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Coach Rex Ryan Not Sure If NT Sione Po’uha Will Be Active For Opening Day


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Jets nose tackle Sione Po’uha has been sidelined for most of training camp with a back injury.  Coach Rex Ryan had maintained that he would be ready to play in the season opener this Sunday, September 9th, but Ryan was less optimistic today about Po’uha’s availability this week:

The Jets may be without a valuable defensive starter for the season opener against the Bills.

Rex Ryan said that he’s “still not real sure” that veteran nose tackle Sione Pouha — who missed the preseason with what the team described as “back tightness” – will play in Week 1.

Ryan intimated Pouha could have suffered a setback.

“We’ll see and that could very well be,” Ryan said. “I just don’t want to give you a definitive absolutely when that has never been said to me.”

Source: Manish Metha / NY Daily News

Second year DT Kenrick Ellis has been handling that starting duties during Po’uha’s absence and will be called upon week one against the Bills if Po’uha is not available to play.


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I wish they didn't cut MTV. I don't have any problem with the mini-draft guy, but Tevesau was already to step in and spell Ellis. I doubt this guy will be ready to give many snaps so soon. IIRC, Tevesau was picked up by the Colts, so he didn't even make it to the 2nd team in waiver order.

I have to imagine that they cut MTV with Pouha's injury situation in mind, which only furthers my assumption that they expect big big things from Ellis or that Pouha isn't going to miss much, if any time.

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Pouha got his job due to an injury and if he doesn't heal up soon he may very well lose it to an injury. I hope he comes back soon, but I really like what I'm seeing in Ellis right about now.

I'd like to see a 4-3 with Wilkerson/Pouha/Ellis/Coples. That seems a bit beastly right now. If this front 4 ends up being what I hope it is, matching it with our secondary and D Harris in the middle.....historic.

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I have to imagine that they cut MTV with Pouha's injury situation in mind, which only furthers my assumption that they expect big big things from Ellis or that Pouha isn't going to miss much, if any time.

Kind of my point. If they cut MTV thinking Pouha's injury wasn't so severe and now he is missing games, I am bothered. I expect big things from Ellis, but he seems like the kind of guy who will really need to be spelled from time to time.

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Kind of my point. If they cut MTV thinking Pouha's injury wasn't so severe and now he is missing games, I am bothered. I expect big things from Ellis, but he seems like the kind of guy who will really need to be spelled from time to time.

I'd get what you were saying if it was just a matter of them cutting MTV with perhaps the hope they'd stash him back on the PS, but the fact that they cut MTV while then turning around and putting in a waiver claim for another NT, it tells you that he must have been their preference as a player, and I'm not sure how much prep time you really need to give a guy before he can start taking some snaps as a backup NT and plus they have guys like DeVito they can slide inside as well. Besides, if there's one position I'll always give Rex the benefit of the doubt on, it's the DL.

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I'd get what you were saying if it was just a matter of them cutting MTV with perhaps the hope they'd stash him back on the PS, but the fact that they cut MTV while then turning around and putting in a waiver claim for another NT, it tells you that he must have been their preference as a player, and I'm not sure how much prep time you really need to give a guy before he can start taking some snaps as a backup NT and plus they have guys like DeVito they can slide inside as well. Besides, if there's one position I'll always give Rex the benefit of the doubt on, it's the DL.

Yeah. It will be interesting. Obviously the Colts like MTV better, because they put in a claim for him and not Aaitui. We'll see how this works. Hopefully Pouha will be ready to go or we will probably be seeing more use of Devito on the inside.

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Yeah. It will be interesting. Obviously the Colts like MTV better, because they put in a claim for him and not Aaitui. We'll see how this works. Hopefully Pouha will be ready to go or we will probably be seeing more use of Devito on the inside.

Yeah, certainly an interesting point about the Colts, so we'll have to see. Considering that you know there were no cap ramifications involved in this decision considering MTV wasn't getting paid sh*t, I have to imagine this was a decision that came back to Rex, but who knows. Either way, the Jets will likely be much better off if Pouha is just healthy, but if nothing else, having Coples gives the Jets a lot more freedom to move guys around so I don't think there's much, if anything, to be concerned about even if Pouha does miss some games, as long as the rest of these guys stay healthy.

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Yeah, certainly an interesting point about the Colts, so we'll have to see. Considering that you know there were no cap ramifications involved in this decision considering MTV wasn't getting paid sh*t, I have to imagine this was a decision that came back to Rex, but who knows. Either way, the Jets will likely be much better off if Pouha is just healthy, but if nothing else, having Coples gives the Jets a lot more freedom to move guys around so I don't think there's much, if anything, to be concerned about even if Pouha does miss some games, as long as the rest of these guys stay healthy.

Well, I am counting on the defense being stellar. It looks like they are going to have to literally carry this team. I get your point about Coples, but I think they have less freedom now. They cut Dixon and Richardson. That means they have WIlkerson and Devito at DE. Coples is the third DE. It's not like they have Dixon around to kick inside or play at DE when they kick Devito inside. Before they cut Dixon I was looking at Coples as a wild card. Now I'm not so sure he isn't just another DE.

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Kind of my point. If they cut MTV thinking Pouha's injury wasn't so severe and now he is missing games, I am bothered. I expect big things from Ellis, but he seems like the kind of guy who will really need to be spelled from time to time.

No, I got your point, my post was probably too vague. According to this article, it paints a picture that Rex's opinion about Pouha's status seemed to change from the weeks past, but from everything I've gathered, that doesn't seem to be the case. It says that Rex intimated there was a setback, yet he's always been extremely upfront about injuries and setbacks if he was given specific information from the trainers/doctors. To me, it seems his injury/health is status quo and MTV was released with that in mind, but if you are correct and there was a setback following his release, then I agree, that is not something I like.

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No, I got your point, my post was probably too vague. According to this article, it paints a picture that Rex's opinion about Pouha's status seemed to change from the weeks past, but from everything I've gathered, that doesn't seem to be the case. It says that Rex intimated there was a setback, yet he's always been extremely upfront about injuries and setbacks if he was given specific information from the trainers/doctors. To me, it seems his injury/health is status quo and MTV was released with that in mind, but if you are correct and there was a setback following his release, then I agree, that is not something I like.


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I'd get what you were saying if it was just a matter of them cutting MTV with perhaps the hope they'd stash him back on the PS, but the fact that they cut MTV while then turning around and putting in a waiver claim for another NT, it tells you that he must have been their preference as a player, and I'm not sure how much prep time you really need to give a guy before he can start taking some snaps as a backup NT and plus they have guys like DeVito they can slide inside as well. Besides, if there's one position I'll always give Rex the benefit of the doubt on, it's the DL.

don't forget Damon Harrison. #71 looked good this preseason. Better than MTV.

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I'd like to see a 4-3 with Wilkerson/Pouha/Ellis/Coples. That seems a bit beastly right now. If this front 4 ends up being what I hope it is, matching it with our secondary and D Harris in the middle.....historic.

I agree wholeheartedly. It has the makings of something really special man. I just hope everyone his healthy this season because tier two of the D is a major drop off.

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