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Belly all class again at mid field. No words just a handshake and a run in the other direction. Guess we shouldn't expect anything else from a lying, cheating human being. But hey he is a good football coach so it is all okay.

Oh except his student just bitch slapped him today. The thing about bitch slaps is this -- they don't leave a mark. But man they sure do sting.

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DId anyone else notice the swagger in Mangini's step as he was leaving the field?

I think it was a huge sigh of relief for him and I can't imagine how good he feels right now. I really thought it would be a year or two before a Mangini team would beat a BB team.

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Belly all class again at mid field. No words just a handshake and a run in the other direction. Guess we shouldn't expect anything else from a lying, cheating human being. But hey he is a good football coach so it is all okay.

Oh except his student just bitch slapped him today. The thing about bitch slaps is this -- they don't leave a mark. But man they sure do sting.


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Message to the NFL and to whomever votes: Give Nicholas Mangold the offensive rookie of the year right now. Somebody should ask Wilfat how it's like being Mangold's BIATCH, because that's what he was today.

Mangold is a effin beast.

Big win for this organization.

F U Boston and F U Belly. Classless scumbucket.

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Message to the NFL and to whomever votes: Give Nicholas Mangold the offensive rookie of the year right now. Somebody should ask Wilfat how it's like being Mangold's BIATCH, because that's what he was today.

Mangold is a effin beast.

Big win for this organization.

F U Boston and F U Belly. Classless scumbucket.

57 --

GREAT POINT. Great Point. Brick has settled in nicely, very nicely but that was to be expected. Mangold though has produced so quick and it makes them a different team. They have a shot to win if the Jets play (and run) like that. Takes the pressure off the passing game and opens some things up downfield.

Now the Jets didn't take advantage of the matchups but they tried. Not sure how Coles didn't cath that one ball. Regardless they are exploiting matchups -- and the offensive line and their progress is making it possible!

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