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If you enjoyed the book, John Dies in the End is worth seeing. Me thinks for people who didn't read it, it's going to go a bit under-appreciated though.

Is it in theaters? I loved that book while I was reading it, but the minute I put it down it evaporated from my brain. I was like 5 STARS...well, maybe 4 stars...or 3....3 and half.

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Is it in theaters? I loved that book while I was reading it, but the minute I put it down it evaporated from my brain. I was like 5 STARS...well, maybe 4 stars...or 3....3 and half.

I think it hits theaters in Jan with a preview screening On Demand in Dec, so keep your eyes out. I have a friend in LA who works in the biz and knew I loved the book, so she sent me an advanced copy.

I think as a flick it's OK, but I thought the book was incredible, so it was fun to see it brought to life. It's about as good as you can do converting it to a script though, I was personally shocked they were even bothering to try. Never thought that would translate over well to the screen.

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I saw the hobbit last night

some random observations from a self described tolkien geek

the bad

there are some long stretches of quiet panoramic helicopter fly bye shots. so you will get to hear the people next to you eating. yay

peter jackson just can't help himself from adding unnecesary plot lines and taking obscure characters from the appendices and making them leads. the hobbit is the best adventure story ever written. no need to give thorin extra motivation. he wants the arkenstone. simple

in the beginiing scene to the fellowship, he correctly shows bilbo accidentally finding the ring as he gropes about in pitch blackness of gollums cave. in the hobbit he gives it a diiferent treatment, and it doesn't work. stupid

gandalf looks 25 years older, not 60 years younger

some of the beards and wigs look amatuerish

whoever did gandalfs hat should be drawn and quartered and have a cattle prod shoved up his ass. it is a joke

the good

galadriel is a serious EILF

we get to see erebor in its glory days

he takes his time in the shire, we get to see why preserving and getting back to it is important

the scene where elrond reads the map is some of the best movie eye candy I've seen

the contest of riddles is straight from the book, very little "jacksoning" of the material

overall 2 stars from me

but geeks tend to be over critical, so still go see it

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the scene where elrond reads the map is some of the best movie eye candy I've seen

Most definitely. Ditto for the goblin chase. What a sequence.

I really, really enjoyed it. Thought Jackson did a great job of setting everything up for the next two. There are a few messy stretches but overall it's worthy of the LOTR movies. Me thinks Desolation of Smaug is gonna be badass.

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Most definitely. Ditto for the goblin chase. What a sequence.

I really, really enjoyed it. Thought Jackson did a great job of setting everything up for the next two. There are a few messy stretches but overall it's worthy of the LOTR movies. Me thinks Desolation of Smaug is gonna be badass.

you're right, and the second movie will have the toughest task just like two towers, compounded by the fact the necromancer plot is largely unwritten and jackson will have dribs and drabs to go on. bet on lots of action and battles !

the final movie with smaug and the battle of the 5 armies will be epic.

he saved shelob for the final movie last time, I want spiders in the second movie !!!

I wonder what he will call it ?

the necromancer strikes back ?

my initial review was a little harsh, I had been reading the book to my kids at about 5 pages a night for weeks, so the whole story was very fresh in my mind.

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you're right, and the second movie will have the toughest task just like two towers, compounded by the fact the necromancer plot is largely unwritten and jackson will have dribs and drabs to go on. bet on lots of action and battles !

the final movie with smaug and the battle of the 5 armies will be epic.

he saved shelob for the final movie last time, I want spiders in the second movie !!!

I wonder what he will call it ?

the necromancer strikes back ?

my initial review was a little harsh, I had been reading the book to my kids at about 5 pages a night for weeks, so the whole story was very fresh in my mind.

I likened it a lot to Fellowship when we were walking out of the theater. People forget but LOTR didn't really blow up beyond the realm of Tolkien geeks until Two Towers came out. The opening weekend was almost double what Fellowship brought in and that's what really got people talking about real impact of the movies. I think that part of the reason is that Tolkien established Middle Earth so elaborately that Jackson had to rely on a lot of overhead narrative speak and flashbacks, and sometimes that comes off as rushed and confusing in film as a medium. Now that all the characters and stories are established, and as you pointed out, there are a bunch of plots going on, he'll have the next two movies to sort it out. I'm such a dork with how much I'm looking forward to the second one, Smaug looks serious and the sequences with him have got to be incredible considering what he already put into Part I. Honestly I think Jackson was fighting an impossible battle from the start with this trilogy. LOTR is so beloved that no matter how he approached The Hobbit, every minutiae would be scrutinized through the lens of that trilogy.

Also the guy he got to play Thoren is a ****ing badass too, no clue how he found that dude but this is the second time he's nailed the lead perfectly, (LOTR with Viggo as well). My biggest problem was actually that Dwalin looked way too much like Freakshow from Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Couldn't get it out of my head the entire flick.



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I. Honestly I think Jackson was fighting an impossible battle from the start with this trilogy. LOTR is so beloved that no matter how he approached The Hobbit, every minutiae would be scrutinized through the lens of that trilogy.

no doubt here, I was working in NYC when lotr came out, and read the entire book cover cover before each movie on the train-ride. by the time rotk came out,I knew when he gave one chacter another characters line.

lotr is written in long passages of each story line at a time, tolkein leaves you bread crumbs to help put the timeline together. jackson had to jump back and forth to give he movie a chance

lol at dwalin.

at the end of the hobbit, after the thrush, I was muttering under my breath "just give me one look at smaug" and let very happy in that regard

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Just saw The Hobbit. Meh. Same underlying issues as with LOTR: 1. the goblins/orcs are essentially meat puppets that never pose any real threat and 2. every battle scene is the same--yelling and screaming followed by massive numbers of enemies arriving to make things appear hopeless, followed by Gandalf waving his staff and saving everyone. Why doesn't he just wave the staff to begin with? And wby are they walking anywhere if Gandalf has a fleet of giant eagles at his disposal?

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West of Memphis is the best documentary of the year hands down IMO. And that's saying a lot considering how incredible This Is Not A Film is. I've followed the West Memphis Three case for a long time, so there aren't a ton of surprises and the corruption has already been well-documented, but even with all of that it's impossible to not come away incredibly pissed off.

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Just saw The Hobbit. Meh. Same underlying issues as with LOTR: 1. the goblins/orcs are essentially meat puppets that never pose any real threat and 2. every battle scene is the same--yelling and screaming followed by massive numbers of enemies arriving to make things appear hopeless, followed by Gandalf waving his staff and saving everyone. Why doesn't he just wave the staff to begin with? And wby are they walking anywhere if Gandalf has a fleet of giant eagles at his disposal?

the eagles fear archers, so are not a taxi service, which is clearly stated in the book


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Hahahahahaha he didn't know about the archers. Too funny.

"the lord of the eagles would not take them anywhere near where men lived. they would shoot us with their great bows of yew"......

and thats why they couldn't just fly to mount doom either !!!

sorry, had to get that off my chest

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West of Memphis is the best documentary of the year hands down IMO. And that's saying a lot considering how incredible This Is Not A Film is. I've followed the West Memphis Three case for a long time, so there aren't a ton of surprises and the corruption has already been well-documented, but even with all of that it's impossible to not come away incredibly pissed off.

Jay Mohr had Damien Echols on his podcast. It was a great interview. You should check it out.

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Saw Les Miserables. Everything is well-rendered and very worth seeing. Anne Hathaway absolutely steals everything despite being in the film for about 40 minutes, and Russell Crowe apparently thought Javert should sound like the lead singer of an Australian grunge band.

Hathaway is having a heck of a year with both TDKR and Les Mis. IMO she was the best part of TDKR and you're not the first person ive hear say that she stole the show in Les Mis

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Saw Les Miserables. Everything is well-rendered and very worth seeing. Anne Hathaway absolutely steals everything despite being in the film for about 40 minutes, and Russell Crowe apparently thought Javert should sound like the lead singer of an Australian grunge band.

saw last nite,, enjoyed, theater packed as well

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Saw Les Miserables. Everything is well-rendered and very worth seeing. Anne Hathaway absolutely steals everything despite being in the film for about 40 minutes, and Russell Crowe apparently thought Javert should sound like the lead singer of an Australian grunge band.

So basically, Batman and The Hobbit = disappointing and flawed. But musicals, that's where the action and realism is at friends.

Edited by RutgersJetFan
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"the lord of the eagles would not take them anywhere near where men lived. they would shoot us with their great bows of yew"......

and thats why they couldn't just fly to mount doom either !!!

sorry, had to get that off my chest

And did it not occur to them that the eagles could simply fly at a higher altitude? After all, it's not like anybody had anti-aircraft cannons. Dumb birds.

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