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I am sickened by what I have read about Penn, Paterno, and the rest of these guys.

Where are our morals? Where are our ethics?

It seems like college is now all about:

1. Drinking yourself into a stupor.

2. Having sex without any thought process as to what you are doing.

3. Drug use until your nothing more than a puppet to be told what to think and what to believe.

Now we have to add:

1. Raping 10 year old boys.

Where are our morals?

I hope that the victims, the kids can overcome what happened to them.

This is sick.!

Jail is too good for "Sanduskie"

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It seems like college is now all about:

1. Drinking yourself into a stupor.

2. Having sex without any thought process as to what you are doing.

3. Drug use until your nothing more than a puppet to be told what to think and what to

I think you are selling the Y generation short...

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The students were genuinely appalled about the crime -- until their coach got fired. Now they won't win ball games, and that sucks too.

I think it's great example of all humanity's genius for rationalization. Whatever we think is morally right just coincidentally happens to match our personal objectives.

I weep for my species.

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Please merge with some of the right ideas, wrong University thread.

Right Ideas? Wrong University Thread?....come on dude

How is this for the right ideas....Paterno was more inclined to continue doing what he wanted to do and that is make sure his legacy was/is intact and didnt give two F'en cents about what was going on under his nose and under his watch.

Wrong University thread...so your telling me that what I stated doesnt exist there? You must be joking!!!

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The students were genuinely appalled about the crime -- until their coach got fired. Now they won't win ball games, and that sucks too.

You have to understand that Paterno transcended wins and losses. None of the PSU students you saw out there last night would be there if it weren't for Paterno. They're not prepared to simply villify him just yet.

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Right Ideas? Wrong University Thread?....come on dude

How is this for the right ideas....Paterno was more inclined to continue doing what he wanted to do and that is make sure his legacy was/is intact and didnt give two F'en cents about what was going on under his nose and under his watch.

Wrong University thread...so your telling me that what I stated doesnt exist there? You must be joking!!!

You were using Penn. Penn is a different school than PSU.

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The students were genuinely appalled about the crime -- until their coach got fired. Now they won't win ball games, and that sucks too.

I think it's great example of all humanity's genius for rationalization. Whatever we think is morally right just coincidentally happens to match our personal objectives.

I weep for my species.

Hmmmm. Sports radio here said they where rioting when they heard he was fired.

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I heard that yesterday & prior they were holding 'vigils' for the victims. All is well, until it affects the Win/Loss record.

Me thinks that you paint everyone with too broad of a brush. That was not a 40,000 strong contingent of studies that were out in force. That was a 1,000+ collection of knuckleheads that were out in force. Not sure if that is representative of the entire university.

Also understand that there are a number of local State College knuckleheads, that have no affiliation with the university, other than to live near it, that also like to get involved with these types of displays.

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I heard that yesterday & prior they were holding 'vigils' for the victims. All is well, until it affects the Win/Loss record.

Lavar Arington was taking a beating on his radio show yesterday. It was pathetic that all the other time slot radio jocks where starting their "Down with Penn State Football" rants with, "Nothing against Lavar." Still can;t believe it took this long to surface..

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I am sickened by what I have read about Penn, Paterno, and the rest of these guys.

Where are our morals? Where are our ethics?

It seems like college is now all about:

1. Drinking yourself into a stupor.

2. Having sex without any thought process as to what you are doing.

3. Drug use until your nothing more than a puppet to be told what to think and what to believe.

Now we have to add:

1. Raping 10 year old boys.

Where are our morals?

I hope that the victims, the kids can overcome what happened to them.

This is sick.!

Jail is too good for "Sanduskie"

The rape of kids is an isolated incident and not widespread throughout college campuses.

Everything lined up for Sandusky to be able to act as he did. Where he lived, who he was, even the county Prosecutor unwilling to file charges in 98.

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I think it very important that everyone realize that the actions of some people in charge, and the actions of some knuckleheads who truly do not have priorities set yet in life, represent the university community at large. This IS NOT what Penn State is about.

Yesterday, on this board, we had someone who I guess likes to purport himself as some type of pseudo intellectual here, saying that "if he went to PSU, he would consider burning his diploma". It is these types that are opportunists when they see the chance to shake their fists and wag their own pious ideas that make me laugh and cringe at the same time.

Those knucklehead kids at Penn State are actually charged with the largest philanthropic endeavor by a university in the world. They annually raise 10 million dollars for children with cancer.

So, before anyone start casting their large nets and and come with the ridiculous "burn your diploma" rants, understand the good that this university does also. Don't allow that to be buried.

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You know what is really sad, this story barely makes page 2 if not for Paterno's involvement.

I am shocked the board fired him by phone without giving him a chance to resign though.

He pre-empted that opportunity with his stupid "retire at the end of the season to spare the board from worrying about him at this time" statement. The man is absolutely clueless or so arrogant that he stiil felt that he could leave on his own terms. He should have offered his resignation to the board.

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The rape of kids is an isolated incident and not widespread throughout college campuses.

Everything lined up for Sandusky to be able to act as he did. Where he lived, who he was, even the county Prosecutor unwilling to file charges in 98.

Come on now. It's become abundantly clear that Sandusky molested those kids because college students get drunk sometimes.

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Things go on all the time on college campuses that get pushed under the rug to keep the schools reputations as clean as possible. No different than what the catholic church did all these years. The problem is when it finally becomes public, and eventually it will when its repeat actions, you get the disaster that is Penn State. What they do is extremely short sighted and their failure to act on multiple accusations through the years cost alot of young people that were victims of the coach.

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He pre-empted that opportunity with his stupid "retire at the end of the season to spare the board from worrying about him at this time" statement. The man is absolutely clueless or so arrogant that he stiil felt that he could leave on his own terms. He should have offered his resignation to the board.

I guess I agree with you. I guess I'm shocked because I thought Joe's end of season retirement speech was agreed upon by the board before he gave it.

I don't know the details. what was Sandusky's role at PSU? He didn't work for Joe right? Seems that is an athletic director problem not a head coach problem. What if someone told Joe the math teacher molested little boys. Do you fire Joe for not dealing with it directly? I just don't know enough details to confirm that Joe is morally bankrupt and that it is his problem.

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I guess I agree with you. I guess I'm shocked because I thought Joe's end of season retirement speech was agreed upon by the board before he gave it.

I don't know the details. what was Sandusky's role at PSU? He didn't work for Joe right? Seems that is an athletic director problem not a head coach problem. What if someone told Joe the math teacher molested little boys. Do you fire Joe for not dealing with it directly? I just don't know enough details to confirm that Joe is morally bankrupt and that it is his problem.

btw I know he was Joe's assistant in early days but not while he was molesting kids

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Look, too much went on under Paterno's reign for him to not know. Far too much. I find it very hard to believe that if McQueary witnessed rape and sodomy that he reported it as "horsing around" to Paterno. I just do not believe that, and I am certain that if McQueary were fired today he would pretty much all but confirm to tyhe press that he did in fact relay to Paterno that he witnessed the full on rape of a child. Now there are stories flying that Sandusky was selling boys to wealthy donors through Second Mile. I've also reached that point in my life where I'm realizing that more often than not, these rumors start panning out to be true eventually. Furthermore, there's reports that not only was Penn State aware of Sandusky's discretions, but so were countless other institutions. I mean one of the greatest college DC's ever, the mastermind behind "Linebacker U", could not find a job ANYWHERE after Penn State? And don't think he didn't try. Joe Paterno didn't go to his retirement dinner. Why do you think that is? Joe KNEW that Sandusky was a monster. Joe KNEW what was going on. Joe is stoutly devoted to the Penn State brand and institution and he let this happen on his watch in the name of protecting the University.

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I guess I agree with you. I guess I'm shocked because I thought Joe's end of season retirement speech was agreed upon by the board before he gave it.

I don't know the details. what was Sandusky's role at PSU? He didn't work for Joe right? Seems that is an athletic director problem not a head coach problem. What if someone told Joe the math teacher molested little boys. Do you fire Joe for not dealing with it directly? I just don't know enough details to confirm that Joe is morally bankrupt and that it is his problem.

I think the biggest problem with this is Joe ignored it, swept it under the rug, allowed this scumbag to continue to be associated with Penn State and the team. I really believe that Joe would still have a job today if they banned Sandusky from being around the program. What is enraging is they allowed him at the facility for 9 YEARS after the fact. 9 YEARS. If they cut all ties with him in 2002, JoePa is still coach today. Would he be questioned on why he didnt do more? Of course. But he would still have a job.

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I think the biggest problem with this is Joe ignored it, swept it under the rug, allowed this scumbag to continue to be associated with Penn State and the team. I really believe that Joe would still have a job today if they banned Sandusky from being around the program. What is enraging is they allowed him at the facility for 9 YEARS after the fact. 9 YEARS. If they cut all ties with him in 2002, JoePa is still coach today. Would he be questioned on why he didnt do more? Of course. But he would still have a job.

Well said.

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I guess I agree with you. I guess I'm shocked because I thought Joe's end of season retirement speech was agreed upon by the board before he gave it.

I don't know the details. what was Sandusky's role at PSU? He didn't work for Joe right? Seems that is an athletic director problem not a head coach problem. What if someone told Joe the math teacher molested little boys. Do you fire Joe for not dealing with it directly? I just don't know enough details to confirm that Joe is morally bankrupt and that it is his problem.

Paterno did the bare minimum by reproting up the chain when he found out that Sandusky was molesting the kid in the showers. Who learns about something that heinous and then doesn't follow up as to the outcome? It's not as if the guy was caught stealing money out of the petty cash tin. This would lead any rational person to conclude that there had to be a concerted effort to hush this up to either preserve the integrity of the school or some other more sinister reason, such as Sandusky threatening to expose something that the school di not want coming out (recruiting violations, cheating etc?).

What makes it more intriguing is the manner in which Sandusky abruptly "retired" in 1999. Maybe Paterno got wind of some other molestation issue and told him he had to go or he would report him. Speculation to be sure, but that would add to the moral and legal failing on Paterno's behalf. There are so many questions that need to be answered to piece this puzzle together and I get the impression that it is going to be ugly as all hell. The only way that any of these moral degenerates skate is if Sandusky kills himself or is shanked in jail and takes his secrets to the grave.

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I think the biggest problem with this is Joe ignored it, swept it under the rug, allowed this scumbag to continue to be associated with Penn State and the team. I really believe that Joe would still have a job today if they banned Sandusky from being around the program. What is enraging is they allowed him at the facility for 9 YEARS after the fact. 9 YEARS. If they cut all ties with him in 2002, JoePa is still coach today. Would he be questioned on why he didnt do more? Of course. But he would still have a job.

But who the eff needs a guy who tolerates such behavior. Would you send your kid to a team coached by such a guy if you knew ?

The irony is his firing for the most part lets him get away with knowing and not doing anything concrete about it.

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I think the McQueary part is what really speaks to the state of our morals. The dude walked in on a child rape and made a business decision. Sandusky is just sick. What he did is totally unrelatable for any normal person, but you can put yourself in McQueary's shoes. Certainly none of us would do what he did where the crime he witnessed was so monstrous and the risk that his meal ticket would get taken away for doing something about it was so remote, but what happens when the line gets blurry? And what the hell is wrong with Pops McQueary? My father would reach through the phone and beat me to death if I found myself in that situation and decided the play was to call daddy instead of doing something about it.

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