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Sanchez sucks.

Sperm Edwards

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Reggie Wayne is a HOF'er. Brown is a better back than Greene is. Drafted two tight ends who are both starting. Brought in a good slot guy in HIlton.

Don Brown come on mon, Jets drafted thrill hill in 2nd rd too

Funny thing is Greene may actually look good with Luck at QB, funny how a real QB makes everyone better

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We are all judged by what we are doing today. The fact of the matter is that the Jets re in freefall. That freefall started last year, and by the coaches own admission he lost the locker room.

The coach seems ill equipped to understand what it takes to win in this league, and his players no longer run through the wall for him.

To me, that is the epitome of needing a change at the top.

What have you done for me lately? Season's not over yet. Maybe the Giants should have fired Coughlin after the 4-9 'skins rolled in and torched them at MetLife last year. He's so ill equipped to win that this is like the 3rd time the team has been under .500 since he got here. Once after the 2 game losing streak after the bye in 2009 and once after opening day in 2011. No wait! 4th. They were a game under after the Pats game last year.

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Get used to it, dude

The funny thing is that many poster here actually listen to this dope, and act as if he's some sort of knowledgeable Jets "insider"

Glad you can see through the BS

Being consistently objective and correct over the long term earns one credibility? NO WAY NOT HERE.

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Saying he blamed them 20 times does not make it true. I saw it on SNY and think you're overstating it. He said "we gotta find a way to keep the d-lines hands down". It wasn't nearly as inflammatory as you make it seem - which is evidenced by the fact there have been no headlines about it.

As far as the Cromartie pass he scoffed at who was asking the question, not the question itself. The reporter, I think it was Myers, asked the same question a few times seemingly trying to needle Mark. When some schlub reporter is busting your balls and asks "don't you think you could have lead him more" for the 3rd time, how do you want him to answer? It was a passive aggressive reply to a jerkoff question.

You fail to say that he blamed himself for the pass to Cumberland a couple times.

Mark has played poorly the last few games but that isn't a reason to try and launch a smear campaign. Especially given the fact there's a 90% chance he'll be the starter until 2014.

You are 100% dead wrong.

Sanchez saying "we" have to keep opponents' DL hands down is clearly him talking about people other than himself. It is no different than him saying "we" have to nail those kicks if he was referring to a kicker missing a couple of chip shots. He is blaming others for his crappy play, veiling it as a team effort. But it's transparent, as everyone knows he's blaming his OL.

Regarding the Cromartie comment you are also 100% dead wrong. No human could possibly watch the Q&A exchange and come away with anything other than Sanchez absolving himself. If anything it came across as Sanchez being the great opportunity creator by throwing it Cromartie's way in the first place. He "scoffed" at the suggestion that his pass could have been better, as evidenced by his response of saying his throw could only have been improved (something to the effect of) "yeah maybe a hair" which is ludicrous. A QB taking on blame for his own bad throw would have said, "Yeah, Cro was wide open and I just didn't lead him the way I should have. If I did it was an easy TD." THAT is taking responsibility.

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Your wrong on so many levels it's not even funny.

Is Sanchez good, absolutely not right now, not even close.

But to say that he is THE problem is not wrong, it's asinine.

He is one of many, many problems.

First off, this team has ZERO playmakers, ZERO!

Our best offensive talent is on the line, and even that is questionable right now.

There is not one guy on offense who is a threat, and that includes but is not limited to the QB's.

When was the last time any Jet offensive player took a routine play, a handoff, a reverse, a short pass, anything and took it to the house???

The Giants do this sometimes multiple times per game, be it the running game, or Cruz or Nicks taking a routine out pass, making 3 guys miss and turning into a 40+ yard TD.

The Jets have NOBODY with that ability.

What does that mean?

Well, it means that to score points, everything needs to be perfect. The line needs to block consistently, the WR's need to run the right route, the QB needs to throw the ball perfectly, and the WR needs to catch the ball, all while having no penalties.

So when Mark does make a bad pass, which he does more than his share of, it is magnified 10X over.

I have news for you, if you watch other QB's, even great QB's, they do this many, many times per game. Brady had 2-3 passes in the SB with no pressure on him that if he makes either of them, the Pats won the SB last year.

Eli does it it MULTIPLE times per game, he threw 3 int's against the lowly Bucs, but as a team they were able to overcome it, why?? Because they are loaded with playmakers.

The difference is other good teams have enough playmakers to overcome.

Rex/Tanny have put zero emphasis on aquiring playmakers, zero! When we drafted a project playmaker in the 2nd round, Rex was annoyed by it.

We don't even draft playmakers on defense! We draft Dlineman on a 3-4 for crying out loud!

It's maddening, the NFL today is all about playmakers. And the Jets have NONE, not at QB, not at WR, not at RB, and certainly not at LB.

This is systemic failure, not single player failure.

Whether you, or any of your other band of SANCHEZ haters wants to admit it, Sanchez is one of many problems on this team.

Short of getting an Elite, Elite QB, nobody is going to have this offense playing much better if any at all.

Let's look at the Cromrartie pass, was it bad, it was AWFUL!

BUT, how many times do you think he has worked with Cromrartie?? I mean really, do you think they have any chemistry whatsoever? He is damn fast, probably faster than any WR on the Jets including Holmes. That has no meaning? You think it's just an automatic that every NFL QB can just throw a deep ball like that with limited experience working with that WR??

And the criticism that he through it too close to the sideline??? Do you even think, I mean really? If he throws that pass more inside and it gets picked off because Cromrartie is not used to playing WR, we are killing him even more.

It does not strike you as crazy that we have our #1 CB going out for passes? Think about that for a second, you don't take that as an inditement on our WR crew?

And again, even the great Eli has several of those a game, I watch every Giants and Jets game, it happens.

But the throw to Cumberland in the EZ for the TD was perfect, he could not have thrown a better pass there, and Cumberland NEARLY dropped that pass!

What you people don't seem to understand is that no QB makes 100% of his throws., NONE!

And I have watched the Cumberland int 10 times now, and for you and your band of haters to call that on Sanchez is ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous.

Cumberland miss timed his jump, and the ball hit him right int he hands.

Absolutely on him, not on Sanchez.

The WR's are often either unable to get off the line, or running a wrong route.

The playcalling is suspect at best, they are forcing Tebow in there with no plan, no goal, no rythm.

There are so many problems, and honestly I am sick of having to defend a QB I don't even really like, and did not want to draft in the first place.

It's not even about defending Sanchez, as much as it is being sick of this idiotic notion that he is THE problem, and that the problems don't run incredibly deep with this team.

Dilfer and Young were 100% correct in what they said, 100%, and everyone on here bashed them for their opinion.

But to point sole blame on him is so absolutely clueless that I question either your football knowledge, or if your level of hatred is making you irrational.

Again, if Brady is available, or Rogers, or Brees, Eli, Big Ben, hell, let's go get them.

But this notion that an Andy Dalton is going to make us a real contender is so stupid it's comical, people should be embarrassed to think like this.

I'm not reading anything this long and doubt anyone else is either.

I am not wrong. Sanchez sucks. All the rationalizations to the contrary don't change that.

He is the biggest problem on the field. I haven't seen many suggest he is the "only" problem. They have plenty. But a QB this bad is too much of a disadvantage to deal with regularly.

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FYI, Cromartie's response was, and I quote, " I have to learn to come down with my feet in bounds". Go figure.

That's because Cromartie is a team player to the media. Cromartie blamed himself for a crappy throw. Sure he could have dragged his feet. Sanchez also could have made a decent throw. Did Sanchez say that about himself? No. He said maybe he could have thrown it a little more in bounds by "a hair" as I recall.

I'm still waiting for a response showing links to all these times Sanchez blaming himself for others' shortcomings. Should be really easy, as you said he does this every week.

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That's because Cromartie is a team player to the media. Cromartie blamed himself for a crappy throw. Sure he could have dragged his feet. Sanchez also could have made a decent throw. Did Sanchez say that about himself? No. He said maybe he could have thrown it a little more in bounds by "a hair" as I recall.

I'm still waiting for a response showing links to all these times Sanchez blaming himself for others' shortcomings. Should be really easy, as you said he does this every week.

Im done with you. You are just a close minded hater. As far as your link, go to SNY and look at any of his past press conferences. I don't do links. He has always said I NEED TO DO BETTER. He is just like Pennington was in that regard, but hey, u hated him too right? Maybe we should bring Browning Nagle back, bet you loved him.

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Im done with you. You are just a close minded hater. As far as your link, go to SNY and look at any of his past press conferences. I don't do links. He has always said I NEED TO DO BETTER. He is just like Pennington was in that regard, but hey, u hated him too right? Maybe we should bring Browning Nagle back, bet you loved him.

You are the one making these ludicrous claims. It's not for me to look up what we all know isn't there, where he takes the blame for others' bad play. Back it up yourself. Should be easy.

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You are the one making these ludicrous claims. It's not for me to look up what we all know isn't there, where he takes the blame for others' bad play. Back it up yourself. Should be easy.

Yeah I suggest your letting your hatred get the better of you. He has continually said he needs to get better and often taken the blame for things that aren't his fault. Mondays press conference is about the most "controversial" he's been. People have been screaming for him to hold guys accountable or stop sounding so pc and the moment he does he's killed.

So, you are in fact the one who is 100% dead wrong on this topic.

Sanchez the player however, has indeed sucked the last couple weeks.

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I'm not reading anything this long and doubt anyone else is either.

I am not wrong. Sanchez sucks. All the rationalizations to the contrary don't change that.

He is the biggest problem on the field. I haven't seen many suggest he is the "only" problem. They have plenty. But a QB this bad is too much of a disadvantage to deal with regularly.

LOL, god forbid you should have to justify your insanity.

To ignore that there are several other major problems with this team, of which Sanche is one of is so clearly irrational it's sad.

I can just see you sitting there watching the Jets give up that first TD drive, blaming Sanchez for it.

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Hey, noticed that JonEJet is banned again? What was the infraction this time? Not agreeing with Sperm?

Anyway, not that this this is any of my business, but Sanchez isn't very good but his current receivers are even worse and your OC may be just as bad as the one you all hated so much. Add to that a GM that does a sh*tty job at adding depth - well, you have an offense with holes.

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I'm not reading anything this long and doubt anyone else is either.

I am not wrong. Sanchez sucks. All the rationalizations to the contrary don't change that.

He is the biggest problem on the field. I haven't seen many suggest he is the "only" problem. They have plenty. But a QB this bad is too much of a disadvantage to deal with regularly.

Sanchez is not the only problem dude. I am not a Sanchez supporter, but how many drops have there been this year by our RB's and WR's and TEs? We all know the kid is a bit fragile I get it, but he is serviceable. In my opinion, I believe Tebow can give us better results but that another story line.

What I believe is coupled with the offenses play and Rex's inability to have in-game strategy and ajustments (not taking time outs in the first half and allowing the offense to operate like we had none), coupled with all the injuries, this is the reason we are 2-3 and not 4-1 or at a minimum 3-2 right now.

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Hey, noticed that JonEJet is banned again? What was the infraction this time? Not agreeing with Sperm?

Anyway, not that this this is any of my business, but Sanchez isn't very good but his current receivers are even worse and your OC may be just as bad as the one you all hated so much. Add to that a GM that does a sh*tty job at adding depth - well, you have an offense with holes.

Thanks for that epiphani

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Yeah I suggest your letting your hatred get the better of you. He has continually said he needs to get better and often taken the blame for things that aren't his fault. Mondays press conference is about the most "controversial" he's been. People have been screaming for him to hold guys accountable or stop sounding so pc and the moment he does he's killed.

So, you are in fact the one who is 100% dead wrong on this topic.

Sanchez the player however, has indeed sucked the last couple weeks.

+1,000..thank you

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i am going to play devils advocate on Sanchez, (after bashing him relentlessly for a year)

Remember when QB's used to get 3 years to sit and start their 4th year? Aaron Rodgers for example.

if that was the path Sanchez took, he'd be starting this year as a "rookie QB". It's clear he's still developing. Whether he actually develops or not, is a huge question. but the jury is still not out on this guy.

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Yeah I suggest your letting your hatred get the better of you. He has continually said he needs to get better and often taken the blame for things that aren't his fault. Mondays press conference is about the most "controversial" he's been. People have been screaming for him to hold guys accountable or stop sounding so pc and the moment he does he's killed.

You're not even Mexican. Get a life.
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Yeah I suggest your letting your hatred get the better of you. He has continually said he needs to get better and often taken the blame for things that aren't his fault.

You're defending a player who "continually" apologizes for his bad play. Not sure if you're aware.

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Thats all I am saying also Frank...hows the wrist?

Hi al

My wrist is OK the soreness went away with time thanks. I know the QB is the guy that is going to get the heat but you have to put things in perspective-

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You're defending a player who "continually" apologizes for his bad play. Not sure if you're aware.

they're 1 game out of first and undefeated in their division yet Mark finds the strength to get out of bed in the morning.

you and your ilk are in your glory but either can't see or choose to ignore the fact that Mark is playing with the bad news bears for an offense.

When Clyde Gates, Jason Hill, Konrad Reuland are expected to make big contributions, something has gone very wrong.

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Yeah I suggest your letting your hatred get the better of you. He has continually said he needs to get better and often taken the blame for things that aren't his fault. Mondays press conference is about the most "controversial" he's been. People have been screaming for him to hold guys accountable or stop sounding so pc and the moment he does he's killed.

So, you are in fact the one who is 100% dead wrong on this topic.

Sanchez the player however, has indeed sucked the last couple weeks.

Name one time.

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Tell that to Spermy. Thats what this whole conversation is about.

I agree with Sperm that Sanchez saying "we need to get [...] hands down" is a slap at his OLmen. But, it's ridiculous. Sanchez was getting his passes batted 4-5 yards downfield. He expects his linemen to cut guys in pass pro 5 yards downfield? It's absurd. You cut them on screens, or quick slants, not five step drops. It's absurd.

As for Cro, there is no question that it's a bad throw, right?

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they're 1 game out of first and undefeated in their division yet Mark finds the strength to get out of bed in the morning.

you and your ilk are in your glory but either can't see or choose to ignore the fact that Mark is playing with the bad news bears for an offense.

When Clyde Gates, Jason Hill, Konrad Reuland are expected to make big contributions, something has gone very wrong.

That's all fine and well. I won't argue that the franchise has f*cked Sanchez since Day One, but it's too late for regrets at this point. The dude is shot.

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