you rep'd this?  lmfao

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3 hours ago, AVM said:

This was super gross, but some business first:

I’m town ninja with some 1x abilities to go with it, in the event there is another lie detector out there. I’ll share if/when I need to.  It makes sense with the flavor but I’ll leave that out..it and role cop are typically scum roles, I’ve had both be town in my own games before. JiFs definitely a role cop but our existence doesn’t vet the other as town or scum.

My gut is we may have a lot of people with 1x roles so a town role cop could make sense even if using it night 1 is stupid. To be fair, I had a few back and forth with Verb to draw attention. If there are a ton of 1x roles an unlimited role cop would make a lot of sense in creating chaos…but he says 1x. If scum, you claim it knowing there was suspicion from Leelou/verb yesterday and that you can feign “it’s usually a scum role,” but he played it asking for others input so it would be letting others do the legwork? I still think draws attention when he didn’t have much. The play as town makes sense except for burning it n1 before we have a sense of the makeup.

I think I lean town…it’s just using a 1x power like that n1 is bothering me. 

Drums burying a vote on crush then starting off today with voting one of our masons feels super gross…but so does a 1x role cop using it n1 in a huge game. I think I’m leaning drums…it was just a super botched play by JiF if scum, who I’d be let off the hook. Vote

Damn, you're an undetected townie w/ abilities?  lmfao

Vote AVM

Good stuff though, well thought out, I bet the chat on how to address this was cute.

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2 hours ago, jvill 51 said:

So a couple of things.. why are you saying “another” lie detector when JiF claimed role cop, and what exactly in your post are you including for that hypothetical lie detector?

As for whether this vets JiF’s ability, this was the reason I wanted JiF to name names first.. if he’s scum they may have been tipped off to the existence of a ninja and this was just a fishing expedition. Idk if they’d go that route just off that night time hackey sack slip up, but wanted to rule out that possibility however remote.

Also don’t love you offering up an explanation for why JiF would have investigated you without asking / us hearing the answer to that from JiF firsts

I mean, he obviously tried to get out in front of this but he basically reveal, Ninja lie detector w/ abilities.  Pretty epic.  lol 

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3 hours ago, Arsis said:



Who is Ninja we will vote them day 3 if you flip as 1x convience role cop.


@Integrity2880 put the flavor name in the scene the only thing I did was confirm it a day earlier. All it takes is two dead VT for them to get the flavor of the role name.

You're covering for jif.


The right play is to lynch jif. If he's a 1x role cop he's vt so we trade 1 vt for the Ninja. There's a great trade. If he flop scum we lynch ape tomorrow.


Anything else is over thinking it




I’m not covering for anyone.

By your post, I figured VT = hackey sack. so like a bunch of hackey sacks. Given how you reacted, you said since Jif didn’t know hackey sack was VT then he must be scum or roled. 

In doing this, you telegraphed to the game that VT = hackey sack. No?

All I’m saying is that it’s not that simplistic. I’m vanilla, but not hackey sack. It’s not necessarily a “gotcha” and I frankly have reservations about blindly following bad logic. If that makes me scum, cool. I’d rather hold my ground than play like a spazz.


3 hours ago, Arsis said:

80 posted the scene where the dude died and his role was hackey sack. Jif made a post saying "oh sh*t you made him a hackey sack so funny"

Ape is saying me calling jif out for that is giving scum a safe claim of hackney sack. My point is it long takes two dead vts for them to have that information and we were already at 1.

Exactly, you gave them the info early. 


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45 minutes ago, Arsis said:

Read the actual game. I called jif out during the night and he half revealed as a response to it. I was always going to vote him.

I believe he's lying to cover for the slip up and sacrificing a less useful member of scum to cover for himself.

Wait, you also think I'm bussing a teammate on my way out?   Who are you, the QAnon Shaman?  Adds up in a CTM game.

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Just now, Barry McCockinner said:

Explain it for me jif. What in the MF does the fact that a role cop can be either alignment have to do with your decision to out the ninja you found?

I've already explained this, so if you need it translated to stupid for you, ask someone else. 

I have a role that could go either way, which made me hesitate to reveal the name of the Ninja right away because I honestly couldnt remember how we historically align the role on this site.  So instead, I asked everyone their thoughts on how a Ninja historically aligns on this site.  Once everyone started chiming in and confirming it was indeed, predominately scum, I felt more comfortable sharing the name.  If everyone was like, no, it's often town, I would not have revealed a power role.  

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5 minutes ago, JiFields said:

I've already explained this, so if you need it translated to stupid for you, ask someone else. 

I have a role that could go either way, which made me hesitate to reveal the name of the Ninja right away because I honestly couldnt remember how we historically align the role on this site.  So instead, I asked everyone their thoughts on how a Ninja historically aligns on this site.  Once everyone started chiming in and confirming it was indeed, predominately scum, I felt more comfortable sharing the name.  If everyone was like, no, it's often town, I would not have revealed a power role.  

you are a moron

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