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got this from a post at nyyfans.com:

The NY Post, ESPN Radio, and XM Radio are all reporting that the Cubs maybe close to a deal that would put Gary Sheffield in a Cubs' uniform. Rumors are swirling around as to whom the Cubs would give the Yankees in return and how much of Sheffield
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I'd love to see Corey Patterson in a Yankee uniform, although he could probably come alot cheaper than Sheffield

at the same time, Sheff is getting pretty old right now, maybe we should get something in return before its too late

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This guy has never done anything!

High draft pick, always injured, and unproven

Should have signed Vladimir Guerrero like 90% of all Yankee fans wanted instead of Sheffield.

I have heard the name Dubois, but is he any good???

And who the F is sergio mitre??


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Holy sh*t.

The Yankees trading a 37 year old starting to wear down OF for a young pitcher AND a young OUTFIELDER? You don't say. This is a freakin miracle. The outfield would no longer average an age of 36, or whatever it averages. :P

Let us pray this happens.

We need to get rid of the big name players because all they equal is crying and trouble.


It would help our future, you do know what "future" means don't you George?

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It is pretty hard for me to believe the Yankees would trade Sheffield for relative young and unproven players- it is not the imo of george.

Sheffield is still a good hitter- he would not be the guy I would look to get rid of unless the right deal came

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Like I said in my post before this one on this thread:


Help the Yankees of the future, stop worrying about this year, you can't always win, please let this trade happen. PLEASE. If there's a just and loving god, this trade will go through.

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.262 batting average

.294 OBP (!!!)

on pace for 150 strikeouts!!

Thats Corey Pattersons numbers right now

Potential is a word that just means you haven't done anything yet

Is he a great fielder? YES

Is he a very good basestealer? YES

Can he cover up alot of ground in centerfield? YES

Has he ever had a pretty good offensive season? NO

Does he have potential? YES

This move would be very risky

Trade Sheffield for Rocco Baldelli, thats a centerfielder who is more proven and complete than Patterson.

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Glad you guys are hearing the same thing out east - it's all over the airwaves in Chi. Sheffield has some skeletons and he's old, but I'll take him in a heartbeat for Patterson. The kid won't live long in NY if he doesn't wise up and start listening to his coaches. He damn sure didn't do that here and hopefully the right people are finally sick of it. He's got all the potential in the world, but he's a bull headed little idiot. C'mon Sheff - we got a spot for ya!!!!

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Sorry, but this trade is absolute Sh#t if it goes down

Mitre has an era around 5

Dubois is NOTHING

Corey Patterson is totally UNPROVEN

This move would suck.

Trade Sheffield for Sean Casey or Rocco Baldelli.

Yea...Casey & Baldelli are sure fire super stars :roll:

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Pathetic trade, just pathetic.

Patterson, Dubois and Mitre for Sheffield

2 JAGS, 1 unproven player with potential for 1 of the best right handed hitters in the game with a rocket arm in right field, who has good success vs curt schilling.

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Is this for real? I can't see why Chicago would bring in a steroid guy after being able to offload their previous one.

This trade is just nyah. Sheff no longer in a nyy uniform would suit me fine but he hasn't been anything near as fierce as he was lastyear. When he'd come to the plate I'd be gripping as a Sox fan. Patterson was monster hot the second half of the 03 season i think. But seeing him in a nyy uniform is not going to make me sweat.

This could be, though, the sign of things to come around the Bronx. Sweeping changes.

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Gary Sheffield is a Roid Monster who is 47 yrs old.

**** Him and his cannon right arm. They aint doing sh*t for us.

We would be much better off with Vlad out there.

Wash your hands of Giambi and Sheffield and be done with it.

I don't care if they get Mackey Sasser and Ted Williams's son in return.

It's time to clean house once and for all!!

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Yea...Casey & Baldelli are sure fire super stars :roll:

Bro, Sean Casey is the most underrated player, or 1 of the most underrated players in all of MLB.

Sean Casey this season

.325 batting average

.379 OBP

17 strikeouts

On pace for 77 RBIs, 51 walks, ONLY 44 STRIKEOUTS!!, 190 hits, 586 at bats, 41 DOUBLES!! and 77 runs scored.

Average season for Sean Casey

.305 batting average

.371 OBP

.466 SLG %

.837 OPS

70 strikeouts

58 walks

93 RBIs

18 home runs

88 runs scored

39 doubles

183 Hits

Sean Casey is a bonafide all-star SuperStar.

Oh yeah, he also has a careeg FPCT of .995

Rocco Baldelli is way better than Patterson. Baldelli is a very good fielder, hits for a good average, steals bases, covers alot of ground in center, bunts well. He's just a ballplayer, too bad he's on the DL right now.

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Come on now. He strikes out like 4 times a game.

LAst thing we need is another rally killer.

No Dude, you're wrong - he only strikes out twice a game. He pops up like a sissy the other 2.

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I love Corey Pattersons potential and all that, but cmon the guy has never done anything

I think Sheffield might have forced this trade. He's been totally off the past month and not hustling at all.

Patterson had a good year last year and was a All-Star though hurt the year before.

Off to a bad start this year but a talent....k's too much, I agree.

That said, this trade only happens if Sheffield has gone back to being the cancer in the clubhouse he was everywhere else other than Atlanta in his career.

No way George makes a logical(get younger) trade and waves the white flag on the season.

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IS EB freaking kidding me? Look...I know he's just a kid and that there is no age limit here but you should at least know a little bit about baseball to post on this forum.


Geez...this guy makes my hair hurt! Why would TB do that? Why? Im begging you to tell me...when RB conceivably brings MORE to the table the Sheffield, YOU MORON!

BTW...the Reds wouldnt want him either, esp. for Casey! You MIGHT get him for Griffey because thats an even salary trade (almost)

Like a small market team is gonna take a YANKEE SALARY DUMP! What an idiot!

The Cubs thing might happen...and TRUST...you'd be lucky to get the Corey Patterson package for Garroid!

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Hahaha, I can't believe some of you Yank fans are actually digging this trade! Corey Patterson is nothing more than potential. He hasn't improved a bit since he's been in the bigs. He looked like he was on the fast track to stardom in 2003 before his ACL tear, but he has actually regressed from that. He has ZERO plate discipline. Throw him a high fastball with two strikes and he's as good as gone. Again, he has the POTENTIAL to be a five tool player, but as of the last two years, he is Coco Crisp with a 40 point lower batting average.

So, keep praying Yank fans. You can rest assured Newjetster and I are praying too.

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IS EB freaking kidding me? Look...I know he's just a kid and that there is no age limit here but you should at least know a little bit about baseball to post on this forum.


Geez...this guy makes my hair hurt! Why would TB do that? Why? Im begging you to tell me...when RB conceivably brings MORE to the table the Sheffield, YOU MORON!

BTW...the Reds wouldnt want him either, esp. for Casey! You MIGHT get him for Griffey because thats an even salary trade (almost)

Like a small market team is gonna take a YANKEE SALARY DUMP! What an idiot!

The Cubs thing might happen...and TRUST...you'd be lucky to get the Corey Patterson package for Garroid!

Buddy, you're not a GM. Don't sit here and talk like you know what teams would do and for what players. You have no idea.

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IS EB freaking kidding me? Look...I know he's just a kid and that there is no age limit here but you should at least know a little bit about baseball to post on this forum.


Geez...this guy makes my hair hurt! Why would TB do that? Why? Im begging you to tell me...when RB conceivably brings MORE to the table the Sheffield, YOU MORON!

BTW...the Reds wouldnt want him either, esp. for Casey! You MIGHT get him for Griffey because thats an even salary trade (almost)

Like a small market team is gonna take a YANKEE SALARY DUMP! What an idiot!

The Cubs thing might happen...and TRUST...you'd be lucky to get the Corey Patterson package for Garroid!

Although Jet/Bosox fan is a complete and total moron 95% of the time (at least he was on TGG until he was banned), he is right here. Of course, he exaggerates because he refuses to think logically about anything Yankees, but to think Tampa or Cincy would take Sheffield for Baldelli or Casey (or Dunn) is ridiculous. The last thing Tampa wants to do is give up one of their best young players who is still cheap to a division rival in exchange for a great player who makes half of what the rest of the team combined makes. Sheffield has no use for Tampa. Besides, Naimoli and George HATE each other.

Cincy makes slightly more sense, but they'd be looking for young pitching. If we want to give Wang to them, we could get Kearns or Casey, but I wouldn't do that. Griffey would be cheaper, of course, and there would be no need to have Sheff involved. Hell, they'd probably just give him to us for nothing a la Mondesi a couple years back with Toronto.

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There is absolutely no chance that the Cubs will trade Mitre. He is currently pitching better than anyone the Yankees have on their staff. Packaging him a deal for Sheff would be a huge mistake. However, Corey Patterson is definitely fair game. Dubois too, although he is an intriguing prospect.

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Sheff for Patterson? what the f? I am no yankee fan but this would be a stupid trade. Patterson is a K King and he would certainly K more in a high pressure environment like Yankee Stadium. This smells of something rotten..perhaps Sheff said or did something to anger George besides his play. Is Paterson your CF of the future? No..

Sheff for patterson is laughable.


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