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Was it a was a mistake to let Schottenheimer go? ☺


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What are you talking about? Favre ran all the plays him self and changed them anyway in the huddle thats a fact....thats favre....besides we were 8-3 and best in back to back weeks the Titans and the Pats.....give me a break.

so what I said? thanks. it's good to be right.

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It was a mistake to think this team was a Pound and Ground Team. Hence, hiring Sparano was a big mistake. They should have taken Todd Haley instead. Schotty's team is dead last in scoring TD's...we are sixth to last...

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It was a mistake to think this team was a Pound and Ground Team. Hence, hiring Sparano was a big mistake. They should have taken Todd Haley instead. Schotty's team is dead last in scoring TD's...we are sixth to last...

It's not like the Steelers are tearing it up with Haley.....


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Ummm your post proved Diddly, You cant name 1 QB Schotty phucked up, Pennington and Sanchize were worthless

LMFAO Schottenheimer sucked, dude. accept it and move on. or did you love watching runs up the middle on 3rd and 20? that was OFFENSIVE GENIUS at work.

Sanchez may blow but at least they let him throw it a bit now. Gives a ****ing flash of hope before the inevitable drop/incompletion/interception.

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Contrary to the popular belief held by many posters here that Brian Schottenheimer was ruining / ruined the developement of Sanchez, the truth may actually be that he was handcuffed by Marks lack of ability so had to formulate simple game plans, designed to mask the limited passing skills of Mark Sanchez. The slant, dump off and wide receiver screens that were hated during his tenure as OC were made the staple of game plans out of necessity, not preference.

While Sparano certainly hasnt been terrific in his short tenure, (see Tebow run for 2 yds) he has more frequently tried to stretch the field with longer pass plays but quickly found out what most of us already knew. Mark Sanchez simply isnt up to the task.

Cue the team has no receivers mob.


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Schottenheimer is terrible.

But even if he wasn't, at the barest of minimums his release removes one major layer of excuses for Sanchez, Rex, and Tannenbaum. Along the lines of those happy about Favre because he ended the Pennington era, the loss of Schottenheimer will probably turn out to be the first step in a complete overhaul of franchise.

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Schottenheimer is terrible.

But even if he wasn't, at the barest of minimums his release removes one major layer of excuses for Sanchez, Rex, and Tannenbaum. Along the lines of those happy about Favre because he ended the Pennington era, the loss of Schottenheimer will probably turn out to be the first step in a complete overhaul of franchise.

Good points. If there is going to be a house cleaning, history and logic dictates it would happen after the season is over. At least the possibility for change is no longer a far fetched premise. The only downside is the same jackass that helped pick the current QB and HC may survive and be part of the process.

Regarding my o/p, It was admittedly a tongue in cheek post meant to provoke some Sanchez with Sparano vs Sanchez with Schott comparisons. Some took it as support for Schottenheimers ability as an OC when in fact it was meant to imply that his limited ability as an OC was possibly beneficial when meshed with Sanchezs limited passing skills.

Moving foward,I wont be surprised to see Sparano simplifying the offense, going back to basics in an attempt to dumb down the game plans for #6.

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We'd have to put up with his crap for another 6 years first though.

Tell him they're gonna put him in the Ring Of Honor at halftime......then say "We just wanted to make sure you knew you were fired. We're doubling down on firing you, just to be on the safe side....."


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