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Sounds like Winter is here.


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we have a cold front passing thru here starting today........expected to dip into the low 70's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :mrgreen:

now now JOE I was gonna post something similar but I figured it would be mean

Im off to the golf course now and I will keep you poor - ha ha ha - souls - hahahahahaha - in my bwahhahahahahaha - thoughts -- enjoy the shoveling beyotches :P

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now now JOE I was gonna post something similar but I figured it would be mean

Im off to the golf course now and I will keep you poor - ha ha ha - souls - hahahahahaha - in my bwahhahahahahaha - thoughts -- enjoy the shoveling beyotches :P

I hope a tornado blows your trailer away.

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i have had a ****ty last 2 days. yesterday i have 2 classes and for the first time all year both were cancelled, on my way home i hit a massive pothole blow out my left front tire. i wake up today its and its pouring by me. fine i figure to just grab the umbrella. i get to school and there is 3 inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down when i left after the first class because the other 2 were cancelled. i`m sitting in class drenched in this slush only to than find out the mid-term i was wasted 3 hours studying for last night is postponed.

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Notice acid rain was dropped from the agenda too? According to that lot, every tree was to have been killed by 1995.

notice that they constantly change their story on what the problem is but the "solution" is always to stop driving cars, flying in planes, eating meat and generally enjoying life.

it's also quite humorous that environwhackos mock Christians because there is "no proof" that God exists yet they believe the latest environmental catastrophe du jour on blind faith while conveniently forgetting all the prior false prognostications of doom.

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