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Disrecpecful B@stard Jacobs wants to be a Jet


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Running back Brandon Jacobs, who was released by the Giants Friday, would consider joining the Jets.

“I got about three good ones left in me, no question ... guaranteed three more years left in me,” he told Paul Schwartz of the New York Post, and said he wouldn’t mind spending his remaining years with Ryan’s Jets.

“I would love to do that,’’ Jacobs said. “It would be an opportunity for me to not have to relocate. I got to do what’s best for my family. Whichever team it is, I think is going to be a lucky team. I got a lot left in me, got a lot to offer.’’

What about those angry words aimed at Ryan? What about Jacobs calling the Jets coach “a disrespectful bastard’’ after this season’s game?

“That whole thing with Rex Ryan — me and Rex are alike, that’s what it is,’’ Jacobs said. “We definitely could get along, no question about it. There were a lot of things said in the heat of the battle. It’s football. I talk with players on the other teams every week and shake their hand afterwards. I like Rex as a coach, I would definitely play for him. I would not say I wouldn’t go there. It would be an opportunity to see how things are on the other side.’’

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I think that this is a bad idea. Conceptually, I agree that we need another RB, but with the locker room as such I don't think adding this personality is the right idea. He would add toughness and swag, but also bring negative headlines the likes of which we need to stop attracting...Use the cap space to fill holes with smaller signings and draft Doug Martin in the third round.

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I think that this is a bad idea. Conceptually, I agree that we need another RB, but with the locker room as such I don't think adding this personality is the right idea. He would add toughness and swag, but also bring negative headlines the likes of which we need to stop attracting...Use the cap space to fill holes with smaller signings and draft Doug Martin in the third round.

BJ is a sh*t RB thats not worth what he'll be signed for and Greene is better. Same kind of back no need for him. Martin will be gone by the time we draft in the 3rd.

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Jacobs is past his prime?

He was never a feature back...just a mule to gain the tough yards

As big a guy as he is he has never really been a "big back". He avoids contact. And he fumbles. And that says nothing of the fact he has alienated his whole team. He and Peyton Hillis are going to be in for serious shcosk to their wallets also because team no longer see any value in one feature back.
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As big a guy as he is he has never really been a "big back". He avoids contact. And he fumbles. And that says nothing of the fact he has alienated his whole team. He and Peyton Hillis are going to be in for serious shcosk to their wallets also because team no longer see any value in one feature back.

did u really just compare Hillis to Jacobs?

night and day

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Forget any issues he has or hasn't had with the Jets, the guy is just an absolutely awful football player. As far as the Taylor comparison, at least he was once a good player, so they were hoping they could at least get something out of him, even if it was too late and they should've known better. Jacobs you can't even make that excuse for, he has never been anything but crap.

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Both are big powerbacks 6'2'' plus 250 plus that fumble to much. Hillis played for a much worse team and catches the ball better but outside of that they're pretty close.

Hillis might be a nicer guy and a better receiver and more of a contact guy. Point is both are about to find out what they have to offer is not going to get them a big a$$ guaranteed contract. Nobody wants to overpay for a feature back, and even less so if he fumbles a bunch.
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