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An open letter to Sanchez


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This past Tuesday, you had your weekly interview on the Michael Kay show. To say you sounded down would be an understatement. Kid, you just had a game winning drive but from the sound of your voice, I would have thought something just happened to a family member.

Now, i have no idea how it feels for your work ethic to be questioned, your job "threatened", and have everything you do picked at. What i do know is that venting about it usually helps. Instead, on the football feild, the one place i get to see you and be able to make an opinion from, i find you to be too passive. Young man, you are a field general. On 99 percent of the offensive plays you touch the ball. Don't sulk or put your head down. Stand tall. Failure is an unavoidable sidekick to greatness. I need to see you angry and fired up. Even Eli gets a little hot every once in while. The QB position is the one place where you instantly are looked at as a leader so you need to act that way. Be that foundation when the whole feild is crumbling around them.

I know that this is not an easy request. For the past three years, parts have been constantly moved around you and chances are, next year, they will be moved again. You have no control over this, i know. What you do have control over is how much you put into this. At an early age i realized that some people barely lift a finger and are just good at what they do while the rest of us have to work our behinds off to match that. The biggest mistake you can make is to let foolish pride stand in the way of what needs to be done. If you have to watch that tape longer or tell your wide receivers they can't leave yet until you go over some routes, so be it. Do what has to be done. I'm not questioning YOUR work ethic but i'm questioning the work ethic of the TEAM. I don't see what you guys put in but i definetly see what you put out.

And finally, you know how you guys say that on any given sunday a bad team can beat a good team a la Denver. Well that's because on Any Given Sunday, that good team might decide not to show up.

Good Luck kid and I hope to see you make it...


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Good Luck kid and I hope to see you make it...


I think Mark will make it. Might not be this year but he has shown enough signs that have me feeling good.

I think the lockout hurt him more than people thought it would though...

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This past Tuesday, you had your weekly interview on the Michael Kay show. To say you sounded down would be an understatement. Kid, you just had a game winning drive but from the sound of your voice, I would have thought something just happened to a family member.

Now, i have no idea how it feels for your work ethic to be questioned, your job "threatened", and have everything you do picked at. What i do know is that venting about it usually helps. Instead, on the football feild, the one place i get to see you and be able to make an opinion from, i find you to be too passive. Young man, you are a field general. On 99 percent of the offensive plays you touch the ball. Don't sulk or put your head down. Stand tall. Failure is an unavoidable sidekick to greatness. I need to see you angry and fired up. Even Eli gets a little hot every once in while. The QB position is the one place where you instantly are looked at as a leader so you need to act that way. Be that foundation when the whole feild is crumbling around them.

I know that this is not an easy request. For the past three years, parts have been constantly moved around you and chances are, next year, they will be moved again. You have no control over this, i know. What you do have control over is how much you put into this. At an early age i realized that some people barely lift a finger and are just good at what they do while the rest of us have to work our behinds off to match that. The biggest mistake you can make is to let foolish pride stand in the way of what needs to be done. If you have to watch that tape longer or tell your wide receivers they can't leave yet until you go over some routes, so be it. Do what has to be done. I'm not questioning YOUR work ethic but i'm questioning the work ethic of the TEAM. I don't see what you guys put in but i definetly see what you put out.

And finally, you know how you guys say that on any given sunday a bad team can beat a good team a la Denver. Well that's because on Any Given Sunday, that good team might decide not to show up.

Good Luck kid and I hope to see you make it...


guess you weren't paying attention to Mark on Sunday, he was fired up on the sidelines

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I am too. I just don't think he's very good.

He is the same QB who led his side to a 4th quarter game winning drive. But if you look around at the media and all the threads its like the end of the world. I wonder what would have happened if we had lost.

Can he do better ? Sure. There is room for improvement. But the way it is being made to sound, you would think he is the second coming of Ryan Leaf!

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He is the same QB who led his side to a 4th quarter game winning drive. But if you look around at the media and all the threads its like the end of the world. I wonder what would have happened if we had lost.

Can he do better ? Sure. There is room for improvement. But the way it is being made to sound, you would think he is the second coming of Ryan Leaf!

He lead a game winning drive. That was cool. It doesn't change the fact that he was awful for almost the entire game. He completed less than 50% of his passes, even with Plax and Keller bailing him out multiple times. He repeatedly threw into double and triple coverage and was lucky not to be picked off more.

He's said himself that if he plays like that the rest of the way, the playoffs are not happening. People expect a certain standard of play from a quarterback who was picked 5th overall. We are not getting anything close to that. Until he starts playing up to that standard he will be criticized.

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Hi Mark. My name is JetNation. My friends call me JN. What do your friends call you? I saw you on TV and I think you are cool. I hope you are my quarterback for a long time and we win a lot. I heard some people saying mean things about you using numbers, but they are big doodieheads and also I think numbers are stupid. When bad things happen I think it's because of that grown-up with the beard who's always yelling at you. He looks mean and I do not like him. My favorite food is pizza, what is yours? Well anyway I have to go because my mom is telling me to clean my room. I know you are busy throwing the football, but I hope you write back and maybe sometime you can come over and we can throw the football together in my backyard or go in the treehouse and read comic books. Ok bye.



PS I made this cool friendship bracelet at camp last summer, will you wear it while you play?

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He lead a game winning drive. That was cool. It doesn't change the fact that he was awful for almost the entire game. He completed less than 50% of his passes, even with Plax and Keller bailing him out multiple times. He repeatedly threw into double and triple coverage and was lucky not to be picked off more.

He's said himself that if he plays like that the rest of the way, the playoffs are not happening. People expect a certain standard of play from a quarterback who was picked 5th overall. We are not getting anything close to that. Until he starts playing up to that standard he will be criticized.

All cool points. Yet we won! And he certainly does not deserve to be booed during introductions.

I would hope he build up his confidence based on that drive and does better down the road.

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I dont like the fact that Mark is letting these mags make him look prettier than most women and wearing the tightest white pants I've ever seen a dude.

Ghey is the vibe im getting. He needs to man the f'up and quit it with these tight shirts and photographs. Handsome and beautiful are NOT the same. Throw a touchdown then go sit on the damn bench until the Defense completes its 3 and out so you can do it all over again.

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I dont like the fact that Mark is letting these mags make him look prettier than most women and wearing the tightest white pants I've ever seen a dude.

Ghey is the vibe im getting. He needs to man the f'up and quit it with these tight shirts and photographs. Handsome and beautiful are NOT the same. Throw a touchdown then go sit on the damn bench until the Defense completes its 3 and out so you can do it all over again.

I know, right? Those photoshoots in-between quarters need to stop.

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I dont like the fact that Mark is letting these mags make him look prettier than most women and wearing the tightest white pants I've ever seen a dude.

Ghey is the vibe im getting. He needs to man the f'up and quit it with these tight shirts and photographs. Handsome and beautiful are NOT the same. Throw a touchdown then go sit on the damn bench until the Defense completes its 3 and out so you can do it all over again.

Yeah but in some cases they can exist simultaneously.


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Between quarters? Shoot he shot this add for "Oscar Meyers Weineirs" while the D did work.


So this is interesting. NFLN made a cute story out of Marshawn Lynch eating Skittles after every TD last night which ended up upsetting his stomach but when Mark ate a hot dog, it was the end of the world and he was a classless pig.

Dont get it. I love hot dogs. I mean Skittles are great and all, but hot dogs are part of the true game experience.

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So this is interesting. NFLN made a cute story out of Marshawn Lynch eating Skittles after every TD last night which ended up upsetting his stomach but when Mark ate a hot dog, it was the end of the world and he was a classless pig.

Dont get it. I love hot dogs. I mean Skittles are great and all, but hot dogs are part of the true game experience.

Do you like ketchup on them?
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So this is interesting. NFLN made a cute story out of Marshawn Lynch eating Skittles after every TD last night which ended up upsetting his stomach but when Mark ate a hot dog, it was the end of the world and he was a classless pig.

Dont get it. I love hot dogs. I mean Skittles are great and all, but hot dogs are part of the true game experience.

I'm just glad the hot dog was on a roll, otherwise the true game experience angle goes right out the window.

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Why is it totally unsurprising that you like penis-shaped foods?

How many vagina and boob shaped foods are there to eat?

Penis shaped foods are abundant and delicious. Hot dogs, sausages, twinkies, bananas, beef jerky, cucumbers, carrots, egg rolls, pickles, squash, zucchini, egg plant, popsicles...the list goes on.

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