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Irsay, Colts working on a big trade; rumored to be for a CB


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We should trade Revis if we could. I'm sure it's a long shot but he really is way too ingrained into the defense and we need to ween ourselves off this Revis juice. It'll hurt at first but it'll force us to keep drafting better linebackers. Since they can't cover it messes the entire defense up, throwing everything off, hence the over importance on Db's

Anyway if we could deal Revis to the Colts for a first, we would get back in shape as a team much quicker, with their pick and the decent picks we would get after a bad year. we may take some pain this year but we will have nice picks next year. It's a trade I would make. One year is a drop in the bucket at this point :(

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We should trade Revis if we could. I'm sure it's a long shot but he really is way too ingrained into the defense and we need to ween ourselves off this Revis juice. It'll hurt at first but it'll force us to keep drafting better linebackers. Since they can't cover it messes the entire defense up, throwing everything off, hence the over importance on Db's

Anyway if we could deal Revis to the Colts for a first, we would get back in shape as a team much quicker, with their pick and the decent picks we would get after a bad year. we may take some pain this year but we will have nice picks next year. It's a trade I would make. One year is a drop in the bucket at this point :(

Revis for a 1st would be the biggest heist in Colts history. That's not enough to pay for Revis, and it would involve the Jets basically throwing in the towel this year since they would not get anything back for 2012.

This is the type of trade you make prior to the draft, and if the #2 pick in the draft nets 3 #1s, shouldn't Revis net more than 1?

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I love listening to Jets fans. MJD can be a huge help to a QB like Luck but dare mention him going to the Jets and OMG its a seconf RB contract and every excuse in the book opens up.

MJD would open up the Jets entire offense and also give our QB REAL play action he currently does not have. When he did have it his first year he threw the ball deep but that has steadily declined since now we have No threat at RB and our OL cant block. MJD not only brings that but hes a nice option in the screen game and receiving out of the back field. He fills multiple holes on this offense.

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Revis for a 1st would be the biggest heist in Colts history. That's not enough to pay for Revis, and it would involve the Jets basically throwing in the towel this year since they would not get anything back for 2012.

This is the type of trade you make prior to the draft, and if the #2 pick in the draft nets 3 #1s, shouldn't Revis net more than 1?

exactly and this is the kind of trade you make bringing on a complete rebuild. We are not in a complete rebuild position.

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I love listening to Jets fans. MJD can be a huge help to a QB like Luck but dare mention him going to the Jets and OMG its a seconf RB contract and every excuse in the book opens up.

MJD would open up the Jets entire offense and also give our QB REAL play action he currently does not have. When he did have it his first year he threw the ball deep but that has steadily declined since now we have No threat at RB and our OL cant block. MJD not only brings that but hes a nice option in the screen game and receiving out of the back field. He fills multiple holes on this offense.

Ever notice the track record of a running back who sits out of training camp, not to mention one who is going to a new team?? It's not good. Look at chris johnson last year. Running backs cannot afford to take an offseason off without doing any football related activity, this season is going to be a wash for him. I definitely agree he'd help the jets, but to give up what it'd take to get him + his second contract, is not worth it in my opinion.

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Ever notice the track record of a running back who sits out of training camp, not to mention one who is going to a new team?? It's not good. Look at chris johnson last year. Running backs cannot afford to take an offseason off without doing any football related activity, this season is going to be a wash for him. I definitely agree he'd help the jets, but to give up what it'd take to get him + his second contract, is not worth it in my opinion.

That's a very strong possibility.

So what you'd have is a deal where the Jets give up a high pick and a big contract for a back who doesn't help them a whole helluva lot this season. Next year, you'd have a RB who's 28 years old (approximately 59 in RB years), one less pick in the draft, and a much tighter salary cap situation.

It would be a terrible move for the Jets. Luckily, it's not happening.

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Ever notice the track record of a running back who sits out of training camp, not to mention one who is going to a new team?? It's not good. Look at chris johnson last year. Running backs cannot afford to take an offseason off without doing any football related activity, this season is going to be a wash for him. I definitely agree he'd help the jets, but to give up what it'd take to get him + his second contract, is not worth it in my opinion.

well to be honest its really too bad this team cant draft offensive skill players worth a sh*t so at some point you need to make a bold move. Trying to patch up a bad offense with bandaids is not going to work. Players we did have that contirbuted we dumped while giving others 50 mil contracts to put up JAG numbers. The only way this offense opens up is to have a real threat at RB. if defenses dont have to worry about a receiving threat out of the back field it just opens up more optins for them. We do not have the talent most of the good offenses in this league have and as our running game has deminished over the past 3 years so has our offense. It will be worse this year IMO.

I used to scream for WR's on this team because we had the running game and a solid O-Line but since we lost 2 solid players off the O-Line and never really replaced what Thomas Jones did his first few years here WR's dont mean as much because the tables have completely turned. Now we have some decent WR's and a potential beast in Rookie Hill with no running game to support the play action which is Sanchez bread and butter.

Mark my words if this team goes into this season with our current crop of RB's we may do worse than our 101 YPG we had last year. Maybe will get a few more due to Wildcat Tebow but that wont win games and it certainly wont win playoff games. The Broncos won games last year for the same reason the Jets won games in Sanchez rookie year they played good defense.

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That's a very strong possibility.

So what you'd have is a deal where the Jets give up a high pick and a big contract for a back who doesn't help them a whole helluva lot this season. Next year, you'd have a RB who's 28 years old (approximately 59 in RB years), one less pick in the draft, and a much tighter salary cap situation.

It would be a terrible move for the Jets. Luckily, it's not happening.

Guess the Marshall Faulk trade by the Colts and Rams was pretty stupid as well. Faulk really only had 3 really good seasons with that team befor he started to decline but it got them into 2 SB's winning one.

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Guess the Marshall Faulk trade by the Colts and Rams was pretty stupid as well. Faulk really only had 3 really good seasons with that team befor he started to decline but it got them into 2 SB's winning one.

Faulk joined the Rams at 26 with a full training camp that year, iirc. His last 1000 yard season came when he was 28.

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It's all on Twitter, so there's no story to c&p, but Irsay was tweeting a bunch of ish about his GM closing in on a big, expensive trade. Follow-ups from a few beat guys indicated that it was rumored to be for a CB.

This is on the same day that Tennessee just extended out the other McCourty brother for fat money. Could Revis or Cromartie be in play? Revis represents a $12 mil hit, iirc.

Can't be. Our glaring needs are RT and WR. I can't see the colts hobbling their new qb to help us out. I also hope our FO would be smarter than dealing away our only position of superior strength.

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Faulk joined the Rams at 26 with a full training camp that year, iirc. His last 1000 yard season came when he was 28.

Like I said he gave them 3 great years and a SB. Kurt Warner is on record and just watching that team play makes you realize Faulk opened up that entire offense. if the Jets were to get MJD in camp now he would have 2 weeks under his belt and you could even hold him out of the first game if need be or work him in slowly. John Riggins was signed by the Redskins in his 30's how di that work out ? MJD is a bulldog that will bring instant respect to our offense we currently do not have. Teams will play tight on our WR's and stuff our running game and Blitz the living hell out of Sanchez. And those teams who do not have to blitz and can rush us with 4 down lineman since we cant pass protect will drop players in coverage and jump routes. Its hard for any QB to succeed under those circumstances and no one seems to take into consideration thats why Sanchez holds onto the ball to much. Theres a reason he got picked an had so many pick sixes last year and its not just his fault. This team is not even one dimentional anymore its zero dimentional.

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Like I said he gave them 3 great years and a SB. Kurt Warner is on record and just watching that team play makes you realize Faulk opened up that entire offense. if the Jets were to get MJD in camp now he would have 2 weeks under his belt and you could even hold him out of the first game if need be or work him in slowly. John Riggins was signed by the Redskins in his 30's how di that work out ? MJD is a bulldog that will bring instant respect to our offense we currently do not have. Teams will play tight on our WR's and stuff our running game and Blitz the living hell out of Sanchez. And those teams who do not have to blitz and can rush us with 4 down lineman since we cant pass protect will drop players in coverage and jump routes. Its hard for any QB to succeed under those circumstances and no one seems to take into consideration thats why Sanchez holds onto the ball to much. Theres a reason he got picked an had so many pick sixes last year and its not just his fault. This team is not even one dimentional anymore its zero dimentional.

The Jets don't have a Kurt Warner on this team.

MJD is a year older than Faulk was when he was dealt, and the lack of a preseason could easily result in a lost year for him. Faulk hitting the wall violently at the age of 29 should be a clear warning sign to anyone who wants to give up high picks and big bucks to a 27 year old RB.

Also, Riggins joined the Redskins at 27. While he had significant success in his mid-30's, you can pretty much count the RBs who had similar success at that age on no fingers.

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Mark my words if this team goes into this season with our current crop of RB's we may do worse than our 101 YPG we had last year. Maybe will get a few more due to Wildcat Tebow but that wont win games and it certainly wont win playoff games. The Broncos won games last year for the same reason the Jets won games in Sanchez rookie year they played good defense.

Tebow won a playoff game.

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The Jets don't have a Kurt Warner on this team.

MJD is a year older than Faulk was when he was dealt, and the lack of a preseason could easily result in a lost year for him. Faulk hitting the wall violently at the age of 29 should be a clear warning sign to anyone who wants to give up high picks and big bucks to a 27 year old RB.

Also, Riggins joined the Redskins at 27. While he had significant success in his mid-30's, you can pretty much count the RBs who had similar success at that age on no fingers.

Dont make that arguement, the Rams were banking on Trent Green he got hurt and Warner stepped in. Once again when Warner played with lesser talent around him he stunk it up until he went to the Cardinals. if you think its ok to just send our QB out there with crap talent around him and an offensive line that can no longer function anywhere close to the way it did 3 years ago dont be so quick to claim our QB sucks.

I for one would like to see what Sanchez can do without being gimped by his own organization. Im sick of hearing that we draft more Offensive players than defense and all the other bullsh*t when in fact we spend crap shoot picks on offense and top picks on defense . Big difference. This team has done the absolute worst job of getting talent for their young QB compared to the Falcons Lions Ravens who have surrounded their young QB's with loads of talent and continue too.

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Tebow won a playoff game.

Yeah and then he had one of the most horrific games in history which is the real point here. The guy is not and can not be consistent at the QB position. Thats formula usually actully always loses in the playoffs. Just like the offensive juggernauts over the years who usually get shut down in the playoffs at some point. Ask the Rams in their second SB season hell ask anyone if they thought the Pats would shut them down completely in that game.

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The Jets don't have a Kurt Warner on this team.

MJD is a year older than Faulk was when he was dealt, and the lack of a preseason could easily result in a lost year for him. Faulk hitting the wall violently at the age of 29 should be a clear warning sign to anyone who wants to give up high picks and big bucks to a 27 year old RB.

Also, Riggins joined the Redskins at 27. While he had significant success in his mid-30's, you can pretty much count the RBs who had similar success at that age on no fingers.

So let me get this straight you dont think the SB appearances were worth it for the Rams ? In hindsight they should not have traded for Faulk ? If I knew right now at this moment the Jets would win a SB this year or next if we signed Jone Drew to a 5 year deal I would make the move in a freakin heart beat

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Dont make that arguement, the Rams were banking on Trent Green he got hurt and Warner stepped in. Once again when Warner played with lesser talent around him he stunk it up until he went to the Cardinals. if you think its ok to just send our QB out there with crap talent around him and an offensive line that can no longer function anywhere close to the way it did 3 years ago dont be so quick to claim our QB sucks.

I for one would like to see what Sanchez can do without being gimped by his own organization. Im sick of hearing that we draft more Offensive players than defense and all the other bullsh*t when in fact we spend crap shoot picks on offense and top picks on defense . Big difference. This team has done the absolute worst job of getting talent for their young QB compared to the Falcons Lions Ravens who have surrounded their young QB's with loads of talent and continue too.

The Jets don't have Trent Green, either.

Look, I'm all for upgrading the RB position, but an expensive veteran is not the way to do it. You want to point to Faulk or Riggins? How about Herschel Walker?

If next year the Jets want to pull the trigger on a first round RB, I'll be all for it. But the picks and cash that it would take to bring MJD here would do more harm than good. If Tanny can pull off a starting DT for a RT trade, that'll be fine by me.

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Yeah and then he had one of the most horrific games in history which is the real point here. The guy is not and can not be consistent at the QB position. Thats formula usually actully always loses in the playoffs. Just like the offensive juggernauts over the years who usually get shut down in the playoffs at some point. Ask the Rams in their second SB season hell ask anyone if they thought the Pats would shut them down completely in that game.

The point was that we can't win a playoff game with the wildcat. He already did. Last season with a team that is probably worse than us. Consistency is overrated. Check out the Giants. They won in 2007 and 2011. 2008-2010? Not so much. In '08 they got wiped by the Eagles despite playing some pretty good D. Check Eli's stat line in that game. 2009 and 2010? No playoffs. 2011? 9-7. Consistent!

The thing that bothers me is that Sanchez had his best game in his first game as a pro. I haven't seen much improvement since.

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So let me get this straight you dont think the SB appearances were worth it for the Rams ? In hindsight they should not have traded for Faulk ? If I knew right now at this moment the Jets would win a SB this year or next if we signed Jone Drew to a 5 year deal I would make the move in a freakin heart beat

That's all well and good, but unfortunately signing MJD doesn't come with any such guarantees.

I don't credit the Rams' Greatest Show on Turf to Marshall Faulk. He was a fine piece, but the story of that team was Kurt Warner. Maybe Tanny should be scouring the grocery baggers in his neighborhood.

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That's all well and good, but unfortunately signing MJD doesn't come with any such guarantees.

I don't credit the Rams' Greatest Show on Turf to Marshall Faulk. He was a fine piece, but the story of that team was Kurt Warner. Maybe Tanny should be scouring the grocery baggers in his neighborhood.

See I disagree .... I think Faulk was an absolute beast he was one of the best check downs for a QB in the history of the NFL he took major pressure off Kurt Warner. Not to mention Warner had incredible WR's maybe one of the best skill offenses in the history of the league that started the push for offense in this league. If Kurt Warner comes into the NFL on the current Jets roster he does not play past a few games and is in the arena league the following season.

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See I disagree .... I think Faulk was an absolute beast he was one of the best check downs for a QB in the history of the NFL he took major pressure off Kurt Warner. Not to mention Warner had incredible WR's maybe one of the best skill offenses in the history of the league that started the push for offense in this league. If Kurt Warner comes into the NFL on the current Jets roster he does not play past a few games and is in the arena league the following season.

And where does Kurt Warner wind up with the current Jets roster + MJD?

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The point was that we can't win a playoff game with the wildcat. He already did. Last season with a team that is probably worse than us. Consistency is overrated. Check out the Giants. They won in 2007 and 2011. 2008-2010? Not so much. In '08 they got wiped by the Eagles despite playing some pretty good D. Check Eli's stat line in that game. 2009 and 2010? No playoffs. 2011? 9-7. Consistent!

The thing that bothers me is that Sanchez had his best game in his first game as a pro. I haven't seen much improvement since.

Your right the Giants were anything but consistent however they got hot and put major pressure on every QB they faced which IMO won them both SB's you cant deny that pass rush got healthy both years at the end of the season and both years the giants were a few plays away from not even making the playoffs. Both years Eli had stretches where he played horrrible and threw up some prayers in both the playoffs and regular season to extend the Giants run.

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And where does Kurt Warner wind up with the current Jets roster + MJD?

He winds up with a balanced offense that defenses must respect just Like I feel would happen now with Sanchez. Or at the very least give Sanchez the chance to play with a balanced offense.

I know exactly what defenses will do to this team if we do not get a real running game going. They will drop LB's to jump the slant routes and they will play tight on our WR's because they know our Offfensive line will not give Sanchez the time to drop back and at least have a few seconds to scan the field. Then eventually he will get gun shy just like he did last year and make it even tougher to go through his progressions and CB's will jump routes. He will have no chance to go deep and the defenses will get tighter and tighter and we will have more 3 and outs as a result. Sanchez is in a losing situation as any QB would be with our current roster on offense.

people come out with Rodgers and Manning and Brady and Brees but every one of those teams run completely different offenses than we do and they practice them on a regular basis. They are predominant passing teams we are not yet people think its easy just to come out and light it up as a QB when its just not your identity to do so. Sanchez is a play action QB who can excel with a good running game or at least the threat of a running game but he does not have one and now he does not have a back he can throw the ball too. But hey lets put all the pressure on his shoulders. The way the team has handled this QB and this offense in general is moronic at best and it might just get worse. One injury on our depthless offensive line and we could be looking at a complete implosion

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He winds up with a balanced offense that defenses must respect just Like I feel would happen now with Sanchez. Or at the very least give Sanchez the chance to play with a balanced offense.

How does MJD give the Jets a balanced attack? Is it because the Jets already have such an awesome passing attack?

I know exactly what defenses will do to this team if we do not get a real running game going. They will drop LB's to jump the slant routes and they will play tight on our WR's because they know our Offfensive line will not give Sanchez the time to drop back and at least have a few seconds to scan the field. Then eventually he will get gun shy just like he did last year and make it even tougher to go through his progressions and CB's will jump routes. He will have no chance to go deep and the defenses will get tighter and tighter and we will have more 3 and outs as a result. Sanchez is in a losing situation as any QB would be with our current roster on offense.


If defenses do what you're proposing here, the Jets will get their running game going. But they won't. They'll stuff the box - same thing they'd do if the team overpaid for a 27 year old RB.

people come out with Rodgers and Manning and Brady and Brees but every one of those teams run completely different offenses than we do and they practice them on a regular basis. They are predominant passing teams we are not yet people think its easy just to come out and light it up as a QB when its just not your identity to do so. Sanchez is a play action QB who can excel with a good running game or at least the threat of a running game but he does not have one and now he does not have a back he can throw the ball too. But hey lets put all the pressure on his shoulders. The way the team has handled this QB and this offense in general is moronic at best and it might just get worse. One injury on our depthless offensive line and we could be looking at a complete implosion

Sanchez is being evaluated this year. There's no proof that he can excel under any circumstances. If he can somehow prove himself this year, the team will do more to build around him next season. If he can't prove himself, the team will want to have the picks and cash they didn't spend on MJD available to replace him.

And the addition of MJD does nothing to change the reality of your last sentence.

It's just a bad idea. Really, a terrible one. I'm going to try to ignore this conversation now.

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How does MJD give the Jets a balanced attack? Is it because the Jets already have such an awesome passing attack?


If defenses do what you're proposing here, the Jets will get their running game going. But they won't. They'll stuff the box - same thing they'd do if the team overpaid for a 27 year old RB.

Sanchez is being evaluated this year. There's no proof that he can excel under any circumstances. If he can somehow prove himself this year, the team will do more to build around him next season. If he can't prove himself, the team will want to have the picks and cash they didn't spend on MJD available to replace him.

And the addition of MJD does nothing to change the reality of your last sentence.

It's just a bad idea. Really, a terrible one. I'm going to try to ignore this conversation now.

you still dont seem to understand no one fears our running game and its exactly what teams are doing they are jumping routes left and right and dropping more into coverage to completely shut down Sanchez Last year it was blatently obvious. But hey the way you guys talk no one should trade for or pay MJD because great RB's are worthless so Lets run this guy out of the league. I'll laugh my ass off if someone like the Pats step in and grab this guy because he couldnt possibly help the Jets

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