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Braylon Edwards will sign for less money


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WR Braylon Edwards would consider a discount to re-sign with Jets

Published: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 5:50 PM Updated: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 6:24 PM

By Jenny Vrentas/The Star-Ledger The Star-Ledger

John Munson/The Star-LedgerWR Braylon Edwards says he knows it will be difficult for the Jets to keep him, Santonio Holmes and Brad Smith.

MISSION VIEJO, Calif. — Braylon Edwards wants to play for the Jets next season.

That much isn't new, as the free agent wide receiver has maintained the same stance through this offseason. But the how and why that could happen? Edwards offered his candid take after a workout at the Mark Sanchez-led "Jets West" passing camp in Southern California.

First of all, the 28-year-old would be willing to take a discount to remain with what he believes is a winning organization.

"It depends on what the discount is," Edwards told a handful of reporters. "I'm not aiming for the moon ... I'm in a certain ballpark. If it's close, then let's do it."

Edwards also said it's no longer about being the clear No. 1 receiver, which doesn't really exist in the Jets' offense. He just wants to make sure he is utilized to the best of his ability, and said his frustrations at points last season were because of that.

"It's not necessarily about being No. 1, it's about utilizing match-ups more," he said.

Edwards likes the camaraderie with his quarterback, Sanchez, he likes the way the Jets are run, and he likes playing in New York. Put simply, he said, "I don't want to go anywhere else if I don't have to."

He also noted that transitioning to a new team would be made more difficult because the current NFL lockout has delayed free agency, and gives players less time to transition to new teams. Before the lockout began, he said there were talks between the team and his representatives, and they got the sense that the Jets want Edwards back, too.

"That never was in question," he said. "Now it becomes a matter of how much do you want me back?"

Edwards will be a free agent no matter what the rules are. Santonio Holmes and Brad Smith, who each have five accrued seasons, could be restricted if the 2010 rules are in place or unrestricted if the threshold for free agency reverts to four years.

Under the 2010 rules particularly, it will be a thin free agent class at receiver, meaning Edwards could command a sizeable chunk of money. He knows it will be tough for the organization to keep all three receivers, but Edwards says his ego won't price the Jets out, so long as they make him a reasonable offer.

"Whose ego will be able to drop their guard to make it work?" he said. "My ego, I'm not clashing."

Edwards reported on the third day of the voluntary "Jets West" camp. He was in California for the first two days but said he had "personal business" Monday and on Tuesday, was a bit spooked by the risk of injuring himself so he didn't show up. But he decided to come today, to put in work with the quarterback and offensive players he hopes are his teammates this fall.

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I may be in the minority on this but I'd rather us resign Edwards than Holmes. Get it done Tanny.

You are not, most JETS fans want Braylon over Holmes.

Braylon really dedicated himself to the JETS and the JETS run first philosophy.... Holmes didn't finish routes and missed catches because of it.

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Braylon seems to be maturing. His size creates matchup problems, although it would be sweet to bring back all three...Edwards, Holmes and Smith. One more year with them would be nice! Bring on the 2010 rules...

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Braylon had a good first few games, but when Holmes showed up he kind of slipped back to number 2, at least for awhile.

Maybe by working out with Sanchez at Jets West that changed somewhat, or maybe the fact that the Jets look like they are going to go far this year and that opens up endorsement opportunities for key players like Braylon is the reason he will sign for a little less with the Jets.

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I may be in the minority on this but I'd rather us resign Edwards than Holmes. Get it done Tanny.

Holmes is a better athlete, but I like Edwards better as an overall player. He can't change a particular game like Holmes, but he's a lot more consistent. 17 > 10 for the Jets, in my opinion.

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Braylon seems to be maturing. His size creates matchup problems, although it would be sweet to bring back all three...Edwards, Holmes and Smith. One more year with them would be nice! Bring on the 2010 rules...

If the Jets get 2010 rules, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to trade Smith. They'll be handcuffed in free agency (final four rules), and have a few people on the roster who -collectively- can do the things that Smith does here. If they could get a decent safety, or a potential pass rusher in trade for Smith, I'd think they'd jump all over it.

They need to negotiate with Edwards first, as he's the UFA under any circumstance, and his willingness to be so upfront about taking less has to be enticing.

But they'll have to do something with Holmes, too. He's stated pretty clearly that he doesn't want to play on a one year tender. He could be a headache.

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I'll admit it, I'm a big Braylon fan and with Harris slapped with the franchise tag, he's the first guy I want to see the Jets bring back. His attitude all of this offseason (and really dating back to last offseason, where he didn't say a word about playing the year under the RFA tender) has only helped reinforce that. It's also been pretty clear for a while he would be willing to take a discount to stay with the Jets, and now he's flat out said it. He's been a very underrated contributor for the Jets and if you ask me, for all of the credit Holmes got late in the season, I felt like Sanchez always played his best in games where Edwards was his main target. I still find it funny when Holmes gets credit for the late comeback against the Texans for catching a wide open TD pass when it was Edwards that made the play of the game in that one, and to this day I'm still impressed every time I watch the clip of Braylon dragging two Pro Bowls DBs into the endzone in Foxboro.

Don't get me wrong, I like Holmes and all, and I would love the Jets to keep both, I just feel Edwards skillset is much more difficult to match, even if Holmes level of skill may be higher than a lot of similar players, what he brings can more easily be replicated.

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I may be in the minority on this but I'd rather us resign Edwards than Holmes. Get it done Tanny.

All the papers and pundits assume Santonio is the better receiver, but honestly most Jets fans I talk to agree that Edwards is better. Edwards is just about as fast, physically stronger and bigger, and I honestly think his "drops" reputation is a little overblown. The guy has played with a zillion QB's and never had a chance to really develop a comraderie until Sanchez. The guy like being a Jet and likes playing for Rex and with Mark. I really hope he's the guy we keep if we can't keep both.

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Edwards also said it's no longer about being the clear No. 1 receiver, which doesn't really exist in the Jets' offense. He just wants to make sure he is utilized to the best of his ability, and said his frustrations at points last season were because of that.

"It's not necessarily about being No. 1, it's about utilizing match-ups more," he said.

Also loved this little part. Looks like Edwards thinks Schotty's a dipsh*t too. Now I like him even more. :P

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I'll admit it, I'm a big Braylon fan and with Harris slapped with the franchise tag, he's the first guy I want to see the Jets bring back. His attitude all of this offseason (and really dating back to last offseason, where he didn't say a word about playing the year under the RFA tender) has only helped reinforce that. It's also been pretty clear for a while he would be willing to take a discount to stay with the Jets, and now he's flat out said it. He's been a very underrated contributor for the Jets and if you ask me, for all of the credit Holmes got late in the season, I felt like Sanchez always played his best in games where Edwards was his main target. I still find it funny when Holmes gets credit for the late comeback against the Texans for catching a wide open TD pass when it was Edwards that made the play of the game in that one, and to this day I'm still impressed every time I watch the clip of Braylon dragging two Pro Bowls DBs into the endzone in Foxboro.

Don't get me wrong, I like Holmes and all, and I would love the Jets to keep both, I just feel Edwards skillset is much more difficult to match, even if Holmes level of skill may be higher than a lot of similar players, what he brings can more easily be replicated.

Yeah he did make he biggest play there. Also off the top of my head, he also made the game winning play against the Colts, and of course the Pats touchdown. (Though Holmes made a nice one in that game too)

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All the papers and pundits assume Santonio is the better receiver, but honestly most Jets fans I talk to agree that Edwards is better. Edwards is just about as fast, physically stronger and bigger, and I honestly think his "drops" reputation is a little overblown. The guy has played with a zillion QB's and never had a chance to really develop a comraderie until Sanchez. The guy like being a Jet and likes playing for Rex and with Mark. I really hope he's the guy we keep if we can't keep both.

I think the Edwards drops stuff can officially be put to bed after last season. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain of the Jets top 4 receivers last season (Edwards, Holmes, Cotchery and Keller), Edwards had far and away the least drops of any of them.

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I think the Edwards drops stuff can officially be put to bed after last season. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain of the Jets top 4 receivers last season (Edwards, Holmes, Cotchery and Keller), Edwards had far and away the least drops of any of them.

Braylon Edwards likes being a Jet and it shows.

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I'll admit it, I'm a big Braylon fan and with Harris slapped with the franchise tag, he's the first guy I want to see the Jets bring back. His attitude all of this offseason (and really dating back to last offseason, where he didn't say a word about playing the year under the RFA tender) has only helped reinforce that. It's also been pretty clear for a while he would be willing to take a discount to stay with the Jets, and now he's flat out said it. He's been a very underrated contributor for the Jets and if you ask me, for all of the credit Holmes got late in the season, I felt like Sanchez always played his best in games where Edwards was his main target. I still find it funny when Holmes gets credit for the late comeback against the Texans for catching a wide open TD pass when it was Edwards that made the play of the game in that one, and to this day I'm still impressed every time I watch the clip of Braylon dragging two Pro Bowls DBs into the endzone in Foxboro.

Don't get me wrong, I like Holmes and all, and I would love the Jets to keep both, I just feel Edwards skillset is much more difficult to match, even if Holmes level of skill may be higher than a lot of similar players, what he brings can more easily be replicated.

I think thats one of the biggest reasons I want Edwards, our offense got a lot worse IMO when we started focusing on Holmes. Sanchez would try and force him the ball and Holmes dropped a ton of passes as well.

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Just like parcells' planet theory, you just can't teach guys to be 6'3+ 215 with a 40 inch vertical. He's the ideal size for a wide receiver, has good hands, great body control in the air and is a fantastic run blocker. Not to mention his attitude is >>> Holmes as far as wanting to be a Jet. Obviously I would like them both back, but it's always been a no-brainer for me; Braylon all the way.

I will say this, if Sanchez makes that big 3rd year leap and becomes more consistent, he'll start making all our receivers look good.

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The video posted by Larz really brings back to mind all the spectacular catches Edwards has made at really clutch times.

There are other points to consider here. Last season, was it the regular season Steelers game? Schotty, in a critical point late in the game let Sanchez call his own play. He called a sideline pass to Edwards, which was completed. IMO that speaks volumes about who Sanchez trusts.

Holmes is extremely talented. I would love to have both of them, but Holmes also has red flags for a long term contract. When he returned from his 4 game suspension last year for pot, a reporter asked him if he had learned anything. To paraphrase, he replied “No, what I do on my own time is my business”. His contract says it is also the NFL's business

If I’m a GM that is not the kind of thing I want to hear from a guy who will be suspended for a full season next bust. From the sounds of him there will be a next bust.

Edwards, while he has tangled with the NFL on two occasions, and might have some problems in Cleveland over his DWI, will only get 4 games next problem. If there is one. He really seems to have matured. I really don’t think he wants to return to the hell of the Cleveland’s and Buffalo’s of the league. I don’t think Holmes cares. As much as Edwards hates OTA’s and the like, he did make it to Jets West. I think that shows respect, and camaraderie with his QB. Sanchez.

I think Holmes will make a curtsy appearance at the end, maybe two days, so he can take a bow. He also dropped a ton of balls last season, and seemed to be in the dog house when the Steelers game started. He also made a ridiculous statement that the fact that he wasn’t in the first series is the reason the Jets lost.

If I’m Mike T, and have to make a choice between Edwards, and Holmes, and I think he does. It is Braylon hands down.

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Braylon seems to be maturing. His size creates matchup problems, although it would be sweet to bring back all three...Edwards, Holmes and Smith. One more year with them would be nice! Bring on the 2010 rules...

I think Brad Smith is the LEAST likely to be brought back. For what he brings to the table, someone is going to overpay him. Probably one of those NFC West teams.

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I think Brad Smith is the LEAST likely to be brought back. For what he brings to the table, someone is going to overpay him. Probably one of those NFC West teams.

I agree.

The new kick off rules are going to hurt him, but someone is going to over pay him. I’ll miss him I like the guy

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