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Jason Smith Renegotiates Contract To Match Hunter’s Cap Number


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Cool, let me know if you find something. The deal seems to make no sense, unless its just to get rid of Wayne and dump this guy after letting him take ten snaps the entire season.

Amen to locking up Revis.

Absolutely on locking up Revis, and I don't get all these fans calling him a greedy scumbag, the NFL is a shrewd business, and if Revis lost his game, the Jets would dump his ass faster than you kind find a I heart Tebow thread on here, I hope Revis gets all he deserves, and more Woody cutting a 20 million check to the greatest talent to ever don a Jets uniform is like you going to a nice restaurant, and ordering the $70 steak, it is expensive, but it won't put you in the poor house, and you won't even miss the $70. The players make millions the f'ing greedy ass owners make multiple billions, at the expense of us fans having to pay PSL's, and $6 for a .25 bottle of water, ect.............

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Bro 1: Duuuude, look at this bag of broken glass I just bought for $4 million dollars!!

Bro 2: Dude, what are you gonna do with a bag of broken glass?

B1: PSYCH! It only cost me $2.45 million dollars!


No one said it was a tremendous deal or anything... it's not bad.

Some did say it was a terrible deal, before they got all the facts. Now that they have the facts, they have to find another problem with it... lol

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Do you know if this is true?

If what I read on this site in the original thread is true that Smith has a percentage of snaps clause that if he reaches he then gets 13 million guaranteed for 2013, so if this is true there is no F'ing way the Jets will let him hit that % of plays number that would cripple us more than we already are for next season salary cap wise.

It's the opposite. The contract voids if he hits a certain percentage of snaps (if he was great, he'd get to hit free agency and cash in), otherwise he's due $13M on the first day of fiscal 2013 that he will never, ever see.

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Absolutely on locking up Revis, and I don't get all these fans calling him a greedy scumbag, the NFL is a shrewd business, and if Revis lost his game, the Jets would dump his ass faster than you kind find a I heart Tebow thread on here, I hope Revis gets all he deserves, and more Woody cutting a 20 million check to the greatest talent to ever don a Jets uniform is like you going to a nice restaurant, and ordering the $70 steak, it is expensive, but it won't put you in the poor house, and you won't even miss the $70. The players make millions the f'ing greedy ass owners make multiple billions, at the expense of us fans having to pay PSL's, and $6 for a .25 bottle of water, ect.............

Revis is the greatest Jet ever. I want to see him here for the long haul. He deserves to be paid, he locks down one side of the field by himself. I don't think his requests are that outlandish. He wants to be the highest paid corner, and rightfully so. Lets just stop front loading every damn contract.
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It's the opposite. The contract voids if he hits a certain percentage of snaps (if he was great, he'd get to hit free agency and cash in), otherwise he's due $13M on the first day of fiscal 2013 that he will never, ever see.

Thanks for clearing that up

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pretty sure I heard from JN's finest that the Jets idiotically used up extra 1.55 million in cap space for Smith. If this is true all those tears I saw shed last night were for nothing.

PAC you can only react to the info you have at the moment. It was reported to most before this news came out that hunter was a 2.45 and smith was at 4 now that we know different its good news we're not taking the hit.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

You're just not fun. Being rational has no place here.

That said, Tanny is a down right genius who leaves no stone unturned.

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There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move.

After that ridiculous 'get ready for the mini-draft' comment no hyperbole is off the table regarding Tannenbaum's fatheaded idiocy. The general manager is trying to market the fact that we have to pick through other teams' garbage to fill out a roster. That's what the Jets think of you. And they ain't wrong.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

Yeah. This is nothing to crow about, but it is nice not having to read through threads complaining that "It's sh*t like this that keeps us from signing Roy Williams, Jabar Gaffney, fill in the blank!"

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After that ridiculous 'get ready for the mini-draft' comment no hyperbole is off the table regarding Tannenbaum's fatheaded idiocy. The general manager is trying to market the fact that we have to pick through other teams' garbage to fill out a roster. That's what the Jets think of you. And they ain't wrong.

Sometimes I picture him sitting in a fancy leather chair, smoking a Cohiba, and listening to Girls, Girls, Girls by Jay-Z, with laughter caterwauling throughout the halls.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

Herpes or Syphilis. That's essentially what the swap was.

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After that ridiculous 'get ready for the mini-draft' comment no hyperbole is off the table regarding Tannenbaum's fatheaded idiocy. The general manager is trying to market the fact that we have to pick through other teams' garbage to fill out a roster. That's what the Jets think of you. And they ain't wrong.

Hey, Trader Mike knows how much Jet fans loved bottom of the roster/PS players like Brett Ratliff and David Clowney, so he's just placating the masses.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

This sh*t doesn't happen in a vacuum. Tannenbaum guaranteed Hunter's salary even though he's terrible. Then he failed to bring in any real competition even though it was clear Ducasse was even worse. Then it took him until a month before the regular season to realize the guy sucked. Then he panicked because his hand-picked QB is such a bitchmade bed-wetting mollycoddle that the performance of a right ****ing tackle is absolutely vital to our season. Then he traded our expensive crap for somebody else's expensive crap, and that's how we end up paying $2.45 million to a backup tackle who's (possibly) marginally less sh*tty than the one we had 36 hours ago. Unless you've been living on the moon for the last six years, you can see how some people might view this move as yet another reactive lateral move, such that we should probably just start calling reactive lateral moves "Tannies."

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This sh*t doesn't happen in a vacuum. Tannenbaum guaranteed Hunter's salary even though he's terrible. Then he failed to bring in any real competition even though it was clear Ducasse was even worse. Then it took him until a month before the regular season to realize the guy sucked. Then he panicked because his hand-picked QB is such a bitchmade bed-wetting mollycoddle that the performance of a right ****ing tackle is absolutely vital to our season. Then he traded our expensive crap for somebody else's expensive crap, and that's how we end up paying $2.45 million to a backup tackle who's (possibly) marginally less sh*tty than the one we had 36 hours ago. Unless you've been living on the moon for the last six years, you can see how some people might view this move as yet another reactive lateral move, such that we should probably just start calling reactive lateral moves "Tannies."

So what you're trying to say is... ?

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This sh*t doesn't happen in a vacuum. Tannenbaum guaranteed Hunter's salary even though he's terrible. Then he failed to bring in any real competition even though it was clear Ducasse was even worse. Then it took him until a month before the regular season to realize the guy sucked. Then he panicked because his hand-picked QB is such a bitchmade bed-wetting mollycoddle that the performance of a right ****ing tackle is absolutely vital to our season. Then he traded our expensive crap for somebody else's expensive crap, and that's how we end up paying $2.45 million to a backup tackle who's (possibly) marginally less sh*tty than the one we had 36 hours ago. Unless you've been living on the moon for the last six years, you can see how some people might view this move as yet another reactive lateral move, such that we should probably just start calling reactive lateral moves "Tannies."

And this on the heels of the backup Center fiasco last year after Robert Turner got IR'd.

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I'm curious if those on one extreme of arguments like this realize they look just as foolish as those taking the other extreme? There's nothing particularly worth much praise or criticism in this move. Two teams swapped players that they were finished with in hopes that the other team's player could do well with a fresh start, and in the process found themselves in the identical cap situation they were already in. Considering both of these guys had their salaries guaranteed, as far as these teams are concerned they both came out a step ahead as they would have had to pay more had they cut the player and signed someone else. It's fine and makes sense, but I can't imagine what about this is a particularly big deal either way outside of those desperately trying to use this as a means to justify their prior stance on Tanny.

Can honestly say i agree with BG 100% here. This is a non-move non-story and in way proves or disproves anything about Tannenbaum (unless we somehow get that 2013 guaranteed $ hit. Then the world implodes.). Otherwise move along...more important things to worry about with this team.

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This sh*t doesn't happen in a vacuum. Tannenbaum guaranteed Hunter's salary even though he's terrible. Then he failed to bring in any real competition even though it was clear Ducasse was even worse. Then it took him until a month before the regular season to realize the guy sucked. Then he panicked because his hand-picked QB is such a bitchmade bed-wetting mollycoddle that the performance of a right ****ing tackle is absolutely vital to our season. Then he traded our expensive crap for somebody else's expensive crap, and that's how we end up paying $2.45 million to a backup tackle who's (possibly) marginally less sh*tty than the one we had 36 hours ago. Unless you've been living on the moon for the last six years, you can see how some people might view this move as yet another reactive lateral move, such that we should probably just start calling reactive lateral moves "Tannies."

Can't even call guaranteeing hunter the worst move of the offseason. So giving and bountiful is the mark sanchez extension.

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Can't even call guaranteeing hunter the worst move of the offseason. So giving and bountiful is the mark sanchez extension.

It's all of a piece. He's constitutionally incapable of fielding a competent passing offense, but he also doesn't have the sack or the acumen (sackumen?) to cut his losses and rebuild. So instead we get moves that are both stupid and desperate. Mini-draft!

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