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Italy Bans "Ethnic" Foods


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Specifically, this targets Kebab, but if the policy is fully-pursued, you may not be able to buy Sicilian cuisine in Italian cities anymore.

Italy bans kebabs and foreign food from cities



Lol, so the EU tells Obama to cut the "Buy American" clauses from the stimulus bill and he obliges them because at some point I guess the EU became the 51st state and he has to answer to them, while the Europeans are pulling stupid protectionist ideas like this?

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No kebabs? I pretty much live on those here. You can't walk a block in Berlin without running into a Turkish kebab restaurant. Great stuff. Incredibly bad for you, but good stuff.

Ironic that burlusconi feels compelled to pass laws banning food rather than focus on the countries problems with organized crime and general inefficiency.

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Ironic that burlusconi feels compelled to pass laws banning food rather than focus on the countries problems with organized crime and general inefficiency.

Prolly because he knows its unlikely that the kebob chef will come to his house, shoot him in the head, cut his n*ts off and stuff them down his gaping maw.

The other guys, not so sure.

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Lol, so the EU tells Obama to cut the "Buy American" clauses from the stimulus bill and he obliges them because at some point I guess the EU became the 51st state and he has to answer to them, while the Europeans are pulling stupid protectionist ideas like this?

Being protectionist screws over their own country overall. Sure, their food industry might now benefit, but overall, the lack of trade hurts their consumers with higher prices and less variety. So, in effect, protectionist hurts both foreign countries AND the home country. It's just like shooting yourself in the foot.

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Being protectionist screws over their own country overall. Sure, their food industry might now benefit, but overall, the lack of trade hurts their consumers with higher prices and less variety. So, in effect, protectionist hurts both foreign countries AND the home country. It's just like shooting yourself in the foot.

Yeah, i understand that, free markets and such, that wasn't really the point i was trying to make.

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What the heck is a kebab anyway? This picture isn't helping - LOL!


It's a large piece of bread filled with lamb, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and sauce. Some restaurants will shove French fries in the sandwich and you basically have to eat your way to the sandwich.

Like I said, probably the most unhealthy food choice ever.

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Oh, and Seriously? This is just another example of the rampant Anti-Turkish RACISM that goes on in Europe...the most serious example being the exclusion of Turkey from the EU..

Whatever, we'll see how they like it when the secular government of Turkey fails and they have the most populated and advanced Islamic Republic in the world on their doorstep.

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Oh, and Seriously? This is just another example of the rampant Anti-Turkish RACISM that goes on in Europe...the most serious example being the exclusion of Turkey from the EU..

Whatever, we'll see how they like it when the secular government of Turkey fails and they have the most populated and advanced Islamic Republic in the world on their doorstep.


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There's funny, there's hilarious, and then there's facist food laws. Just an entirely new level of humor.

"Dude, you totally missed out. Know how funny it was? It was facist food law funny."

"Holy crap! I can't believe I missed that!"

Teh Boston Tea Party was like the Lenny Bruce of fascist food law, with three point hats and bad teef

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Oh, and Seriously? This is just another example of the rampant Anti-Turkish RACISM that goes on in Europe...the most serious example being the exclusion of Turkey from the EU..

Whatever, we'll see how they like it when the secular government of Turkey fails and they have the most populated and advanced Islamic Republic in the world on their doorstep.

If it makes you feel better, it's not really Anti-TURKISH racism, but anti-Islamic sentiment that is causing it (the French/Spanish are NOTORIOUS for that).

something about fascist food laws...

sweet an excuse to post this: They took my BACON DOG!

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Can't say I agree with you. If anything, the French have been accused of being antisemitic for being too sympathetic to the Palestian cause.

Funny because they have an anti-hijab law. They also have huge public outcrys over any official recognition of Islam. They actually forced a couple to stay married because their reason for divorcing was a violation of Sharia law. If they had just said "we don't get along" the court would've rubber-stamped it.

There have been anti-muslim-immigrant riots and protests all over France as well.

But yeah, the French government probably is pro-palestine.

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Oh, and Seriously? This is just another example of the rampant Anti-Turkish RACISM that goes on in Europe...the most serious example being the exclusion of Turkey from the EU..

Whatever, we'll see how they like it when the secular government of Turkey fails and they have the most populated and advanced Islamic Republic in the world on their doorstep.

After Vlad the Impaler, I would have thought Turkey would have had it up to here with Europeans. :rim:

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There have been anti-muslim-immigrant riots and protests all over France as well.

I think your confusing the riots we've had over the years. They were ghetto riots, that more to do with poorly managed integration of immigrants than with religion.

Sarkozy when elected, nominated a 'head of Islam', just like there is for other religions, to be the spokesperson for his followers. This was widely applauded.

Things aren't peachy though, I'll give you that.

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I think your confusing the riots we've had over the years. They were ghetto riots, that more to do with poorly managed integration of immigrants than with religion.

Sarkozy when elected, nominated a 'head of Islam', just like there is for other religions, to be the spokesperson for his followers. This was widely applauded.

Things aren't peachy though, I'll give you that.

Are your women still hot?

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