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In Reality...


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Ive been a member of Jetnation for many years. Very rarely posting. Been a season ticket holder for 20 years, and havent missed a home game since. Like many of you I have missed birthdays, weddings, childbirths and MORE to go support OUR team. I have 4 pets, all named after former NYJets (had 5 but Coles recently passed away).Three kids that think green is the absolute coolest color in the world so much that my son swapped out every color in his crayola box to green and white. A wife that deals with my commitment to the team. I hang my Jet flags and pennants on the house annually. Sold my weekend car to afford the PSL's at Metlife. Named my sons flag football team the JETS and insisted that the town supply us with Green jerseys (which they did). I mean Ive done everything in the world imaginable to support OUR team! Ive signed all of the petitions (especially when we tried to get BC). Im sure a lot of this is familiar to a large group of us here. This year has really put a perspective on things for me however. TRUST ME. I am by no means giving up hope with this team. In reality we pulled one out vs Dallas, beat the heck outta JAX, and went on a grueling 3 wk road trip to face arguably 3 of the top 5-10 teams on the road. Should we be 5-0? NO. We could be and should probably be 3-2. Having a losing record AGAIN does not feel great. Im not making excuses though. Good teams, teams with SB hopes win games. They win games when they shouldnt. They do not lose 3 in a row. I know we had two 3 game losing streaks in '09. But in reality did we really deserve to be in the playoffs in '09? C'mon. We alll know that they dont pull the starters, we dont make the playoffs. In reality. I am the first to argue that we deserved it to Steelers fans, Pats fans etc. I even say things like "they pulled the QB so our vicious D wouldnt kill him" lol. In reality, we know we were not that good in 09. In 2010 we had high hopes after our secondary was exposed. we would rebound. the year before we made it clear that we belonged. AND WE DID. 2010 was OUR year right? And it was. but reality set in once again, and we fell short of our dream. A slow start in the title game. The score was close but lets face it. In reality PITT would have played much harder and much less prevent if they were not up by 3+ scores no? Again, I would argue differently, and I have, defending OUR team. So lets do it in 2011. We lost some key players, some serious JETS. And it hurt. I liked B Edwards. He had problems, but he had heart and most importantly chemistry with Sanchez. He played hard and made plays happen (remember in Miami). Ellis? How do we let him go? To NE nonetheless? That felt like being punched in the heart. Yes, he was older and arguably losing some skill but he was an anchor to our D. Do I think we made all the right moves in letting these players go, including Smith? Not at all. Maybe 50/50 at best. Then to chase Nnamd? When we have Revis who I consider one of the best players in any position on the field on Sunday in the entire NFL. either way, here we are week 6 and 2-3 facing the Miami Dolphins. I think we will win! I hope so anyway but nothing seems to be guaranteed anymore. then SD comes to town. Which wont be easy but again I think we will win (the JET in me speaking). But at the end of the week when I look back at it all, the last 20 years or so I just do see the SB dream soon. In reality we are just not that good. We never dominate. And when we do its over teams like JAX. I mean we beat the heck outta Oakland last time and got run over 3 weeks ago. Whomever is to blame, the OC, the coach, the QB, the dropped passes whatever, we just are not there yet. And I dont see it any time soon. When was the last time we went out there and spanked teams? Handed it to them on a consecutive basis? Not even last year. We won 5 games at the buzzer practically. Im not putting OUR team down. I never would. Im just saying I think the fans suffer more than anyone. Sitting on the couch the last 3 weeks, not knowing what to expect, only to see our dreams shattering once again. Am I wrong? The good thing lately is when we lose now, Ive learned to turn the page somehow. I never thought it was possible, but I do. I take a look at my kids and my life (and forget about what I cant or anyone can control on the field) and I move on to the next day. I just hope that one day in my lifetime we can field a dominant team. A team with a QB that can sit in the pocket with confidence like Brady or Manning and make the needed throws, not thro behind the receiver. A team that can just go out and win consecutive games convincingly. I hope I see that one day. In reality we just are not there yet...

Feel better having vented!

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I agree with some things man but if we have mangold I honestly think we beat Oakland and alot more competitive game against Baltimore. Deep down inside no matter the situation we all knew beating the pats in new England would not be easy. I think we will get it going on all cylinders eventually. Remember it's not about who starts strong it's who finishes hot the pack last year. As long as Rex continues to make adjustments week to week we will be a way better team than we are right now

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Maybe you should invest in a LIFE other than making your existence solely about a football team with a bunch of overpaid millionaires that dont give a **** about you. LOL@ selling your car to afford tickets.

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Here is how I am looking at this.

Losing to Oakland was unacceptable. They are better than the Raiders I don't care what anybody says, every team has a bad game.

The New England and Baltimore games don't bother me as much because the Jets never beat the Ravens and the Pats haven't lost a regular season game at home since 2006.

It was a bad stretch of games, and I agree with what everyone says about schotty needing to be outta here. That though isn't going to happen this year.

The AFC, to me is wide open. There is no clear cut favorite out there. Every team has some issues.

New England: Defense

Pittsburgh offensive line

San Diego: Norv Turner

Houston: No Andre Johnson right now. Mario Williams out of the season.

Buffalo: Playing great right now. Let's see them do it the entire season

Then you have the Bengals, Titans, Raiders, Chiefs.

This is far from over. Have a little bit of faith in Rex, he will figure this out and get this team rolling again.

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I completely understand your pain. I was so pissed after that Pats game that I was in a foul mood and my wife bore the brunt of it. She did not do anything to deserve my icy glare...I was just upset. Its just so damn hard to look forward to a better game than what we are getting currently from the Jets. To me it seems were are ALWAYS playing catch up...Always scrambling to TIE a game at the end. Why not get the lead and hold on...The Offensive slow starts plus the inability to create critical third down stops is killing the team. I can already feel the anger build up inside again. Damn you Jets...why can't you just be good instead of this hot-cold enigma that you are.


P.S. to the wifey...I am sorry.

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