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Sick Of Hearing How Arizona "Isn't Qualified" To Be In The Super Bowl

The Gun Of Bavaria

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So this morning, I'm listening the local sports radio idiots on WJR 760 AM in Detroit, and they're interviewing Detroit Free Press Sportswriter Mike O'Hara via telephone from Tampa.

He is a card carrying member of the Steelers bandwagon and hey, good for him. However, he then makes the statement that the Cardinals "Aren't Qualified" to be in the Super Bowl.

Seriously? Since when is a team that fights its way from being the armpit of the league, wins 3 playoff games, including a dismantling of the one team who sportswriters thought "were qualified" (Carolina), and makes the Super Bowl "Not qualified"?

Boo Freaking Hoo. It's not the Giants, Cowboys or the sports writing orgasm inducing McNabb led Eagles. How you honestly say, with a straight face, that a team that fights its way to the Super Bowl, through regular season and 3 rounds of playoff games, completely uncharted territory for this franchise by the way, doesn't deserve to be there.

It gets old hearing this crap day in and day out. There's a reason they play the game, just ask Chris Collinsworth and his lovely "The NY Jets are legitimate Super Bowl Contenders" quote.

Congratulationsto the Cardinals for earning their way to the Super Bowl. They're more than qualified to be there and I hope that they break Roethisberger in half on the way to their first Super Bowl title.

Also, I hope the players of the "qualified" teams are enjoying their latest round of golf.

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Hey guys, there is a new invention called the telephone, ever hear of it? Then you can actually hold a conversation without waiting for a typed response...

and you don't have to worry about people like me butting in...:rim:

cmon now Al this conversation is intended to fuel your fire and get you to chime in with your wisdom :cheers:

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Hey guys, there is a new invention called the telephone, ever hear of it? Then you can actually hold a conversation without waiting for a typed response...

and you don't have to worry about people like me butting in...:rim:

Yeah but if we all just talked on the telephone instead of posting here Max would have to get a real job.

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Hey guys, there is a new invention called the telephone, ever hear of it? Then you can actually hold a conversation without waiting for a typed response...

and you don't have to worry about people like me butting in...:rim:

What if I called Judy every evening, at about 9pm, to discuss this topic. Would you be upset? :lol:

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So this morning, I'm listening the local sports radio idiots on WJR 760 AM in Detroit, and they're interviewing Detroit Free Press Sportswriter Mike O'Hara via telephone from Tampa.

He is a card carrying member of the Steelers bandwagon and hey, good for him. However, he then makes the statement that the Cardinals "Aren't Qualified" to be in the Super Bowl.

Seriously? Since when is a team that fights its way from being the armpit of the league, wins 3 playoff games, including a dismantling of the one team who sportswriters thought "were qualified" (Carolina), and makes the Super Bowl "Not qualified"?

Boo Freaking Hoo. It's not the Giants, Cowboys or the sports writing orgasm inducing McNabb led Eagles. How you honestly say, with a straight face, that a team that fights its way to the Super Bowl, through regular season and 3 rounds of playoff games, completely uncharted territory for this franchise by the way, doesn't deserve to be there.

It gets old hearing this crap day in and day out. There's a reason they play the game, just ask Chris Collinsworth and his lovely "The NY Jets are legitimate Super Bowl Contenders" quote.

Congratulationsto the Cardinals for earning their way to the Super Bowl. They're more than qualified to be there and I hope that they break Roethisberger in half on the way to their first Super Bowl title.

Also, I hope the players of the "qualified" teams are enjoying their latest round of golf.

I was pretty sure to 'qualify' for the Super Bowl, you had to:

Make the Playoffs: red_check_mark.gif

Earn a Bye or Win the Wild Card Round: red_check_mark.gif

Win the Divisional Round: red_check_mark.gif

Win the Conference Championship: red_check_mark.gif

Did I miss anything? Was there a test or an exam? Or are they pretty well qualified to be there?

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If the Cardinals had played in a division that had a team that was .500 above maybe they would've played a little better over the final five games? Yes they are 9-7, so what? They are a good team that got lazy at the end of the season because their division was wrapped up and the majority of those players have never experienced something like that before. They are a very good team who just didnt play well on the East Coast, what a shocker. Hey, I think there is a team in NY who missed the postseason PARTLY because of their West Coast struggles.

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So this morning, I'm listening the local sports radio idiots on WJR 760 AM in Detroit, and they're interviewing Detroit Free Press Sportswriter Mike O'Hara via telephone from Tampa.

He is a card carrying member of the Steelers bandwagon and hey, good for him. However, he then makes the statement that the Cardinals "Aren't Qualified" to be in the Super Bowl.

Seriously? Since when is a team that fights its way from being the armpit of the league, wins 3 playoff games, including a dismantling of the one team who sportswriters thought "were qualified" (Carolina), and makes the Super Bowl "Not qualified"?

Boo Freaking Hoo. It's not the Giants, Cowboys or the sports writing orgasm inducing McNabb led Eagles. How you honestly say, with a straight face, that a team that fights its way to the Super Bowl, through regular season and 3 rounds of playoff games, completely uncharted territory for this franchise by the way, doesn't deserve to be there.

It gets old hearing this crap day in and day out. There's a reason they play the game, just ask Chris Collinsworth and his lovely "The NY Jets are legitimate Super Bowl Contenders" quote.

Congratulationsto the Cardinals for earning their way to the Super Bowl. They're more than qualified to be there and I hope that they break Roethisberger in half on the way to their first Super Bowl title.

Also, I hope the players of the "qualified" teams are enjoying their latest round of golf.

Over here the last few weeks have just been full of all this "They shouldn't have been in the playoffs wah wah wah - it's not right the Patriots don't make it and the Cards do, and the NFL should change the whole sysytem" crap. Thankfully with them winning three playoff games, most of these whiners have had to shut their faces.

Cards are in the Super Bowl on merit. They won their division, and they won three playoff games. They deserve to be in Tampa this week. End of story.

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If the Cardinals had played in a division that had a team that was .500 above maybe they would've played a little better over the final five games? Yes they are 9-7, so what? They are a good team that got lazy at the end of the season because their division was wrapped up and the majority of those players have never experienced something like that before. They are a very good team who just didnt play well on the East Coast


They also took care of business in the division by going 6-0. They beat the Dolphins by 21 points and the Bills by 24.

Their win against the Cowboys was a great game to watch.

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I'm counting on it heavily in Nicks vBookie!


You know what Billy? Outside of Cincy, Baltimore & Cleveland the hate for the Steelers is just as strong in New England.

The only team I absolutely despise in the NFL resides in Pittsburgh.

I can't name anyone in Massachusetts that wants the Steelers to win.

Did I mention I hate the Steelers?

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You know what Billy? Outside of Cincy, Baltimore & Cleveland the hate for the Steelers is just as strong in New England.

The only team I absolutely despise in the NFL resides in Pittsburgh.

I can't name anyone in Massachusetts that wants the Steelers to win.

Did I mention I hate the Steelers?

Music to my ears!

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The world hates the Steelers. It's true.

They should.

80% of Steelers "fans" don't even live in Pittsburgh and most of them have never even been to Pennsylvania.

The Stadium on Sunday is going to be full of dbag Steelers fans waving their piss stained towels. And you know what? 12 of them are actually from Western PA.

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They should.

80% of Steelers "fans" don't even live in Pittsburgh and most of them have never even been to Pennsylvania.

The Stadium on Sunday is going to be full of dbag Steelers fans waving their piss stained towels. And you know what? 12 of them are actually from Western PA.



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