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Rashard penisface Mendenhall: bin Laden defender and 9-11 truther.

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Regarding USA citizens' reaction to killing bin Laden:

“What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side...”

Regarding the 9-11 attacks:

“We’ll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”

More on how we should view bin Laden:

“I believe in God. I believe we’re ALL his children. And I believe HE is the ONE and ONLY judge.”

“Those who judge others, will also be judged themselves.”

“For those of you who said you want to see Bin Laden burn ... I ask how would God feel about your heart?”

“There is not an ignorant bone in my body. I just encourage you to think.”

And this cute tidbit:

“Anyone with knowledge of the slave trade and the NFL could say that these two parallel each other."

I'm sure 17th-19th century American slaves would say the same thing to today's NFL player: "Man, that multimillion dollar contract you elected to play under is just like what we went through for life. We're like totally the same and stuff."

What a friggin' horse's ass.

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"What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side...” "

One Osma Bin Laden, a man who repeatedly and openly took credit and celebrated the murder of too mnay friends and neighbors.

There was a time in the fall of 2001 that the funerals in the parishes my family and my parents live in in Brooklyn and Rockaway seemed to be running into each other, most of them without a body.

But I digress. We need to end the lockout ASAP so the likes of Rashard Mendenhall don’t have so much time on their hands lest they consider the big issues of the day.Hasn’t he got some filthy polegripper named Destinii to occupy his free time, or has he spent his way through his NFLPA supplement?

The “other side” is this a$$hole OBL admitted to murdering 3000+ Americans and reveled in it.Only a moron who doens't know sh*t would say otherwise. **** Rahshard Mendenhall.He needs to get a refund on what ever education he supposedly received from kindergarten, which obviously were not engineering, metallurgy nor the effect of a full plan load of jet fuel burning and it's effects on a skyscraper's bindings. I hope this cocksucker never has another pleasant day.But it's not like half his neighbors were dealing with the death of a loved one, so he'll never know that kind of pain.

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And this cute tidbit:

“Anyone with knowledge of the slave trade and the NFL could say that these two parallel each other."

Setting aside all the 9/11 truth stuff, what.... what could this statement POSSIBLY mean?

Let's compare.

1. Slavery: forced labor, NFL: voluntary

2. Slavery: based on race, circumstance. NFL: based on your own desire to play a game you love.

3. Slavery: can't stop being a slave, NFL: can stop being an NFL player whenever you want with no legal consequences whatsoever.

4. Slavery: one receives the necessities to survive, NFL: Pays for your mansion, or perhaps two or three. Pays for your private jet. Pays for a fleet of cars. If managed successfully, can earn enough to live an entire life on in just 3-5 years.

Besides those 4 things though, the NFL is totally like chattel slavery.

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“We’ll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”

It's amazing these elite thinkers find this less believable then a massivie conspiracy to rig the building for demolition, without being noticed by anyone not involved. Those videos are comical, "You think this was done by religious extremists with a long history committing acts of terror? Too easy, let me offer you this much more complicated and convuluted scenario and watch as I tie it all together by a bunch of disparate, made up or half true facts and statements by other smart people like me"

Most of these people are the same folks that want less government, cause the government is incompetant and innefficient, but somehow they pulled this off?

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"What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side...” "

One Osma Bin Laden, a man who repeatedly and openly took credit and celebrated the murder of too mnay friends and neighbors.

There was a time in the fall of 2001 that the funerals in the parishes my family and my parents live in in Brooklyn and Rockaway seemed to be running into each other, most of them without a body.

But I digress. We need to end the lockout ASAP so the likes of Rashard Mendenhall don’t have so much time on their hands lest they consider the big issues of the day.Hasn’t he got some filthy polegripper named Destinii to occupy his free time, or has he spent his way through his NFLPA supplement?

The “other side” is this a$$hole OBL admitted to murdering 3000+ Americans and reveled in it.Only a moron who doens't know sh*t would say otherwise. **** Rahshard Mendenhall.He needs to get a refund on what ever education he supposedly received from kindergarten, which obviously were not engineering, metallurgy nor the effect of a full plan load of jet fuel burning and it's effects on a skyscraper's bindings. I hope this cocksucker never has another pleasant day.But it's not like half his neighbors were dealing with the death of a loved one, so he'll never know that kind of pain.

Not to mention when steel gets hot it loses strength. Thats why structural steel in buildings like that are covered in fire protection material. But it was never meant to withstand heat from burning jet fuel. Its highly unlikely the building would have ever gotten that hot from a normal fire because of the sprinkler systems.

With the mountain of evidence pointing to Bin Laden, I cant believe some people really think somebody else was responsible for 911.

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Not to mention when steel gets hot it loses strength. Thats why structural steel in buildings like that are covered in fire protection material. But it was never meant to withstand heat from burning jet fuel. Its highly unlikely the building would have ever gotten that hot from a normal fire because of the sprinkler systems.

With the mountain of evidence pointing to Bin Laden, I cant believe some people really think somebody else was responsible for 911.

Not to mention his numerous boasts of responsibility for the event.

I think that counts as hearing both sides of the story, Rashard.

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It's amazing these elite thinkers find this less believable then a massivie conspiracy to rig the building for demolition, without being noticed by anyone not involved. Those videos are comical, "You think this was done by religious extremists with a long history committing acts of terror? Too easy, let me offer you this much more complicated and convuluted scenario and watch as I tie it all together by a bunch of disparate, made up or half true facts and statements by other smart people like me"

Most of these people are the same folks that want less government, cause the government is incompetant and innefficient, but somehow they pulled this off?

It is amazing that the convoluted seems more likely than the obvious to so many.

Disagree with the last line though. These know-it-alls are the ones who want no government, not merely less government. We should all go back to living in forests and then all would be right in the world and no one would harbor ill-will towards his fellow man. They are fringe people and comprise a small minority of the population no matter how many absurd YouTube videos we've seen. They don't merely think government is overstepping or overreaching a bit; they despise and fear all forms of government and distrust everything not plainly in front of them (unless written or spoken by one similarly aligned). But I don't think one needs to be a fringe loony to believe the government is often incompetent and often - if not usually - inefficient. For I have been to the Department of Motor Vehicles on more than one occasion.

In other words, I wouldn't equate mainstream people who just want less government with total anarchists who want zero government. Let alone with someone who - despite likely having ancestors who saw or endured true slavery firsthand - would equate electing to become a millionaire NFL player with being born into a lifetime of forced servitude and brutality and all that came with it.

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It is amazing that the convoluted seems more likely than the obvious to so many.

Disagree with the last line though. These know-it-alls are the ones who want no government, not merely less government. We should all go back to living in forests and then all would be right in the world and no one would harbor ill-will towards his fellow man. They are fringe people and comprise a small minority of the population no matter how many absurd YouTube videos we've seen. They don't merely think government is overstepping or overreaching a bit; they despise and fear all forms of government and distrust everything not plainly in front of them (unless written or spoken by one similarly aligned). But I don't think one needs to be a fringe loony to believe the government is often incompetent and often - if not usually - inefficient. For I have been to the Department of Motor Vehicles on more than one occasion.

In other words, I wouldn't equate mainstream people who just want less government with total anarchists who want zero government. Let alone with someone who - despite likely having ancestors who saw or endured true slavery firsthand - would equate electing to become a millionaire NFL player with being born into a lifetime of forced servitude and brutality and all that came with it.

I agree my point was only that most of the people who believe the government was behind this also think the government can't tie it's own shoes. Thier beliefs are contradictory. Those of us like you and I who think the government is generally inefficient, know the government couldn't of pulled this off

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I agree my point was only that most of the people who believe the government was behind this also think the government can't tie it's own shoes. Thier beliefs are contradictory. Those of us like you and I who think the government is generally inefficient, know the government couldn't of pulled this off

I'm most in disbelief as to how there's more classless goings-on from yet another integral member of such a classy franchise. I mean they're just so...classy. It's terrible to sound so cliché, but that's really the only word that comes to mind for so many of us. So classy. Just such a class organization. The team just exudes class.

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Saw this in the paper this morning. What a complete ******* a$$hole. In the article I read Art Rooney was quoted as saying, "I have not spoken with Rashard, so it is hard to explain or even comprehend what he meant with his recent Twitter comments". I particularly like the "even comprehend" part of his quote. It starts off as if he's going to take the PC / no-comment route, but then certainly makes it so his feelings are known on this dipsh*t.

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The Steeler message boards are on fire!!! 95% of the fan base want to just dump this POS. I really wish there were some mini camps or OTAs right now so we could see Harrison and Woodley light his a$$ up!!!!

Yeah, that whole area is RealAmericaVille.. they don't take kindly to this type of thing. It really starts once you get about 1 hr+ into the more Northern parts of PA, away from Philly. I did some work for a company near Hazleton and it was amazing how different those folks were the NY'ers, used to be fun to mess with them. But even beyond social issues, it's amazing the union mentality you get out there that you don't really see here.

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Sometimes people don't realize how lucky they are. I know I am guilty of that on occasion, but this guy takes the cake.

He's a 9/11 truther or whatever you all call those numbnuts, fine....but comparing the nfl to slavery is absurd. maybe he was thinking of the combine - where athletes are trotted out like cattle and put on display for "draft" (sale). Shoot, that's an NFL rookies job interview. Hey, you chose the career path! Last time I checked though, Slaves weren't making six figures (or more), living in posh townhomes, driving new SUV's, getting free kicks, and getting the VIP treatment wherever they go.

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Carl Everett didn't believe dinosaurs existed.

But even Everett didn't remain silent on the matter only to show up at a celebration concluding a 10-year dinosaur dig, during which 50 paleontologists famously got killed when the cave collapsed on them, to spout about how dinosaur bones are all man-made and all those who worked on the dig are or were in on it.

And he also spoke just as strongly about inter-league play -- the freak.

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I knew Mendenhall was a different drummer type ... heady... writes poetry ... blah blah blah. But I didn't know he lacked sufficient intelligence to get out the door in the morning, which is what these comments would point to. You'd expect this from a kid who did too much PCP, but he's worse. Another of the pseudo intellectuals who are sure theres no way 9/11 could have happened without support from Martians or Jack Bauer or whatever. I'm embarrassed to say he's a fellow Illini and I'm sure theres more than a few Steeler team mates doing heavy WTF over this.

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Saw this in the paper this morning. What a complete ******* a$$hole. In the article I read Art Rooney was quoted as saying, "I have not spoken with Rashard, so it is hard to explain or even comprehend what he meant with his recent Twitter comments". I particularly like the "even comprehend" part of his quote. It starts off as if he's going to take the PC / no-comment route, but then certainly makes it so his feelings are known on this dipsh*t.

Rooney doesn't f*ck around, and he can't. The guy is the US Ambassador to Ireland. He dumped a Super Bowl MVP in his prime and--allegedly--had to be begged on hands and knees not to dump Roethlisberger (though I'm sure having a big white okie QB that somehow the very enlightened fans of Central PA rallied around helped ease that decision). Regardless, Mendenhall is an ok running back with a running style that will end his career in two years, anyway. Dude is DOA.

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Rooney doesn't f*ck around, and he can't. The guy is the US Ambassador to Ireland. He dumped a Super Bowl MVP in his prime and--allegedly--had to be begged on hands and knees not to dump Roethlisberger (though I'm sure having a big white okie QB that somehow the very enlightened fans of Central PA rallied around helped ease that decision). Regardless, Mendenhall is an ok running back with a running style that will end his career in two years, anyway. Dude is DOA.

Dan Rooney is Ambassador to Ireland. Art Rooney II runs the Steelers.

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well, i'm dumbfounded at his comments. the only thing i can think of is maybe he didn't recieve a good education and didn't hear about 9/11 or the embassy bombings. maybe he didn't hear when osama wanted to kill all americans, including himself. that or he just a complete idiot. the slavery comments pushes me over the edge though. comparing himself to a slave is a slap in the face to all those people, not just black, that were slaves. i'd trade his butt if i were the steelers, let him go play in a city that has a bunch of retarded fans like san fran.

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well, i'm dumbfounded at his comments. the only thing i can think of is maybe he didn't recieve a good education and didn't hear about 9/11 or the embassy bombings. maybe he didn't hear when osama wanted to kill all americans, including himself. that or he just a complete idiot. the slavery comments pushes me over the edge though. comparing himself to a slave is a slap in the face to all those people, not just black, that were slaves. i'd trade his butt if i were the steelers, let him go play in a city that has a bunch of retarded fans like san fran.

Screw that. Let him go play in Afghanistan & see how much he can get playing there instead of the oppressive NFL.

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