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"It's going to be vanilla," Sparano said (unlike all of shottys gameplans)


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"It's going to be vanilla," Sparano said of his game plan for the Bengals.

For some reason I forgot the number one exciting thing that happened to the jets all offseason. We dropped shotty and his stupid gameplans that were all the same damn thing...Sparano said this preseason game on friday is going to be vanilla, so their isnt going to be anything really spacifically designed to take advantage of the opposing teams players, unique team stregths etc.

My god I am just salivating to see a JET team play in the reg season where they actually gameplan against an opponent. I havent seen it in 6 damn seasons. Im reading this tony Sparano qoute and I just remember all the horrible games that we didnt game plan for. My favorite had to be the when we were running exclusively agaisnt a team full of rookie CB's...hell the only game plan adjustment i ever remember seeing was the last game of reg season a few years back when payton manning left and we started to blitz every down and got into the playoffs off sacking that back up kid.

Anyway The point is Im really excited to see our team on the field after so long, I want to see tebow get some playing time and see what he looks like in the back up role, how our picks looks, and most importantly how sanchez looks with that number one Offense.

But guys just keep in mind, we finally have an offense that will have game spacific plans for teams, to take advantage of thier weakness and that the game plans will make adjustments during the game if needed. We are no longer shackled to trying to confuse teams and catch them off guard with 40 motions before the snap. No longer will we be throwing to a Wide out 5 yards behind the first down marker on 3rd or 4th down.

ok ok we have to see it before we beleive it but after shotty Im willing to say that sporano will do about 1 million times beter that damn shotty.

tomorrow preseaon against bengals cant wait...

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Sparano kind of sucks and isn't our savior. But I am happy to think that we will start running when we should run and passing when we should pass. Lets see what our talent pool can do now that we will play a little more conventional football.

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The man admits to a vanilla gameplan and Schottenheimer gets criticized for doing the same, dull thing. Interesting open to then jump to the team never having team specific gameplans...totally something the '06-'08 Jets were known for.

Sparano wont the reason this offense stops sucking.

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The man admits to a vanilla gameplan and Schottenheimer gets criticized for doing the same, dull thing. Interesting open to then jump to the team never having team specific gameplans...totally something the '06-'08 Jets were known for.

Sparano wont the reason this offense stops sucking.

Maybe not "the" reason but he'll be "a" reason.

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O/U on people blaming Sparano for the offense being terrible: Week 5

Don't disagree, although in the end, Gato makes sure to show everyone that even still, the Schitty fanboys are the more delusional bunch considering he's still making excuses for a guy fired 7 months ago and setting the stage for why the offense's likely sucking this year will somehow prove Schitty's greatness, where as any potential improvement will immediately be dismissed as meaningless (or credited back to the Schitt).

It still baffles me that there are so many people too slow to comprehend the idea that it is entirely possible for both an OC and a QB to suck ass at their respective jobs at the same time, and that neither is an excuse for the endless list of failures of the other.

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Don't disagree, although in the end, Gato makes sure to show everyone that even still, the Schitty fanboys are the more delusional bunch considering he's still making excuses for a guy fired 7 months ago and setting the stage for why the offense's likely sucking this year will somehow prove Schitty's greatness, where as any potential improvement will immediately be dismissed as meaningless (or credited back to the Schitt).

It still baffles me that there are so many people too slow to comprehend the idea that it is entirely possible for both an OC and a QB to suck ass at their respective jobs at the same time, and that neither is an excuse for the endless list of failures of the other.

When you fire the scapegoat and things don't change that usually means the scapegoat wasn't at fault. I'm with Slats. I don't expect the offense to stop sucking. I expect the offense to stop giving games away and that is probably all we need.

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We've gameplanned for all of Rex Ryan's years... on defense only unfortunately.

I was gonna say the same thing. The offense has been painfully predictable and stuck IMO. The most painful moment being on the one yd line in Pittsburgh in the AFC championship game.

The defensive game plans have been nothing short of brilliant at times. Best moment being the week prior in NE when we knocked the Pats out of the playoffs in their house.

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When you fire the scapegoat and things don't change that usually means the scapegoat wasn't at fault. I'm with Slats. I don't expect the offense to stop sucking. I expect the offense to stop giving games away and that is probably all we need.

I think it's a tad extreme to call Schitty a scapegoat, with the exception of some fans who want to delude themselves into thinking Sanchez would have been great last year if not for him, as he more than earned his firing many times over. The guy was given 6 years, including surviving a coaching change he had no reason to, and in the process had a lot more people made out to be scapegoats for his benefit than the other way around. That said, I don't disagree with your basic point, as he was far from the only issue and I agree with you that the primary goal will be to avoid giving away games the way they previously have. My issue is more with the opposite extreme for those who seem to have taken the stance that if the Jets don't become an elite level offense, it somehow leads to the conclusion that Schitty was a great OC, when all it really means is he's not the only one who sucked (which I think should be already pretty apparent to those paying attention at this point).

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I think it's a tad extreme to call Schitty a scapegoat, with the exception of some fans who want to delude themselves into thinking Sanchez would have been great last year if not for him, as he more than earned his firing many times over. The guy was given 6 years, including surviving a coaching change he had no reason to, and in the process had a lot more people made out to be scapegoats for his benefit than the other way around. That said, I don't disagree with your basic point, as he was far from the only issue and I agree with you that the primary goal will be to avoid giving away games the way they previously have. My issue is more with the opposite extreme for those who seem to have taken the stance that if the Jets don't become an elite level offense, it somehow leads to the conclusion that Schitty was a great OC, when all it really means is he's not the only one who sucked (which I think should be already pretty apparent to those paying attention at this point).

You just described 75% of this board. I actually think Schottenheimer is pretty good, but that he has been a very poor fit with what we've had here. Favre, Sanchez and Rex have all been fairly terrible matches for the guy and I won't even mention Clemens. I think they should have ditched him some time ago, but on style, not talent.

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You just described 75% of this board. I actually think Schottenheimer is pretty good, but that he has been a very poor fit with what we've had here. Favre, Sanchez and Rex have all been fairly terrible matches for the guy and I won't even mention Clemens. I think they should have ditched him some time ago, but on style, not talent.

Meh, I think at this point most have conceded to the idea that Sanchez sucks. Or at the very least, that he did last year, and needs to make some serious improvements to his play.

As far as your latter point goes, I'm of the belief that if what he was doing wasn't a proper fit for his players, that alone speaks to how bad he was at his job (especially when the QBs are chief amongst those players). Fitting the system to the talent has to be #1 on the list of a coordinator's responsibilities, as if you fail to do that, your offense is a problem from its very foundation. Keep in mind, that still doesn't excuse Sanchez's play.

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Meh, I think at this point most have conceded to the idea that Sanchez sucks. Or at the very least, that he did last year, and needs to make some serious improvements to his play.

As far as your latter point goes, I'm of the belief that if what he was doing wasn't a proper fit for his players, that alone speaks to how bad he was at his job (especially when the QBs are chief amongst those players). Fitting the system to the talent has to be #1 on the list of a coordinator's responsibilities, as if you fail to do that, your offense is a problem from its very foundation. Keep in mind, that still doesn't excuse Sanchez's play.

That's the thing. I think he adjusted pretty well. The team has ignored the offense in general. They have made additions, but as things popped up rather than systematically. Unlike the D where they agressively targeted people and made moves, with the O they seem to wait until things fall in their lap - older players on rentals or disgruntled guys like Holmes and Edwards. Those guys were kind of added midstream. THAT is where I think the problems with the foundational lie. That and the QB - I do agree with CTM (or was it SMC) that they should have tried to keep Favre. Remember they had the top rushing offense in the league when the guy seemed anything but a smashmouth coordinator to me. They were also generally midpack in scoring which isn't bad when the O was protecting the D (and the QB) much of the time. I believe they took the wraps off a bit last season and it was an utter failure which is why he is gone. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds some success elsewhere. I think that Sparano wants to do what Rex wants to do, so it will be easier to fill out the roster to his wishes.

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You just described 75% of this board. I actually think Schottenheimer is pretty good, but that he has been a very poor fit with what we've had here. Favre, Sanchez and Rex have all been fairly terrible matches for the guy and I won't even mention Clemens. I think they should have ditched him some time ago, but on style, not talent.

Sanchez - "You suck Schotty! This is easy." Nuff said ...

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That's the thing. I think he adjusted pretty well. The team has ignored the offense in general. They have made additions, but as things popped up rather than systematically. Unlike the D where they agressively targeted people and made moves, with the O they seem to wait until things fall in their lap - older players on rentals or disgruntled guys like Holmes and Edwards. Those guys were kind of added midstream. THAT is where I think the problems with the foundational lie. That and the QB - I do agree with CTM (or was it SMC) that they should have tried to keep Favre. Remember they had the top rushing offense in the league when the guy seemed anything but a smashmouth coordinator to me. They were also generally midpack in scoring which isn't bad when the O was protecting the D (and the QB) much of the time. I believe they took the wraps off a bit last season and it was an utter failure which is why he is gone. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds some success elsewhere. I think that Sparano wants to do what Rex wants to do, so it will be easier to fill out the roster to his wishes.

Who knows, you could be right, but all I know is there was more than enough evidence to prove he simply was not going to work out here. Beyond that, he lost all benefit of the doubt with me when it got to the point we were seeing some mind-numbingly stupid calls that I couldn't imagine a 10 year old madden player thinking were a good idea, regardless of who was on the field. Either way, regardless of the reasoning, here's hoping that the Jets' offense gets their sh*t together and Sanchez pulls his head out of his ass.

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Was the criticism of Shotty that he was too vanilla and thus predictable?

Or that he used 'tricks' too much?

It seems that he gets criticized for both, which is weird...

I think and I think most would agree, that shotty was so vanilla in his gameplans that the offense never really has a chance to be good, he had crappy gameplans and when something didnt work he would either repeat it or try to trick a defense in thinking we were actually going to pass down the field, (or put a tall guy on a short guy, or run for that one yard). But a few games in everyone knew it was bullsh*t and it was easy to defend agaisnt the jets,

run for 1 run for one pass 4 yards and expect 20...

SO then shotty would say ok lets get this gagget play in, oh and lets do it after Sanchez has a half of a drive going and we are hot...disaterous.

When we did score, alot of credit has to go to players that scored in spite shotty. breaking 2 or three tackles, making a guys miss etc.... But it was seen by shotty as a example of his off plans success. Like when burress scored 3 tds last year, it was because he was big and the guys defending his were small, yes, but really those calls would seem to be obvious to make, yet we never really pushed him in the red zone much after in similar situations anyway before I digress to much...

Our Off was horrible to watch, we had alot of problems sure, but really every def in the league didnt fear the jets becaues the playcalls sucked and were predictable, just like a preseason game. his stupid little gimmick plays and all the motions and whatever which were used to try to trick a defense were stupid.

Sporano unlike shotty so far as I know willl put out vanilla offense in preseason and gameplan and actually have multiple plans of attack on offense during the season. This guy sporano said its going to be vanilla and I like that he knows what that means, cause shotty didnt, he thought he had a winning gameplan everyweek, even when my sister could tell what the jets were doing. Its long over due and I cant wait to see the JETS in preseason, seriously I am on JEt football relapse...

In closing I just want to say. Im excited for tonights game I want to see a great drive by sanchez and then some tebow time with our RB depth guys...

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Sanchez - "You suck Schotty! This is easy." Nuff said ...

If I wanted a critique of offensive coordinators the first QB I would go to is Sanchez. His mastery of an NFL offense under multiple OCs speaks to his deep knowledge of NFL offenses and how to work against an NFL defense.

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I suspect that people expecting brilliant game plans and expert play-calls are going to wind up being disappointed with Sparano.

I'm very willing to settle for more discipline and fewer bone-head scratching calls. For now. This offense is going to be a lot of running the football with a few more shots downfield. Probably a little more wildcat than the Brad Smith era. Everyone wants more passing on first down until it's 2nd & 10.

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