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Who Loves Mark Sanchez?


Who Loves Mark Sanchez?   

81 members have voted

  1. 1. My opinion of Mark Sanchez is....

    • He's a very good QB or better who's been hamstrung by Schottenheimer and Tannenbaum's ineptitude
    • He generally sucks, but I still haven't given up on him. He does start for the team I root for and stuff.
    • Maybe he'll get it in his 30's like Gannon or Plunkett, but he'll never be a good QB on the Jets.
    • He was born sucking and he'll suck until the day he dies.

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In a lot of threads here, whether people are just bashing Sanchez, or clamouring for Tebow to start over him, there seems to be this common theme... Apparently, there's a bunch of Sanchez lovers, worshippers, etc., who need to be told repeatedly, over and over again, just how terrible Mark Sanchez really is in order to be effectively cured or deprogrammed of said love or worship.

Who are these people? I've counted two. I wonder if they'll even step up, or if there are more of them, and this public service the deprogrammers are providing is really necessary.

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He will never get it. He locks on receivers. He makes bad decisions. He doesn't take care of the football nearly enough. We have no idea what happens in the huddle or in meetings, but on the sidelines when things aren't going his way he pouts like a 6-year old being told he won't be getting an ice cream cone.

And for that the New York Jets will pay him some $13 million guaranteed next season.

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IMO .... He's mediocre but I think he has potential. He generally pisses me off, but I don't think we should lose all hope for the guy. 2009 , 2010 he made some pretty solid plays and our O Line looked wayyy better... Give the guy some credit he was the QB during those 2 awesome post seasons.

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IMO .... He's mediocre but I think he has potential. He generally pisses me off, but I don't think we should lose all hope for the guy. 2009 , 2010 he made some pretty solid plays and our O Line looked wayyy better... Give the guy some credit he was the QB during those 2 awesome post seasons.

Just want to give you kudos for breaking away from the stereotype of the young, female Jets fan who blindly loves Mark Sanchez. It's really commendable on your part. You're a good poster.

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Just want to give you kudos for breaking away from the stereotype of the young, female Jets fan who blindly loves Mark Sanchez. It's really commendable on your part. You're a good poster.


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I was excited when we drafted him because there were legit folks talking him up...but looking back it seemed forced. The #1 reason Woody Johnson drafted him was for marketing purposes...considering the moves they've made since bringing Mark in it makes a lot of sense now.

For a top 5 pick, he isnt very big, doesnt have a great arm...and there really isn't a tremendous amount of upside.

The Jets haven't exactly brought him along the right way either though.

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I haven't given up on the kid...he's getting better. As soon as Tanny addresses the o-line, he'll prove it.

The other thing is continuity as far as Mark's targets go.

He's going into his 4th season, and this is the 4th season he will yet again have a new receiving corps!

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I've got a couple things going on.

First, I'm a pragmatic guy. I see Sanchez starting this year (at least), and see no reason to get myself worked up during the preseason. I expect to have plenty of opportunities to get worked up over the first couple months of the regular season.

Second, my dad raised me to root for the underdog. It's like it's in my DNA. It's probably how I managed to stick with the Jets thru the 70's, Joe Walton, Bruce Coslet, and Rich Kotite, etc. The more declarations of suckage I read about Sanchez here, the more I really root for him to succeed. I can't help it.

But if the light doesn't come on for Sanchez this year, I'm really going to want to see a Tebowless plan to replace him in 2013. Whether it's a free agent like Schaub, a trade for an Eagles backup, or a new rookie taken in the first couple rounds. Just something.

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I don't think he's a great quarterback, or will be - but it's frustrating that the fan base has turned on him such that you can't even give a realistic assessment of his production without people jumping on it.

Like it or not, he's still a guy that gave us several comebacks. He's still developing. He's won 4 road playoff games. How many other QB's have done that?

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I was excited when we drafted him because there were legit folks talking him up...but looking back it seemed forced. The #1 reason Woody Johnson drafted him was for marketing purposes...considering the moves they've made since bringing Mark in it makes a lot of sense now.

For a top 5 pick, he isnt very big, doesnt have a great arm...and there really isn't a tremendous amount of upside.

The Jets haven't exactly brought him along the right way either though.

sanchez has ze best backpaddle in NFL Boom

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I voted "haven't given up on him," which is probably why I've been mislabeled a Sanchez worshipper at times. Have to admit, sometimes I'm a "maybe he'll get it in his 30's" guy, too.

I am in the same boat. He reeks of ineptitude, but I still have seen glimpses and am holding out hope that he will become a decent QB for us. I was torn between "in his thirties" and "haven't given up" as well.

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I was excited when we drafted him because there were legit folks talking him up...but looking back it seemed forced. The #1 reason Woody Johnson drafted him was for marketing purposes...considering the moves they've made since bringing Mark in it makes a lot of sense now.

For a top 5 pick, he isnt very big, doesnt have a great arm...and there really isn't a tremendous amount of upside.

The Jets haven't exactly brought him along the right way either though.

A top flight winning QB is easier to market than a mediocre at best good looking minority kid. They didn't draft him for marketing purposes, they drafted him to turn us into a winning organization. The fact that he is very marketable was a major plus to the organization, but they wouldn't have drafted him unless they really felt he could one day be a leader of a great offense.

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A top flight winning QB is easier to market than a mediocre at best good looking minority kid. They didn't draft him for marketing purposes, they drafted him to turn us into a winning organization. The fact that he is very marketable was a major plus to the organization, but they wouldn't have drafted him unless they really felt he could one day be a leader of a great offense.

If Sanchez looked like Kellen Clemens they wouldnt have moved up and drafted him. New stadium, PSL's to sell, competing with the Giants...Sanchez was a packaged deal for the Jets

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If Sanchez looked like Kellen Clemens they wouldnt have moved up and drafted him. New stadium, PSL's to sell, competing with the Giants...Sanchez was a packaged deal for the Jets

I do think the Woody Johnson Jets prioritize things in this order:

1. Can we sell it?





2. Will it help us win?

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I don't think he's a great quarterback, or will be - but it's frustrating that the fan base has turned on him such that you can't even give a realistic assessment of his production without people jumping on it.

Like it or not, he's still a guy that gave us several comebacks. He's still developing. He's won 4 road playoff games. How many other QB's have done that?

You mean his defense won 4 road playoff games.

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You mean his defense won 4 road playoff games.

That only goes so far. For example, he threw three touchdowns against the Pats, in their building, in the playoffs. Do you want to dissect each one and say that, for example, the pass to Tomlinson wasn't a "real" touchdown pass because it was an HB screen? At a certain point it becomes more about your desire to b*tch than the facts.

It's getting old people. 32-22 under this regime with 4 road playoff wins and you want the owner to sell, to fire the GM, to fire the coach, cut the QB. That's right this is a team with a bad owner, bad GM, bad coach, bad QB... must be the luckiest ******* team in NFL history since they've somehow overcome that to outperform 3/4 of the league over the past 3 years.

If Sanchez looked like Kellen Clemens they wouldnt have moved up and drafted him. New stadium, PSL's to sell, competing with the Giants...Sanchez was a packaged deal for the Jets

LOL. If they base decisions purely off of "marketability" (excluding the marketability of winning games), then what do you make of the 20+ other teams that have been decidedly worse than them? Pure dumb luck that this "marketing" team was one good half from making it to the Superbowl two years in a row? They need to go to Vegas with that luck!

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That only goes so far. For example, he threw three touchdowns against the Pats, in their building, in the playoffs. Do you want to dissect each one and say that, for example, the pass to Tomlinson wasn't a "real" touchdown pass because it was an HB screen? At a certain point it becomes more about your desire to b*tch than the facts.

It's getting old people. 32-22 under this regime with 4 road playoff wins and you want the owner to sell, to fire the GM, to fire the coach, cut the QB. That's right this is a team with a bad owner, bad GM, bad coach, bad QB... must be the luckiest ******* team in NFL history since they've somehow overcome that to outperform 3/4 of the league over the past 3 years.

LOL. If they base decisions purely off of "marketability" (excluding the marketability of winning games), then what do you make of the 20+ other teams that have been decidedly worse than them? Pure dumb luck that this "marketing" team was one good half from making it to the Superbowl two years in a row? They need to go to Vegas with that luck!

I have very little problems with the front office, rex is a pretty damn good coach, and without his dumb pick of picking sanchez has been pretty solid throughout his jets career. And fyi, I have more faith in the players assessment of sanchize than I do of yours. The fact of the matter is, this team bent over backwards for him and it all blew up last year. Frustrations rose about sanchize's lack of qb play and the whole team was basically throwing him under the bus. The team grew fed up with sanchize and his lackluster play and lackluster leadership qualities. If you believe that another Chad Pennington is good for the Jets than I seriously feel for you. The boy can't play. And it also doesn't help that he can't lead.

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I have very little problems with the front office, rex is a pretty damn good coach, and without his dumb pick of picking sanchez has been pretty solid throughout his jets career.

Thank god. This makes more sense. Sorry for lumping you in with everyone else.

And fyi, I have more faith in the players assessment of sanchize than I do of yours. The fact of the matter is, this team bent over backwards for him and it all blew up last year. Frustrations rose about sanchize's lack of qb play and the whole team was basically throwing him under the bus. The team grew fed up with sanchize and his lackluster play and lackluster leadership qualities. If you believe that another Chad Pennington is good for the Jets than I seriously feel for you. The boy can't play. And it also doesn't help that he can't lead.

I don't believe in him, but you have to give him another year anyway so we'll find out.

What I really want to know, and something that has curiously gone unasked by anyone for several months now is - what's the deal with the shoulder? We know it was hurt towards the end of last year, and that coincides with the lack of long throws. I don't think his arm was compared to Pennington until that happened. So I wish we knew how that shoulder is doing...

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Thank god. This makes more sense. Sorry for lumping you in with everyone else.

I don't believe in him, but you have to give him another year anyway so we'll find out.

What I really want to know, and something that has curiously gone unasked by anyone for several months now is - what's the deal with the shoulder? We know it was hurt towards the end of last year, and that coincides with the lack of long throws. I don't think his arm was compared to Pennington until that happened. So I wish we knew how that shoulder is doing...

It doesn't seem to me that his shoulder is all that bad. A lot of qb's play with injuries and still get the job done. What was the old saying, every player on the field gets an injury its a matter of how bad it is. The main problem I have with Sanchez is that he is immature and can't lead. He also has yet to be able to show that he is able to read the defense. If Sanchez was better at reading the defense, we would not be talking about Wayne Hunter as much as we are now. The problem I have, is Tebow is looking like he has more upside than Sanchez does. Tebow can actually lead, has a great mental fortitude, great work ethic and can somewhat read the defense. Sure he gets panicky in the pocket, but you also have to remember that if you would combine all his starts and compare them to Sanchez's first year, he has less then or a little bit more starts than Sanchez's first year. Combine that with how Sanchez is only a tab bit better than Tebow is, you start to think that maybe we should just roll with Tebow.

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If Sanchez looked like Kellen Clemens they wouldnt have moved up and drafted him. New stadium, PSL's to sell, competing with the Giants...Sanchez was a packaged deal for the Jets

This... Large Latino community in the area

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It doesn't seem to me that his shoulder is all that bad. A lot of qb's play with injuries and still get the job done. What was the old saying, every player on the field gets an injury its a matter of how bad it is.

Exactly, it's a matter of how bad it is... it sure seemed like there was a drop off in play around mid season last year. If that was attributable to the shoulder, then I'm wondering how that should is holding up right now.

The main problem I have with Sanchez is that he is immature and can't lead.

Can you explain the immaturity? This gets thrown around a lot about him but I never hear a good explanation of it. All of the incidents that I remember are small and relatively meaningless:

-He ate a hot dog once on the sidelines. Ok...

-He once read a prepared statement. Ok...

Meanwhile, maturity:

-He holds a mini-camp of his own with fellow players in California every year.

-He never gets into it with the press. Not once. No skipping interviews, no cursing or yelling or anything...

-He hasn't been arrested. No off the field issues, except whatever that was (and I'm not going to pretend to understand with that 17 year old girl.) Also, one thing I remember coming out about his personal life was that time he visited a sick kid and gave him his cell phone number and kept in touch with him. Pure class.

-Handled the Tebow thing without a single public complaint, and always very professional about it.

So the 'immaturity' thing just doesn't ring true for me, and I think it bothers me because honestly there's so many fair things to criticize the guy about that it's kinda like they're trying to make stuff up.

He also has yet to be able to show that he is able to read the defense. If Sanchez was better at reading the defense, we would not be talking about Wayne Hunter as much as we are now. The problem I have, is Tebow is looking like he has more upside than Sanchez does. Tebow can actually lead, has a great mental fortitude, great work ethic and can somewhat read the defense. Sure he gets panicky in the pocket, but you also have to remember that if you would combine all his starts and compare them to Sanchez's first year, he has less then or a little bit more starts than Sanchez's first year. Combine that with how Sanchez is only a tab bit better than Tebow is, you start to think that maybe we should just roll with Tebow.

Yeah again there's so much to criticize Mark about, this stuff about lacking worth ethic, being immature, etc. sounds invented.

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Weak qb draft

Agreed, but not exactly the point. Sanchez was going in the 1st round before the 20's no matter what, and we needed a QB. Would have been cool to trade up for Stafford, though he's been injured a lot so who knows what would have happened there. And I don't trust Josh Freeman anymore than Sanchez. Guess we just needed a QB on the wrong year...

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Agreed, but not exactly the point. Sanchez was going in the 1st round before the 20's no matter what, and we needed a QB. Would have been cool to trade up for Stafford, though he's been injured a lot so who knows what would have happened there. And I don't trust Josh Freeman anymore than Sanchez. Guess we just needed a QB on the wrong year...

I really believe that if he had the same pedigree and measurables as Sanchez but looked like joe flacco there's no chance we move up for him

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All this marketing aside, Sanchez was a better QB when he was a less accurate and less scared rookie. He was cocky. Before the league found out all his flaws. I don't know why or at what point exactly he lost his ability to make quick and correct decisions but the Jets were always going give him 2 more seasons to evaluate. I bash him relentlessly on the boards but I also root for him and hope he gets better.

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I mean, if the absolute most homerific thing you can say about Sanchez is "he's pretty good but could be REALLY good if not for x, y, and z", that isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.

These are the most homerific things you can say about some other QB's around the league that will only maybe get you laughed at by about 5 % of average fans:

Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Brady, Brees: "Best QB of all-time."

Rivers, Roethlisberger, Romo, Vick, Stafford, Newton: "Really f***ing good, maybe even elite."

Cutler, Ryan, Schaub, Flacco, Dalton, Palmer, Freeman, Fitzpatrick: "Ready to take that next step into top 5-10 status."

Luck, Griffin III, Locker: "Best QB prospect since ______"

And then there's this group......

Sanchez, Gabbert, Smith, Kolb, Cassel, Bradford: "Blah blah blah excuses excuses excuses."

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