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Fitzgerald Raves About Tebow


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Fitzgerald raves about Tebow

Posted by Mike Florio on June 26, 2012, 4:14 PM EDT

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Cardinals receiver Larry Fitzgerald isn’t saying much about the quarterbacks currently on his team, but he’s saying plenty about a guy who plays on the other side of the country.

“If you’re not a fan of Tim Tebow, something’s wrong with you,” Fitzgerald said at the Colonial All-Pro Football Camp on Monday, via the Daily Press. “He does things the right way. If you spend any time with the guy, he’s a kid that parents would want their kid to be like. He’s the kind of guy that you want your daughter to marry. We need more people like him, not just athletes.”

Of course, that’s not a reflection of Fitzgerald’s beliefs regarding Tebow’s skills as a quarterback. But given that the Cardinals currently have two so-so guys who are struggling to stand out, it’s hard not to wonder whether Fitzgerald would have lobbied for Tebow, if Tebow had been available before the Cardinals paid Kevin Kolb’s $7 million roster bonus in March.

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Dumb article-ish report. Fitzy says Tbow's a good person. He admires him as a role model. He'd let him date his sister or whatever. Football...not a word about his QB ability. Let's get mad at him anyway!

Note: i wouldn't let Tbow date my sister as I'm sure he'd be the victim of rape and possibly PTSD.

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I'm sure Sanchez's accuracy would be totally unaffected if the percentage of his attempts 15+ yards downfield was 50% higher. They're just as easy to complete as 3 yard dumpoffs and 8 yard quick slants (not that even his completions were generally on-the-money passes to begin with).

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I'm sure Sanchez's accuracy would be totally unaffected if the percentage of his attempts 15+ yards downfield was 50% higher. They're just as easy to complete as 3 yard dumpoffs and 8 yard quick slants (not that even his completions were generally on-the-money passes to begin with).

When have we ever thrown the ball father than 15 yards??

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No way, no how, should 16 start Tebow be the season starter over 52 start Sanchez.

It's Mark's job to lose or keep with his own performance in 2012.

The good news is that IF Mark does lose his job for ANY reason, they will still have a Playoff winning capable QB to come in.

And why will it be okay if Tim does have to start? Well, basically because negative 'opinions' don't alter the on the field Tebow facts one iota.

2010 - Total Offense on 125 NFL rookie plays, 881 yds, 7 yds/play with 11 TD's to 3 Turnovers.

2011 - Total Offense 393 plays for 2,389 yds, 6.1 yds/play, 18 TD's to 12 T-O's.

2011 Playoffs - Total 62 plays for 515 yds, 8.3 yds/play, 3 TD's to 1 Turnover.

Career Total Offense - 580 Plays for 3,848 yds, 6.6 Yds/Play, 32 TD's, 16 Turnovers for a 2.0 to 1 Ratio and a 9-7 record, (for an otherwise 4-14 team).

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