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If the Jets can't tackle....


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This happens every single time we play the Steelers, it's not too surprising, Big Ben does it to everyone. He is always impossible to tackle and even studs like Von Miller whiffed on him a few times last week.

The d-line was getting a heck of a push and penetration that first quarter, but once Tod Haley started switching up to shorter quicker throws, it neutralized the defensive rush and allowed their Oline to get in rhythm. Couple that with not being able to send the blitzes we should have been able to due to Revis being out and it was certainly a difficult task. Yes, both teams were without their start defensive players, but playing without Revis changes the entire complex of our defense, I expect a big bounce back vs miami.

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Misleading stat. There were several tackles for losses. The missed tackles led to the 3 hr plus drive in the 4th QTR. They weren't big gains, but were very pivitol missed tackles.

I think they just got worn down. I don't think they just forgot how to tackle as the game went on. It was the offenses inability to eat up any clock that led to the defense slowing down. The defense will be fine if the offense gets them an occasional breather. Cro killed them on the bomb TD IMO. Pass defense was bad all day.

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This happens every single time we play the Steelers, it's not too surprising, Big Ben does it to everyone. He is always impossible to tackle and even studs like Von Miller whiffed on him a few times last week.

The d-line was getting a heck of a push and penetration that first quarter, but once Tod Haley started switching up to shorter quicker throws, it neutralized the defensive rush and allowed their Oline to get in rhythm. Couple that with not being able to send the blitzes we should have been able to due to Revis being out and it was certainly a difficult task. Yes, both teams were without their start defensive players, but playing without Revis changes the entire complex of our defense, I expect a big bounce back vs miami.


Sometimes the opponent deserves credit.

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They sure did. They did a hell of a job but were once again left hung out to dry by the offense.

Wow, I didn't know until now that it is the offenses responsibility to stop Pitt from converting 3rd down's after 3rd downs...wow man thanks for that.

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Ive never seen a Jet game with so many whiffs on the QB. If there was a missewds sack count it was 10+

Then you must have missed every other time we've played big ben the last handful of years, he's been doing it to us for the better part of a decade.

They sure did. They did a hell of a job but were once again left hung out to dry by the offense.

I mean, that's not entirely fair. Yea, the offense stagnated real quick after the first quarter, but the defense has to be held responsible for some giant miscues. You cannot let other teams convert more than half their third downs and the majority of their 3rd and longs, nor can you allow a ten minute long drive to pretty much seal the deal at the end of the game. All in all, it was just a poor showing in all three aspects of the game and we should just hope we regroup next week against a divisional oponent to be atop and 2-0 in the AFCE.

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Wow, I didn't know until now that it is the offenses responsibility to stop Pitt from converting 3rd down's after 3rd downs...wow man thanks for that.

Oh but yeah, they totally are and that's exactly what I was saying. Super happy to be able to shed some light.

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No doubt about it...pressure was rare, when it was there they whiffed...but for some reason, that big rapist has a knack for avoiding hits. Secondary was bad, but before they were getting gassed, I felt like that tackling was fine. No matter how you slice it, 2.0 YPC doesn't happen if you can't tackle.

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This happens every single time we play the Steelers, it's not too surprising, Big Ben does it to everyone. He is always impossible to tackle and even studs like Von Miller whiffed on him a few times last week.

The d-line was getting a heck of a push and penetration that first quarter, but once Tod Haley started switching up to shorter quicker throws, it neutralized the defensive rush and allowed their Oline to get in rhythm. Couple that with not being able to send the blitzes we should have been able to due to Revis being out and it was certainly a difficult task. Yes, both teams were without their start defensive players, but playing without Revis changes the entire complex of our defense, I expect a big bounce back vs miami.


Everyone wants to point at this player or that play or this deficiency (which every team has many) as to why the Jets lost. When what happened is easy to explain. They got out coached and out played. Bottom line. This happens in the NFL. Especially on the road during a home opener vs. a playoff team with a top notch QB and very good defense with a HOF DC.

Give the Steelers credit. They made the proper adjustments to win the game. And what was interesting is, it wasnt Haley who all of a sudden figured out the Jets D. The Jets held the Steelers to 7 pts in the 2nd half and their long drive had some help to sustain. They forced numerous 3 and outs all the while with the Jets getting dominated by field position. Dick LeBeau was the MVP of the game. He figured out how to shut down the pass attack and it was game over.

The defense I thought played very well. Big Ben is just really hard to bring down. Everyone knows this. Its his bread and butter.

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Then you must have missed every other time we've played big ben the last handful of years, he's been doing it to us for the better part of a decade.

I mean, that's not entirely fair. Yea, the offense stagnated real quick after the first quarter, but the defense has to be held responsible for some giant miscues. You cannot let other teams convert more than half their third downs and the majority of their 3rd and longs, nor can you allow a ten minute long drive to pretty much seal the deal at the end of the game. All in all, it was just a poor showing in all three aspects of the game and we should just hope we regroup next week against a divisional oponent to be atop and 2-0 in the AFCE.

I agree....another stop would have been nice, and who knows how things turn out if the refs catch the RB knee hitting the ground on what would have been a TFL, but ended up being one of Pitts longest runs of the game on that killer drive? I'm not saying they played perfect game, but I just had to laugh at all of the "this team can't tackle anyone" BS.

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I agree....another stop would have been nice, and who knows how things turn out if the refs catch the RB knee hitting the ground on what would have been a TFL, but ended up being one of Pitts longest runs of the game on that killer drive? I'm not saying they played perfect game, but I just had to laugh at all of the "this team can't tackle anyone" BS.

Not just of the game, it was their longest drive in five years. It was the same thing last year, our defense overall was fantastic, but we have had trouble getting off the field on 3rd and longs. I don't like making excuses for injuries, as every team has them, but what revis allows us to do is extraordinary. We only blitzed a handful of times and every time we had at least one or two free blitzers who just missed. With Revis playing, that changes the complex of the game so as we are then able to blitz more than just a handful of times. Look forward to next week and bouncing back.

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