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We should inform the league that we are not good enough and ask to be released from our schedule for this year! Then start over next season!

The reason is our GM Mr. T is terrible at drafting players, Coach Ryan is a baffon who cannot control himself or the team, our offensive coach is a fired Dolphin HC (Enough said).


QB Sanchez is a turnover machine who will never be an NFL QB, backup Teabow is even worse and cannot stop throwing ducks

RB Green has never proven himself to be healthy or reliable, McKnight keeps throwing up and the backups are unproven.

WR Holmes is a quitter and will cause more problems, Kerley cannot get healthy and the rest are unproven

OL Brick is coming off of his worst season, Slaus is only a backup, Mangold has to stay on the field this year, otherwise he is an all-pro, Moore is getting old, and Hunter is a New York City Subway Turnstile and we have NO backups.


DL Pouha is getting old, Wilkerson is in his second year will he have the sophmore jinx? Devito is another backup at best, Ellis is just getting out of jail, Coples is already a bust!

LB BT is an injury waiting to happen, Harris disappears at times, Scott is DONE, Maybin is a one trick pony, Pace is he injured yet? and the rest are simply backups.

Secondary Revis the best when he is not holding out or has a tight hamstring, Cro just shut up and have some more babies, Eric Smith cannot play, Landry will not make it to the third game, Bell is a miami castoff...need I say more? Wilson can he cover anyone? The others are BACKUPS.

Special Teams

K Can we find anyone better than Folk and Brown their has to be someone out there!

P TJ Conley can't punt his way out of a paper bag!

LS Purdum how many times can he snap the ball over the punters head?

KR McKnight is he still throwing up?

So Jets fans how can we win with this pathetic team, lead by this pathetic organization? We should take a page from Holmes and just QUIT!

J-just E-end T-the S-season

If we listen to all the nay (NY Media) sayers then this is what we have...I for one do not believe this BS!!!!

I say the NY Media and it's coverage is like THUNDER and to quote the Iconic TED;

When you hear the sound of thunder,

Don't you get to scared,

Just grab your thunder buddy (TRUE JETS FANS)

And say these magic words

F*** you (NY Media) Thunder, You can suck my d***

I'm not scared of thunder

The're (The NY Media) just God's FARTS PHUTTTTTTTT!!!!!

I believe MY JET'S WILL WIN BETWEEN 10 TO 12 GAMES...F*** you thunder, you can suck my D***

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I honestly feel sad for you that you spent whatever amount of time you did to write that. It would be one thing if it was week 8 and we were 2-6, it's another entirely to be talking like that right now, days before the FIRST preseason game of 2012. Talk about being a bummer.

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I honestly feel sad for you that you spent whatever amount of time you did to write that. It would be one thing if it was week 8 and we were 2-6, it's another entirely to be talking like that right now, days before the FIRST preseason game of 2012. Talk about being a bummer.

LOL. Someone clearly didn't read the whole post

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It is funny isn't it? You would think that in at least one of the last three seasons we would have had a losing season... we haven't had a losing season under this regime... not even 1.

Oh and you guys need to start reading the entire post before responding. :)

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LOL. Someone clearly didn't read the whole post


I just couldn't make it. That was entirely too long of a set up to finally get a joke in at the end of the post. Comedy 101.... Don't lose your audience before you make them laugh.

Anyway.... I still hold to everything I said outside of the bummer comment. That I'll take back. :D

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I get what The Schmidt is saying - I too am tired of hearing the day-in and day-out constant bashing of the Jets by the media. It is unbelievable how much they are focusing on everything that any Jet says or does. I haven't heard one thing about the Rams training camp. The Bills training camp. The Dolphins training camp. The Patriots training camp. NOTHING!!! The media is so fixated on the Jets - and the 100% consensus is that the best they'll be is 7-9, BEST!!!! Ehhh - I don't know if I like all this negativity, but our team sure gots a lot of haters.

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I get what The Schmidt is saying - I too am tired of hearing the day-in and day-out constant bashing of the Jets by the media. It is unbelievable how much they are focusing on everything that any Jet says or does. I haven't heard one thing about the Rams training camp. The Bills training camp. The Dolphins training camp. The Patriots training camp. NOTHING!!! The media is so fixated on the Jets - and the 100% consensus is that the best they'll be is 7-9, BEST!!!! Ehhh - I don't know if I like all this negativity, but our team sure gots a lot of haters.

I thought the OP was was quoting TS and/or half this board!

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I have been a JETS fan since I first saw this team at the Polo Grounds in 1960, rode the Lexinton Ave line to the stadium, had season tickets, at Shea, until I went to serve in Southeast Asia. I listened on Armed Forces Radio to the Super Bowl, I love the JETS BUT this Media can suck you in! I can't stand all the negativity! If they were around when Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford were drinking at the 21 club until all hours or when Namath was drinking at the Bachelors III they would have driven them out of town! I remember when one Daily News writer had a personal grudge against Tom Seaver and drove him out of town. The writers of this town have to sell news papers and radio has to sell air time and they write and say negative stuff to sell, sell, sell. DON'T BE SUCKED IN!!!! I think with Rex we will, FINALLY, get back...so I can see one in person!!!!

Thanks to those who read the entire post!!! I AM NOT A TROLL :)

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We should inform the league that we are not good enough and ask to be released from our schedule for this year! Then start over next season!

The reason is our GM Mr. T is terrible at drafting players, Coach Ryan is a baffon who cannot control himself or the team, our offensive coach is a fired Dolphin HC (Enough said).


QB Sanchez is a turnover machine who will never be an NFL QB, backup Teabow is even worse and cannot stop throwing ducks

RB Green has never proven himself to be healthy or reliable, McKnight keeps throwing up and the backups are unproven.

WR Holmes is a quitter and will cause more problems, Kerley cannot get healthy and the rest are unproven

OL Brick is coming off of his worst season, Slaus is only a backup, Mangold has to stay on the field this year, otherwise he is an all-pro, Moore is getting old, and Hunter is a New York City Subway Turnstile and we have NO backups.


DL Pouha is getting old, Wilkerson is in his second year will he have the sophmore jinx? Devito is another backup at best, Ellis is just getting out of jail, Coples is already a bust!

LB BT is an injury waiting to happen, Harris disappears at times, Scott is DONE, Maybin is a one trick pony, Pace is he injured yet? and the rest are simply backups.

Secondary Revis the best when he is not holding out or has a tight hamstring, Cro just shut up and have some more babies, Eric Smith cannot play, Landry will not make it to the third game, Bell is a miami castoff...need I say more? Wilson can he cover anyone? The others are BACKUPS.

Special Teams

K Can we find anyone better than Folk and Brown their has to be someone out there!

P TJ Conley can't punt his way out of a paper bag!

LS Purdum how many times can he snap the ball over the punters head?

KR McKnight is he still throwing up?

So Jets fans how can we win with this pathetic team, lead by this pathetic organization? We should take a page from Holmes and just QUIT!

J-just E-end T-the S-season

If we listen to all the nay (NY Media) sayers then this is what we have...I for one do not believe this BS!!!!

I say the NY Media and it's coverage is like THUNDER and to quote the Iconic TED;

When you hear the sound of thunder,

Don't you get to scared,

Just grab your thunder buddy (TRUE JETS FANS)

And say these magic words

F*** you (NY Media) Thunder, You can suck my d***

I'm not scared of thunder

The're (The NY Media) just God's FARTS PHUTTTTTTTT!!!!!

I believe MY JET'S WILL WIN BETWEEN 10 TO 12 GAMES...F*** you thunder, you can suck my D***

good lordy
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I have been a JETS fan since I first saw this team at the Polo Grounds in 1960, rode the Lexinton Ave line to the stadium, had season tickets, at Shea, until I went to serve in Southeast Asia. I listened on Armed Forces Radio to the Super Bowl, I love the JETS BUT this Media can suck you in! I can't stand all the negativity! If they were around when Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford were drinking at the 21 club until all hours or when Namath was drinking at the Bachelors III they would have driven them out of town! I remember when one Daily News writer had a personal grudge against Tom Seaver and drove him out of town. The writers of this town have to sell news papers and radio has to sell air time and they write and say negative stuff to sell, sell, sell. DON'T BE SUCKED IN!!!! I think with Rex we will, FINALLY, get back...so I can see one in person!!!!

Thanks to those who read the entire post!!! I AM NOT A TROLL :)


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