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New Kitten


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so a couple weeks ago the boys talked me into a new kitty. Well he is crazy and love to hunt the children and the attack their feet,lol. I think it's hilarious...they hate it...so now he is my new kitty.

The funny thing is he loves music. Whatever I put it on....he stands right in front of me and waits for me to sing to him,lol. I'm not luther vandros but when i do sing to him...he nuzzles my chin.

Anybody every had a cat like this?

Ps...he likes Kanye West,lol...and I am well aware of how Gay this thread is.

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Nah, in all seriouness Smizz, I have a little kitten too. She's just over a year old, a mut cat really, and she used to do the same exact things. Problem is, they grow out of it and then they love you once in a while instead of 24/7. That is unless you're lucky and your cat is just a 24/7 lover.

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I had the coolest cat, "Turbo".

He could kick Alk's dogs ass.

Turbo would walk to the bus stop with me, or anywhere for that matter, and he played fetch. Great cat, but I had to put him down in August. He was 18 years old and not very well. :(

He loved music too.

But seriously, if you sound even slightly like Luther Vandross, sing to me please, not your cat. :) I may cry, thinking about Turbo and all, but I love Luther Vandross. :)

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But seriously, if you sound even slightly like Luther Vandross, sing to me please, not your cat. :) I may cry, thinking about Turbo and all, but I love Luther Vandross. :)

Stop To Love - dynomite song Lady J

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i adopted my cat, hes 4 and a half years old. He likes to come and lay on my lap, when noones around i sing to him and he turns his head around and stares at me. i assume he likes it because he is purring.

We should start a pet picture thread. :P

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i have had kitties and pups.. love them all.. had a kitty who truly acted like a dog.. great cat! passed away after 18 years. :(

I want to see pictures of all these kitties!

got to LOVE a guy who loves kitties! :D

Really? I always question the sexual preferences of a man that has cats. :P

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Really? I always question the sexual preferences of a man that has cats. :P

to me it is like a man who would wear a pink button down shirt... they are so comfortable in their manhood.. they dont give a sh!t what others think ;)

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pretty much. she was horrified when she moved in to find that even though i owned the house for over a year my office was stacked to the ceiling with boxes. she said she is amazed she didn't find a dead hooker in some closet.

at least she was Ok with the live one

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