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He's gone. (Hunter no longer starting RT)

Gastineau Lives

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Initial signs on Allen look good. Also kinda sucked to see Massie still sitting there in the 4th. Looney looks like he'll be the goods too.

Glenn was a much more plausible projection as an immediate starting tackle than those guys, though, and that's probably why he was the only lineman we were really looking at in that range. If Hill goes instead we probably make the exact same trade for Glenn. They were obviously the last two guys on our board there, otherwise we wouldn't have shipped a 4 to move up for Hill with Jeffrey available too.

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So Tanny is your new Schotty?? Just trying to get a feel for the future.

He is an emerging candidate in that race. Pretty much anyone not wearing #6 is a candidate. With even a decent QB this is unquestionably one of the best rosters and coaching staffs (at least defensively) in the league so Tannenbaum must be doing something right.

I still think the Jets put Sanchez in as good a situation as a young QB could be in from Day 1 beyond the whole more annoying media than usual. Damien Woody's presence didn't stop Sanhez from sucking.

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Well, yea. But discounting that, look what we have accomplished with Sanchez at the helm. I'm actually with Gato on this. Look what Favre did with a Rookie Keller in his year here. We all know what Holmes can do with a good QB. If we had big ben, who's played behind terrible lines before and doesn't sh*t himself when the pressure is on (or any other QB ranked 10-15), you don't think we'd be superbowl contenders?? Taking a step back, it really does go to show just how bad Sanchez really is. However, since Sanchez is our QB and our FO knew that, there's no excuse for going into this season with Hunter as the starting RT. I was surprised they didn't go after demetrius bell in FA this year, theyll probably end up kicking those tires this year. So, while I agree that we have an incredibly talented roster, it's an incredibly talented roster tailored for a QB that we currently don't have.

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Glenn was a much more plausible projection as an immediate starting tackle than those guys, though, and that's probably why he was the only lineman we were really looking at in that range. If Hill goes instead we probably make the exact same trade for Glenn. They were obviously the last two guys on our board there, otherwise we wouldn't have shipped a 4 to move up for Hill with Jeffrey available too.

Which is weird in itself. Osemele not even being considered by them doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Especially with how Balt is able to switch him around like we used to do with Hunter before he sucked.

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Well, yea. But discounting that, look what we have accomplished with Sanchez at the helm. I'm actually with Gato on this. Look what Favre did with a Rookie Keller in his year here. We all know what Holmes can do with a good QB. If we had big ben, who's played behind terrible lines before and doesn't sh*t himself when the pressure is on (or any other QB ranked 10-15), you don't think we'd be superbowl contenders?? Taking a step back, it really does go to show just how bad Sanchez really is. However, since Sanchez is our QB and our FO knew that, there's no excuse for going into this season with Hunter as the starting RT. I was surprised they didn't go after demetrius bell in FA this year, theyll probably end up kicking those tires this year. So, while I agree that we have an incredibly talented roster, it's an incredibly talented roster tailored for a QB that we currently don't have.

Holmes is a good player, but even at his best he wasn't an All-Pro-caliber guy, or even a Pro Bowler. If he was playing in Green Bay, I agree he'd put up great numbers. Keller is debatable, IMO. I've long believed that he's wasted at TE and should be used like Dallas Clark was in Indianapolis.

Beyond Keller and Holmes, there's not much of this talent you dudes speak of. There's potential with Hill and Kerley, but who knows how good they are, or will be.

But, mostly, I was teasing Gato for using the old "If we had an awesome QB" line. Every offense would look more talented with a better QB running it.

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Holmes is a good player, but even at his best he wasn't an All-Pro-caliber guy, or even a Pro Bowler. If he was playing in Green Bay, I agree he'd put up great numbers. Keller is debatable, IMO. I've long believed that he's wasted at TE and should be used like Dallas Clark was in Indianapolis.

Beyond Keller and Holmes, there's not much of this talent you dudes speak of. There's potential with Hill and Kerley, but who knows how good they are, or will be.

But, mostly, I was teasing Gato for using the old "If we had an awesome QB" line. Every offense would look more talented with a better QB running it.

I know, it wasn't so much I was replying to you, just that I didn't see Gato's quote before you quoted it.

I didn't know if he was referring to talent on the Offense per se, because I agree with you that we don't have that much to speak of, I was more referring to the whole team; defense and STs. Not to beat the "if we had an awesome QB" line to death anymore, but if you gave any of the even 10-15 ranked QBs (Big ben, Rivers, Vick, Matty ice etc.) the field position our defense gave them, they'd be putting up crazy numbers. It just pisses me off that Sanchez sucks so damned badly.

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WOW why play the season ???? Listening to all the negative cr@p I can't believe that I am on a site that has posters that are so down on EVERYTHING the Jets do! AND anything the jets do! Common man Tanny has do some GREAT things with this team. Giant fans were calling for Coglin's and Eli's heads four games before they got into the playoffs the first time. Can we at least play a couple of regular season before the chany Just End The Season begins! This is a very good team who are learning a new offense. We all had enough of Shotty. Lets see what Tony can do. YES Hunter was a human subway turnstile...and he is gone. Now Howard is already a bad OT....lets see, OK. Tanny has made alot of changes this offseason DL, OLB, WR , Safties. I don't like the tebow trade BUT he could be better than Brad Smith!!! Lets give it a chance to work out, lets see what this The Third PRESEASON Game...the one that is the most like a regular season game.

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My guess is that this is a preliminary move. I don't think Howard is better than Hunter, and I doubt the Jets think that either. Instead, I think the Jets will be working hard to make a trade for a starting caliber RT, while having Hunter working in the spot where they hope he'll be playing during the season.

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the big mistake wasn't passing on Justice, it was passing on a RT in the draft. The Jets had a shot at starting caliber players in Rd 2 and they passed.

I hope Hill turns out to be a stud because this season is probably shot because of a failure to address the most glaring need on the team during the draft and free agency.


Not really. Mike Adams is lousy. I guess one could make an argument for moving up sooner and taking Cordy Glenn but there really isn't a whole lot of upside in that.

I'm NOT sure what you mean by that. Glenn is better now than what the Jets have and better than anybody Tannenbaum will be able to find nosing through the waiver-wire garbage heap. He was named the Bills starting LT in OTAs, and has played well in his first two outings, holding his own against both Brian Orapko and Jared Allen. He's been excellent in run blocking, too. LT is considered the more difficult of the two OT positions to master BTW. I think Glenn and Kalil, who went #3, are the only OTs from the 2012 draft who are currently starters. How can securing either OT position for the foreseeable future NOT have "a whole lot of upside"?

Even if they weren't able to find an immediate starter at RT in the draft, the Jets passed on a bunch of developmental OTs. A team building for success can't have too many OTs. The Bills took another OT, Zebrie Sanders, in the fifth for just that reason.

My guess is that this is a preliminary move. I don't think Howard is better than Hunter, and I doubt the Jets think that either. Instead, I think the Jets will be working hard to make a trade for a starting caliber RT, while having Hunter working in the spot where they hope he'll be playing during the season.

I seriously doubt that any team will part with a "starting caliber RT" because there's simply a dearth of them around the league, especially since several notable OTs have already been lost to injury. Jason Peters is out for the season with an Achilles injury, and Joe Thomas is hurt, too, but I don't know how long he'll be out. Even if a team was willing to trade, the Jets might NOT be able to afford him, either because of the salary cap or what the team wants in compensation.

A big reason why the Jets are in the spot they're in now is because they've traded away too many picks in the past. Maybe it's time to just make due with what they've got or can salvage. As I've said in other posts, there are ways to minimize weak OT play, especially by giving the OT help.

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I seriously doubt that any team will part with a "starting caliber RT" because there's simply a dearth of them around the league, especially since several notable OTs have already been lost to injury. Jason Peters is out for the season with an Achilles injury, and Joe Thomas is hurt, too, but I don't know how long he'll be out. Even if a team was willing to trade, the Jets might NOT be able to afford him, either because of the salary cap or what the team wants in compensation.

A big reason why the Jets are in the spot they're in now is because they've traded away too many picks in the past. Maybe it's time to just make due with what they've got or can salvage. As I've said in other posts, there are ways to minimize weak OT play, especially by giving the OT help.

There will be more than you think, there are every year. I haven't taken the time to look through all the OT transactions the last year or so, but one that specifically comes to mind is demetrees Bell; he was guaranteed 3.5 mill or so and brought in to be Peter's replacement for the year and was just beat out by king dunlap. He's going to get dropped because he's do some crazy roster bonus next year. There's always guys like that around the league, I'm sure a couple will pop up this season as well.

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I don't think Howard is better than Hunter

looking at the 2 preseason games, Cinci when Howard started and NYG when Hunter started... the pressure in Cinci was blitz pressure where the line picked up all rushers it could and it was up to the backs and Mark to make a move. the pressure in NYG was hunter losing individual matchups. Long story short I think Howard is better than Hunter and I don't think further moves are afoot.

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one that specifically comes to mind is demetrees Bell; he was guaranteed 3.5 mill or so and brought in to be Peter's replacement for the year and was just beat out by king dunlap. He's going to get dropped because he's do some crazy roster bonus next year.

ok follow up question why would the Jets want a player who couldn't beat out King Dunlap? There are far worse OT situations for example AZ lost Levi Brown, SD there's uncertainty about gaither, and JAC Eugene Monroe has a bad concussion. The Jets OT situation is far from being that bad. We obsess over RT, there are teams who are starting JAGs at LT.

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ok follow up question why would the Jets want a player who couldn't beat out King Dunlap? There are far worse OT situations for example AZ lost Levi Brown, SD there's uncertainty about gaither, and JAC Eugene Monroe has a bad concussion. The Jets OT situation is far from being that bad. We obsess over RT, there are teams who are starting JAGs at LT.

ok follow up question why would the Jets want a player who couldn't beat out King Dunlap? There are far worse OT situations for example AZ lost Levi Brown, SD there's uncertainty about gaither, and JAC Eugene Monroe has a bad concussion. The Jets OT situation is far from being that bad. We obsess over RT, there are teams who are starting JAGs at LT.

Never said I wanted him, just providing examples of players who may become available this season and for what reasons. I know there are worse situations then ours, but comparing us to bottom tier teams doesn't exactly make me happy about our situation. Bottom line is we'll go as far as sanchez takes us, it's not hinged on a RT, but it would still be nice to have an upgrade at that spot, seeing as how that's what sanchez needs to succeed.

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There will be more than you think, there are every year. I haven't taken the time to look through all the OT transactions the last year or so, but one that specifically comes to mind is demetrees Bell; he was guaranteed 3.5 mill or so and brought in to be Peter's replacement for the year and was just beat out by king dunlap. He's going to get dropped because he's do some crazy roster bonus next year. There's always guys like that around the league, I'm sure a couple will pop up this season as well.

He's due that "crazy roster bonus next year", NOT this year, so he's NOT going anywhere. Furthermore, he's got a bad knee and has had numerous injuries in his career, and more importantly, he's NOT big enough NOR strong enough to play RT. He's a fairly lean, lanky guy like D'Brick, only NOT very good. Buffalo, in desperate need of a LT, let him walk and took their chances in the draft. Second round pick Cordy Glenn is already better than Bell was.

There will be veteran OTs "around" after final cuts but they aren't going to be "starting caliber". They will have age or healthy or just plain old ability issues (ie, they stink), and likely a combination. Teams are NOT going to trade decent OTs because of cap concerns (they would have already done that as Philly did with Justice), and if they were, then the Jets couldn't afford them.

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Bottom line is we'll go as far as sanchez takes us, it's not hinged on a RT, but it would still be nice to have an upgrade at that spot, seeing as how that's what sanchez needs to succeed.

Agree that it's on Mark. Disagree on all so focused on the RT. even with all the Hunter mess ups, the Jets were only down 6-0. Look at this play and check the protection. It was great.


what's worse than the stare down and the throw and Hill open at the top of the screen, is the fact that it was 3rd and 10. How was that crossing route going to get 10 yards? Decisions, decisions. Mark's aren't good enough.

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ok follow up question why would the Jets want a player who couldn't beat out King Dunlap? There are far worse OT situations for example AZ lost Levi Brown, SD there's uncertainty about gaither, and JAC Eugene Monroe has a bad concussion. The Jets OT situation is far from being that bad. We obsess over RT, there are teams who are starting JAGs at LT.


OLers get nicked up or worse all the time, and most teams are very reluctant to part with decent backup OTs if they have them for just that reason, particularly since reserve OTs can often play OG fairly well in a pinch (at least better than most OGs can play OT). That's the reason why so few quality OTs become FAs, too, and those that do generally get overpaid.

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Agree that it's on Mark. Disagree on all so focused on the RT. even with all the Hunter mess ups, the Jets were only down 6-0. Look at this play and check the protection. It was great.


what's worse than the stare down and the throw and Hill open at the top of the screen, is the fact that it was 3rd and 10. How was that crossing route going to get 10 yards? Decisions, decisions. Mark's aren't good enough.

Keller was the easier throw. Hook up rIght in the middle. Easy toss slightly to Mark's left and the LB is on his back. If it was really 3rd and 10, I don't think any of them were past the marker and Turner was the only one in stride.

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Keller was the easier throw. Hook up rIght in the middle. Easy toss slightly to Mark's left and the LB is on his back. If it was really 3rd and 10, I don't think any of them were past the marker and Turner was the only one in stride.

Watching it again, the problem was actually probably Keller. He didn't do a good enough job setting the pick. Turner is kind of big and slow to run that for, but it seems like an intentional pick that whiffed. The ball was late and should have been delivered right when the pick was set. Those will work better for guys like Kerley and Holmes who will be as fast or faster than the CB. Not Turner who is not particularly fast with a kick return speed CB in coverage.

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He's due that "crazy roster bonus next year", NOT this year, so he's NOT going anywhere. Furthermore, he's got a bad knee and has had numerous injuries in his career, and more importantly, he's NOT big enough NOR strong enough to play RT. He's a fairly lean, lanky guy like D'Brick, only NOT very good. Buffalo, in desperate need of a LT, let him walk and took their chances in the draft. Second round pick Cordy Glenn is already better than Bell was.

There will be veteran OTs "around" after final cuts but they aren't going to be "starting caliber". They will have age or healthy or just plain old ability issues (ie, they stink), and likely a combination. Teams are NOT going to trade decent OTs because of cap concerns (they would have already done that as Philly did with Justice), and if they were, then the Jets couldn't afford them.

Dude, I can read just fine without the caps, little fyi just to save yourself some trouble in the future.

Once again, I never said the Jets or anyone else were going to look at him specifically, just used him as an example for a player that could be had for a conditional 7th this year or possibly get let go outright. All these inferences that are made and then extrapolated upon around here is just silly. I used him as an example to support my point that there will be players cut and available for low-end trades, and now all of a sudden I think the Jets should should pick him up and I don't understand our cap situation. Geeez.

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How long before the Jets realize the trade market for a RT is weak and start floating articles about how Austin Howard has the feet of a nimble bear and will probably be our third pro bowler along the line?

The Jets won 10 games with Adrian Jones at RT. They can certainly succeed with Austin Howard. Especially with a Rex Ryan defense.

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Austin Howard is young enough that he could improve. Wayne Hunter isn't getting better.

I think we also pick up a Vet OL who gets cut or BETTER yet, we target a Vet who will be cut for Cap reasons and trade a very low conditional pick for him so we dont risk losing him on waiver wire

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WOW why play the season ???? Listening to all the negative cr@p I can't believe that I am on a site that has posters that are so down on EVERYTHING the Jets do! AND anything the jets do! Common man Tanny has do some GREAT things with this team. Giant fans were calling for Coglin's and Eli's heads four games before they got into the playoffs the first time. Can we at least play a couple of regular season before the chany Just End The Season begins! This is a very good team who are learning a new offense. We all had enough of Shotty. Lets see what Tony can do. YES Hunter was a human subway turnstile...and he is gone. Now Howard is already a bad OT....lets see, OK. Tanny has made alot of changes this offseason DL, OLB, WR , Safties. I don't like the tebow trade BUT he could be better than Brad Smith!!! Lets give it a chance to work out, lets see what this The Third PRESEASON Game...the one that is the most like a regular season game.

I'm with you 100%. We had one bad year... and my bad year I mean .500. So what. Let's move on.

And Tannebaum fixed our problems at safety, boosted our pass rush, brought in one of the top rookie receivers. If he can somehow make a trade for a RT while we're this much against the cap, what a great offseason that would be.

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How long before the Jets realize the trade market for a RT is weak and start floating articles about how Austin Howard has the feet of a nimble bear and will probably be our third pro bowler along the line?

4th Pro Bowler.

fans continue to believe the Jets OL is terrible. 60% of the starters were AFC pro bowlers in 2011. With or without Hunter, the OL is easily the best part of the offense (not saying much but still).

We talk about the RT (or the coordinator, or the wide outs etc) because no one wants to talk about the real problem.

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4th Pro Bowler.

fans continue to believe the Jets OL is terrible. 60% of the starters were AFC pro bowlers in 2011. With or without Hunter, the OL is easily the best part of the offense (not saying much but still).

We talk about the RT (or the coordinator, or the wide outs etc) because no one wants to talk about the real problem.

Actually, everybody wants to talk about it, but we get bored sometimes and try to spread it around.

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